1945 OCT 03 CC MIN• El Se , =• c, valifcrnia. Octo'--r 7, 1 5. r--t-lar meeting of the rl()U:, ty Df Se;7,', C C41 of thp t, nc 4 ­-a-,ber c-�f the J1 t- I c 'L sa J 4 t On a'-v- t- vin b.-e- cal led tc o- of n^' 7, . I.' . b-,- 7--i-17 se - '- ;_3:a. T, o- nson an,' nc r- Pt�_sei-t: _7DR-7-7-3 S -;F t-e r-�--,,,Ilar l9th 7 of '�ee- ram nc r !I it oriSSiCrS r:- n J :Osse" sec,­.�e-3 b:- Co-": cil-mr z-- t-,- -inutes 31 2 iv-r,', from the : rscns, f�r,rs cr re= to the an,9 were Oisnrs-' C e e�; fol" refrre..c�R t�_- =_� r -n-fter: RC- D. LILK, Cat­f 21, lc.15, in iC?ti.nE- 17liSS3t_'LSf3Ctj(-,L I'Jith E3trl7ct,,r-s !-nin^ erectPC' in t1le, u T)?rt Of the 'it,- of �ir4 r-7ur-sti­- infor--ti—, t,," bui_!,4J_nE- restrintions i t t -?iscussicn, it lr3s aetermilied b-, E7 neral consent t:,,gt sai-11 4 Ctj or li 1p-I i?j +-_E, Cf"4 ce n' tie v_ t' C'-,--r'- and that the mc�tt- T,F­actr,,r 7-,,- thp �;ity'of Z! '3pp,,un(3o qn� that A 4. - - .7 t^ !lave --, -=cnal With t,­ ­!ritnr. '7" �,PT la+P,4 3--te,­_!,-r ?C, __,_ — 'D­ � , ­ , _; I ­_ I-L-1 7'! - T­ 7-1 _24, 94F� being ca-.)-)lica- - LL e9ch I ti. -:, fcr -,r-nlo,r,--nt t`,:` vilt­ cf 77 Cr-ler-d filed. L.D SEE J. -CSI ant L. F cn,,ter line hc; e r77, i nrncn ^t t ­ ­):-'r�lUr4 t i C n "East .venue. s 0-7,le--?f 1-i !-'a an, tl:- ratter r°ferret R i ",L T 7 C ?J, 7 _RC_`L� C'� 7HE ST'--lE C.7 -Inted Se-rtp-_I-.er lS yr r - �i _ - cr7,7 of its Second Crier a-­tc,-,-Iir.- time it the !TF'Lter of -7 -11 i C`- t i 0 i.n. 25297 ',-eforP sai' Co:.,jTissicn, Cr-lpr 9,­t-nds tl,e '-r �I)St,7,7 inr tiA.Tip­xp, -ma' s , as . - rc 7i -j i1-, S -_ecisic- v-l­,-�v 3ttart� W, , C. + 74 C�r C� .e­= o--- c° -_tai- s-' r, loc-te-I `-t 1, 4 CU S S in - :as r,- al 4 7- t: S f I t . t y ?t- a tc, :. -al­ 3- --- - - b,-;n-- •an, 7�- r 7 L r,7 77�-' _, L 7. n fr, st, r ' c tl -, r° 'r its nr°!­ -.1 t _',-)c` t i R 47 C' t'-.° to Stanlar� C" 3or an: I salt ,ater statio to a :)Obit a­7-CXi=ite_L-,, 100v feet norti, tierF ­oin. )OS4 tS vi n been an- no OY ,, 4eCt17r I G S U C V 7. '0 ve y Cm,,n-J'lma- ­ _ey, sec')nlp� by it W_ S 1, t�'- fcllow"nq -esollutior be I U St^--)'crl Cil Cornnany of to :-,love a one st, r fr s ri _,7 tl,-i re fr)r, 4t3 _)_-esent !OCat 1 '1) 71 $ -,%', cn t-:e t,-, a 'coint -U-r !-!tat c)r L +1, f 4 t V,: r ,)OS4te SS 1^ Sat t r; -L.-- t lCCC feet n,)rth, an' suc- c t Db r ^t t•_ C) C rf thcitl cll c j,- c t 4 o- :.