1946 AUG 14 CC MINM EL Segundo, California. August -14, 1946. A regular meeting.of, the. City. Cduncil.-.of::t#e City of El. Segundo, California., was,held in the Council Chamfer of .the CAty Hall of said City on the above date, having been 'called `to order. at 7:00 P. M. by William R. Selby, Mayor. ROLL CALL, Councilmen Present:. Baker-, Peterson,'Skelley, fihompson and Mayor Selby. Councilmen Absent: None. - READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING. The minutes of the regular. meeting held on,the,7th day of August, 1946, were reads Thereafter it was'moved.by Couricilman,P?eterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the following_resol,dtion be adopted:. RESOLVED, that that certain resolution, adopted by the City Council at its regular meeting held the'7th ,day of August, 1946, of record at Page, R -381, _ minutes . of `the, pro - .ceedings -of said Council, and which resolutio4„re4ds,as follows, to -wit: "RESOLVED, that the City Attorney of the City of E1 .Segundo, be and he is hereby.authorized and instructed to appear�in that certain action bearing No. 5175591n the.Superior Court of the State,o� . California, in and for the County of Los Angeles, entitled: 'Order.to Show Cause,and.Temporary_Restrain ing Order _ 0: 'K."GIbbons, Plaintiff _and .Petitioner.,.... . vs. The City of El Segundo, a Municipal Corporation,, William R. S helby, as Mayor of 'the City of 11�•Segundo, a Municipal Corporation .,WlUa'rd Skell.ey,. Day ,d: Peterson, lei chard Roe Baker,, Rex . Tompson, W,i17,3 am R. Shelby, a members of t,� e,Common 'Council,ot :the City _o:t El .ham Segundo, a Municipal Corporation; J. D. tocke," as Building -Inspector .of said City of- EL Segundo., a ti ' Municipal Corporation, Join doe,. Wia.liam Eck, doe, 'and Blank Corporation, a corporation; liefendants and Respondents ", and to make..defense Qf; .s id,,actd .on beha],f. d_f said defendant .City, a,nd its o�fi,.cials giamed in said action; filing` -such documents, and taping such ,a _ proceedings and making such arguments as, in his opinion, will best subs.erve the - ..interests of .said Cipv ,and protect its position in the matter; .. . ; . AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that said City Attorney shall be entitl%L -to. receive and..there,shall be paid to him an additional' compensation for his serviees wits _ reference to the..said action, to be paid upon presentation of proper `demand therefor•.,; to be audited and approved the usual,manner. ", - be corrected to read as follows,.to wit: RESOLVED:,. that the City Attorney of , the C ity of El Segundo, be and he is hereby authorized,and in.- strutted.to appear.in that certain action .bearing No. 517559 in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles, entitled: *Order to Show Cause and Temporary Restraining Order - 0. K. Gibbons, Plaintiff and Petitioner, vs. The City of E1 Segundo, a Municipal Corporation, William R, Shelby, as .Major of the _ City of 'EL Segundo, 'a.'Munic'ipal Corporation,. Willard Skelley,` -et al, Defendants and,.Responderits ", and in that - certain action bearing No.`A1560;in , the Superior Court of the State of California, iri : and for the County of Los Angeles, entitled: "Order to Show Cause and Temporary Restraining Order - Carl L. Dalton -and Frank Smith,, Plaintiffs and 'Petitioriers; vs. 'The City df El Segundo, a Municipal Corporation, William R. Shelby, as Mayor of the City of El Segundo, a Municipal Corporation, Willard'Skelley, et al, Defendants and Respondents ", and to make defense of -said actions on behalf of said defendant City and its officials named in said actions,, filing. such documents -, and taking such prACeedin 'and'making ' such arguments -as., in-his opinion, will best subderae the I interest's "of, said City and protect `its" position in the matters; . .1 AND, -BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that $aid'City Attorney shall -b`e. entitled to.receive.and there shell be paid to `him do additional compensatiori " for 2ii s services with reference to the-'said adtions, to „biL paid upon presentation of proper demands tliere&r, to `be audited and approved in- the.;usual manner- and that said minutes,as"thus corrected, be approved as recorded. