1946 JUL 24 CC MINR 364
El Segundo, California.
July 24, 1946.
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo,
California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said
City on the above date, having been called to order at 7:00 P.U. by
William R. Selby, Mayor.
Councilmen Present: Baker, Thompson and Mayor Selby
Councilmen Absent: Peterson and Skelley
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 17th day of July, 1946
having been read and no errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by
Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the minutes of said
meeting be approved as recorded. Carried.
The following communications, received from the persons, firms or
corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed
of in the manner indicated following reference to each hereinafter:
THE IMPERIAL HIGHWAY ASSOCIATION, postmarked July 20,1946, being noti•
fication of a meeting of said Association to be held in Long Beach, California
July 27, 1946. Ordered filed.
JOHN A RICE, undated, stamped received July 23, 1946, being a request for
a permit to park and occupy one house trailer at 922 ]gain Street, E1 Segundo.
It appearing from a report made by the City Clerk to the effect that the
Building Inspector had been unable to locate the trailer or the applicant at
the address given in the communication, action upon the request was taken
under advisement and the matter referred to the Building Inspector for report
to this Council.
WILLIAM A. EMERY, dated July 23, 1946
SEBASTIAN AIMING, JR., dated July 18, 1945,and
EDWARD HAYES PHILLIPS, dated July 18, 1946; each being application for
employment by the City of E1 Segundo. Ordered filed.
EL SEGUNDO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, dated July 19, 1946, expressing its
appreciation of the Council's intention to purchase Christmas Decorations
and indicating that the Chamber of Commerce will help defray a part of the
cost thereof.
By general consent the communication was ordered filed and the City
Clerk requested to make appropriate response thereto.
S. C. GLIDEWELL;-dated July 19, 1946, an application for a permit to move
a one -story barracks building from its present location on the north side of
Mariposa Avenue between California Street and Washington Street, to Lot 6,
Block 111, El Segundo.
The Building Inspector reported having inspected the building; that it
does not conform to building ordinance of the City of E1 Segundo and he
recommended that the permit applied for be not granted.
R =. 3GA
31 Segundo, California*
July 24, 1946.
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, was held in the Council Chamber of-the City Hall of said
City on the above date, having been called to order at 7:00 P.M. by
William R. Selby, Mayor.
Councilmen Present: Baker, Thompson and Mayor Selby
Councilmen Absent: Peterson and Skelley
The minutes of the regular meeting held oh the 17th day of Tuly, 1946
having been read and no errors or omissions 8ppearing, it was moved by
Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the urinates of said
meeting be approved as recorded. Carried.
The following communications, received from the persons, firms or
corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed
of in the manner indicated following reference to each hereinafter:
THE DMRIAL_HICHWAY ASSOCIATION, postmarked July 20,1946, being noti-
fication of a sooting of said Association to be held in Long Beach, California
Tuly -27; 19469- -Ordered- - filed, _
TORN A RICE, undated, stamped received Tuly 23, 1946,,being a request for
a permit to park and occupy one house trailer at_922:Main- Strest,.E1 Segundo.
It appearing from a report made by the City Clerk to the effect that the
Building Inspector had been unable to locate the trailer or the applicant at
the address given in the comsmuication, action upon the request was taken
under advisement and the matter referred to the Building Inspector for report
to this Council.
WILLIAM A. EMERY, dated July 23, 1946
SEBASTIAN AIKINO, TR., dated July 18, 1943,and
EDWARD RA-YES PHILLIPS, dated July 18, 1946; each being application for
employment by the City of El Segundoe Ordered filed.
EL SEGUNDO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, dated July 19, 1946, expressing its
appreciation of the. Council's intention to purchase Christmas Decorations
and indicating that the Chamber of Commerce will help defray a part of the
cost thereof.
By general consent the communication was ordered filed and the City
Clerk requested to make appropriate response thereto.
S. C. GLIDBEEI.L,, dated July 19, 1946, 'an application for a permit to move
a one -story barracks building from its present - location on the north side of
Mariposa Avenue between California Street and Washington Street, to Lot 6,
Block 111, E1 Segundo.
The Building Inspector reported having inspected the building; that it
does not Conform to building ordinance of the City of E1 Segundo and he
recommended that the permit applied for be not granted.
