1945 SEP 19 CC MINR 36 El Se -undo, Califcrr_ia. SAnt -,r is t_ regal -_r Peetin of t..e Cit C, .,_ i_ -f the 'Jt� of ._.! :'as held in the JUn ^i .- Chamber of the lit;." :.:all `J`_' SE: city on the al ov °. ' ate, having 'r.Aeri c,lle; to order at 7:G0 P. ill. by :;r:. R. Salt;,; , i..aYor. RCLL "_L:.. %uncilr^_en Pr -seat: Poterson, ess�r, Skelley, . o..pss':. anc �. sunJ_lme_, n ^sent. ;one. .ADI_ lT C 1 1G7 i - . - .,nut =s of the regular :-,°et'nF ;_eld o-: the 5th day of Septe!-_ber, , !-e- rea and nc- errors or =isslons a =L»arinF -, it was _ -c ea _01%- elley, seconde_ by CcanciLr'ar_ Peterson, the r1inUt °s of ° ^id Ps recDrde� • Carrlea . �L'° folio ?'ins communicatic..s, received fro- t,:e pers'?ns, ;irirs or tl?:£ :erein?_fter na;aed, .here rr�?3 t0 t_ "_� Council, an� were ' isrosel t..e r^.anner in('-_cated, follo"'}nc reference to eac hereinafter:' F _ -L << SEP : i3__1., GL La, dated 9 -13 -45 ; { , i.at 1 S n. 1. , 1�-4F doted Sept. F, 1845; am CSEPH E. SI?.1,:5, dated 9- 5 -194F, each being ar71ic^tinn for emnlo,yment. r'r.: AT. r ...� i filed. 1" 7T._Pv_ C_iLRC 4 C_' EL SEGU DC , dated Sentember 3_3, 1945, recuestinE a nermit t ^_ us^ lcu'" sneaker eouinment on Grand tivenu °, between Yai'! Str° t and Richmond Street, each Saturday, betvreer 7:00 ana ?:CC P. 11; also- tn use- -louf3 sneakers rr v?r_.ils a 1P_Cefl:iit° cccas ions . ,,.oved by Counci=.^lan Skelley, seconded by Councilman Petersor, the folio :inr resolution be adopted: RESCL'r'D, that Calvary Churc' of El Segundo, be and it is hereb, --ranted, subject to the t,�rris and ccnditions herein- after set forth, permissic ^_ to use a loud sneaker or amplifier it connection with its street meetins to be held each Saturday evening on Grand Avenue, bet-T-!en Lain Street and Richmond Street, in the City of El S-`un',c, betreen the hours of 7:00 8:00 P. '. r.ermit is granted uncr the following terms and con ,'it ions: First: That it is tn! porary only, may be revckeri by t_r- Cit.­ :.nun ^_il at an,, time, without liability, ar.� may be sus -.^n,--d b;- the Chief C. Police c° the C:.ty of E1 Segurlo, at any 4.1 --e, without liability. Sccon?: That t-n- privile`e authorized her °by shall be pxerq; cr r Y-- suc- 7n°rner _'s r.ct. to rr n• — t'.tut^ t. ^.P C'me_. a n'_,1 IT DT .. P::SCL 'E'D, that it the event t'_:e rise said 'ou-1 s -)e,ker cr a mr.l if ier is desire? for ar•y other c?3t'^ rin4_s or rl= etinos, exce7t t.r:ose hereirabove s -pecif ically referred to, a' ition3l annlic?tion rust be made to the City .-anvil for such added use. The foreFoinF, resolution was adopted by the follovTir_c- vote: - Councillne -i !le�3sPr, Peterson, Skel 1 eI , T hompsor and ..'d,, -or SeJ -bar. I�Oes: Councilmen None. .bse t: Councilmen None. ^° a:Sli': "?P_I'L3 CC,:- 7_D TICi1 C3C'P dated Senternber 14, 1945, innnouncinE- its "` -et inn to be YIe a enter ^},v y 10 n _- S..r�., _ 2-�, x.,45, at Ire- iPn�rocd „it-: Lail, In.-lewood, Califcrnis, and reocestinp- a full attendance of rerreS°ntatives of th? ?'P;`ti­rS {' (+F!^ioMl consent f• (� �r ri' t 1-' Of said arcur,. P,:- onsent City En:-ineer ?iu„c ins and Cc-_,,ncilr:an Peterson were authorized to attend said meetin-_. dated S°rtgr^ber 17 1945 with =.