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:*' Ayes:' ” `Councilmen Baker,,' Peters on Skehey,_ Thompson and Mayor Selby, Noes: Councilmen None; Absents Coii cilmoin Nono. At this-, time the City Clerk repdrted he had iri _his: possession, in the same condition, as' when' received one''bid for %1t 6 purchase of City of EL 11 Segundo owned taX deeded propertry. tinder Notice `off' Intention Ito Sell No 5. Moved key Go' iril�oan`rSk'elley, seconded pl! Cotuicilman;-Baker, that the Councif. proceed t, cs open,: examine 'and publicly c7ecla_re'said:. bid. Carried. The Council thereupon proceeded td.and did open, examine and publicly declare said bid;- diich said- bid was found `by.,said .Council'to''be as follows, to -wit: _....{ - - Bid of Leland E. Mellysen and'hank- J ` Niesen,..cn regular form provided therefor, as_ follows: - No.' 48 ft. of So.7 '.93 ft ' of iot 12 B 1x61 Ej, Segundo $555.00. 'SAd bid was- accorgpanied" tjj`Ca6'Aers Ctheck No X75 "43-., drawn on El Segundo Branch, Security- First 'kat:ff �tank.'d�' los" Angelee; payable to City of El Segundo,,. in the sum of $150.00. It appearing hat the � f g property `liid upon is presently being advertised for sale under Notice No. 8-M, and that in.accordance..with the terms of said Notice, bids thereon cannot be accepted until` after- twenty-one days subsequent td-the'first publication of said.Notice anti -that said twenty -one days have-not elapsed., moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that the bid of Leland E. Mellyse Niesen, bidding the sum of $555.00 for the No. 48 ft. of Lot 12, Block 1062 E1 Segundo, be and the same is and the City Clerk'-directed ' to return°to said'bidders accompanying said bid. Carried. n and Frank 'J. cif the So.' -93 ft. hereby rejected the deposit WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS. The following communications, received from the persons, firms or corporations hereinafter named, were read to'the "Council and were disposed of in the manner indicatt-d, following reference to each hereinafter: GOVERNMENT RESEARCH, INC., dated August 2nd, 1946, inquiring whether or not the City. of Fl ;Segundo has-adopted a smog ordinance and has ne- gotiated a'contract for smog .contiol enforcement-with the County. By general consent the City Clerk was instructed to inform said organization that the matter is under study by the Council. DIVISION OF_HIG kTS, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, addressed to R. T. Hutchins, City Engineer, under date'of August 12, 191+6,: 'transmitting for approval and signature by the proper officers• of the City of E1 Segundo "Second Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement for Expenditure of 1/4 Cent Gas Tax for State Highways within the'City of El-Segundo for the 1945 -47 biennium. Moved by Councilman Peterson., seconded by Councilman Thompson, the following resolutionxbe` adopted: WHEREAS, the .State of ' California, through its - Department ofublic -Works; Divisionof Highways, 'has presented a1second.supplemental memorandum -of-agreement 'in`accordance I with a project statement submitted by := the City for'expenditure- of -the 1/4 cent gas -tai for...,: the 1945 -47 bienniuiv allocated for State Highways `in' the City of E1 Segundo; and WHEREAS,-the City Coun' cil' has heard-read-said ... ` agreement in full.and is familiar with the contents thereof; _ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the -City Council of the City of El Segundo that said agreement for expenditure of the 1/4 cent gas-tax a1located=for:State highways be and the same is hereby.approved and the Mayor and the City Clerk are directed to-sign the,same on behalf of said City. The foregoing resolutiop was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen "Baker, Peterson,,'Skeliay, Thompson and Mayor Selby.' Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. THE TEXAS 'COMPANY, dated' Angnst' 7, ' %6; • captioned: 'to 2813 ", requesting permission to`ibandon in place a certain 4" water Tine' crossing in 81 Segundo-Boulevard, easterly of'Sepulveda'-Boulevard. Moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded.by Councilman Baker, that The Texas Company; pursuairt ,to its application therefor, be-and-it is hereby granted permission to abandon zn'plac'e one 4" waterline crossing in E1 Segundo Boulevard at a point 619.'65 feet -east Hof the center line of Sepulveda Boulevard, within " the City of Ei'Segundoi aaMI1 s shown on that certain Sketch No. 1A- 145 -3505 attached to..said application, provided said work is prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of - 4. thc,Street Superintendent of.the City.of El,Segundo. _.Carried.bv the folloyi.ng ,vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson,;,Skelley, Thompsoa and Mayior Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Counc�lmen_•None.. WILLIAM.MORECROFT, dated.August.8, 1946,.applying for a permit to temporarily- park- a trailer. on property owned by .him.