R- 36
It was thereupon moved-by-'-061ilicilman Bakert seconded by,Councilman
Thompoon,tbat-the.-apVllOttiot-Of'.8-9 C. Glidowell-for-a•permit'to move a
barracks building from its•orisent loe&tjojj'jj the-Clt]r of El Segundo to
Lot 6 in Block 111 in said City be denied* Carried
'Attorney Ij_Fact,, dated =July 28O1946
making formal request for forms upon which to make application for a #trait
to construct and operate a trailer camp at a location described in said
communication within-the• -City of-11 Begimdde' ,tranomittlng.'tkor*with a Post
office money order in the sum of $10900 payable to the City Of El Segundo
in payment of the inspection fee required" to be paid in and cases, as
provided in-Ordi a
nance-Wo.-223-of the City-of El Segundo nd,requesting that
the Building Inspector or Acting Building Inspector be instructed to investi-
gate the promises and to promptly deteraino:and advIs4!-th6,= aVp1ib&nt*bat
specific `information is required'for :permit and application-parposes.
Each of the members of the Council expressed himself as not favoring the
construction and operation, of 'trailer eamps'within the- City -o:t: El' Segundo at
this' -time, .in- - view . of , the : fact, that- comprehensive planning and Aconing - lu- the
•Cjty,6f Zl-Segundo has been undertaken '-by,tho City aid Is -' presently leafing
completion; that the CIty--:a1*e&dy hii .expended a -co"Iders.526'0=-In'thle,*'
undertaking and that any action taken by this Council at this time which
would encourage the construction,'aid"Wperation-,of certain types or enterprises
in locations in which said enterprises may be prohibited by the contemplated
zoning regulations, may seriously handicap the plans of the zoning enginssr�
and the planning commission, which will be appointed pursuant to the provisions
of the zoning ordinanci-which soon *i11.-'be•sd6*edby the City of El Segundo,
After Mayor Selby had expressed the Council's Present attitude with
respect to trailer camps, Messrs. H. S. Gibbons and Carl L. Dalton addressed
the Council on thei"sime - suliji-it #'with the'irfe* of obtaining the Council's
favorable action on trailer court permit applications heretofore prayed for*
The mayor -again thinking::Iin'--"r is' Of".PiotectiOn
and bendfits- t6 the ` ontli*-L'60iiminitY "d, whllO'� W-Aidl Ike$ "Aletupt Ing the
plans of any of its citizens, it can not at this
and other property owners of the City of 31 Segundo, in view of the proposed
comprehenblv* jldft!ng,-df '-the City of Z3,-Z**ud%: 498whi any attitude with
refei%enee:-tbAraitle-r 68iPs 09h6r tbii-tbit
•1 7, R'. 1=100N 'iiNrt**1T4- others, -requesting that the ,:wading 'pool
in the west Acacia Avenue Park be filled with water for public use at this
By general consent the petition was ordered filed and theLtuling Of the,
pool and use of the park was consented to and the City Clerk was directed to
request the Park Superintendent or tbe'Zjtj_.oV-Zl Segundo to comply with the
request set forth in the petition*
HAIMUMM &-VALBOTT, undated a4r*ular;-:rodommsnd1xg'that tho-_,Coutcll:
communicate with the United StAtes'Senatois
ZRIS129 -,:-,which
man,l r6a, this District: U3*Ing 'the 1r support- of the Bdres Bill, � 9 9
according - to the Socarl'ties'IxabaMd -Act
of•1934 whicli would'11iiiVitba 'PoWdr"Of 'that'EiihaZ86 to-regasto -,transactions
in'-exempted securities'.
By general consent the communication was ordered filed and the City Clark
was requested to send appropriate letteri:16-the Legislators referred too
At this tine the City Clerk announced,that he had
the same condition as when received, one bid on'real
tised for,,sale by
_.+ *be City of El Segundo.
An'his-_Pftseselon,y�-, In
..property,)beretofore adVer-
R- 36_Q
Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Thompson that
the Council proceed to open,-e;aaine and - publicly declare-,the bid-received
this date for-the.:purchase. of -City of $1 $egwAo_ ewsned;.real property here -..
tofore advertised for sale' by said 'City. Berried-,,.2 _ ..
The Council thereupon proceeded to and did open examine and publicly
declare said .bid;:which said bid was found,by said.4ouncil -to,be as follows,
to wit: _ - • �:; - .