�f -rerc- to its ^`;1i. ^."tl,r, fil-I ..ith this ^ "i_n'11 Sent°17!b�"' 1,, ln{F, for 3 rpnmit to drill ar Gi'_ �. VOr r--as 1^:e12 t:"• b? kno: "r: =!s C1Ti4.r_P-�r -Cass Associate- Nn. li.sCllSS °� -, following- T�:hiict it was ffOVed by C ^JnCiimarl S ?:elie - that t•he hermit nraver. for be rot 7ra.rted. There beir�_- no secor.? to t�- i s not ion., the Chair Aeclarea. t!�e motior_ lost for ­.,ant of soconrl LL- `ereai'ter it '.?+as ov° l tip' rrU ^. ^il�?- n °terSor, seconded by Cou lClliri °Il :lesser t 3toscluticr ^'o. 776 entitled: ?.ESC- LUTICr" C m % CITY CCT :CIL CF T= CI-` CF L 9 EGT7,DC _LIFn I' G iP L IC -1-717117 rnSS J - :S _-� ,_T SSC : I? C IL . I L=- J:' -1_ .�! Lam.. _'�_.a T =_1C �i S rrCl'PITT CAS S Ci=S Tl rr, read , to a� r-DteC Jarrip! b the folio ?'j i r y votr? : Councilmen iiesser, Peterson, Thomason and I.avor Selbv. �,_oes: Councilman Skelle� . i,bs?nt: Councilmen _Tone. SI- '- -"1'.7 r"'E- CF 3L'3 INESS. The }our of 7:15 o'clock P. Y. ?t this m.eeti_n�-, having heretc_fore been fixA^ --s the time and place for receiving' bids for the sale of one 1938 Ford Tud(,r Sedan autmobile, no-T owned by the City of l Segundo, the 1,.ayor announcer? the ?-rival of the hour of 7:14 o' cloc'_r P. L% and requested that if any person or persons present in the Council C _giber desired to file bids for tI..- r,.rc.,e se of said motor vehicle, they should do so immediately. T - -:� __our of '%:1 5 ^' cicc! P. L% havinE a ri e.� tl-° .. O ^ ' the _ v . , '',savor am un e times f ^r receivi .r-- bids for the sale by the City of E1 Secundo of one 1936 : O?''a T, 'c :Sella :1t^.,T,OY lie nC17' nT•ripa bu said City , close- r Th- Cler! - announced that one bid had been received. !'r: ^ved I-y C^uncilnen Peterson, seconded by Courcilman Hesser, that Vie nroceAd to -)r °r, exar. -ine and publicly d °clarP the bid r °ceiverl trls ant- f(,r the rurchase of one l.?3r ror9 ,actor .Sedan automobile, ovrned bv the Cit-.' of E'l Sep,_-ndo. Carrie? . nrOcaedier' t: nre' , oygmine and rUblicly declare said bid, iC. s> i,,] bid wa7 found b� s_ °.id Courc.jl to be CS f i� Die's, to -wit: rri bid �22)5.00 for 193 Tu -Ior Ford S^a_an, D-Iodel 'N-I- a541 "' -S CC, 11aa y GeorC° Renfro, Jr. 516 - illcrest St. El SP -Undo Calif." ' L_o_.e- Cr` =_r 1:0 439333, on El Segundo l4on ^:1 Of Los i, n_ les, pq b1F to Cit; c" ��.or ___MW R 38 It ---as ti:ereun ^n moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Sesser, the fcllowinw resolution be adorted: D SCL17 -D, that the 1938 Tulor FGrd Sedar, Yodel 331-, Fnri_no : n. R5415519V, a lverti.sed for s ?le by the City of E1 bP and the seine is '­Pr-b:, soli' to George E. Renfrc, Jr., °t the _rice na^ed it his bid, be;nc7 tr- on!y bia received t'-er -for, to - :lt: y',225.00 Cash, u. 77 __ r 3 R that the Chief of _ ice of saia City, or his duly autr,orized rer_resent= ative, is 'r:er °by aut�norized ar.d directed to deliver said -a;cr - Z,a S�_... tE s='- ;_se^ —frG r. =e. ^, _rie 1S a vise..l the C it-,' 'Clerf that the full amount of the r.ur_..as. -)ric- `,hers ^f sas b-en N i. s. }r - of ai nto the TrPa t :c. vat; of _ 5 °r.0 I"idG; 1er._ of ✓said Ctty are hereb;- auti,orized to siEn the r_a: seer, evade -ce of trait fer of title fro^'. the malty Gf �1 tc t:_e successf11ii balder., o:. the used Tuior Ford referred tc. reS`�_ut S .. come( by the fcl'lc "Tin` vote: ^c'Sser, Peterson_, Sl�elieV, T- iommsor and .a.