-­secute ? tr tC,c (7t 4 Cn r�- So Ut `C r: - 73 S i a,�c,rte,' th, follo-T-Inf- vote: S, r .;nc -L en 0 mnsoll an-,! _avor Mc i I.-an e u e rs on 7 'a- - esident c-- t--- -Jt7- of El Seg-un,!o, s-2a,.-4_rL7 On r!f citi.-.,ns —..it?- I-nr �t t moo`; ...,1 tc wit; rf ­1 -- S t.. t ' -e r of _ic­-ses, ccnls ai t, 1 F., r C7 t C•)­ —f-C s 41 n c- o`_ a:ry of r c--" Cr -?Ou2try -Y c-- contrc..!�_,_. +1 4 4 r t t t- I s t t fS uc) ._airt- i r: t, ­S=S ar a t - 2 c t i e :v: a,-'. _n l teT-.aenc,- to cr°at,l_ and t -P C un(­_*1 is i,,- s --t th -re - 3:, J T'- - r H-_ t_ aatll, r r ic an' :;�ty '7_-,.j.n­,- H.:+. c-" ; t,, t tl: --s 41 S VP 3t - n ­..otter, will _,.-a!7- a r+�--ort t',-r--r)n t 'et -- r, t t i S i1 1 f? - ?!- + A— a -t by t+-.e fr� -r,r- r- _ , - _e'lt 4 �J_ U__ 4, r L A el 3e7+e t 1' 1 as -t - it "f S- c f 1" t t-_ ist L : 2 nt, a,14 re -3a� to th, : +.. '--­ c,- t`_e ­�A 3C C- C r c e RE _ L_­ , t 71 C- 7 t S- �1�1 :_ 21 conc�rne_' :)f- �_7_3 _.7 I tl-at a- L S -_4 -t-nt 4 7 �j tj S'=. =l1 b c' f 2 t I t :is t e 4 t Z c - t n re7oortr,'? t---,'L a fir--2 ln�,=r C y C 0 7�'r I I C7 r.- -Oli- 'it-,! -,)ro-n-rtv ')0 —C-4n" tl',c rate r,, -ctot-r -1 an '-t-- or 'U*-,- r t -17 n of it I t Z in,urCr r°com_T?nr?°'1 a r°va,,_atic,.- of s`ii.- -oro-,°rt-,v be ­a c; tl-.at, 1,-arr-d th-t t,-:- -fir- of !._a-s!_.,ll C't-vpns, Valuation t-e r-irort in ­ 11 I-rirr 4tq ori�7inal re-ort --i, - --r_ iriatelv t-,a+ oenain;-- t C,-uncills 'e2i.Ficn in t 0-m-any Jl t-- Stat- cf 7e-I r �71 73 r i a I- S i S' it S 17Z40A 411Sjri,_.�_ t'-C I;t-- 7- 3 L th� su. Cf 2 e un Tj !:2 V_ fr­. Cctoter t- '�-ve:nbr-:- ':th, I at Con, or stich tim=_ rrior -ls be issued ,n t-e risk. S 4 ,�n t'- - sihi-ct, it -N_,s 1�­ louncil.war. el Skley, �j Tl.Diips�n , that fir; ,- - of Stevens be. 'J.-.'rloye?. 7 __ V f--- -nr:"-crtios 2f t-, of I -un o, - e-cee' ` -'.00. larrie,7, bv the frollowin7 vote: ouncil,.­.en Hess,,r, Sl,-.elley, Thonps-n er' lTa,,or Sclb,, s Dune ­­lvisr-d t-- :,"ounc tilat on --c,)te­er 20th, 1945, t ^t 0" Pzy L. (3hespbro, "ity e-. or :'0 in 7 �c,)n s-- th�! t )-f c letter f, :i°^ Sec-irl,7, wdll tl-e t y f t- na-., it�: 7-r,- .,rt!nn,tn sh­__n of -th; ccnstructinn ccst c- s,:,- '14t- of El Sep-,.in-_7c is in R 4.9 nositiCn at this time to pa, its --,)rc-rrti,)r t- s!.,,ch nallment s I aw 4%, 1_2 -Y re (j,-, i r =� d a nr� t �, a t t j s s t e Job rio r t shoti-1- made It un4er ti" 'itY's existiM7 contr3ct !