1945 MAR 21 CC MINQ--9146
El Segundo, California.
idarch 21, 1 945.
regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo,
California, was held in the Council Chamber of the (City Hall of said City;
on the above date, having been called to order at 7:00 P. Y. by Dave
?eterson, i;iayor pro tem.
Councilmen Present: Hesser, Selby, Skelley and :r.ayor pro tem
Councilmen Absent: Toone.
By general consent the re €ular order of business was suspended to
oer�, -At the Council to consi ^_er certain :.utters with Special City attorney
o7r_ Bender respecting tax deeded properties owned by the City of E1
J= r'undo. -
r.t t-is point the Cit-r Clerk announced that he had in his possession,
in the same condition as when received, three bids for the purchase of
tax deeded real property heretofore advertised for sale by the City of El
Se <_undo .
't this time, the :lour being 7:10 P. Y., Councilman Skelley appeared
is ti-e Council Camber and immediately took his seat at the Council table.
iti`_oved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the
Council proceed to open, examine and publicl; declare the bids received
L -is date for tine- purchase of tax deeded property heretofore advertised
for s ^le by the Cit-.' of E= Segundo. Carried.
.he Council proceeded to and did open, examine and publicly declare
said bi -4s, which said bids were found by said Council to be as follows,
to -.Iit.
Bid of nnn E. French, under notice of Intention No. 5, on regular
form provided therefor, as folio ^:s:
Lot 33, Bloc'_. 43, L1 Se, undo - - - - the sur, of 4,380.00
Lot 41, 3-lock 43, El Se_undo - - - - the sum of "355.00
Sai id was accompanied by bid deposit in amount of wlP4.00 in currency.
Bld of Henry Claman, unler i
Thereafter it was moved by Councilman = esser, seconded by Councilman
Selby, that nesolutio. I:o. 747, entitled:
C_ i_'E ,'1TY Ci EL
BID O- A.:..; E. REI,`C : FO , LCT 41, -LOON 43, EL
r;hic., : 's rea e adopted. Carried by the follorin5�- vote.
ri es: Councilmen Hesser, Selby Skelley and iayor pro tem Peterson.
i\oes: Councilmen i;one.
Absent: Councilmen None.
I "oved by Councilman Skelley, seccnded by Councilman S °lby, that
Res- luiion No. 748, Antitled:
OF 1NM' CLL_'v'"i: FO_t LOT 33, BLOCK 43, EL SE=C',
.,as r.Gd, be adopter.. Carried by the followinj- vote:
Ayes: Councilmen ::esser, Selby, Skelley and Mayor pro tern Peterson.
.'oes: Councilmen I \one.
Absent: Councilmen lone.
I'oved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that
Resolutiar. Io. 7499 entitled:
whic~ .as read, be adopted.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby, Skelley and Mayor pro tem Peterson.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 7th day of March,
1945, having been read, and no errors or omissions appearing, it was moved
by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the minutes of said
meeting be approved as recorded. Carried.
The minutes of the special meeting held bn the 20th day of March,
1945, having been read, without. error or omission being noted, it was moved
by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Selby, the minutes of said
meetinz_ be atnroved.as recorded. Carried.
The following communications, received from the persons, firms or
corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed
of in the warner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter:
RUT-H-1 SCILliKE, Departmental Clerk, dated Larch 16, 1945, requesting a
30 day leave of absence beginning April 9, 1945, and the Council's considera-
tion of an a4ditional 30 day leave in event need for it arises during the
first leave.
&loved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that Ruth
Schlimme, Departmental Clerk, employed in the Water Department of the City
of E1 Segundo_, be and she is hereby granted a thirty day leave of absence,
without pay, beginning April 91 1945, and the privilege of extending said
leave an a ^ditional thirty days, without pay, in event such extension is
necessary. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby, Skelley and Yayor pro tern Peterson.
noes: Councilmen Done.
Absent: Councilmen hone.
T. LODE and TuT_H N. CARTI..AM, an acknowledgment of the Council's
kindness an -? sympathy durin47 their recent bereavement. Ordered filed.
L. FC.-RD, dated ?March 13, 194-, requesting permission to keep
one horse et 922 Loma Vista Street, El Segundo.
The Chief of Police filed his irritten report in connection with this
application., recommending the rea_uest be granted, whereupon, it was moved
by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman nesser, the following resolution
he adopted:
RESOL^l'D, that Frank L. Ford be and he is hereby
granted a temporary, revocable permit,.under the provisions
of Ordinance No. 255 of the City of E1 Segundo and the
nousin� pct of the State of California, to keep one horse
at 922 Loma Vista Street, within said City. Said permit
shall be revocable at the pleasure of the City Council,
without notice and,without.liability, and is further
subiect to the provision that during all of the time this
permit is being exercised, said premises must be kept in
a clean condition and not in any manner to constitute a
nuisance. Said permit is further conditioned upon the
permittee approving a copy of the same in writing, agreeing
to its terms and conditions, and that said approved copy
shall be thereupon filed in the office of the City Clerk.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Sesser, Selby, Skelley and Mayor pro tem Peterson.