-. -„r Selby. '_: S Coin lmen \one. yb3 "ci nc-' l en None. 11;I-.s, _ r-is'mb -r o? the _1'1nF 'o "ittee of C IrLr'unit.Y t is'. arch, informed the Council that the cnurcr. nrcnerty is being Y o� - o- r•cc;hS ':S;%G tr °_ C' urC.'_ OremiiSes as O waitinE room w'' le r3`:rt or. :.ain Str=Pt, an9 I, req'.:Psted the Council to consider to _ lv _ .- .ra t t_ n st at . . -)osa o nu P ^ n ^ T• _ai n S' t rpni, _ -` t r« ^ ' —r::ission to the Church so to do. �1iSCliSS]or, th, (':attar *!'::-3S ref °rred t•r the .Sti —et red _st t' -- bus 1�nes operatin- on .,:?ir. Street to chamz7e st to t­ far ^Crner t _ intense .,_._._, believir this "c!.Ild 41- 'CUl17.eS CoMrla lnea Of b;.' t!-i8 v:�. ll ^C: u0^lI ?ilttEe. :.UnE . TimS. T..., C4'7,, Cler__ t:.at purse _ _'t t� ....P ounc it l c _I- .str'.' Ct ion., he S yu•_ °r�'!'_ rtiTer Gf Flne rice of ^ f r yr o c, t' e State o_ Ca�i ria, for.. ._ -.."SS r• �., ., -a�:� c.r-'ln`t�.JI f1-• oi,7 or T• °i }- I,ec -ent in t':° :'.att °Z' of local Gr i.__ re ..:r t Ci_ G :1.__ ^.S Or t ' -E' a 4 4 t ;G= Gf sl t eG t '?rPfGr, as -orovirieC In Cn anter 47, Statutes of 1944. ncilma ± -rson enCOr.'1P - t r__ •��eT•'.' Yrr t'_ r_ v. �.t'_Stl. , c_Z'Ci_1tECt, lsaolllty a: ii_c' aT•' ll Cation for funds by CG'...::c l -_ _:.n of "GrTa ins to 4r• r__St at this time,. essE,r, which r�f�rr�c? to an'. deter!''lne uy. tRe City c. .leer m_, :e _ }rogr"ss reports ss7r'- °_t .t'. 1:70th Stre -ts an^ the inste- llatlon -,-a -s 3t Sri': ncirts. nrnsented and read tE tYj° C ::nCl - 3 letter frr!r Standard ^'r_:1_, - ?ated °ote:nbe: 7, 1945, to the . r',:nci_ V , -t- fcrm G_° ',rant c= �ase-�rt, couPrin raa a fi'_ls ans slcnes - -- - R 39 r cii co. rectir rith the i'.^-n-Oveme t Of "1 Segundo 3o levarf . _`?? CltY 'ttor'!e-.' stateed that he had cr-�)rcvea said Ease. -ent ?S t^ for7 cnd read the terms and corditiors thereof to the Council. ?' er -3 c a n � 7e h'* 'nu nc limn ?P o hT ocnn��I d h-, Cn-)unO ,^ t__ -:s..i sio__, i� ;•-as me ,.,, .,a.___ t�rs s- e ,,, iL��n c�.psor_, the following resolut io^- be adopted: ESCL7ED th--t that cartaln Grant of nser° t fr= St­_.: -� ird Cil Cn; _ of �ali'fornia, to Cit; of El Se undo �orporuticn °_t°^ the i t -ia r f SenternbPr, , _ °zi5, ^e, ^_ted t_�:is Council tr_is Gate, covering the folle7r:inc neCri�ed porCeiS of land, being lortiO^.° Of 1.cts 2 and . 1 -- ct. 1`-n. 1314, as r, -r, map r- ccraea• in 3oc'_s 20 Fore 1�1 .-.'aps, in the office of the Recorder of the Count,- of -,Os all citu`-'t°_ in the Cit i Of -.i J°('un)O, County Of LOS - f _ _eS, State _f •C- lifornie, to -wit: 7ha +, per ±ion of Lot 2 included -itbin a strip pf 1&r� In feet ^ide lyir- soL'th(,rl .l' of ar_d ad.joining the so'ith,crly lire of El Se=_rao rlvq 52 feet wide, ._.ra evter4in - f rc!,: a ')ol_ ^t " ista`lt t::ere.on 35 feet °est��ly fro7 t ^e easterl.' line of s -id Lot 2 to a rcint list It therr-cr_ 635 feet xesterly from said eesterl line; and I'hoFe pert_or_s of sai:' Lot 3 inCl::d.ed .