- at the, southeast corner of California Street and Maple - Avenue., The Building Inspector having inspected the trailer and the location and; having .approved the same, it -was moved. by Councilman Thompson,. secop4ed -by -Councilman Skelley, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the, application of William Morecroft, _ dated 8/8/46, for a permit to'maintain a house trailer on his premises at the Southeast corner of California . Street and Maple Avenue, within. the City.of• -El .Segundo,, be placed on file an the office. of .the City Clerk for -the purposes of identification ind._referenoe;., AND, HE IT,.FURTHER RESOLVED, that subject.to. the ; provisions of Ordinance No. 223 of the!C -ity of El Segundo- and ordinances supplementary thereto or,.,amendatory,.thereof, said applicant is hereby granted a :temporary revocable' permit to maintain and use said house trailer on said "`wr premises; provided that said trailer _shall be maintained in a manner. satisYactory;to,the Building Inspector'fQf_ the City of E1 Segundo ;.and,..provided - further, that the maximum period - during which said,.triiler-may . be ocpupied, subject to prior, revocation of- the .;permit by -this council, shall! be ninety days from August - 15,.1946.. The foregoing., resolution was. adopted. .by.the,following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, �S_ 611ey, Thpsi�s6 i and Mayor-Selby, , Noes: -- .Councilmon.None. - Absent:... Councilmen. None. .. STEPHEN- B.f D05S,. dated August..,10P 1946', registering, objection to trailer camps or courts within the City.of EJ`Segundo. Ordered filed. COUNTY,.TA% COLLECTOR,. COUNTY OF LOS.ANCEI, p.-CALIFORNIA.. dated August 8, 1946, making demand upon the Council to provide fund`s for the payment -of all delinquent assessments for,.all•_projects in,the City of El Segundo under the Improvement Bond Act'of..1915, for which current assessments have terminated, but which have..dej,inquent assessments for prior years still outstanding. ,'By, general consent the communication was ordered received and filed in the office cif. the .City .Clerk, who kas r�equegted to trgsmit a opy thereof to, Special City: Attorney, John. ,Bender,.`,who pre9ently i -cs handling all tax delinquent matters for the'City of El Segundo`. ROSS E. WUNDERLIGH.,.: JR.,. dated Aug. 10,.,,1946; C -. .T. LASTER,.dated.Aug. 140 1946; and GEORGE E. POLING, JR;, dated 8,Aug..l946,_each'bsing application .for employment by he City c f El Segundo. Ordered- filed,., A$TIiUR PAUL ADAMS, dated August 14, 1946 g an. application for -_ "Automobile for Hire" driver's permit, - 1391 The The application being.in satisfactory form, and the Chief of Police having recommended that.the permit applied for,be granted,.it was moved by Councilman ;Peterson,; - .seconded by Councilman.Thompson,_.that subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 283'of the.City of E1'Segundo, and pursuant to the application therefor filed with this Council this date, Arthur Paul Adams be.and,_he is.hereby,- granted,a Permit :to drive, operate or be in charge of any passenger carrying or motor propelled vehicle . defined in said ordinance;.provided,.however,, this Council reserves the right to revoke the permit herein•granted, rffien., in its discretion;` such revocation would appear to be in the public interest. Carried. .HAROLD SMILE S TELLA, dated 8 -11 -1946, being.an application for "Automobile for Hire" driver's permit. The application having been approped by the Police Department of the City of El Segundo and the Chief of Police having.reeotomended that the permit applied for be granted, it was moved'by Councilman Skelley,, seconded by Councilman Baker, that subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 283 of the City of El Segundo, and pursuant to the application there- for filed with this Council this date, Harold Emile Stella be and'he is hereby granted a permit to drive, operate or be in charge of any, passenger carrying or motor propelled vehicle._defined in: said ordinance ;' provided, however,.this Council reserves` the right'to revoke tht^ permit herein granted, when in its