1945 MAY 22 CC MIN2,1 Sec -undo, California.
fay 22, 194:.
At the hour of 4:15 c' clock P. 1— on the, above date, in the Council
Chamber of the City mall in the City of El Segundo, California, sai ,,: time
an^ -51ace bein, the tune and Glace heretofore fined for holding an
,'curre _ _ -ar mo -tin _ of the ..City Council of said .Cite, the eDutV
vita. Clerk was the only Derson Dresent. ,ci31d D-Duty City C1-rk Viaited
°t th- �':)uncll Charlb =r frr a Deriod of fifteen minutes, a.nd no member
J f t:':.e --it:,- Council r ^ ^, ^�P,arin', the De -:mty Cit;. Cler'C tliereunon arnounc -d
t',,--t thF 7;12?tinL' stoo': ad lourne. tintil Thursday, the 24th daV of ...ay, 1 ?45,
r�t t:he -.our of 4:15 o'clock ,..
,esnectfully submitted,
1CTCR D. ..:cCr. T 1 ", CITY CL7 ?d:,