- Bid of Wa. A. Baughman, submitted an regolar.fora-provided therefor.,
as follows:. :
Lot 27, Blook.769 31 Segundo - - - - - - - 4175000
Said -bid was- acoompenied by Cashiers • Check- Nov 762148 drawn on Westchester
Branch of _,the- Security.;First National Bank-of-Lee-An des, ::payable _to the City
of El Segundo, in the sum of *44.00
After consideration •of the-bid it was •moved- .bX/Baker, seconded by � : -
Councilman Thompson that the bid of Wn A, eau8haan ,_bidding.; =175.�0•ler -a -
Quitclaim Deed.to Lot 27, B19ck_76, 11- 8eguado,:.bp- rejected and the :City Clerk
directed to return to'said,- bidder- thebid depositoaoeompanying.eame,, Carried•
None _.
- - • �o�rs� oF� sTa�iNa�COI�Trsas_ ... _.. � . t � '
f '
:., 2MRT3 07 OFFICERS AMD SP,391 +.40WIT ...
°nT Z! rr:
The Chief of : l"oli'ce anaotMeed tke :eppoiatsierat .�ChwXlss ♦: ;Sturtevant, ;.
as a special pellce-officer:vf the City o! :]slr eeupdo,asd .requeatpQ ,tile
Council's approval" thereof
-It was -aoved•:by, Gouaoil"n :Baker, Aseconded by,;Counoilaas Thortpsoa.
that the appointasab _,by the - Chief of Police of -W, City Of-11- ,9egundo of -
Charles A. Sturtevant as a special police officer of the City of El Segundo
be and the same is hereby,-approved, fratified ,-and-jeoVirmed. Carrigk-.
The Chief of Police then announced -the revocation of the appointment
of Charles W. Burtt and Frank Battagalia, as special police officers of the
City of F1 Segundo: r �•. ; T ; :. �,,. f
Mr. Arthur lepner, who was present in the Council Chamber inquired con -
cerning the present. status of. his- -r7quest• heretofore made. -that :he., beer-
- witted to maintain -and `:operate a riding ,academy on- _8raad Avenue, bptweop'.
Center Street, and - Sepulveda Boulevard.. $e ;was - ,inZ,armed . ,by Atha mnyor,,that, :
In view : -of-the. proposed eoapreheaslvs= z=oning -of fir*:G ty,of 11'.3egundo7whiah
is now in process; the Council is - reluct4nt ,to :;W:kci411y aequleeoe in,his••
request, not knowing how the Zoning Commission's determinations= may :affect;,.
his business and the Council requested his indulgence for a further brief
`The following-demands,
had the approval of - the�>Cammittee - on
Finance and Records, were
f" -_ V -•
General Fund
General Fund
Gibson Motor Parts
Long Beach Jack Shop
'4Jeffries Banknote Co.
Inglewood Office
Cafe Grand
Machine Company
Los Angeles Chemical Co.
v O'Melveny A Myers
Duro Test Corporation
Oswald Brothers
Fred L. Carter
Water Works. Fund
Pacific Electric
Railway Company 11.00
TOTAL 11.00
Moved by Councilman Thompson,- - seconded by Councii;�a.Bak9r, the demands
be allowed and warrants ordered drawn, on -and paid out of the, jespeetive
funds, covering the same. Carried by the following votes.:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker Thompson and..Mayo ;;Selby; y: •�
Noes: Councilmen None
Absent: Councilmen Peterson and-- Skelley
,The-City Clerk reported.to the- ;Council.that the United;States Fidelity
and Guaranty Company; surety, on the bond - of John Catalano. as.. BI . ..6., .
Plumbing and Electrical - Inspector who terminated his, eaploywut with._ths City
of El Segundo June 59 1946,• -had sent -his e
a -form atitled,*Saployer! a Notice
of . Canoe lation and .Release ". requesting that: said form -;be signed for . the; City
of El Segundo by na,officer. thereof,- .authorized to_sign_ hs: sams� ppmpting
said Surety Company from liability subsequent to the before mentioned date.