discretion,'such'revocation' would "appear to -be in the public interest. Carried;- _= .O i1AL C'0Nk*ICAT1dNS . Mrs. George Ballantyne addressed the Council, requesting the installation* of traffic s tops 'on Sheldon Strebt- ht Oak Avenue; within . the City of, El Segundo. Mayor Selby explained the usual proceiiure follow6d,in sucV cases, and he then referred the matter to Public Shfety Commissioner Baker and Chief of Police Hutchins for investigation •and report to the Council. REPORTS 0'� •STANDING GOMMTTTEES.., .None. REPORTS OF' OFFICERS AND SPEC IAL C` OMPaTTEES ,, • Ciiy Engineer Hutchins reported receipi'"from Pacific .Elactric' Railway Company of underground pipe or ditch crossidg agreement respecting the instalrlation of one, 6" cast..iron water main across a certain portion of ,th-i ,right of way. of 'said*' Railway Company by the City, 'of, El Segundo. The instruu*ent was exaiained by=the CitFy_At�torney, :who b e its features _tc�,ths �Cs�uncil _and obseired thatt s�pP,rs �to�e usual form used by said Compar3y "in such. cases, rwhereupon 3t"'was 'moved b' Councilman Baker, seconded-by Councilman Peterson, that__ihe following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that "a•copy'of that certain "Underground Pipe or Ditch .Crossing's `Agreement, dated the ,lst= day'-o July, 1946, between the Pacific Electric Railway -Company, , - a corporation, and City of El Segundo. .be-placed on file in the office of the City 'Clerk - -and hereby-'referred 'to= and by this reference incorporated herein arid'made a part- hereof; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, 'that- the Cit; ^Council of the City of El Segundo, California, does hereby approve the said "Underground Pipe or.Ditch Crossing" Agreement, and does, hereby. authorize and _instruct thi'Mayor of said City to execute the same oil behalf of siid-City ` and in its name and the; City ,Clerk to'attest, the same 'and make delivery thereof in dde, c ourse The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following voter Ayes.:•: Councilmen .Baker, P et 1, by ,kelley Thompson and Mayor Sel. Noes: Councilmen None:. Absent: Councilmen None. City Engineer Hutchins.submitted'and_,read td.the,Council,a written report on the cost of installing, in 'the month of April, 1946, an 10 sewer line in- Sycamore Avenue, from Penn Street.to a point•250 feet westerly theraof, s.t the request -o ;Mr .Jack Baskin,.,which report indicates that the applicant is indebted to,the.City,of E1 Segundo .in the sum of $21'016.- Nov ed by-Councilman.Thompson, seconded by.:Councilman`Baker,'that one copy of the report of the City Engineer,of the City of El Segundo,' which is_Oated.August,14, 1946, and which was- presented this Council this date, respecting the installation by.the'City of E1., Segundo of an 8 ". sewer.line in,Sycamore.i-vonue_from Penn Street.to,a-poiht 250 -feet westerly thereof, which work was undertaken and. accomplished-. at" the'. request. of 11 Mr. Jack Baskin, be received and placed on file ih' -the office of 'the City Clerk, for the purposes of identification and - reference; and that the City Clerk be directed to cause the safd' i6 Baskin to be billed for the difference between tfie actual cost of said work and_the deposit heretofore made by him, to -wit: ' $2l.1,'_ Carried by the 'following vote: . -.. �n Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley; `Thtiatpson; "and. Mayor 5eiby. Noes: Councilmen, None, Atiaenit: Councilmen None, ,, City Attorney Woodworth at t his+jtie' `reported' respecting- a conference which he had had with Mr,.,Gordon Whitna]l,,.Flanning Consultant for the City; that Mr. Whitnall had suggested, inwhich'suggestion the City Attorney concurred, that it would be well for the Council to appoint one or more of - its..member-s to attend .the -two, public. hearings presently being advertised on the proposed land'use plan (zoning ordinance) and to participate therein and hear the matters presented,thereat, for and on the part of said Council: _ After...di'scussion },t was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by` Councilman 'Peterson,' that `fhe following resolution `be adopted: - . r i RESOLVED that Councilman Willard J. Skelley be and . . -< r he is hereby authorized and' instructed b7. this council to make attendan a for and on V@;4f of this- L`oi c 1 4t -ttie: two pudic, hea'r' _ings or any scont3nuaiide of ' either df said' hearings; `to 'be K6­ ld in "the Council `6hamper rl�the pity Hall of said City on the 15th day of August, beginning at�� � the ; Your of ; 7:30 P.