1945 SEP 05 CC MINR 26 E1 Segundo, California. September 5, 1945. h regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was ?old in tl,e Council Chamber of the City Hall of s?id City on the above date, havir� been called to order at 7 :CO P. I'. by Villiam R. Selby, T�'a,ror. RCLL C ;LL . Courcilmer ?resent: Hesser, reterscn, Skeilev and Mayor Selby. Co�_�_ncilm?n -'bser�t: Thomns,:n. R L DIT'a 0-. :.:IPA = °� CE 7 JC'1 -3 T. TITuC. ::- inutas cf tl'e adlourne� r'ogular r.!eeting- of r,I: tl -_ rr' j r° „r lrt, 19^5, h- -vino beer. read ant :i:te , it 1 -7as moved by Co'ncilman Peterson, seconded the :'i__lit -s cf Said aetirlr ^e approved ' ^s '' _'-_cordeO. ;RITi_.i: the City Council held no errors or ^.T.iS lOnS by Councilman Skelley, Carried . Th- "nllowine commlInicaticns, received from the n?rsons,firms or corporations erein ^� +�r na:^ed, rere read to the Council, sncl ;pre disposed of in the r7ann-�r i'n,- re--once teac' rernafter: '__O.i f i S�LCER9 11, 3ted; C2T7T- T . L ".7 %i?ted 2'' Jul,; , undated; CT. dst trP-us O' IDDI", dated s' AGE T;. ?C'LI':a t'_ndated 1945; 31, 1945; September 4, 1945; and each '-irr application for er^ploym „nt by the City of E'1 Segurdo. Ordered file?. �L'"7 -rIJI CONGRESS, LCS ATTG7L S CCL'!�TY, dated September 4, 1945, inviting tt' ^nuance at -a m -et -n` of the Planr1T:pp ConT.ission of Los AnEeles ,ount:-, at Lons BeacY., Septe:r_b�r 13, 1945, at which time the Yaster Plan of S%vrelinP. �c -rel^ ?T.Pnt, as 'cart' y amen,?ed by that CO^7P._ission., will be p^ °; cn- r^val, and invitees are expected to bring to tbi s meetinF' fo^ - z;I.41-iticn, ti_eir plans for recreation and shorelinF. protection projects. 3;; '_ener_:l consent, the communication was ordered file-land members of the City ^'_ ' :-_, ''.egirin` to do so, were alithorizenal to attend the said meeting. ;rIDC KC77ACEVICii CCLAPi'.ivY, date,! September 4, 1915, requestins permission to excalrate on .a. portion: of Lct 26, Blcck 24, El Se u dc, for the purpose -,f ur ir` eiE_t- eucalyptus tree stumps recently rer,:oved from portions of El SeF,rdo Boulevard by reason of the street improvements being made it said t::Orou 6*1 :fare . fter discussion and consideration, it was moved by Councilman Skelley, second— by C- Incilman Peterson, and un?rimously car ^ied, that the remieGt of vi:'O ovacevich Company, prese.nte.d this Council this late, for a neivcit to excavate anproYima.tely an 8 -foot deep hole on t'r,e. rear of Lot 26, Block 24, SeF- -, -c, ;r the purpose cf d s -osino of eucaly ntus tree stumps, be denied. IH C_�:ICA SL ;�TIwE CG: ? ;n:D, by Burt Bates, Captain, Air Ccrps, lie Ze;�ations Officer; dated 21 rur-u -t 1 1,45, ::!ith reference tr n •_•- : - co -munica - the .it: 2G r 19,” . -r-e - rp^ low fl.yin= sirnl?Tes � - z ^ °.c; i citizens of E1 Segundo, any' stat in - that it has been in tlip p^ st an' r._11 c -. +_ rue it the future tr� be the oclicy of the Commanding- Cfficer of t_ e :,:fines Field installation to insist that all aircraft arriving and de artinC from trip field observe air traffic rules and reErulations, and stating furt; :er that the pilot of the plane whlich corimitted the specific offense, I uly 20, 1945, as r---"'erred tc in a communication received by the City Council fron a resid?r,t of the Citv of El Segundo, has been disciplined by his ccm'-'ai. ,:nr officer. Crder-� filed. R 27 HUGH L. DIXO!