�.Iith the Cit- cf Lo s nc'�Ies �!nr_3 that is rclu necnssary to -x-cute an-- n-w or a.-.lenaed ccrtract •it}' rF-f°rerc-_t.1­reto. � -itri t"Ie I; t le ri: c0'),' ^ f : =1S I t U r � • 7'11-1 of Police announce^ the ar;- ^irt-nent of Harcid Edward Cutter ^s _- S_-ecia.' Police officer of the City of E, Seg'oncilriar, u e� .nio ar,1 requste,�' a-,prova.' -i- s c.- o it was -'erec,7on -: 'Pser, that the a7.-ocint­,^n.' by the C- i- - f Of Cr the C_t" E'_' Edwar-' 0 3 a t 4- - r, as a 3,�',CCiaj 014Ce r-rf 4 C,�r Sai -P an' the s=,:-ne is hereby -ratifieri, an-prove,' -i--! ­___ I a r J. e on Sc-te!r',er '26.t1) j C t1je 3 - as Lalcr r-S' -' Class, r)n a te­_.-,.)')r'1ry tnsic, F. Par-,��er, and hc! reni)-st-1 12tificat-ior t'­r-.,,)f• i, oved b­ Cruncilman b­ 'o)-inci],:an Tlcmnscr, t--t tl"- o• IC,r!rr,nt bil t! -'P -et City E, S c Of -1 a an- 7 -D j-_ Sarre -a. ratIfle-1, —7)roved an'z c�,,nfirne,4. vr-tc. S: uncilrien ic s sa r S',eTle Tlcm-son an Counci!.T.-Ti e '1!nan cunci t °_ - S,.-7'rinten('ent IH.utc` ins r­!'corte' 'I- at or. P, U ' , 1945, he ' m-1-i• of t: e -I.'-st Basir Conserv-tion ('--oi� - x 2 a i n e d i C. e t ','!h a- t t ra - S r e 0 3t s 3 i p t ir a -7 i s i T! F- a g c- t-e tv,,o t?�,iisar,' a,',-jitinna-_' cc)r��-s by r-ce--t,!_y it . 'b,- informed the Colun^il that si-ibse-uent to its last mc': i­�p t r- "T's from. t'np V,+------s •ffa_irs Co=issior o'P the Stcte cf 74,teran -at at -7 S., t S c t r I ' c sai-, r­'tinr. 0-'C. -t eft-r it �'-as !_=z2d Skelley, ti-t t�ie action of ','a,,,c)r 4.- F, C 4- E �- _In n a t-, c i r 7 c t o r D. _­'c-,arthy, Dir -f I Se. , Ic V tera- '-'­y-rs Oo7jr.iqsion- .)f the 2,Qth, "-9,' r(� L ti -t' sa-� D4reit^r tc his st t'-_- -)f 'El Se�7undo for Yis actual ir. conr­cti-n '7:2t" s clh att"-'Aerce. Ca-riq�7 I-,-- vot-: r +- 't t.:i.v T'n t r fr t hat- 1,aA J-1- As t t: 4­' -as r-c`v°.� c" 4 7 —1-07-E�1 to 30 Ka- A t C h-- fc�r Lot, C' S 4 Tote: X18,.. S - -M t 4 r 7 -7-77 .7 7,- 7 7 an,. ',�'ayor Selby. 7 d C 3 -.c i-L:.s c 11--ar He ss e r t�i( -it 7 7 t i t I -W T TrV T -7T- --7 CF z, ti r r S, votp: I - l'-cm-psor !an! et r- con- 4 13 r -1 _ iT R i1 "I 1::e 1" =ict o2i1� - ✓ =er_�i a'� �:.i lfo r. l� Sene.al ...a':IS an; CO': r:lttee ..uS lY:et n cd 7 r + + r'a t t0 of iing .`:Ore '"rich he 1% tter Pr n�irr f„ rt: er cc'1Si'l °ration by the P--ti-re Council. S ;1 h;. Fr 1F r? tae Ccuncl-I ti_3t tiro TptP.3'1S r.if g rg : ?