­*thin the l _: r ,7l1 IoL ^1;7^ d?SCrlt',ed Strips Of' land l;7ir�' Solltherl�.' of an' ad'oinln the souther! ,' - Tine of _l Segundo 5C feet ivi�e, as fellows: (a) A strip of lard 12 feet wide extendinE from a point distant 62 feet westerly along' said southerly 1_ine from th= easterly line of Lot 3, to a point �istant 392 feet from said easterly line. (b) ti strip of 1 an l 8 feet -ride eYterd irE- from a rcint distant 522 feet Txeste-rly alon8 said southerly line fro- sai,' easterly line tc a point distant 892 ,feet *•- i °st °rl -. froI?' 3c id e?.Sterl�.- line. (c) n strip of land. 10 feet wide extending from a point distant 1152 feet w- ?gtcrllr alon,7 said southerly tine from said easterly line to a point distant 2262 feet westerly from s °id e ^sterly line. (d) A strip cf land h feet wi'A exteniin from a ^pint distant 2262 feet westerlV alonp- said southerly line from said easterly line to a point distant 2542 feet :�, ^sterly froar: s -,id easterly liner `;, accepted cn be'llalf of the C211ty of l SeErindo ; 3E I� '3i 3 LSGL.'✓J, that the City Clerk of the City of El Sewn,?:: is hereb', directe tc ^.ausa said instru-ne_.t to be Filed for record it the office of the Count* Recor,'er of Los = nPel.os Coant;,-, Ca ifcrni � ; IT ?I''� R 77 that the :. =ayor and City Vl erk ar-' the:., are ^erebv, authorized and irstrUCt� ^'. to exeCrlte the hart of user'; °rzt or. t'ah31f of Vh9 City of El Sea_l;n 10 and t0 v ... (q?use pre cor:r to rp.of, .SO executed,' to be delivered to sail srantor. _h—i 'or —oil— rescl "t ion T "eS adoIIted by the following vote: CounciLmer. :.e vs , _`— 'rso -, SkellPy, 'LhO'pSOr ?rd i1:aVOr Selby. n _ % . es: Councilmen -v7_^_e. :_bee rt ConrciLien Discussion was hid r_ith referencF to t'-e rpc° ved from the City �­+, +erne;: of the Cite of Los nnFeles with reference to the firsr_cinF of the s.-are of the C'_tv of Fl Segundo in the cost of the D_ roposed treaty :ent �1ant an^ facilities at -yparion. after S'.iC d_scussicn, the Cites tome; _s infcrciall authorized to advise the Cit:• 'ttor, of the City of Los in reS 0 G? t0 1S ° -tt? -i tCat t`le ^i'_tv of El Ser in'c is in a _oSiticn at tI iS tire t'_', properly fir nce, in ca Sr, its proportionate s_''.are of any• pro -er cost involved and that it wculCi do so under the 'terms cf its exist nr- ccrltr ct with the Cit, of Los Angeles. T' e City Clerk report :O to the Council t'_at at t'_'le time of the feat- lt` c. PiF oe, forr,.erl'j a riem:;er of El Se 'undo Fire Department, there s !air; i P salary tt - sum of 414.00, which said s!lm. is represented by _ : ~t i:c. 50920, ?nd which remains ur_cashed by reason of 1�'r. t'ierce's he su�:-�,ested car.cellatior, of sail warrant and the issuance of a n°?'' one, na-,a'-le to the surviving? widow, I.sade,line Pierce. 