1945 OCT 17 CC MINR.59' El Segundo, California. October 17, 1945. A regular meeting of the City Council-.of the .City of El,Segando, California, was held in the Council*- Chamber of the City Hall of sgid:•City on the above.date, having been called to order at 7:00 P.'M. by William: E. Selby, Mayor, ROLL CALL . Councilmen Present: Hesser, Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Councilmen Absent: Skelley. READING'OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on the 10th day of October, 19459 having been read,-and no-errors or omissions being noted, .it - was; moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the minutes of said meeting be approved as recorded. " Carried. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS. The following communications, received from the persons, firms or.corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and disposed of in the manner indicated following reference to each hereinafter: PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILKAY COMPANY, dated October 9, 1945, advising that a study of the matter of the suggested abandonment of the Paoifie Electric,. -line between Eucalyptus Drive and Main Street., in the Qit)► of El 3egundo, disqloaes the fact that such trackage will undoubtedly be needed in the handling of material in connection with the construction of- sewerage disposal.faeilitiea.for_the City of Los Angeles, and until this fact is definitely determined or until such time as such construction'work is completed, said Company is not in a.position to give favorable consideration to such abandonment. Ordered filed. FRANK LEWIN, dated October 15, 19459 with further reference to a sign board at the Northwest corner of Oak, Avenue and -Main Ztreet, E1 Segundo, : and .to the advertising matter- contained thereon., ..Ordered filed. PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY, dat.ed..October 16_, 1945, being copy of its letter under said date'written.to the Railroad Commission of,the State of California, together with copy of its Seventy- Seeond Supplemental.Application. No. 17984 to said Commission, requesting authority to re- establish operations via Vista. del Mar., between-Century Boulevard and.Grand Avenue -on its Los Angeles - Redondo Beach -via Playa del" Rey Motor, .Coach Line.. 7 After consideration,' it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seeonded.by Councilman Messer, `that the conounication be - received and filed in the' office of the City Clerk, and that the accompanying application be referred to the City Attorney, with instructions that he advise the Railroad Commission of the State of - California; that the City of �.II .Segundo would like to be heard before any order is made respecting the proposed rerouting. Carried. PASADENA-TOURNAMENT OF ROSES ASSOCIATION, dated October 4,.1945, extending EN an invitation to the City of E1 Segundo to participate.in the 57th Annual Tournament of,Roses•Parade, to be held on Nev*Year's Day, 1946. Ordered filed. Councilman Skelley appeared at the meeting at this time, the hour being 7:15 o'clock P. M. and-he immediately took his seat at the Council table. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS. At this time Mr. J. P. Meyers addressed the City Council and stated that he had prepared an application, on behalf of himself and Marie Thrasher, for a permit to operate a taxicab business at 2030 East Imperial Highway, in the City of E1,Segando, as required under the provisions of Ordinance No. 283 of the City of 31 Segundo, but that due to -the absence.from the City of the owner of the premises in-front of which the taxi stand was to be located, he had been unable to procure the signature of said owner. He stated that the owner, a Mr. Bennett, wqs away on a hunting trip in the mountains and could not be reached and would most likely not return until about the 18th day of November,-1945. In this dilemma he requested the Council's consideration of his position in granting him a temporary revocable permit for the interim between the present time and the time when his completed application could be filed. He stated that'he had been operating taxicabs in the City for a long time and trusted the Council would give him consideration under the circumstances. After discussion it was determined that sinee.the applicant had been operating in the City for a considerable period of time and was making application in good faith and was precluded by circumstances from completing the application form at this time, that the following procedure would be had in the matter under the circumstances: First: That the applicant file his application and,accnmpanying papers In regular form so far as he can do so at this time. Second: That permission be granted the City Clerk to permit the amending of the application documents; as so filed- -by,the supplying o ;:auch.further . information, if any, as might be needed and the affixing Of anlY signature. or signatures which might subsequently appear %to, be needed. Third: That the application,be. taken under advisement-by ,the Council until its-regular meeting of November 219t, and in the meantime referred,to the Chief of Police for checking, report and recommendation. Fourth:, That during the interval between the present time..and the said . meeting of said Council of November 21st,.1946, the applicaat:be-_granted a special temporary permit to operate a taxicab business in the City of El Segundo which- permit ' would be subject, to suspension by_ the Chief -of Police and 10 revocation -by the City °Council at any time,and would,, by its own term,, ­ expire at midnight on the- mist- day of November, 1945. 'It was thereupon moved by Councilman Hessen: seconded by Councilmmau Skelley, that a special temporary pe=it,_subject to. suspension, revocation and to expiration by lapse of time limit, as stated hereinabove in these minutes, be granted to Jack Patrick Meyers and Marie. Tbrasher,,.under.the special and peculiar circumstances that theapbli.cant finds himself confronted with at -this time. . 