�, Referee in Bankruptcy, dated Au gnzst 31, 1945, bein€ notice of first meeting of creditors in reopened estate, case in Bankruptcy No. 336C -T, in the matter of George Beltcn Taylor, Bankrupt, in the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of California. The communication was ordered filed, with instructions to the department heeds of the City of E1 Segundo to investigate to determine whether or not the said George Belton Taylor is indebted to the City of E1 Segundo. LOS ANGLES COLT"rI' DIVISION, L'7-^GUE OF CALIFORJ IA CITIES, sta.iped received September 4, 1945, announcing the regular monthly meeting of sai� Division, to be hel,' at Inglewood, California, September 20, 1945, and warring of the - ecessity for makinC reservations therefor prior to September 15, 19z!5. By eneral consent the communication ,%ras ordered filed. 3`rRAI� , County Tax Collector, dated August 20, 1945, making demand rcr: t-e Oit;% Ccuncil to provide funds for the pay.mert of delinquent assessments °or all -;rojectc in the City of E1 Segundo under the Improvement Bond r.ct cf 1915, for w1r ich currert assessments hove terminated but which have delinquent assessments for prior years still outstanding. Ordered filed. OED =: i T OF FIi�y1�CE, STATE OF CALIFCR;.IA, H. H. Tacqueth, Ad_ministr-tor, Gate^ August 22, 1945, t_tled "Bulletin No. 2 ", with reference to requests for a- rlicatior forms to be used in applyinr- for funds allocated by the State Lei ;islatare in Chapter 47, Statutes of 1944, to assist local agencies in tre pr—aration of plans and sp °cifications and acquisition of sites for nostrmar public projects. ',.;oven by Councilman uesser, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that the City Clerk be ana he is hereby directed to obtain from the Department of Finance of the State of California the necessary blanks to perrrit the City of El Segundo to wake application for funds to assist in the preparation of Dlans and specifications and acquire sites for postwar public works rrciectG within said City. Carried. EL SEGU.II D: 'I: -' ,:DER OF C0:1—ERCE, date,' AuDu­t 25, 1.945, transmittinL7 e resort of the result of a postal card poll recently conducted by said Chamber cf Commerce, with particular reference tc oil well zoning, N -3 zoning, Grand Avenue -tiidenir, -, sign board regulation and full time Fire Department. Ordered filed. EL SEMTNDO 01L. J,°BER OF CO °..C:WRCE, dated August 27, 1945, requesting the Ccuncil to take steps necessary to cause the removal of the unused, railroad tracks and mower line poles in the center of Grand Avenue, between Vain Street and Eucalyptus Drive. It was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the said communication be received and rlaced on file in the office of the City- Clerk and that the subject matter thereof be referred to the City Attorney for the purpose of discussinn with the proper officials of the ,Pacific Electric Railway Company the matter of ac- iuiring that portion of seid Comrany's right cf *gray between Eucalyptus Drive and Lain Street, within the City of El Segundo for public purposes, or, in lieu thereof, the removal of tr -icks and roles from said right of way. Carried. X'. LD R. ' 'ARRF1'- CTWPA?','Y, Engineers, dated August 27, 1945, solieitine e-cnloy7ient in connection_ T ith municin_al n_roblems requiring consulting er: ~ineering service. Ordered filed. LCS Ar:GET S COUP -7r DISTRI ^T RELIEF AUTHORITY, dated Au Est 29, 1 2,15, ­ith reference to an "Offer of 2.1utual Aid Plan By Los Angeles County Dis?.ste r Relief Authority ", and transrrittin� therewith copies of said Plan - R 28 and forms of appro—al and acceptance for use in connection therewith in event the Cite, of El Segundo elects to become a mer^ber of said organization. B:- general consent the communication was orderee receive an files? and the matter of approving and accenting the offer therein mentioned be — f: -rren to Public Safety Commissioner Besser, Cd,ief of Police Hutchins and '11-lief I'IcCcnnell, for their consideration and report to