1945 MAY 16 CC MINQ 9�:a'7
El Segundo, California.
-clay 16, 1945.
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California,
was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the above date,
ravine beer. cal'ed to order at 7:00 1P. M. by William R. Selby, -ayor.
Councilmen Present: Skelley, Thompson and i,:ayor Selby.
Councilmen Absent: Hesser and Peterson.
The minutes of the regular neAting held on the 2nd day of Iv.ay, 1945,
having been read and no errors or omissions noted, it was moved by Councilman
Skelley, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the minutes of said meeting- be
ar. ^roved as recorded. Carried .
The followin= communications, received from the persons, firms or
corncrations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disc_ osed
of in the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter:
Jri'.JES LI. GILL, dated !J:ay 16, 1945, being application for emn_loyment by
tiie. Cite of El SeTundc. Ordered filed.
Councilman Peterson appeared at the meeting at this time, the hour being
7:03 P. Ii. and he immediately took his seat at t" ^e Council table.
�ri:;t� Or CALIrC_J7L -. CITI7,S, dated ,'a;; 7, 1945, requesting the Council
to communicate r:ith Legislators relative to the adoption of Assembly Bill
578, :,rith reference to nrohibitin =- manufacture, sale and use of fireworks.
Loved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the
City Clerk be directed to address a communication to Senator Tenney and
to Assemblyman Anderson, requesting that they advocate the adoption of
Assecr.bly Bill Eo. 578. Carried.
S?CW LI:,E� PLAT\VTY(-- Or C..LIEORIIIA, INC., dated I;Iay 1, 1945,
requesting the Council write State Senator Jack Tenney and Assemblyman.
ulenn Iv:. Anderson, requestinE: ttese �-entlemen to support Assembly Bill 1810.
Folio ^sing, discussion, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by
Councilman Skelley, that the City Clerk be authorized and directed to com-
municate with the State Legislators represertina this District, advising
t'---m that the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo favors the adoption
of Assembly Bill 1810 and reauestine them to use their good offices in
effecting- its a� option. Carried by the following vote:
yes: Councilmen ?eterson, Skelley, Thompson and L'ayor Selby.
Councilmen -lone.
nbse,,t: Councilman :lesser.
LuEI. J LL "TAI, Arcr.itectS, Tat °d . ay 2, 1945, advising th n :d learned
of t : :e arcointfnent of I'r. John C. Austin as !rchitect in connection with a
)'=)ose� new Cit :: Hall building for the City of 7-1 Segundo, any? thankin g
the Council for the consideration the a,riters had been given. Ordered filed.
POST`,R A-7 KLEISER CC :'_?r> 1', dated I:iay 8, 1945, being an application for
a :permit to erect an a..vertising sign on private property on the South side
of Im: ^erial 'r_ighway, annroximately 5CO feet East of Se ^ulveda Boulevard.
4 9:�
It appearini- that similar requests from other applicants have iieretcfcre
been deried an! that t`e Council does not look ::ith favor upon tiie erection:
a en � T� i the it. P n, o
of billboards au,:ac � to the pu,.licr_i =h�;uys a:itr. r. e C�„� of �i S ��. .,
it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, that the
anplicatiur. of Foster and Heiser Company for a permit to erect an unilluminated
aavertisin> sign on private property on the South side of Imperial _ii hway,
ap�roximistely 500 feet Fast of Sepulveda Boulevard in the City of Fl Segundo,
Ore.Sentea t-'--is Council this date, be received and Tilaced or, file in the office.
o' t.le C * t; ., t'_at the ren. est therein contained be denied and the City
pier!- directed to inform the a:?nlicant of "-.is Council's action ''it.i refer °ncp
to t anr, ication. Carried by ti.e foilclr;in�, vote.
?S. —unc—m-n Peterson, S:7:e1le- , Thorl .^.son an' 'a.. 'r Selby
P.oeS : ounc l lmeni ;.one
,. bse.r:t. _:esser.
--7 ,-7O t Tn*. "C
c =i co.• ;�1��...