�'? +tr ? Os tr -,e .4t C1 J'. =_.i :_1r i�: °t ir_c T. .j�•_ c ti .'nt'l 1�nr .j+ in °_ °C it_'T? �O'._._1ttPP t�p7•onf "as Vr Olnt °" aS aS 2150 8 �' irr -- cr:';C�c +_n of ^..i -.. Jil ^'C v'J_._ C: 1.( 11 .5'..11 , �: 11_ .J ri V.. r.'.T. 0' Cr`_ ^:1Z2ti0; SPA ^t f t_ 7 enti_ ^ °_ 7eterans i_f`airS 'i0I 71ttPn ii _ C? l } t.'e or toP 71P 7` °Or Hie %7 1- +, :o _ 'n.+..,i }too . ?n,Yl:- ILL:. _ ,- , :ie"`.a:1aS, ti01'lnt "?''2r! the a_7)DrO721 Of t!`i °rioPLmitton on -.._ • °c " s, were rer-?: .ater crams Funr G-neral F .r �__ .'ils . k4C.nn Pa,. Roll D= and No. 51 _5- + .- l2C.J4 t" �, 0,4-1 Incl. �3 .05 :. Cc . 1567.14 Pa,- Teo -1 lc' ara '-,o.. 51545 :'oss Co=-1-- 1020.00 to 51555 Incl. 1 7 7 .?9 4ra nr e Lime & J tne Corp. o 2:7.25 Pay troll Demand No. 51556 50. ^2 to 515891, ILCi. 1549.17 cttyr Cash 8.77 :inter Curtzwiler, City it; of F1 214.57 'Treasurer 530.70 our Ccrperatier 27.25 :,:inter Curtzwiler, Oity State F;:71Cyees' IR etirer.:ent Treas•,�rer 66.45 Syste,.: 39.95 State Fr- ,Dloyees' Retire..Pnt =,tat° _._nloy-es' Retirement System System 32).6F State Em- oloyeAs' Retirement i ^ter Cart z: ^rilAr, City m' 7.o. 19.50 System 321.82 :irtti Curt z. ^filer, City lreas. °5.S0 State FT:rloypes' Retirement De -an'4A five. 10572 tc Syste.^.: 277.04 105'79, Incl. 537.96 Parr Roll Demand No. 51595 =CT ~' N4427.96 to 51615, Ircl. 490.50 Richfield Cil Corp_. 147.81 John. F. Bender 47.00 Recreation Fund Scuthnrn Calif. Tel. Co. 3.00 111 Derand Nc. 51616 Southern Calif. Gas Co. E.76 to 51617, Incl. �4C.54_ Fl Segundo Herald 194.45 :. -irte ^,. ?rtztviler, Cit;,, Treas. 10.46 Motor D. ;. :cCart :.y, 0. C1. 10.-O 3c:.:sb�c :er -Fre, Co. S.0 Victor L. i� :cCarth-r, City C1. 4.QO' TC'T..L ;^ ^8.29 F. Cote y 7.50 Iadeline Pierce 14.00 General Fund Los cnc -Pies Co. Health Dept. 1.00 -ast 1 :'�st Control Co. 9.50 rig Reduction Sale Co. 1.34 :. -nion ..arbelit.e Cc. 1".Gl Lela? L. Cnn­Prs ^, Executrix 25.00 ar1es L. 'road�ater 16.20 F_etc ^er's 'Fire SFrvicE 1-1.50 3--. Calif. Disinfecting- Co. 13.07 Cafe Sunreme 9.70 I._le °roca. = ur: ^.re Sr,ciety, Irc. _17 Gercral Paint Corn. 2.67 :.:.-.rican 3ra1_:e jhOr Co. 1E.24 C.ri. Scisnth & S ^n 15.7'? _ ^� ..:a ?hctt° 5Pach 9.3� iw-lewcoc :Y:otor Parts 0.96 son_ ; %les C,rp. .9C General Station °.Cl _ ..._ i = race ?7.65 , ;: e - " Treasurer _.gym:; :, :ainterance Ce. 6.01 :sro lest Corporction _ .16 na L � 4 ^.25 1ob_n la0 -rison .75 T C^ ' T ti 7 b- ana warr�ants cr"erP` r'raw r� cove I r paid out Of t'le r-Sn=Ctive fun2s � . r i b e fc1lo—ith r Otp: ,bs-rlt: Councilmn '-P-terson. 