the Council. ,' I?:CY CASS ASSOOI TES, stamped "Received September 5, 194511, an application for hermit tc drill an oil ar_d/cr gas well at a location :•.ithin t'.r- City of E1 Se�:undo specified in said application, which sai0 application .sas accomnanied by a letter dated September 5, 1945, requestinF that the tic ~: of the proposed well, as giver_ in the before mentioned application, be substituted for the location of a certain well, permit for which was wanted by the City Council August 23, 1945 in Resolution No. 771. The Council considered the natter and during the discussions relative thereto, it develonpd that the nermit annlied for and S-ranted un�er Resolution ?;c. 771 was :or thA purpose of redrillinF an abandoned oil well, while the application presently before the Council is for the drilling of a new oil :Pill It ;r3s thereupon moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Council.mar. Shelley, that the application filed with this Council this late by luinc- Cass Associates for a permit to drill an oil well at a ccation describe' it said application, be taken under advise Tent until t:r e r= xt rep-ular meeting of this Council. Carried. ... The hour of r1:15 o'clock P. ;.:. at this meeting, having heretofore beer_ figel as the time and place for receiving bids for fhe installation of mater ripe and appurtenances and the furnishing of certain materials incidental thereto for the City of El Segundo, the Mayor announced the arrival of the -cur of 7:1 ^1 o'clock P. T.I. an-,, r- quested that if,any person or persons present in the Council Chamber desired to file bids for •the doing of said : ^.ork, they s''-nu1 d do so ;:mod iotelv . The hour of 7:15 o'clock P. L:. having arrived, the L:ayor announced +he time fcr rPceivir_g bias for the installation of ;eater pipe and appurtenances - -,nl the furnishinr- of certain materials incidental thereto for the City cf E.I. Se£n -n�0, as aaysrtised for, closed. The City Clerk announced that he had in his possession, in t'_e same .�n,ition as when received, six bids. It , 3S t'.iereu —. ;or_ moved bl- "ounclim -Ir_ Peterson, secon ied - cunnilmar ^:esser, that t'.-.e Council proceed to open, ex —amine an-I publicly declere tlhc <a� received this rate for the installation of mater pipe and appu.rterances the `� --. -shin-- of certain :materiels incidental thereto for the C;ty of Carried. _rDcC_d d tc 07en, examine and nut,licly ­, °clare y id bi Is, said bids were found by said Council to be folio: s, tc - °:it. .__ o r -,F.l_r ° •T". 1-i )v' _'ed therefor, as f" 1I owe: T l 1288 r Tin. Ft. Tota a .. T- -Frio_ does r.-,t ircli'�e steles tax. Sa__. bid ..az ^- apanied by Bidder's Bond, with L.erritt .;e-1,;i as - ri^cinal and Ge -neral Cas') _alty romTYnn;y' of Terica, as 51:1'ety, R 29 'id of :.iLiFORt, , ---- ll.— CC:= .C1IG . CC., n' r= E:wlar fCr:~ nrov _-Ted t'­ - -for, as fCl1o'4s: Il7,_ 1. 7evert., th--e Cents - - X0.73 p— Lin. Ft. - al '-,l On "'C'. Total O_.:,. Sa ^i'. �.'as aCCC:(:' i °d by Certified Checl- N c. _56 ", dr3t';n C. _ .nk of I:ati -I al Trust an Savings r- sscc�atic:_, Taxable to Cite of E, 3e and c , in the su... of a r -,C , Cam, - r. id of T{�:.5_...- I,, CC.:J,R. :!'.7 On r�gUlar OI^P ^r0 ^leer tiiarc .y, =:S fC_1C' "S: _ 1 • l.•.O Cil C- i'l.ty- f ^:.ir _ - - N'� '1'�' -• ..+ .� m . � ars S e ~ts �.6: in. t. .ot- �369� Sa r7 ti. i ,a: it com p ^. i ed by Certi•-` _ . A T,:O 4 4, � awn o. 3 a .k ^f ric Font Reach, California, payable t'; Cit!- of El Jecun(' In tliP r r, n :�_ _ Cf =:� r i CC':.�_. vilC' "_ C�...__� ._ , J: r­� ` a fora� 7 t', -- of c , �S 1. Fourteen Hanired Seventy Dollars - w1.05 = -r Lin. Ft. Total `'1470.00. Sa: T'aS Eccon, _ na _. by .,.. t if.j Pd _"orl_ ._ !:ranch, lank of n.:erica ..aticnal ruy. -ble to City of El Segundo, in the Di; ^f R. T A: -', on ragular for:. C :ecl: Nc . 