1. .. Smith _?dressed the ,ouncil briefly and presented ccT^:unics:tion
_ =... i. ore Ro;, _and �oSt _ °': Tr. -F , reCUestin�' - oermission to
se--- rru _, rr �: TT 1�S it t ] °, 'lt; of El Spi=do, •b?t--ee,r_ ...- T' 2'l-t- ?n' ..2; .30t. ^,
Sa co:, r.anicat 4 __. s r -ad to the ..cuaciI b; the City Clerk ar_d discussion.
the matter lower, _-t-. ._ich it Was - _o--ed by Ceu.n ,.'ri S=:ei
.ounc_ n!= c_i , t11ut Yo St _�o. 2957, J. F. h
is>>.or to s =11 pOOpiPS in the City o" 1 Se ..do, from ..:ay 25th to
GOtt dates inc -, uSi v�. • �arr1F .. thp. fo110."din, vote
°.S. Coun . �lPlert YP �eI'S_._, J... °� , <h. _,,7son d-n�' ui3� %Or De v,
n• Co i inciimen None.
Iles Se. r.
CounC ilr^ian etorson, v '" :iS Jri °r of - RablIC l':�rKS, rerortel that at the
HSt of iv. ;'Ji S°_ ILL, he haC. attenCla ^a a meeti n- in the office of the iiayor
of t_-p 'lt,'; of Los injeles, the Nrimar; )uri)ose of ?V;iich Was to discuss the
:: \'pE'.riUn sp-",er construction project any' to ascertain the position of contributinc
CitieS ;t reference tD fi ^_ n ?ncin the, same..
^p st3t thqt he informed the conference that the City of Fl Segundo is
ref: ^y ant :iilling to aopropriate its :,roper proportionate sham of the cost of
un,ertain- w:.en the plans of financing have been finally agreed upon. He
^t'i?^ stated that ','a-or 30'Prror_ hal conferred with Governor '':arren r?Spectlnr
State financial aid in connection with the project an? that',:ayor 3owron deeded
ttie result t:ieraof unsatisf`:ctory. :iayor Eowron indicated it miFht be desirable
for a 7ele tion of .,.a,ors to L'o to Sacramento to further confer with the
Governor on the subject.
After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, se:!onr-,ed by
Councilman S: {ellev, the follo in- resoldtion be, adooted:
HE 3 -AS, it appears from disc:iss ions had in the office of
the i,:ayor of the Cit;• of Los Ani eles, that attendance of a
.,f ..'a Tors from. 7 OS r_n�7el °,S County cities .'flay be called
to visit Go-,ernor erarren of California in connection With
t. - = JIA to citir's 'rj^ram contemplated unler ti:e provisions
of Assembly Bill 1015;
�, ,,, ,•_ - P-.S, said conference may be called at any time;
^.0'. , Ii' iESC! 'T'D, that the Yayor of the
Cit; of El Se-Tando be an,,' ile is `.ere'c;T authorized to attend
an,, sac'. conference .`.ith the Governor in the City of S- cra:ento;
and tlat his reascnat!6 ani necessary expenses incurred in so
doing shall be Daio upor. Dresentation of a DroDer demand
or deman,'s therefor in the usual manner;
Arm, B� IT F-RTiLR RESOLVJD, that in the event such con -
ference be called and the F.'ayor unable to Dersonslly attend,
that he is authorized tc desi,,nate a representative from
tr:e City- Coui -cil to :na_;e such attendance on beh -,lf of said
. -ayor, the expenses of such _representative to be Daid accord-
in ly.
Tn° fOrei7oin;- resolution :".Pas adopted by the followin. vote:
=,yeS: Councilmen Peterson, Skelley Thompson and _dayor Selby.
1 <oes: Councilmen None.
''sent: Councilman Hesser.
The City Clerk reported that pursuant to previous assiF-rsent, Councilmen
Peterson, Skelley an. Thompsor, toc.ether with Special City Attorney. Ben:;er,
nad filed with him their a--.Draisal of certain tax delineuent properties, which
t'-p ilty of El Se�-undo has a,?quired and -�,hich are to be offere^ for sale.