4t tfle supcestion of th° City Attorr:ey, Mrs. Pierce, who was Drecert _: tr'_e Council Chamber, was sworn tr, testify in the matter, and testified ±'. t SI, e • S +re ^i dow of = +alter R. Pierce, deceased, and that the deceased rot lea-re an;" estate which required probate proceedings in the Court, t :i- gmour_t represente,,? b- municinal '.:arrant : o. 50920 was in fact c ^:__U__4 property of herself and of the said ::alter R. Pierce, and she �, -,ar .fore r�nuested tie Cit': of El Secnanac to pay the amount repre.sertpr by warrant to her. The Cite ttorney and the Citir Council having been satisfied : ;ith t_ testir r, n; riven, it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman --terser, the following resolution be adopted: :. P_�,S, this Council has received sworn testimony from : : :a?eliP_e Pierce, the widow of :;alter R. tierce deceased, in icatine to this Council that said I,iadeline Pierce, as the s'.:rvivinF widow of saic 'V'alter R. tierce, As entitled to re- ceive the payroll balance clae to said deceased by the City of El Se�7und- at the tim° of his death; and :i P.- =S, the City Council has received advice from the City nttorney to the effect that in his opinion such belance may bn properly paid to said 1:a" -alir_e Pierce, under the cir- cumstancPs, as indicated in her sworn testimony before this N071' , THEREFORE, BE IT R:.SOLV_D, that the City Council does hereby approve, the recuPSt of the saic ' adeline Pierce thc.t the payroll balance ^up from the City Of El Se�-undo to s� id -alter R. Pi -rce at +,,e time of his death, to -wit: the snT^ of :1_1.00, be paid to s�.id Ladeline Pierce, and that the sa -d grant i�o..5092C be and the same is hereby orderod c'3n^Plle'a and the Droller officcrc Of t'n CitY Of T',1 - SeETll'ndO c'- arFre'; with the duty of executinr warrants on behalf of said City are hereby authorized, instructed, directed and ordered +r; iss-ue a net ;7a_=? t for t:ie su- Of Nl ^.00, nayable to the cr f '" el e ? e e 1 e'.� of s3 ; d. ,.arrant 1,,0. N?20 an� ord _ of. ?�.ad _ *z i rc in i _ fo�t'"'.!ilty de_:ver t:.e se.-ge to said 1,:ade.line Pierce unor S':c� ex= cution thereof. reSol..tion ­9s ^` o:7te^ b t'le. fcll.. "line_ v7t? Council— eSSer, Pit °rSOPi, S {eiley, Thompson an" i "'yes: Ccuncil^_en 1,.cne . T ,� t one. nc� :C r' " °"v 't 7N 1 t� : °. _ttPr Gf U-1 - �GU ^C11' ,C)7. 4 �T t= -ith °acif l c _l -ctric ?3 lv *a7 r t cf ',n' f ^.iiit4es in 'sr " -n' i,renii °, b°twee-. Drive an -ain Strec;t, within t,,-- City of El Sepunic, that '—' 'a,' c—.,s-alte7 ,7 wit,'- ',.-r. C. A. 9:7itl, -Fresident G' -Rail-,-!ay t�',%t Lr. S-ith st!ate�--. th ,+ Sa4-1, - ',, Snn _e� �res, t t 112s Council m-etin- tc obtain :--re info-,7atior conc-rni--r= " -.e 'its 's -:,I?r-s r,nd aeS4 r�s w`1 ith res-De^ ' tne matter. T'r:' C:ur.cil there —7n to ?iscuss th- suti,'ct :.--r. F. S p n° p anninz- :)f 7--cific —m-tr` . -RwJ*L7-,:,--:- :1'__C --z-rt -t s stFte.-ent 2 he r -,c rt s s,,�Or�riorF a' t',- -C n. Ific Fl�ctri t. C, - the Tr.--st=�s o t:-,� bond -,-f "a (,4 certain t 7317.=-r�t=.on 4'n- n s-,d I J by J' 7 C.7 -,- -- - - T 7C -:�-T 7: C 37' 3j, C. C- T1 7':- 3 �'-3J7-- :7--T, -.D -77 '7A!: -Ikljcc r-ad C-,:, t- --'Is Counc 1-C-1 1 Cn r—_-, a" t,-c3 7^?Ptinc, be vct-: °S: R .41 ir, t'ie matter )f the .