3646, drawn or_ Huntington Trust and Savings ysscciation, s'u-.. cf ;,lEO.00. arovL -4 therefor, es follows: I: i. Cne :collar Seventy C Cents Y1.71 per Lin. Ft. Total - 2394.00. 3air bid vas acco - ,oanipf by Certified Check No. 1727. drawn on Santa Barbara am Vem_ont Branc' -., Security -First National Bank of Les Angeles, payable to Cite of El Seo1.1ndo in the sum of pi-' of :,:r.CCC -BCD RTaC, 'CC.:Dr.I1', on regular form provided therefor, as f -110-,,-'s: IT .'.: 1. Seventy One Cents : 0.71 per Lin. Ft. Total w994.00. Said bid was accompanied by Cashier's Check No. 4024103, drawn on Hynes Cron ^�., Bank of America National Tr�,ist and Savings Association, payable to C i t:' o f El Se dune o in the sum of N100.00 . Folio *aging consideration of said bids, it -as roved by Councilman Hesser, seconder by Councilman Skelley, that Resolution No. 774, entitled: n ==TIC11 OF T:� CITY C'OT:1 I-C I'Ll OF T:7 CIT`i OF Li SEC21,MC , C? ZFC3i:L'i, A'.'.*ARDI: C TO I,�CGC -RO ,RTSON CCL•_PnI =_, CC=P,,.CT FOR T: L'iST _L-ATIO:: OF C MIN :.-EL. FD STEEL PIT_': II: S:_ID CITY, ^;hic ��!as read, be adopted. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the vote: '_ "; -s: Cc'_'n'iL ^Ten Hesser, Peterson, Sl�elle,7 and 'Mayor Selby. nos: Councilmen Cs�Fnt: Councilman. Thompson. ORAL C _:! T1O0 S. i:cCray, re preser_tin -, El Segundo Land and Improvem ^nt Compeny ^n- thou Co.=Dany renueste^ the Council rive consideration to an ampnr?T -nt to existing C'_di:?ances or 3don-t10_^. of 3 new ordinance, 11.'_ ^.1ch '.•:ould d?sic'nate that portion of the Cit-- of E1 Senu:do bounded by Center Street, Grand Avenue, Sepulveda noulevard and E1 Segundo Boulevard an I, -3 Zcne, and that portion of the Cit`- cf E1 Segundo bounded b „J Center Street, 'rand Avenue, Se:�ulveda Boulevard are 1,:ariposa Avenue an 1-2 Zone. yfter brief discussion tbs matter ?:mss to en unjer consideration until t,no ne77t r, -ul.ar meetinP of the Council. Ju ^�-e Peter E. Einder, "nalrran of a cert in committ -- of 1( cal c—g!°niZa- ticns inter-sted In the estebllshment of a Veterans' tiervlce enter In Ll Se.T,.ndo, addressed the Council, stating that at the last meeting of hie Committee, --s held August 24tY., 1945 and attended by representatives of the ?”- Legion, i:l'. i ; iui.:, Parent- leacners - ssocietion, i:o.manls Club, "' a ) ?" cf Commerce, Junior Chamber of Com=merce, COrr7,i nity Chest, Cii ". Crkers I. C. gal Ei Segundo Herald and Lindley Allen and Peter E. Sinder, Secretary C:_::,irma_ respectively of said Com=m=ittee, it '11-as unanimously deci,9el to r- ^_lest the City Council to create a Veterans Affairs Committee by the adoption 7i "1?_ ^.aPCe recornmlo:'nCed by t1hn California Veterans Committee, cr °at-'" b: ta' G--v-7= of the State of Califorric in 1944. Counci ='"3r_ pet -rson stated that he is in favor of cooperating "..ith any c ^n iuni ±,' la -is whl^.': will Nrovide the maximum service to our returning rrar vetora-_s and immediately thereafter Councilman S!*.elley introduces Ordinance No. 206, F:ntitled: A1'" CRBIlL =L,-CL OF T"� CITE' OF EL SE(Y�NDO, CALIFORNIA I i VETrERLI: AFFAIRS CC:,2..IT`IL.-:1 AND PRESCRIBI?:c ITS R✓S?n1iJIR•T:.II?ES, ni;D '_.;= I ='C I'IS ORDiI:Ai;CE Ai`: I lRGEi'CY 1,M .M= TO TA KE ErrECT II.' =TnTELY, w'. _ci: was read. At this point, the hour, being 8:09 P. b., the !:ayor declared a recess Df five minutes. At the hour of 8:14 P. Y. the Ccuncil reconvened, Councilmen eSSP,r, Peterson, Skelley anc N:ayor Selby being present, Councilm ?n Thompson heinr absent. RE C'Rl3 CF S1.