Does: Councilmen none.
Absent: Councilmen None.
COrROLLR, STATE CF CALIFORNL4., dated iyiarch 5, 1945, with which was
transmitted a copy of a resolution adopted by the Advisory Committee on
Tax Deeded Property, concerning its recommendation that the Governor and
the Legislature of the State of Califorria be requested to create a Board,
with authority and po ,.,-;er to conduct a study in all phases of the field of
revenue and taxation and prepare a report of its recommendations to the
and L- �aislature for appropriate action.
Eoved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Crxincilman Skelley that the
I01�0 ,1n.? resplutio._n. be adopted:
R= SOL`,�D, that the action of t::e Advisory Committee or.
pax Deeded Property, taken February 28, 19459 by its adoption
of a resolution recommendint and requesting the Governor of the
State of California and the Legislature of said State, to create
---�oard, ::ith authority and power to conduct an exhaustive study
in all fie'' -ds and phases of revenue and taxation and to prepare
a report of its recommendations to the Governor and the L -�zis-
lature for appropriate action, be and the same is hereby con-
curred in by this Council; and governor Earl`
BE IT FtiRT_ R _R SOLT7D, that .is Excellency ';arren and the
State Lec-islature and the Advisory Committee on lax Deeded
Property be informed of this action.
y:r,e fcre7oine resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ave s: Councilmen Hesser,
1,'oes: Councilmen Done.
Absent: Councilmen hone.
TT r
... =�. .._�5.,. and -... ._. HILL,
r� ]uestir_o per:i_ission to maintain
on Lot ", -lcck 15, Tract 1555.
Se_`oy, S'lelley and :Mayor pro tem. Peterson.
uniate�, stamped received Yarch 209 1945,
trailers for personal hous4n,, purposes
:'iscussion respecting the application ensued, during which the Building
i sn? ctor reco=ended the request be denied, whereupon it was moved by Councilman
-'Ass —, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that the request of `•% A. Wilson and
='ill for perm ssion to msintain house - trailers for their personal use on Lot
�lcck 13, Tract 16 °5, Within the City of El Ser_undo, filed with this Council
Intp, be deniedd.. Carried.
`.00DR7Fr' DE SILvA, dated March 20, 1945, requesting the Council take
steos tc cause all derricks -;ithin the City of El Segundo to be equipped with
o``str�:ctiorn li hts in accordance witn CAA regulations.
After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by
Councilman Selby, that the communication from Woodruff De Silva, Airport
;:irPctcr, Derart:.,ent cf Airports of the City of Los Angeles, dated March
20, 1945, filed with this Council this date,, which reouests the cooperation
o t .is City Council Jr causing all oil derricks within the City of El Segundo
„c be equipped with obstruction lights, be received and placed on file in the
office of the Citv Clerk and that the Building Inspector of the City of El
Segundo is hereby directed to contact all holders of permits for the erection
and maintenance of cil *ell derricks within the Czt r of El Segundo, a(ivisina
them of the receipt of the said communication and the request made therein, and
urging- eariz. compliance in that regard by all such permittees. Carried.
DC °i ',:c: :ILLII.- dated I;'arc' 19, 1945, application for permit to move
tree oil tanks from a point outside of the Citv of El Segundo into the property
of El Segundo Refinery of Standard Oil Company.
is e City Clerk reported that all fees and deposits in connection !.ith
s :id an~)lication i_ave been paid, ,,,-hereupon it was moved by Councilman fiesser,
seconded cy Councilman Skelley, the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLED, that Doyle Itic- ,:illan, be and he is hereby
Granted permission to move three oil tanks from their
present location in the City of Los Angeles, into the
the El Segundo Refinery of the Standard Oil Company, such
removal to take place at such time as meets his conven-
ience and meets with the approval of the Police Department
of the City of El Segundo, which Department shall be notified
b-: permittee of the commencement of his operations not less
than thirty minutes prior thereto, so as to permit said
:office Department to afford traffic protection during such
removal operation. 6aid tanks shaIll be moved.south on
Sepulveda Boulevard, from Imperial Hi7lhray to El Segundo
3ol;_evard, ti-:ence westeriv on El Segundo Boulevard to Gate
4 of the Standard oil Company, an the work shall be prosecuted
and completed'to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent
of the City of El Segundo.
91 -9
�. A. TO::"PKINS, dated March 15, 1945, requesting a release of his bond
covering an oil well heretofore abandoned and named and known as Elsie #2
(prior to assignment known as `.`ilshire Oil Co. Elsie No. 9 -2 yell).