'On roll call said motion was, carried and said 'permit' -wae.`accordingly granted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser , Peterson, Skelley,:Zhoapson and.Mayor Selby. - Noes: • Gouncilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. • REPORTS OF STANDING-COMMMITTEES. Councilman Hesser reported that Mr. A. M. Smith, residing at 206 East < Walnut Avenue, had complained to him about the number and proximity to dwellings of horses being kept in his neighborhood. By general consent the matter was referred to the Building Inspector for investigation and report. R, 61 Councilman Skelley reported that Park Superintendent McIlwain is in need of fertilizer for his Department and that an am®unt sufficient for his needs could be purchased locally for the sum of $25.00;- whereupon it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that Park Superintendent kcIlwain be and he is•hereby authorized to purehase.fertilizer at a sum not to exceed 425.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen:Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor,Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Building Inspector that he had made several attempts to see Mr. Zilk, who had heretofore-written to the City - Council respecting the type of structures being erected-in the easterly portion of the City; that Mr,. Zilk had been away but that he had been able to make as appointment with him-for the coming week. Mr. Catalano, reporting for Water Superintendent R. T.- Hutchins, advised that prior to Mr. Hutchin's departure on vacation, he had made a personal survey of the 12" water lints recently installed for the Water Department by Macco- Robertson Company, that such installation was satisfactory and he requested that same be accepted by the City Council. Moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Couno -ilman Peterson, -that the installation of a certain 12" water line, recently completed by Mace- Robertson Company, pursuant to ite contract with the City of- El Segundo, be and the same is hereby accepted as of this date. Carried by= the following vote: Ayes: 'Coifneilmon Hesser, Peterson,'Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: ' Councilmen None. The Deputy City Clerk reported that she had on hand, in the same condition as when received, three envelopes containing bids for the sale of real property under Notice No. 6 -M and three envelopes containing bids for the sale of real property under Notice No. 5 of Intention to Sell City of 31 Segundo Real Property, heretofore published. Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the Council proceed to.open,,examine and publicly declare the bids received this date'for the sale of City of E1 Segundo owned real property under-Notice Nol 6 -M and Notice No. 5 of,Intention to Sell'City of E1 Segundo-Real Property., Carried. The Council thereupon proceeded to open, examine and publicly declare said bids, which said bids were found by said Council to be as follows, to -wit: Bid of Vincent 0. Farrell, Agent, under Notice No. 6 -M, on regular form provided therefor, a as follows: Lot 9, Block 11, El Segundo $300.00 Lot 100 It 11, E1 Segundo 300.00 Lot 13, " 11, El Segundo 250.00 Said bid was accompanied by cash deposit in amount of $250.00. Bid of Willard N. Bailey, under Notice No, 6 -M, on regular form provided therefor, as follows: Lot 3, Block 430 E1 Segundo $175.00 Said bid was accompanied by cash deposit in amount of $50.00. R -62 -- Bid of Vincent O. Farrell, Agent, under Notice No. 6 -M, on regular form provided therefor, as follow @:, Lot 14, Block 589 31 Segundo $250.00 ' Said bid was accompanied by Cashier's Check No. 507015, drawn on 91 Segundo Branch, Security -First National Bank of Los Angeles, payable to City of E1 Segundo, in the sum of $65.00. . Bid of Vincent 0. Farrell, Agent, under Notice No. 5, on regular form provided therefor, as follows: Lot 8, Block 11, E1 Segundo $250.00 Said bid was accompanied by Cashier's Check.No, 507016, drawn on $1 Segundo Branch, Security -First National Bank of Los Angeles, payable to City of i1 Segundo, in the.sum of $60.00. Bid of Vincent 0. Farrell, Agent, under Notice No. 5, on regular form provided therefor, as follows: Lot 18., Block 58, E1 Segundo $140.00 Said bid was accompanied by Cashier's Check,No.- 507014, drawn on El Segundo Branch, Security -First National Bank of Los Angeles, payable to City of S1 Segundo, in the sum of $35.00. Bid of Mrs. Sarah E. Ewart, :under Notice, No. 5, on regular form provided therefor, as follows: Lot 19, Block 44, E1 Segundo 1160.UU. Said bid was accompanied by cash deposit in the sum of $40.00. Bid of Vincent O. Farrell, Agent,.under Notice No. 5,_on regular form provided therefor, so follows: . Lot 9, Block 22, E1 Segundo 4220.00. Said bid was accompanied by cash deposit in the sum of $561000 Following the reading of said bids, Special City Attorney.John -F Bander.-stated.-that he.and Couneilnen.Skelley and.Thompson,.had this date made a new appraisal of tax deeded properties owned by the City of El'Segundo and he read some of the new appraisal figures to the Council.,.. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Skelley that all bids 2eceived this date for the -sale of tax deeded property owned by the City of E1 Segundo be rejected. Special City.Attorney Bender recommended that.the bids.be taken under advisement until the next.regular meeting of the Council and'that during the interim copies of the new appraisal figures would be furnished each member of the Council for their study and information. Councilman Skelley thereupon withdrew his motion, and it'was then moved by`Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Thompson,; that all bids received this date for the sale of tax deeded property under Notices Nos. 6 -M and 5 of Intention to Sell City of E1 Segundo Owned Real Property, be taken under advisement until the next regular meeting of the-Council..