- M..of said day-,,,and on ,the 27th day of August, -1946, , beginning at ,she xhour of _.7 jJ0 said day, ,upon.,the proposed land -_use planr ti9. ordinancf of said 'City and _to ..participate _-in- said •hearings , nd.... ear the matters.; presented .thereat - for, and -©n,- behalf. of the 'City Council lof. said City; and ,. .-., t.. . BE IT - FURTHER RESOLVED, that in event said WMard,.J. Skelley is.unable:to be personally present at•said'heirings 39g or.either of them, or of_any continuance thereof, that in such case he shall designate some other member of this Council to make such atthridanc6, etc. in his place and- .stead; and BE -IT FURTHM -RESOLVED,".thi ' i said Willard J. Skelley, ., (or his nominee'''as the'case may"be) as-. sucbmiember of this Council and as its representative,, shall,make report to this Council in due.time-resp6eting the said hearings and the subjects and matters, testimony, etc. heard -thereat. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker., Peterson, Skelley,, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: CouncilmenNone. City Attorney Woodworth reported further that•in conference with Mr. Whitnall., Mr. Whitnall had recommended that the Council adopt an ordinance her k of6re prepared by the City Attorn" ey with respect to the appointment of a Planning Commission.: It was agreed this matter would be taken up under the proper Order of Business. City Attorney I Woodworth repo-i7ted also*having prepared and delivered to the City Clerk a form of Ordinance fixing the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxes for the current fiscal year., which-.he delivered to the City Clerk f9r'presentatio'n at-the',-proper time, The City Attornei'r'eported-hiving,prepared'appropriate number of copies of the Uniform * Fluibing Code,,' 1946 Edition,as adopted by the Western Plumbing Officials Association; -which he'recommiended the Building Inspector thoroughly examine and approve before the Council adopts an ordinance establishing said Codi as the Pltinbin'­_ 9 Co&-of-.the City of El Segundo.' Five copies" of the' Code were then"left with -the'City Clerk for delivery to the tuilAih g s In " pe o ct r"for his use is before mentioned. City Attorney Woodworth reported -that heailngs iwthe cases of po Carl L. Dalton and Frank Smith and 0. `X.' Gib 'I b9ns., vs-. the' ityof El Segundo came on for hearing•this'-mlorning in the'Superior Court 'of Los Angeles County., Judge Henry M. Willis presiding; that he represented the City., toi6their with Mri George Lawrence, wh6ii-he-had'aisociated with him for the purpose; that they had presented arguments on behalf of the City; that the demurrers fileid--by the '-said Attorhi'"were tike 'n"%under ys advisement and the hearing on the order to' show ,cause was continued until August 23, 1946. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. In the matter of the communication of Honorable Ben Hulse of the State Interim Committee on state and Local Takition-'i'-r-6beii,ed'at the last regular meeting of the Council, ihi6h said com:iuhicati6n'wa'8­ taken under advisement until this meeting,, it was decided,, by general consent..' that the City of El Segundo has.-Mi.t1ifficult f�nancial, problems such as are faced by other- cities and counties in -thee State- of : dalif`o*ihla • and the City Clerk was thereupon directed to make appropriate reply to • the communication referred- to,,- In the matter of the request-to the County of L68� . Angele's.f6r"i" " - .pay-ment-to the City of El* Segundo out ,of gas tax monies which- 'he Cot has allocated to and accumulated for the City 6f'El 6Wj&ido., whic'fi matter was referred to City Engineer Hutchins for handling, Mr. Hutchins reported having conferred with the office of the County fbiA Coimiisioner and of R 39 having been advised that if the City would adopt a resolution requesting the payment-to it of.