- �:)1':l� v _,li J. .Cc:incilman Petersor reported having attended a public hearing 'held by the Los Ar_geles City Planning Commission on August 28th, and a public hearing of the =i-- ional Planiiirg Commission of Los Angeles County, held August 30th, 1945, concerning the approval of plans prepared by the latter Commission fog^ the accu isition and improvement of the shore.' line in Los Angeles County; that both Co ^.missions approved the pinns as presented, after over - ruling the 2uaFment of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo as set forth in a certain resolution adopted b- said Body on urrst 3rA 1945 and wb ich resolution recommended that Parcals described in said Tlans as Nos. 30, 30 -A and 30 -8 be �Psi`_,ated as No. 2 Priority, b;r designating Parcel ho. 30 as a No. 1 P -riority for acquisition; that the plans, as thus approved by the before mentioned Con^issicns, were sent to the Board cf Supervisors of Los Angeles Count -y, with reccmmerd -tion the- 'ce adopted and that said Board of Supervisors thereafter did arnrove and adopt seid plans as recommerded by the Regional Planninp Com- rlis= i--n, leavin' Parcel No. 3C as a NO. 1 Priority for "acquisition, thereby ionorinc ti_is Council's recor nendatio_n that said parcel be designate? e No. 2 -riorit,- for acquisition. R FC TS C = CF= T ERS A:,-7) SP C L L C0:1 :ITTEE0 . T'-Le City Clerk reported having received from Yr. John F. Bender, S?>ecial .it_; Ott ^rney, a certain tar, Jee`ex=cuted by H. L. Ryram, Tax Collector of Los Ha tc t!.p City of El Segundo certain real les County, California, conveying _ property :ithin said City, all as described in said deed, which said City had pure: -sod fcr non - payment of taxes, and he recommended that the deed be acce.,te- _nd ordered recorded. R 3i It was thereupon moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the following- resolution be adopted: RESCLVEED, that that certain. Tax Deed, dated the 21st day Of rugust, 1945, executed by =H. L Byram as Tax Collector of Los Angeles County, presented this Council this date for its consideration, and conveying to the City of Fa Segundo the following described real property situated in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, to -wit: Lot 15 of Block 8; Lot 31 of Block 9; (Ex of St) Lot 20 of Block 10; Lots 5 and 6 of Block 15; Und 1/3 Int. in Lot 3 of Bloc!- 21, in El Se undc, as ppr Book 18, Page 69 of P,.aps, Records of Los Angeles County; and S 15 ft. of Lot 4 of Block 49, in El Segundo, as per Book 18, Page 145 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County; and Lots 31, 32, 33 and 34 of Block 61; Lot 9 of Block 89; S 25 ft of "' 20 ft of Lot 3 of Block 93; 20 ft of N 300 £t of Lot 3 of Block 93, in E1 Segundo, as per Book 20, Fares 22 -23 of taps, Records of Los Angeles County; S 40 ft of N 160 ft of Lot 13 of Block 8 in Tract No. 1635, as per Book 21, Pace 98 of P;:an_s Records of Los Angeles County; and � Lot 20 in Tract No. 8159, as per Book 90, Page 47 of Daps, Records of Los Angeles County, be and the sane is hereby accepted by and on behalf of the City cf E1 Segundo,; and BE IT FiRTIER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to attach to said.Tax Deed a certified copy of this resolution and to cause said Tax, Deed to be recorded, together with sail attached certified copy of this resolution in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: ryes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley and P.ayor Selby. l:oes: None. Absent: Councilman Thompson. The City Clerk reported that the Cite Treasurer had informed him that arrant No. 49867, in amount W-12.50, draom payable to order of George Love, ?n: dated February 7, 1945, has not been cashed; that although diligent search ,as been made for said warrant it cannot be found among Yr. Love's belcngir €. It 7,�'as thereupon moved by CounciL:.an lesser, seconded by Councilman S_celley, t e following resolution be adonted: RESCLTT -M, that ",arrant No. 4? -�7, dated February 7th, 19Y5, in amount w12.50, drawn payable to the order of George ,eve, be inc, the amount due him as crmpgnsation as a member t City Council for th-' ,:_cnt`. cf ?anun y, 1945, , be ca7ce'l.ed; and that-;,ayment thereof he stepped; and BE IT Fj�-�_ R =CL ED, that in view of the fact that r. George Love has since ,pied and that Lis surviving widow, '_�ao -..i T. Love, has represented tc this Council that said Lev_ left o estate requiring probate, and that s "e is t: -e 7Derson entitled to the compensation due her deceased husband R 32 as aforesaid, that a ne,.% warrant in t:__ Cu!r cf 1 .5C be raTvn Payable to the ors er of Naomi T. Love, in lieu of the warrant hereinbefore referred to. T. :e fore o'_ n.- resolution was ador.ted by the followinE vote: A;, -es: iouncil;:en :lesser, Peterson, Skelley and ?t_ayor Selby. gees: Co;:nciJ.Mn- 111one. bse_ ^t: Coun ^ilm n Thompson. ,i` -_ttorriPV .:OOdwort . reported that the report of the gays aril :.. °an s .' °St ? -sin Gr uui -ter Sllr7e rrrOUp had been orrlpre s -nt t-I the printer by the Committee. He state -i he anticipated the proofs wou] be available for ins - section b; the Co- :� *tee members �t,ithin a few chi's and, :at aft -r "', proofs had teen ccrr -cted, the report would most like7..7 be as soon es th- f nal printing. coulr'. be accomplished. -it-' `ttcrn'ey ','oodw ^.rth advised the louncil that he has re.Ceive ^'. CC ^_ Lln _c °ti ^n froT the R�.ilroad Corr- missicr of the °.fate of 'California : "ith tc , ir_st.11ation of .'iF- 'era €. signals at 116th Street en� 12,CtY_ m­' _ r_VlatiOn ' "'arC S iF�oc. in Salk CC.:mjsslon'S iXeCiSion t "o. ✓C 1 , _. ' t,-.e _'n al ,late for such installation havir�- heretofore been fire''. Cc�. ^ter 17-, 1��5, and `.^e - :wire! t_ -e present status of the nattF?' so that :e i '._t -tune ^1y res­nr to said co:ru unication. .as infcr,e(_` that the signals have not been installed because they . °Cai'able due to war ti.:e restrictions and t`.'e thou. ,ht `":°_s exrressed t. t ', G jr.ustr y recuest° ^. the ,:-rade Crossin s over the right of way Sa _` Fe Company at the points in'icate- -111 t +Thick - rorpteO the _. rcaf1 Cc:_':isslon t- crder the installation of the wiE- war,s, ma" not row be _':t'Prest -d in t.^ - -_ir ir�-talla ±ion, it vier. of the termiration of the war and the reduction in forces. L:r. :I'ooaworth requested t.-~_at t e entire Natter be reviei and t"--at he r-iver a co!:plete report thereon at the earliest posoitle timF and by rF ^ ° ?' cO:SOlt City Engineer 1lltC�'iriS VJ S dP,Sl� rate^ aS the OfflCer t0 :,ajce sl:cli report. Street Superivitenrient Hutchins rrrortea to the Council that V'r. Gecr-e Pcli. ^_C had been emp'cyed it the Street Department on Scpterrber 4th, 1945, and that 1,'r. C. L. Lake had been employed in th. same Department on _�u_ust 27ti., 1945. City Engineer Hutch:ir_s, to whom the report of the Refuse Disposal Committee on EILTLina.tion of Smoke Nuisance and ubbish Dumps in the Los Angeles t,etrooclitan area had been referred by this Council at tr_e time of its receipt, reoorted ora' 1:- thereon and returned the report to the City Cleric for his files. rI1:IS?i�D 30SL��'SS. L -oven by Ccur- ciLman Skelley, secor_ded by Councilman Peterson, that �_rdinaace _:c. 2 1-5, entitled: C-2- 1TT'n— CF 7-- vIT° 1'7 EL 37;U1YDC CALlr CRI�In, .204 CF S�_ ID C IT`:',�+.11TIT�.ED: ORD�I °r�_:,OE .,r THE CIl _ Cr ✓L S C;�'N� , CALK ORI L-., D_GC�.