- -.uest of at the 1--st -t,r of its 1�:)UnC-: 1'-�Sl tll- �CU--Cii c-nsi-�= t;`-,e :�;,4. C - Of t! existimt orlinance rescectir-7 t.e cor.; :uct -f certair !,:irlds 0 f b I I f3 --', n (,, s s e s t I- in S �4 arriverl at no Iefd-Tlitg con---! U _.or ,!�i7un�o, tlic Council it --I rC t t,,� asse-ble datq- res-�)Pct�4r-- t�le -liffe-7—rice het----en, iii: t a--:� ' "avy inaustri-s a-,.4 what tyre cf inOustry :7icht �),, —rmi- L in T=� 'Trs of 123 wlthi� the City of El S -n,7 t' out creet nu.11 se.Tice • U t�, 'Iouncil bv �—eral c;-,nsen� t*'�- -�jtt,,�T men ey !2r` Thcm-Dson -ar,', C,ity zngi�--P.er '�utc.---ns for fu-rt!�Pr investig-tio- an,! r---�ort tc t--- 11,e fr!IoT,dn�- �e!-,i3r-ls, t-e q7Dr-,--cva-1 �7-f t1-- ---.n 3eccrlp, were read: -Czz. 90 titer ';or.s Fun', .,.'ate- Fmnl t .- z. - I 3, EaS. :.-4 Trc-s. ,FF •.10 Svst.2-. .- T Ivan ..Akels --ara`7, 5.1? St?t._ 7MT,l (,,-__S I -t-t4 r,--,e +, 7C •--a E. scobar E 17 3.45 'tai -balT Lt r! )•00 S, Cor-'r. --.51 `rai,n "Iorooritior ...,rc,-- St rom Valve Go. 4• 2� • ;,.Cc . �,-? 2 .25 Southern C,-1. Tele-n),=-, C 0, 5 ioL -24-+ !Oe4p tc, TnCl • I r- 1, '12 :7 -Czz. 90 -_cr--_t lor Fun El SP unao rats.,__ 66. ^6 'arA 25.68 Ir7 C) 1 _..�_ l.v 1.'.P rF rat F]- Sto^; ��*1 Sts .jo ,- `t Re t i r-_ - -nr S:. -stem 30'.53 1_ ./_Y•t 7—� P„• V_1�.7 ln L••]�C. 2r`�'.^ , ^':; , --t'- , C it: -tt; . 33.33 L_ 12.50 i 41 2.50 r 3.31 moo. _ _ _ :, °•�_ 41.35 State Emniov•_es' G- ^era' r 51434 to per =c,tt, S�cret�r 51450, In,, . :core Dusiness Forms, ?nc. °13. °2 F� V I Demand I:c . 5'1=51 to Ger °ral Electric 5146', Ir_ci. The G3.e-• 11 COT'1anyT 25.13 Bill D) emand : :o. 51 cC7 tc 51 no.`.,, Traci '� 3t TT --y _,onC �7is /:� J 7). . 0 .. G. Tn^'ler Q- Sor. 30.05 -"lac if is un17n Mart-- lite -,7. -1 4 Southern Calif. .,, -S^ ^. T+-1 2��. z6 Gc Sr-_s n. ^1 'z, 7G State Emniov•_es' }t• 'i0t'nCllr° °t,P..q.�n, CnccnZ�P,a Yl Councilmen Thompson, t1i- lern.ands be '''ar^ ^tits on 3rid hail out of the respectiv° fur_�s (,Dvering t!.. 'arrl °: b;; the foLlo:l*'_ vote: e : Councilmen :lesser, =eterso. , S:e lle; , Thompson and L.ay'or S�i.by. :,oes: vouncilner :acne. i Cant : COUnci 1^ en hone. -c �- :;_owed by Councilmmar Skei ley, seconded by Councilman I-:esser, the followint 2-esclutio- be adorted: 773 "S, t'r.e City Council of tnp City of B1 Segundo, CL,'_ifornia, has heretofore adopted Ordingncic No. 286, entitled: "t`lI CBDIN_ 'CE FD T -7 CITY C= E-I S�'GiTl= , 3ALIl "C:L:\T. , '!i El,ill'.G ii TT�'l.r�_Lra:. iiliiT'talp.5 ' CC C,:I` 7-E,E �.: D P t D IDI_:G ITS RESP(}r;sI- Bi1.ITIS, .`u:D :,:4i:I?`:(• 'I' = =I� 0RDL ": AI...E :-..: ,-F4S-y , : i " - ' EFi EC� .[ sai, Council no••, desires to pro -ide for the activating of the elan ccnte.n-plate'. in said or:linance in 2nd for said pity; P:C:': , TH7-`FC —, the C iti- Council 'of 'the C it V of F1 nje ^u_nd0, California, does r_ereby r,�snlye an-1 order '3.s fol1cws: First: T:n?'t the fo71owin- representatives on the 7 .3t-ran __f °airs Cor^mittee provided for in Section 2 of said Oral ? ?snc °, ')1rsUart tc tiiF ,rovisions of .said s °Ction, end to f=ointmants d,,:1y male by t_,:e : _'ayor, rich the advice and npprovel ^° t ^_P -,lt• Cc'1 ncl' 1f are as - ' n, n 111 T-n •��_p�• or s- i,a wit',', 1cT ;C is e1'- C'ff4 .,i0 '.i31rI^. Of t:° J Om r:ltt (2) :T rank S:ro�,; , renre ser.,t ins. the A ?r s 'rota 'Curtzla7iler, C t„ 7- g3. 