7�7'cz T 7, 77 C 4 intro l ucp,, Oriinance '.o. 2-7 e n4u- it, P, C '7 T _7C 7e� I�_'. 77 7 7 �e root 74-ctor D. Local --Pro ne rt*v Officer of the Ci_t-i of gegando, + t, t artmsnt C rc-e Office 0 n D,,_fense Prc-erty, DeD� I Of Ci7l I ia s rc t,-irn, tr. t*,-- FerP­I Govprnmert, all lo-ne�7 to t-- �it­ c'j El for civ`lian r'efpnse t .--t many of th t er:g ar° OrrtereI for sr,!,? to Cities at n,, +:13t - : -__-• D--­rty Offic-r -ma?-s his report t,- C ,ivilian Defense Pro7ert he is reallire? to v,,-hich t City desires to —irc—ise, if any. e i ist Of -o ne rt i c s a va i la -rc r T,),-, -rc 1� a 9 - wa s s c,� rine P n tae Fire (31•i-f I_ - as a result - c-P whi-!h it was ep ',c.un,-,ilm2,,, Skelle✓, that the foilowinC R7' . . - e :; P , SCIL'TED, t`!!:t V­ "�it7- th j ty o - 71 I n -4,-) -aliforn bp ang ds the De7aprtment of Offic,2 -Tri I inn, T)-'Lensz� u c ha s e b: t- - City 3n!7711r,a- Of the fc!'DWin,.- 7--r-pp"ty, at tt_- S­ as to-wit: R, M_ T7n j t is) :3t. c F- 129; ' 2 ? ea ch - - - - 76 •2 7 -7 .75 f+. 2 - - - - - - - - :.,.6c 2 `a:7, Tar x t I* s- e a c-- •00 ' tie a -it n S+ tee _v: tl 4 Ct_ D­7art:�'.ent "o!imerc- v:hen soi', 0- S-L-nirlo. 4 i t R �3 our_c s =_ �_ =�,_ - m>_, _c, — 5. -- �, r +: C c Lna n ter -- • -. J_,,.._`lr;�r. J�`P�1P' -, S`- .,.._.._ ". .•_ --� il:� =i -, _:�SS"_? �._c..,. ..._ _. S"_:c_c " -S1CL c +riot i-...a ^t t i ^t- . .�". ...- ' - - -.. c._ a -. -ate- -- ',Q"a -. t' ^-' -, �.- � - - •.. . +c, - -n= - t_ _- i �'��:t .,7_ -•or. -41 jn .:� 730;,] -?V'._ 1S a: + - - -'- - - =Ct at t,_C : _, t I =V ^v rCii -'i °_ r _^:3n t h „t cZ t l', c t: ?_c 'S as r n° _ ,t °r :. fJ_1J^•5• e _ t _-^t +:,­ four ,__ c, s rece,,�tior_ r =11. F471 L,:]_ coats: SCI Cr^ as Fr,] s _ a v:�, _ - ona v_ r_ it sY, it:. - ,_ r_n. 7sr t' tP ✓ - V °_T” _ S _ .__1 _.atr_TiS. -� _ l'tC.. :SG }- QZ' a foi- trF c :nsi:'a: tip ^r Of 7 0 S,_ e .s s'r-2 c._cc t, ti,- na1 r of r.r _. 3 ... r. ti , :.._. ._ V �:_ •_ - -" +: Y• 1J h �r - .r ^� �� ti'F alt Sf El SeCu _dc to fL._ris* t,--e _.'.at'.