It was thereupon moved by Councilman, Baker., ._seconded; by •Councilmen.;
Thompson that the United States Fidelity:gnd (loarautYsCompany, surety fAr,
John Catalano as;$ uilding,- Pluabing,ond.Zleetrical bond
No., 07- 469 -4E be ezonepated froat liability thereunder subsegwent,,to- ai4iaurin
June 5, .1946;• . and .. 9,..r,�
That the Mayor of, the City of :11 Segundo be and he is her4by,.authorized
and directed to.sigw the release •farm submitted by said Surety Company for
signature by-the propersofficer -of the- City.of_:k1 Segundo and,the Cty Clerk
be and be-is hereby directed- to_transmit said -. release, ao,eigped� *0' said
United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company.:. Carried.
Moved by Councilman Thompson,:: aeeoaded -,by .Councilman Balser that., the sum
of $69,354.00 be transferred from the Swwer goad Saterest,' Redemption Fund
of the City of El Segundo to the General Fund.there.of - a .the City C1erk and
the City Treasurer be authorized and directed to effeet such transfer and to
cause appropriate.. "card thereof, tc,,b4, lade..i L their., rrealmct;.ye..bool4s of
account, suph tranoter-,►eUW :.authoriz@4,:W; reimburse said Goneral �d for
advances heretofore made therefrom- the eocount of laid Sewar Bond .Zuterest
& Redemption Fund, to make payment of E1 Segundoti share of tbb cost of -eon-
strueting the new City of Los Angeles Sewage Treatment Plant at Hyperion,
in accordance with contract provisions in that regard. Carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Thompson and Mayor Selby
Noes: Councilmen None
Absent: Councilmen Peterson and Skelley
Water super,
uperintendent Bit ehihi" informed the Council that he has prepared
specifications for the fabrication and erection of a new steel water tank
for the City of E1 Segundo, also for a used Steel tank for the seme•depart-
ment. Thereafter, he read said specifications in full, at the conclusion of
which it was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded.by Councilman .Baker
that Resolution No. 844 entitled:
which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilman Baker, Thompson and Mayor Selby
Noes: Councilmen None
Absent: Councilmen Peterson and Skelley
R 36§
. -1k
It was thereupon moved by Councilman Biker..'secoidoid, by Councilman
Thompson that Resolution No, 843, entitled:
which was read, be adopted* Garriod by-the ,ronewing.vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Thompson and Mayoi--Selby-
Noes: Councilmen None
Absent: Councilmen Peterson and Skelley
Moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Baker tbAt the
Superintendent `of the Water DepiAni-e-At- of - the- City-Of 11 369Qnd0-furnlih
the CitiAttorAby of said City ill'Information7-and-4ats, necessary to
enable` ih litt4l- official tb-7wepard & notito to:-blddeivx.'on furnishing
the City ' - of 191 Segundo 6ie Elevated. Steel- Water. Tank and Towers - and the
said City Attorney - is- heireby dikeated to projftr4= shah: nohow -and ,present'_'
the aims t6' thin' CouUeil -for: its aPprowil'at,-1tv n4xt regular ,meeting '
Du ha
moved-by--c Councilman Thompson, s000nded by Coulallman Baker-4 V.,
Dbrothy'Vfallaii% Senior Clerk In the Water kknd-Ingifteoring Departments, Of..
the City of EVA;gundo.", b1f pej%jjtqd to-:tajt8,hqr,o*&toA@r Y, I � anzual- J'o&xUed.
1946---both dat4s-iheltgive,
*ication'beitw*eii Augd;i 5, 1946 and k1t&st,-n. 1 9
and.that the•Superintendent of the Water Department be authorl"d`tp�ewgoy
a isinporary departmental esierk for the pirlod'.' July" 29; '. 19"-c t# Adgutt-'16
1946; both j%rjr the 'sidLid- Dorothy Willaw-,during-
her ;aid 'vacation. .'� Such iejapors'Llr� emPloyeW ghill- be eampentated on- prow?"--
v16A in Resolution No-*. 8iE= of the C ItY 'Outt il of the City of El-., SeVindo
Carried by the follo*injiidte:-
-., �":
Ayes: Councilmen TliompeoW and Mayor Zelby
Noes: Counillien None
Absent,. Councilmin" Peterisbi'- and- Skolley
N ' 0 ' further �bui I I I nessi it,
was moved :by.douicilian-'Bekxr' se�co��',by'Voumilzan-Vhm'Pboi" `t*
meeting ad j ourn Carried.
Respectfully submitted,