53' 10 per =c,tt, S�cret�r 5.33 :core Dusiness Forms, ?nc. =55.20 Beaver "ortuary 1C.00 Ger °ral Electric 4.61 The G3.e-• 11 COT'1anyT 25.13 mnTA l� - •F735. F^ N� }t• 'i0t'nCllr° °t,P..q.�n, CnccnZ�P,a Yl Councilmen Thompson, t1i- lern.ands be '''ar^ ^tits on 3rid hail out of the respectiv° fur_�s (,Dvering t!.. 'arrl °: b;; the foLlo:l*'_ vote: e : Councilmen :lesser, =eterso. , S:e lle; , Thompson and L.ay'or S�i.by. :,oes: vouncilner :acne. i Cant : COUnci 1^ en hone. -c �- :;_owed by Councilmmar Skei ley, seconded by Councilman I-:esser, the followint 2-esclutio- be adorted: 773 "S, t'r.e City Council of tnp City of B1 Segundo, CL,'_ifornia, has heretofore adopted Ordingncic No. 286, entitled: "t`lI CBDIN_ 'CE FD T -7 CITY C= E-I S�'GiTl= , 3ALIl "C:L:\T. , '!i El,ill'.G ii TT�'l.r�_Lra:. iiliiT'talp.5 ' CC C,:I` 7-E,E �.: D P t D IDI_:G ITS RESP(}r;sI- Bi1.ITIS, .`u:D :,:4i:I?`:(• 'I' = =I� 0RDL ": AI...E :-..: ,-F4S-y , : i " - ' EFi EC� .[ sai, Council no••, desires to pro -ide for the activating of the elan ccnte.n-plate'. in said or:linance in 2nd for said pity; P:C:': , TH7-`FC —, the C iti- Council 'of 'the C it V of F1 nje ^u_nd0, California, does r_ereby r,�snlye an-1 order '3.s fol1cws: First: T:n?'t the fo71owin- representatives on the 7 .3t-ran __f °airs Cor^mittee provided for in Section 2 of said Oral ? ?snc °, ')1rsUart tc tiiF ,rovisions of .said s °Ction, end to f=ointmants d,,:1y male by t_,:e : _'ayor, rich the advice and npprovel ^° t ^_P -,lt• Cc'1 ncl' 1f are as - ' n, n 111 T-n •��_p�• or s- i,a wit',', 1cT ;C is e1'- C'ff4 .,i0 '.i31rI^. Of t:° J Om r:ltt (2) :T rank S:ro�,; , renre ser.,t ins. the A ?r s R 43 (^) Harry E. Yoore representing the the Public Sc ^cols; 3oilerrakerI s Union; (3) Robinson G. Ellen representing the the Er.. -rican Red Cross; , (4) Ire 77. Escobar ren_ resenting= the (14) El Seoanlo Co„„mu.nity Chest; representing the (-) "'~ K. 112eir_ representinG the (13) El-Segundo Standard Oil :- Implol,ees' Club; reTresentin€ ( E ! 1,_rs . Edith Smyth rerresenti.n_ the El .Seeunio v n << Club; , represer_tins_ (7) Rohort ' Fred_Aricl- , representing the El Serran ^o riiwanis Club; Calvary Church; Hoyt Fleming representing the the , - zi,erican Legion; �7 "+ard ?`iller renresentinr- ('9 ''rs. "amie I9.iller , renresentint_- the _meric'an 7 er?io.1 ur_iliary; Episcopal Church; (10) =orate Tilton , representing the .._3SoriC Lo,dCe; (11) ?eter E. Binder , ren_resentir_,r- the Inle-nerdent Order of Odd Eellov,!s; (19) L. E. Loe representing the 3oilerrakerI s Union; (1W) Leo '. . Dessert representing the , it °:orkers International Union, (14) Rev. Arthur rarrinpton representing the Community liethodist Church; (13) Rev. Paul? Reeser reTresentin€ the Four Square Gospel Church; (16) Rev. '. "inston Gardiner represer_tins_ the , Calvary Church; (17) Rev. Yichael O'Shea , renr °ser_tinq the St. Inthony's Catholic Church; (1S) �7 "+ard ?