-The motion carried by the unanimous vote of the Couneib. R 63' Special City Attorney Bender stated that the Council had heretofore accepted from the County of Los Angeles tax deeds covering numerous parcels of property, which have,not been advertised for sale; that he has prepared Notice No. Seven of Intention tw.Sell City of E1 Segundo Owned Real Property and Inviting Bids or Offers Therefor, which Notice includes all properties for which the City has received tax deeds, and that if the Council desires to advertise such properties for sale, it would now be in order for it to adopt a resolution authorizing.such advertisement. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the following resolution be adopted: - RESOLVED, that a copy of that certain notice entitled "Notice No. Seven of Intention to Sell City of E1 Segundo Owned Real Property and Inviting Bids or Offers Therefor," dated the 17th day of October, 1945, wherein notice of intention of the City of E1 Segundo to sell.by good and sufficient deed certain real property situated in Tracts 1632, 16859 21110 8159 and El Segundo, in said City therein described, is given, and bids or offers on such properties are invited, as set forth in said notice, be immediately placed on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City for the purposes of identification and reference; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that-the City Council hereby approves the said form of notice and-does hereby invite bids or offers for the real properties therein deseribed,"as therein contemplated; and BE IT 'FURTHER RESOLVED, that .the •City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause said notice-to be published in the official newspaper.of said City, to -wit: The E1 Segundo Herald, in the issues of said paper on October 25th, - November let and 8th, 1945; and BE IT FURTHER- RESOLVED, that the said "Notice No: Seven of Intention.to Sell City of El Segundo Owned Real Property and Inviting Bids or Offers Therefor," which is on file as -aforesaid and open to public inspection, is hereby referred-to and by,this reference expressly incorporated heroin and made a part hereof. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayas: •Oouncilman Hesser, Peterson,_ Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. _. Naas: Councilman None. Absent: Councilmen None. Special City Attorney John F..Benderhen_ presented a Quitclaim Deed,( effecting Lot 8, Block-11,41 Segundo, which he recommended the Couneil-- accept. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain Quitclaim Deed, dated the 20th der of September; 1945, executed by. Ruth Brooks Allen, presented to this Council for ita consideration and con- veying to the City of El Segundo that certain parcel of real' property situated in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, .State of California, ,described .as -follows: Lot 8, Block 11, El Segundo Tract, as per map recorded in Book 180 Page 69 - of ]daps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, t be and the same is hereby accepted by and on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo; and BE-IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said instruinent in the office of the County Recorder.of Los Angeles County-, California. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. _ Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. UNFINISHED BLJSINESS. . None. PAYING BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Water Works Pond F--General Fund Pay Roll Demand Nos. 10893 to Pay Roll Demand Nos. 51675 108999, Inc1.._ $516.44 to 51692, Incl. $769.04 Mints. Curtzwiler, City Treas. 64.20 Pay Roll.Demand'Nos. 51693 Mint& Curtzwiler, CitX- Treas. 19000. to 517049 Incl.* 1010.89 State Employees' Retirement Syst. 30.55 Pay Roll Demand Nos: 51705 State Employees' Retirement Syst. 37.36 to 51733, Incl. 1621.95 Ditto Incorporated - - 6.15 . -State Employees' Retirement Byron Jackson Co. 810.68 - System 259.94 El Segundo Hardware - 2.62 State Employees' Retirement Ira E. Escobar 8.41 ;. _ System 4.41 Mereo Nordstrom Valve Co. 8.31 State:Employees ' Retirement, Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 8.80 System 299.30 Kimball Elevator Co. Ltd.. 6.00- Xinta:Curtzwiier', City Treas.522.00 Crane Co. 398.88 Minta..lCurtzwiler, :. ".: " , '. 269975 Macco- Robertson Co..- 120.76 - , . ':Foster H. -Coulter ,-._ '275.00 Hersey Manufacturing Co.. 56483 F. 'Be Dine - 42.50 Hansen & Johansen • 13.21 City of El Segundo: Water, So. Calif. Edison Co. Ltd, 1389.29 Department 66.05 So. Calif. Gas Company ­3.08 City of E1 So gundo. Water So. Calif. Telephone Co. 19.35 Department 769.52 R. T. Hutchins, Petty Cast} 40.98: So. Calif,* Disinfecting Co:.° 2.26 TOTAL 3560.90 So. Calif. Telephone Co. 103.36 Los Angeles - Cue Health Dept..,.. 8.51. The Radio Shop. 5.87 General Fund Service Blueprint 1.51 A. Bk Metcalf 11.35 John F. Bender ` 27.00 Grimes- Stassfortk-State Co. 10'56 ,. :Shields- Harper 510:95 Commerce Clearing House Inca - - 2.05 Sdhwabaeher -Frey Coat 7.67 Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk 9.22 ". ,TOTAL $68tO.665 Moved by Councilman Peterson, -seoonded by, Councgilman Thompson r . the demands be allowed and wa-rrants ordered drawn on.and paid:-out of the respective--funds covering . the same. Carried by, .the * following vote: . Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, ,Skellby, Thompson anq ,Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. , R 65 NEW BUSINESS. None. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved Vy Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, VICTOR D. McCARTHY, CITY CLEi3K, By Deputy. APPROVED: Mayor.