- $1775.00 for patching and shoulder,repa.ir.work on Streets of:Major:Importance within the City of,-El Segundo,.that -the request would be.honored by the County._ It was thereupon moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that .the.following.resolutiori.be ,adopted:- WHEREAS., the fbllowing ;portions of the following Streets of Major Im rtance within the..City of'EI,Segundo.are in need of havingri wIKiANers` thereof patched and repaired, to -wit: E1 Segundo Blvd. From Inglewood - Redondo Road to Main Street Grand Avenue " Sepulvpda Blvd. to.West City Limits Imperial Highway it Main Street to Inglewood- Redondo Road Coast Blvd. it North City Limits.to•South City.Limits Main Street it Imperial Highway to El Segundo blvd.; and WHEREAS, this Council is..presently informed.that the County of Los Angeles has available certain monies applicable to ,such,purposes.upon allocation,thereof by the*Boaid of. Supervisors of.said County; NOW, THEREFbRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, as follows: First: .That said-City. El..Segundo hereby respectfully requests the Board of Supervisors :of Los Angeles,,County -to, _ allocate to the City of �a�� �dthe sum of $1775.00 for patching and repa�.ring_ t ens _ , ers.,on-.the.,portions..of the public streets hereinabove- described and re£erred -to in the preamble.,tp this.resolutionwithin said City* - Second , That the City Clerk be ..and he - is - hereby authorized-and instructed to- forward a certified copy of this resolution.io.said.Board.of- Supervisors as�the request and petition of the City Council of said City, on behalf - of.said City, for such allocations and-to-forward a like• copy of this - resolution to the.Boad- Commissioner of said" County for• his.',nformation* and -'files,.... _. The foregoing.resoluti"' was adopted Ayes: Councilmen Baker,_ Mayor Selby. -.. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. by tie following vote: Petersonx.Skelley,,,Thoapson and PAYING BILLS . The following demands, having had the approval.of the_ Committee - on Finance:and.Records., were read: Recreation Fund General Fund Victor D,-McCarthy, City Clerk_ 5. 4 Edna.E...Leland 35.00 .John F,, :Bender _ 5.00 General Fund1 F.-E. Dine 9.90 Western Union 755 Service Blueprint 1.33 Bobrick Manufacturing Co. 1.77 Holland -House Movers._ 72.30 So. Calif. Fdison.Co. Ltd. 326.,10 So.- Calif.. Edison Co, ..285.6 Victor..D. McCarthy, 'City Cl. 12.10 - TOTAL 749.72 Moved by Councilman .Baker, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the R :3s� respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None, Absent: Councilmen None. NEW BUSINESS. 1 Councilman Skelley introduced Ordinance-No. 300, entitled:. A14 ORDINANCE -OF THE CITY. OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFOMM., ESTABLISHING A PLANNING COMMISSION IN AND FOR SAID CITY, PROVIDING FOR THE. APPOINTMENT „THEREOF, AND PRESCRIBING ITS POWERS AND'DUTIES, which was read. Councilman Thompson introduced Ordinance No::'301'- entitled: AN•ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO,.CAL IFORNIA, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF MDNEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION'UPON THE TAXABLE PROPERTY THEREIN AS A REVENUE TO CARRY ON THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS (INCLUDING THE . EL . SEGUNDO PUBLIC .LIBRARY) , PAY C__ THE BONDED ItbEBTEDNESS.OF SAID CITY AND. OF A CERTAIN ND DISTRICT THEREIN; A TO MEET ,THE OBLIGATIONS OF SAID CITY UNDER THE CALIFORNIA STATE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT ACT, FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR 1946-1947., which was read. , Moved by CouncilmanPeterson, seconded by Councilman Baker,'that Nelle' Sheldon, Dela rtmental. - Clerk, be. and she . is hereby granted permission to take her earned annual vacation between the dates.Augustltt} to August 29th, 1946, and in addition thereto she be anted one "weekis leave•of absence, without pay, beginning - spte&bo �,- 1946...:Carried by the following vote: ry Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson•and;Maycr: Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. , Absent: Councilmen None.: Moved'by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that Mayor Selby and Councilman Thompson be and they are.hereby granted permission to absent themselves from all meetings or this Council between this date and September 4th, 1946,•and that they .also be granted permission-to leave the Suite of California between said dates. Carried by the - following vott: ; Ayes# Councilmen Baker, Peterson,,Skelley,- .Thompson ind Mayoi'Selby. Noes: Councilmen Ndne Absent: Councilmen None. - No further business appearing to be transacted at-this session, it was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the meeting adjourn until Tuesday, the-20th day of.August, 1946, at the hour of 1 :00 A. M. Carried. ..''Respectfully submitted, Approved: Mayor viwwwww