-=1 G T' L-..FF:C _7Ct: HE -' TIC STREETS , A�12'DS, TLriST= 0'.'FIFARES A:,:) PLI'CES 07'r', R , G � DI'AC S P:, I: D 2 ?V?L� ^1 T'': COI:Fr.ICT THERF;,'I' 1. ", �.S D� t1DDII`G S'.'KDI'TISICIIS (14), (15), (16) A'D (17) TO SECTIC. 79 OF S ID CRDII'Y,2, E, R 33 which was introduced and read at an adjourned regular meeting of this Council held on the 23rd day of August, 1945, and reread at this meeting, be adopted. Carried b;r the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson,•Skelley and Mayor Selby. . Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Thompson. Yoved by Councilman.Skelley, seconded by-Councilman Hesser, that Resolution No. 77 , --titled: A RESCL_TTIO:: OF T=i-2- C17Y C0?1::0 IT OF THE CITY CF U G7 C , 0.� IFO_�LN �, ATT'I'C ;DING CON1�.1: -TI: ?; �CCEEDINGS T' :ITH RED F —ENCE TO T AC TISITIO : BY S ID CI1 i OF CERIhII ^? P - PERri'I' �'IT 'IlC 9AID C E I: ?C 3-T GS AND GRCUNDS ti F� O S=S FC R T]F USE OF SAID CITY, which ^:ac read, be adopted. Said resolution-was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Petersen,- Skelle r and. Mayor Selby. -oes: ivor'e. Absent: Councilman Thompson. In the matter of the application of Ruby Miller for a permit to maintain any? use a house trailer at 512 East Frar -kiin Avenue, filed with this C- nuncil _ must 16th, 1945, and at that time referred to the Building Inspector for i- vestir?.tion and report, BuildinE Inspector Catalano reported h-vinc- mare c.vch investi€ation and he recommended the permit be granted. It wa.T thereupon moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Peterson., the following resolution be adopted: RESOI. 7ED, that subject to ordinance requirements of the City of E1 Segundo, Yrs. Ruby Miller be and she is hereby grantee a temporary, revocable permit to maintain and use a house trailer at 512 East. Franklin Avenue, within t'rre City of E1 Segundo; subject, however, to the condition that she sball make any alterations or .renovations that may be suggested by and to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector of the City of El Segundo. T:-- fnregoir~ resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley and tgiayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Thompson. PAYING SILLS. The foliowinE demands, havi= had the approval of the Conamittee on Finance and Recor�s, were read: 'dater J"orks Fu rav Roll Demand No. 19181 to 10825, Incl. $681.20 ,:inta �nrtz.!i)er, City Tress. 20.00 State Emn1 ^�.•Ae.s' Retirement 96.80 S17stem 40.30 Oro Grande Lime p Store Corp. 353.72 Loran R. Cotton 75.00 E'_ Segundo Herold 93.75 Stewart :::fg,. Co. 13.12 Lac;; i�:anufscturinE Co. 277.01 Industrial Stat. 9 Printing Co. . -7.92 City of E1 Se Flando J 450.20 Taylor "+holesale elect. Cc. 47.11 Roscoe '..:oss Company 3060.00 nd ?'rater Works Fund R. T. Hutchins, Petty Cash w36.13 ;Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 96.80 State Employees'- -Retirement System 33.09 Mutual Building Material Co. 7.18 Haffrrond Lumber Co. 16.91 Pacific Lill °, ':ine Supply Co . 17.08 Carl 'h "ilson 40.00 :3raun Corporation 22.76 The Foxboro Co'rpany 13.27 Inglewood Motor Parts 8.38 Electro Rust - Proofing 95.00 Fletcher's Tire Service 5.49 TOTAL -5261.45 R 34 Recreation Fund Pay . Roll Demand No. 51340 to 51344, Incl. „76.51 Linta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 4.94 Victor D. L:cCarthy, City Clerk 9180 Rdsc.c Leather end Findin7s Co. 50.15 a.- . °ricar andicrafts Co. 9.05 Leether Supply Company 24.39 P,, . Dennis 12.95 TC ,',L ;,187.79 General Fund v,'1�Y_ H • -:, h;iCT 'o:nn Ben :e Lo'-2n 3. Cotton_ lid Sheet .,.et -Is Sur`r °f^P C ?,4'n J. E. Bauer Co. . . Dine _..aster Pest Control Co. Tire Service i'c. i`� ^__^ -: �Thn'eSaie Elect. v7• Victor 7-:._.:cCarthy , City Clem lassr:er 'Neon :.'ainterance Co. So. Calif. Edison Co. Ltd. State Employees' Retirement System St -te En- olo,-ees' Ret- irement Syster. 