- lLls 31:a -- rf:)=l tle _1 as cc.:t;.'' -plated in :i_S Swi", offorj �r0`.rii C.icr^ f , O._ .. _t._ :� _- ] ' , :CZ^: i5 re q, lrer ll^�' °ryti'.P Stct� cf ifor ;.:, t'ne J'L-ncil finds a_ _'fit -in, -S tl:at tl-1c nrcvailiT''_CT O`_' waa --c ii. t_'1 °. =t" of Seuunln, C4]_ifor_nia, for -:C.. cr -.ft cr t.. ,,�o C° reeled to t. f� ^crtrcct fcr sqi, -a-rl- `'r V° ° ^t ore as J.asSi°' :tic"' aint,c,r.; .'fit lc'SS t•__ Tai +n Tle- Ling nF F nn- E-1 one_ a sa --- of .%" lnh i rioCy^ r °`: ° :iC1 7 da'• �' 1?':- R �4 It Ci vc .._ater t ;.e CCrtractr`r f r: ,-) S1'. -CC cto- °SSt�� ... __ _ate S ._':t'_^dct• o..:._ fCi'1 _i. ? C c �il",t tc t"-- 144_ fo o 't-O - f S'_'C.. _c D,. ^! "i °C;_u _: .. ion ^^ .nd -r t t r ? Cy - . +.or an -r _elm_! ir_ V`�l �It_On ..f 4 --,, c b, ±.n fcllj- %'. n VCte: - -t SS °r ! J.: ?� °��! i.:C "'.DS ^r any -,_a wT' :jr�� �'• _ _ - :oar n S ;'Pr. ?lest t ^_ ta�� _ _1 •'! vo. Cl r,:: �_. :JS ?`v t}_3t R. T. C i1::° wit - ri., - c yc "'� 1 ✓. t-d rer:r.isFion to t2lve i1S b °Lire C Anber 15, 1945, ar.- t1-t be �r D" _ `.t i :•P 1e�V-' _ nr.�,� .ii ,�L;t 1 °CV° of absenc- t^ i nt ! , ^^ �.., t °_'_'..:1_..�ri?; n� ti'_ �. 'S' ., v, n. ^t_ci. '`r""i0,• .JC.rrl °r' by +..r° Vote : ,ye° ounni_lmen He sser! Or °ni ._3 .r S- i}y• _ te'rson. l n is ltS �r• _._.._ ?r'_vV -nF ^�C' r. r• r T? t _ _ _ i _ _ F L a T7.�SrS• �' Elie r3 C.iIlEcTlt t:.1S 3tt °r vraS t,^ ✓en un^.er i- '."."art!-ly rep Ortad t }:o} il-: Dr =� +.r�• eP_ -•V° t'no rn:.11l '7 IQ Ct' h1S ^ n 1 , :)e,, - it`,. .eP ?r rPlieCte r., ! tri take LI:e S °ccnd r rPC_✓ n _ ^I• e?rried ar1'?ll ^.1 vacatior -­c`"rrine7 September 2.1th, lq -,J! ilr.icr, it ?N::S _: -CessY t ?o o,µa �r�vio. l� °n ink the 3r,? t,}i�t - i-11 rr. _ e '..ouncil, :.( fount. _n-ceSSary -,''Call .. ' rl- rr t, "O half ? c L y. ]_ antit .. her to an e,'=e day n+f at such time .., the future 'is is rutu-Ily 'r °eit:1 it was mnv6d by Councilman ; escor, srcor�ed b, r)ur_Ci1n,3ii T SoL.! -.t t ._C}iC__ a° the it',- lea --k- ii' - .,c,..iLi t t i n C- ', 'E 0•. - n Cr Of V.C?t.iOn tJP +-•reE- :J" °Gtprl'1 -nom. ^.«ta 7l^.t= , 19 45, b 3„ t' e.. ..,e iS here!­. V� Y'Ct'_.f ��'.� ail'1 r'!l -1?,7 and ._7 +1_. =t c:i-7 .i ie _ ^i✓ h.e 'J-r�. ^_1ttPr7 tl-lp - ±i +' °,'� ti S' C': time_ as 7'a'i suit bier' f�Psir, arl the cCn- v.-.._ .. ^° i ..r1- 'itv .-- prk's- of—c- Barrie,' -by a_na f'nllr)•�rin.^ Vot °: - -�e� , 1'^n'^DSc. r. c- -C- 1:CeS. tra7 C ± t:.13 SL °_ °£'_ _+ TnJ v q,'D..P4I 'r.. Gt ta° !� ? °' . -. rn �' . s ^loll ctc. b'_ t.'° :-: O'.: :)_ - Cl .7. .. • �- 1;'1P. SD- rl fl_ '.1 �� submit +e i,