Followinr. discussion, it was moved by Councilman Shelley, seconded by
^uncilman Thompson, t•r:at that certain "Appraisal - Merchantable Title
?rope ^ties ", Dresented this Council this date, which sets forth the appraised
va`u° of certain parcels of real proporty described in Notice ".o. Six M, of
lntDnt'on to Sell City Owned Real Property, be received and placed on file
one office of the City Clerk for the purposes of identification and reference,
.as be n:- t_,e list referred to in said Notice i�o. Six T,; heretofore Dublished ir.
Se.-undo Herald by order of this Council. Carried by the followinF vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and P�iayor Selby.
P,:oes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman nesser.
The City Clerk reported that subsequent to the adoption by this City
Council, at its meeting held .:ay 2, 1945, of a resolution authorizing the
purchase of Lot 9, Block 108, E1 Segundo, from Emanuel Jensen and Alma Jensen,
..is ^;ife, it was learned that the property was subject to an oil and/or gas
lease, ^hick would permit the lessee the use of the surface of said land, which
is an objectionable feature, as indicated in the Council's resolution herein -
a`'ov°. referred to; that he has corrrunicate,' with the lessee; that the lessee
is willinz to surrender its lease as reouested by the City and that the
cancellation thereof will cause the Dresent owners of the DroDertr a loss of
.'90.00, wti iic':. sum they will expect the City to pay. -
After consideratior•, it was moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by
Councilman Peterson, the following resolution be adopted:
"Ji`ER"AS, the City Clerk has advised this Council
that the owners of Lot 9, Block 108, E1 Segundo, have
indicated that if the City's previous offer for said
property is to be accepted, the said offer must be in-
creased in the su^ of 490.00, i. e. from an offer of
;1500.00 to an offer Of "1590.00;
AiTIf, this Council believes and finds that
t =re said property has a value to' said City of the last
ariount inryiceted, to-wit: �159G.00;
' "' T� H7 -Wr— IT ?4]SOL ED that the City sub -
mit a revised offer to said o,";ners in thF sum of "1590.00
for said property, in all other respects the previous offer
made to prevail.
The forec7cing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Skelley, Thompson. and I._ayor Selby.
Does: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Hesser.
City rittorne ,Voodwort: reported -with respect to a meeting of the +.'a"Is
an! Iv_e,ans Committee of the ,Pst Basin later Survey Committee, held :lay 8th9
1 0-i a- that w*nen tile,, :Sve been transcribe;;, copies of the minutes
of saia; meetin i -:ill be sent the City Clerk for filing.
Cite Httorney 19oodwcrth reporter that he had approved as to foam certain
s:iope easements to be granted the City of El Segundo by Standard Cil Comnan,r
of Cali crnia in connection aTith the proposed improvement of E, Segundo
Boulevard westerly from Sepulveda 3culevard. The documents were handed the
City L nt-ineer for presentation to Standard Oil Company of California for
execution by its proper officers.
LT 'EIi�IS: -D 3uSI.LSS.
I the natter of the application of err, and urs. B. D. Shore fora permit
to ---en P milk cow ir_ the rear cf their premises at 516 ',Vest lialnut Avenue,
incuir,. was made of the City Engineer respecting certain measurements he had
to '-:er_ at t;;N premises pursuant to the Council's request. He testifies with
r,f_-rence t:,ereto and after discussing, the subject, it was moved by Councilman
S:celiey, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the following resolution be
Resolved, that a temporary permit, revocable by the City
Council of the City of El Segundo, California, without notice,
without cause and without liability, be and the same is hereby
_-ranted to iiTr. and.Iv'_rs. B. D. Shore, to keep one cow on the
premises described as 516 1';est 1'+alnut Avenue, in the City of
El Segundo, subject, however, to the further terms and conditions:
First: That the corral in which the said animal is con-
fined shall be located on the said premises as far as reasonably
possible from any dti,:elling house and from the public street, the
exact location to be subject to the approval of the Chief of
Police of the City of E1 Segundo; and
Second: That this permit shall not become effective
unless and until the said permittee shall have subscribed to the
following endorsement- on a copy of this resolution and shall
:lave filed the same in the office of the City Clark, to-: -:it:
"We, .Jlr. B. D. Shore and Yrs. 3. D. Shore, the
permittees named in trie foregoing resolution, do
hereby certify that we have carefully read the fore-
going resolution and we understand fully the fact that
the permit therein_ granted is temporary= only and is
revocable by the City Council as stated in said reso-
lution, and that it is issued subject to the other
conditions therein set forth; and we hereby accept
the said permit upon ani subject to each and all of
s ?id terms an: conditions anal do hereby agree to be
bour_d by the same.