`iller renresentinr- the . , Episcopal Church; (19) Ralnh Geier , representing the ,hristian Science Society; (221) alte„ B. Heller , representinr the 3enevolpnt ?n, Protective Order of ",vs� (Nl) rant Er -rh rt , representirf- the . !,:;;iOr v_t2!!'_be?` of VO![:.^.1erCe; 2, L ?o r n reoresentin 7 t::e Serior "namber of CnmTerce; 3 A tIl (23) Harold L. Dall:- reoresertinp the , Independent 7-nion of Petroleur �,_orlcers; (24) 7-rnest E. Lyler rei)resentinp the -Public at • represert-inq the Pu'"lic at Lard-; (2;_ Tr, 4 nS renresentinp- the Putlic at --arF-,e; m?r,.h-rS of ere 4 n e b c vt 1945 "7t,rar Affairs C,)rrLmittee shal', serv- Mai'- Grdinarc-, a-a th, teTns c-1 t'-.C"se provide,_3 sh?)! co--mence on th- 2Ctl•- 7;esc-niter z)remises in the 'ity of ncr.stit,ut d es e the Veteran ��f'f-irs -1, fc-­ sa4 � ty, as conte 7.1 ate-_', 'anler the � -_ovision� of 2�1 t is hereby desiviiated and sc li 7-terar, .,.irs enter, an-tI, his com- '­r=b, fii :e` a-f a- s t at 1 4 s h e ' a', tl su-r- C per c,ntl. 7 + P77 "t-pr n° S t all as con+e.mplated under the S°ct 40 4 -t_ : _-, ',4-t-- Cls_r'� is '--re-by authorized, empowered aric', c: rn i °,'L'. c`_ ;',q 4L prl.P ;y "n s u r -n F SG ma, - %,a r s o n -i 1- In S=id Vetp r,-i-r Affa i -r.= n^ r ir. Grier to permit +I= 'Votere` 7-1=4t'ee a­2 L. --- L'4re_-tor t- rcperlv an•J efficiently function Vet=raL Jrector �T.4 the :)i t,- :"it- ",)r-1c;1 fro.-,- time to time hereafter such rlo.asures in order tc, ex-,)edite s, -;ar. cf -ssistaicr, ccrtfmplate' in S11i, r, 8,�, cj�ted bY the -f c llowinr :- vote: S n c i I I r _.e Ss: r P-t. ­rSon, S=­I__-- %; -�4 1 an --at t- e lloUrcil -ive consi-lerrtlor to 1-*vJ'!`n- 1:-t,,) fc'..r s-'cticns fcr )ur-os�, of affnrlin- a 1--ttPr rilbish ^.(,11,'ction Ia- s uoon same- m_a:- -­,-'t s t ra C e S _or Coll- c io tlir 'ce 1.4 4 n (a +1 e t,; r v" 1 c')j ;!'Jeration • an=­.nce- t -at had in his p6ssession, ir- the n r. s 7.`:e -_ rnce on ' i,' for t— p',a-che se of ta7. �ee 7a -? 7-. ­ ()rt T - t-_e o' +c C bir Councilmpr Thompson, that the t- -3-cl-,re. th- bil recei,,(--d 1-1-is -Iat=_ t T)rc-r-rt-7 'n---t�fore aAv-,�-r, S`71- by tj:e 71 'In---'r ;,L-- 1,-t i C e :-0• '-L'. Carried. R 45 The CC' -,;`.oil iroceeded to and did c-neri, °Xarrine arc T 1 -iC�, aeClare. s ie •.-as fou_n,:� S3:d "ou:ic_1 to be as -id of.rsu_e:r L'i1_e,r Can- -eron, Cri rF- -u,lar firm Drovide' t. cr-f,-,r, tia,'ing- ±:.c_ sum of •n17C.00 C3sr, for _Ot _1 , .dyoC'_ 74, 1 Se - -ndo. Sai'3 � :3 CCor, -oa .i ^d _ :MCP_ey Order 47?34z� , drav n on El. SeEun' o Bra'_ c— :� °CU ^it..- rirst _�-ationa-' Sank of 70° ES '_J3' ti1 tC �it� If ^1 So-,-unq- ol1C "'i: CC:'.Si'i° ration of Sai!? }?id, it ',vas ITov--y poll iii. "cC S!':A_1^ ma, r 'eterso-, t!'' ^t R ^3C'_';tiOn _.o. 77 17, entitled: i O i =^ V Tl u'�Ga. ,l �... C.. -nT_.� was rea;,, be ?Crt?'3. harried try the follov:in,7 'Tote: 1:. .^1__. __ ,,S -r, _S-' -', j..1- _._.y, Thcrrnson and ,.;ajv_ SC'-by. .,ouncilmPn 'Cull' ^ilman ?'- ha- ,ii_nss a-7e—r.. --r` to be transaCte , at t::1S meetini -, It -.-ms m-ov °d seConled ry Council--an S .:= -Iley' the m- eetinF a -l. ou n, Rest?- ctf-Lil2y submitted, <_7oroved