4;7E CC 50.00 75.00 6.61 23.75 13.35 10.46 42.50 9.50 3.06 14.30 6.00 19.96 General Fund Pay Roll Demand No. 51323 to 513399 Incl. X769.46 Pay Roll Demand Nc . 51345 to 51355, Incl. 1022.16 Pay Roll Demand No. 51356 to 513880 Incl. 1839.43 ;:inta Curtz: +,iler, City Treas. 534.00 Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 66.25 Richfield Cil Corporation 184.67 Oswald Bros. 33.24 John F. 3ender ^3.79 John F. Bender 9.90 Lawyers Title Guaranty Co. 15.20 So. Calif. Disinfecting Co. 10.05 Bureau of Purchases 2.41 Gibson. i" -otor Parts 8.15 ILc-'ewood Humane Society, lnc. 20.33 J. E. Batter, Co. 21.82 Los Angeles Co. Health Dent. 1.CO Air Reduction Sales Co. 1.24 Hansen & Jonensep 8.75 American Brake Shoe Co. F3.2R El Set -undo Herald 278.95 Pacific Electric Ry. Co. 38.64 Inglewood Book & Stat. Co. 2.46 State Employees' Retirement 308.18 System 265.31 Earl L'organ 4.35 4.41 C. K. McConnell 2.95 TOTAL k5970.69 ::roved by Councilman Peterson, seconded b;, Councilman Hesser, the demands be `licT'Ted er� warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds ccv -rin7 the same. Carried by the follotFTinz vote: ,yes: Councilmen. Hcsser, Peterson, Skelley an-1, Layor Selby. 'roes: Councilmen None. ACs?nt: Councilman Thomason. 1:7'q' 3" -1 -S,. :.:cveT by Councilmen Hesser, seconded by Councilm °n Skelley, that City ztt ^rna - Clyde : ".00dworth be authorized to ex'oend not to 97ceed ::10.!)0 ton-lard t:_e cost of ^rintin- the report of tte ':a:Ts and 1 "--ears Co*mmitte? of the Test 3 sir sro.:na .utter Conservation Groin?, as .referred to b.7 him in a report in t,'-AS meeting. Carried by the fcll.ov^.inE- vote: eS: vOU:: ^'1^ °r_ t:eSSer, = et °rso.^., S?! °il��� -,n'j :. :SyO�' S °,].b�i• race s : Tore . -ter Su^F�r: ntenr'ent gut 2_. ins requested that he be aut :orized to cal? se rt. i-- t -ts t -- b° made in :.ater rhich vTcrk ":a$ not cortemp]_ate3 Win_ tin o,znc": - rrro ^riated the sum cf '�165C.00 to nu #1 the. Dumyo i;l sli., Pig, s -1 e rer -: ire ar ? insta led i^ .'rater ''e -1 No. 10; and he stated that for the nu - f - t�ir :i_,, fo_ °,atia�: :'.high may enable the - - - •,t^tmr_nt t7 Saf"� .mar : C". "_Sr 1'!e, S`adjF-:.... Y'p t0 3r that. `�,� >> ,C,:ncil -.an = °-teroon seconCeG ^;, C ''1. .oilman S-lle; , to at t .e tc -rj t :.e pkr .' re -!1r SF c �_. .l seir ?U71-j In . ater Of El J °r :ri ^C ±ha S:i.'T Of P_:, t0 eXCee --' Carried t17 ; t- _e fol -owi iE . _'t °'. R "5 n es: Cou.:oii_[ier Hesser, rEterson, aril li.4:'nr Selby. .jn.'s: - t(',o'..:.:cil,'.'en !Tone • ` iibsert: Councilman Tho!mDson. ?.:owed b.y Cornci -I mar SL-,slley, secon,e_. b,:- Councilman Hass:�r, t :at Southorr �1 -r.ia son. Cor�?an; be re uesteu tc insta ?_1 600 lumen street li�:_ts at t E = .-- ters °�tions of 'Maole -"'_Verue with 3un�'-alow, Yarylan(l, and Lomita Streets, a c� it i.C::iit =. Street at its intersection i -ith Pa Lm Avenue and i�:ari -)osa r venue. ;,2rrir by the foi_n;tii l_ Vote: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, SKI '_ley and ,'a-Tor Selby. Councilmen. -cr.P. ibsei.t : Councilmen T" �TiDscn. b- ^Ouncil'-'an Pete —song sencn e-, Councilmman T -ssf t'—at T :�-va re an: she is h rebv r-rarted One ::eP.i_ of her eerne� '?nnu - aacatic Ss.-�ternl ^r 11, 1945. Carried b;- t:_� followin` vote: s: C,ru oilmen _lesser, Peterson, S: {?11 °;' c:nCi Yavor Selby. Ccuncilr.!en Pone. s ^t: Councilman Tn ^m -7so ^_ frrth?^ `asl ieSS oNearir:' t0 be tran53Cte? ^t t. ".is eetin it ?o - Jr_ "carnalmar lesser, seconded by Councilman Selb..-, the meeting Curried . Resnectfully submitted, -Oftly "le-1,.