..iatPd this daV of
_re fore -oin:- resolution was a ^coted by the folio -L vote:
I: S: Councilmen. PPterS On, S' olio , Thompson and a!,'Or SPib!i
_`.oes: Vounciimer, bone.
_ibsent : I,ounc ilman ..esser.
The f ollo ing demands, _ :'ln= has the aT.`nroval of ti_e, Ccrr2rittee on inance
an' Records, were read:
ate.- 7.orks Fund
Pa :toll :)--^ian,l No. 10663
C >neral Find
Zu_ , Photo Service
to 10667, Incl.
Retire,re nt
Si:eri. -rd Tractor 8c E quiet. Co.
2 .35
larl ..:org,an
Wae ::. Lewis
.J Veil
2,1 •3C
_ C: tton
- Wit• Ca sii
Te r acre 'Co.
_.: _;t:ia=- 3tat. .,. __intin_
Co. 51.26
C >neral Find
Zu_ , Photo Service
Gitscn IvIctor Parts
C. K. 'Y`cConrell
Si:eri. -rd Tractor 8c E quiet. Co.
=< e I.00 ^worth
larl ..:org,an
Wae ::. Lewis
.esterr. Union Telegraph Co.
General Fund
day R ll Demand ^:o. 5058,.
to 50604, II:C�.
Pa;: Foll = leT_an.. . 5C6r5
to 5.0-�16, Incl.
Pa; .t, ^ll :,- 77a-rd '_''G. 5C, -71
VO �lJb' -4, incl.
�i t
..:inta ',urt7Wil _', City Treas.
S ,,Istem
Sty`=' n it J
1 t T
Los t:r': -'l?s -, .,.c. it
iteminc-to n Ran-,: I-nc.
So. Calif. Teieuhone Co.
,:nderwcod Corrcration
John F. Bender
Air Reduction Sales Co.
Pacific Coast Building Cfficials
059 ��6
Conference 25.00
Pacific T'lectric Railway Co. 8.65
Southern 'Calif. Edison Co. Ltd. 19.98
Los An <eles County Health Dept. 19.81
Lelah E. Converse, Executrix 23.39
Haas, 3aruch &, Co. 14.15
John F. Bender 42.00
TOTAL 45062.22
'.roved b,�T Councilman Peterson, seccnded by Councilmen Thornns(-,r., the demands
e alio :,red and warrants ordered drawn on and nai-1 out of the resr.ective funds
coverinE- the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and '._ayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen 'None.
Absent: Councilman Sesser.
Vacation schedule for certain municipal employees, dated way 16, 1945, was
submitted by R. T. Hutchins, City Engineer. Following examination of said
Schedule, it was moved by Councilman Peterson_, seconded by Councilman Thompson,
the following resolution_ be adopted:
ri�SCLT D, that Vacation: Schedule, dated Lay 16th, 1945,
presented t'r:is Council this date, by R. T. Hutchins, City
Ln. ireer, be received and placed on file in the office of
tae City Clerk for the uurpose.s of identification anc' reference;
AN B- IT r FR R- SQL'.EL', that the following named
employees of the' City of-El Segundo be granted their customary
annual two weeks vacation or. the dates shown following their
names hereinafter:
Q 9-62
E' 'LO E
CA . -PBELL , K. E.
C -"':1';.I!V GS , J. r'_ .
ELSE_ , �D'1tARD
ELSl Rr:.AN , A.
.7L S, C .
SE:_ 1ES, K. S.
S= N,
7'R^:EY , G. C.
THCKPSO -- , J . P.
GRO:'. , E. J.
V,`'.C''•_TIOi� DATES
,,,'ay 21 to June 3, 1945
July 28 to Aur-. 10, 1945
Aug. 21 to Sent. 3, 1945
July 31 to Aug. 13, 1945
June 30 to 'July 13, 1945
Sept. 4 to Sept. 17, 1945
Aug. 20 to Sept. 2, 1945
July 16 to July 29, 1945
Sept. 16 to Sept. 29, 1945
7uiv 16 to July 29, 7945
Au&7. 16 to Aug. 29, 1945
June 10 to July 7, 1945 (2 weeks
:7ithOUt pay j
Oct. 2, to Oct. 15, 1945
July 2 to July 15, 1945
Sept. 9 to Sept. 23, 1945, or
Sert. 24 to Oct. 8, 1945; .
Al,::), = IT ,U T ZR RES01.7ED, that should convenience or
necessity, in the judgment of ti;e supervisor of any such emplovee,
warrant a change in any of the dates hereinabove set forth for
any of such employees, then and in that event said supervisor shall
fix an alternate date, shall immediately notify the City Clerk
thereof and shall make a report thereon to the City Council at its
first meeting following- the making of such change.
The forPgoin resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and :.savor Selby.
I,oes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Hessen.
moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the following
resolution be adopted:
RESCL`TED, that that certain Tax Deed, dated the 7th day
of I.iay, 1945, executed by H. L. Byram as Tax Collector of
Los Angeles County, presented this Council this date for its
consideration, and conveying to the City of El Segundo the
following described real property situated in the City of
El Seg'ando, County of Los Angeles, State of California, to -wit:
Lot 2 of Block 104, in El Segundo, as
per Boot; 20, Pages 22 -23 of i.:aps,
.=records of Los Am_ eles County,
be and tre same is hereby accented by and on behalf of the
City of El Segundo; and
IT F _,RTTZ-,w R7H]SCLUED1, that the City Clerk is hereby
aut::orized an:' instructed to attach to said Tax Deed a
certified copy of this resolution and to cause said Tax Deed
to be recorded, together with said attac_ed certified copy
of this resolution, in the office of the County Recorder
of Los Angeles County, California.
Thp foregoing- resolution was adopted by the following vote:
ryes: Councilmen Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
_.oes: Councilmen hone.
Absent: Councilman esser.
L °oved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the
following resolution be adopted:
RESCL'Ir--D, that the City Clerk of•the City of E1
SeF-undo, California, is her authorized and designated,
as the representative of said City of El Segundo, to sign
and present an application on its behalf to the Director
of Finance of the State of California for State aid under
Canter 805, Statutes of 194- for civilian defense purposes
in s °i� ::it -y; and
B IT r R1r R RESC .D, that sai^ representative
is hereby authorized and designated to execute an agreement
on behalf of said City of E1 Se6zundo with the said Director
Finance, co-rerin the terms and conditions under which
any amount of State aid is to be granted to the City of
Fl Segundo; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the amount of State aid
reouested is .138.37, or such portion thereof as may be
approved by the Director of Finance, and it is hereby
certified that matching• funds are available in an amount
equal to or in excess of the allocation requested of the
Director of Finance, and that the purpose for which State
aid is sought is essential for adeouate civilian defense;
3D TT 3U I" EI Z R SCL_iD, that said matc hing funds have
''een made available from a source or sources other than
tae State Treasury or fund of any agency which is a part
of the Executive Department of the State Government.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and ".Tayor Selby.
Noes: Counc ilmer. Tone .
Absent: Councilman Hesser.
The City Engineer advised the Council that• he has prepared and has
ready for transmittal to the District En ^ineer of the Department of Public
"'cr'rs of the State of California, Project .Statement providing for the
-_llocation and expenditure on Str -ets of ", °alor Importance within the City
of E1 Se�7undc of the 1/4� per Galion tax on motor vehicle fuel for the
ensuing fiscal year.
After consideration of the same, it was moved by Councilman Peterson,
seconded by Councilman Thompson, that the following- resolution be adopted:
?E,SCLJ-2,D, that Proiect Statement T'o. S1.I 45 -1, dated
..`ay 16, 1945, contai-in -�7 an estimate of the cost of grading
?n-; resurfacins of Ell Segundo Boulevard between Sepulveda
Blvd, an- 'Jain Street, in the City of E1 Segundo, California,
for t' fiscal -rear a jr3ress- d to the Director of
1i 1iC :!'tork8, Sacraf�;ertJ, Cali - -'n _a, pre 7O1"'( and Sllbmlltt °d
to this Council this let t "i° City Engineer of th? -'71" of
El Segundo, be and the s!�, -me is hereby approved, an- the
'ity Engineer is hereb- aat :o „ize? and directe -3 to cause
tiie SRIMP to CJP t� t.]e Dirpetor of Public , %orks of
^e State of California, at Sacra�i:nto, California, t}r�JUL-i:
f4 c?? `Jf • the, District En,- iTjeer at Los kn,,.,e-- es, v�llfOr:ila i
TT r- _ - -R { SCL t7D, t'nat One COPT,•” of said Project
Statement be places on file in the office of the City Cler-
of the City of El Segundo for the purposes of identification
and reference.
The °oreg-oinc resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ares: Councilmer Petersen, Skelley, Thompson and lv.a.yor Selby.
Does: Councilmen lc=- .
Absent: Councilman !lesser.
le:oved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the
foll resolution be adopted:
SGL; D, that Pro ject Statement ado S? 45 -1, dated
l , 1945, for t a ey Aitur fror: 1/4-4 gas tax
re venues, on maintenance of State icz'-Ways within the Clt_:
--f El Ser'undo for the 1:45 -47 biennium, addressed to the
rector of Public Yorks, SacraTiento, California, Drepared
submitted to this Council t -is ^ate b•y the City-
in -er of t:.e City of ai Se -undo, be any the same is
-_ c aDDrovec , ?n- t fl
ae it' 7__E'lneer is hereby authorized
,irr -cte' tj caus-t the same to be foiNarded to the
..,___,.tor of Public ..orks of the State, of California, at
;alifor_iia, t "- roU -'n the District - nwineer of
Li v is'Lon of 1 hJ 3 r'S of said State at Los Angeles,
�,ali_Jrnia; and
'%, iaIT t one copy of said
rc ect Statement be placed- on file in the office of the
.,_t,- ,ler:: of the Citv of E1 SeP -undo for the Durposes of
,nitification and reference.
:h� reroin< resolutior_ �,.as adopted by the followinC, vote:
-yes: Councilmen Peterson, S—lley, Thor ^,Dson and .dayor Selby.
oes: Councilmen !None.
Abser_t : Counc ilma:: Hesser.
__ov?d b CounCilrran P'et °rsOr
rurc:_ase of link asse:,,blies and sY
cat"--i.- Iar tractGr, be autLlorize
.lus Caii_'or::ia State Sales Tax.
seccn]F =d by- Councilman Skelley, that the
rockets ';o replace parts ir, the Cit_-'s
at a cost of not to exceed r�50.OG,
Carried by the following vote;
eyes: Councilmen Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and P.iayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent : Counc ilman F.esser.
,oved by Councilman Thom pson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that
the City Clerk be authorized an,! directed to provide suitable signs for
erection upon properties which the City is offering for sale and to cause
the same to be erected advantae_eously, at a cost of not to exceed X50.00.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Skelley, T:- :ompson and Tayor Selby.
::oes: Councilmen !None.
Absent: Councilman Hesser. _
::o "artier business avpearinc to be transacted at tris session, it .gas
;roved b�, Councilman Peterson, secondel b;- Councilman Thompson, the m—!tine
„ollrn !frill! Tuesda,; , the G2nd. da,, of i' ,.:ay, 1945, at the hour of 4:15
._'clock _ . 1,.. Carried.
Re snpctfully submitted,
" - ov -,1.