Building Inspector Catalano at this time filed his written report,
dated iiarch 19, 1945, advising that the propert,, has been restored to
approximately its original condition, and the City Clerk having reported
tr_at all fees, penalties and charges against the said Tompkins and against
said well have been paid, it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by
Councilman hesser, that the following resolution be adopted:
'.' =
_.'cCartny _nfCrmed tnP - Cl.ircii De__ritPn'a
lesirP. :ermisSicn t0 emclo,. 1'07". __n'le V.*M _.Ours Ori On t,"O school le� -s
e - -- -='a y ^_i IICUrS e C_. SaDu_ j" is an 'S
a,n 7'r0.?pr s•: -,t r.P, i -a _ ^r',.itte" tC -7— ;.sate s", _ _ =rS :_ „_
_ at
_ - C ,, _iOriZP^ to °_ _O, �O'.. _� ti , l C'TPi
L _
_.it a_-s a_—s C S= '.r -'S ; S= 1 ?" _ ^P tC c _- `' r.s` t ± tr :�
r r
_.er- ±�.1 _., fixes . _Cr i:- tr_e eT „ioz 3r
f.Xi _T: qOur.c .. f pn-r1C . °nt of '
fcllo' nn , Vote:
-es: Councilmen _ esser, Sel'c, -, S'_tielle r ar_' s's *or -)ro tem. ?Pt - -son.
_3es : Counc i lmen more .
sent. �,�u tel: ;.e.. _:on .
-1.�� v -..�__ :,_c',,a t__y i__l _ _ e '..OU_,cil that jni e, S `-:tes En-i'1 °Fr
-_as requ,�ste -, t:_. e::Pcati .. c r 0 -0 - r C) ice_ of t _3 +; C _1
S a ” Recci_ of _ sica l Lan anal /or
ct_c -- 1t.- ±=- ca' �n r ^ir T'' -1„ 1, 1. _", Or Lot _l,, oc -- 1�,
Ss. l dat=' o'...'.e-,d by the Cit,' of EE Se ur. -O, salt Su -,re
inn Frl s �'_ _^ ice for 'the COm iFtiO of its fi"? in
c0._._. cticn ..'_t.. t:.e uSe of said land.
r.fter discussion, it was :roved by Councilman Selby, seconded by
CCU =oilman - esser, that the fol-ov,.,inr- resolution be adopted:
that a cop;.' of that certain 'Record of
Physical Survey of Land and/or, 3uildins', presented to
t:-is Council at tniS m"etinF-, be -)laced on file in the
office of the Cit,: Cler'_.'for the D_ur_Doses of identifica-
tion an-9 re f ere rice
; and
YE IT r.'RT EEP RESCL' D, that t:Ce City Council oes
ereb, approve t..e sF.ir forlr, as of the 1atP it b, =s,
to- '-".it: July 1, 194?; ani
TT RT_ R R_.SCL' 7'), t-.,-.t `Rotor D. .'cCart' ,,r,
City Cler_�, be and he is hereby authorized and instructed
tc execute the said instrument on be alf of the City of
-1 Se`=n o and in its name and to make delivery thereof
to said United States Ln�rineer Cffice at Los Angeles,
The foreeoiric resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Councilmen Hesser,
Councilmen !,one.
Councilmen_ -None.
Selby, Skelley and Mayor pro tem
City 'Cle_ ^': .. :c,art_ v re" -rte'i that _ ^_e ':ol' s three warrants. dra wn
cle to the order of George Love, formerly L:a,-er of the -its of El
and now decessed, which, by reason of his death, his wido w is
unable to Cash_; tn?t he personally inquired of t"_ w.idnov of said George
LO V° , i,. a Cmi ' l . Love , concerninP' a prohat4 ' of the estate of sc id G--.or,-,-
Love, deceased, era she testified that he left no estate v: .,nich is
nec4:�ss ^r v tc 7robate throw_:: the court and that, therefore, no adminis-
tr ^tor or Pxecutor -.,;ill be a -)pointed; that the unpaid balance of salary
due sai C-or -P Lore t the time of his deeth, constituted and waS a
U -rt of the cCi"T:.lnity DrooertV Of said GeCrF_P, Love and Naomi Z. Love;
that as the surviving widow of said deceased, she is making claim against the
City of E1 Segundo under the particular and peculiar facts of the present
case, for the sum of X27.43, the balance of compensation due said George Love,
said sum to be paid to her as surviving widow of said deceased and the person
entitled to the community property of said rarties.
Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman
Skelley, that the following resolution be adopted:
- ~��S, City of E1 Segundo V';arrants Pros. 49991, 50068 and 50173,
in amounts of :�12.5C, :12.50 and 42.43 respectively, heretofore drawn
payable to the order of George Love, now deceased, remain unpaid at
this time; and
" :E SAS, the surviving widow of said George Love has
testifies to the City Clerk that the deceased left no estate which
it is necessary to probate; that therefore no administrator or
executor will be appointed; that the sums due were community pro -
nerty; that as the survi- -ing widow of said deceased, she is the person
1ntitled to receive the same.; and
%=RE.AS, this Council has duly considered this matter
and the claim of said Naomi T. Love, widow of said George Love;
N0:';, Tr`G'REFO, EE IT RESOLVED, that her request that
s:.e be paid the said amount, to -wit: $27.43, as the surviving widow
of s^id deceased, be and the same is hereby approved by this Council;
HE IT FC'RT :R ! iSOL =D, that '. "larrants Nos. 49991, 50068
and 50173, be cancelled and that a new warrant in amount of X27.43
be drawn and paid to said Naomi T. Ldve. Nothing herein contained
snall be construed as a precedent, as the Council finds that under
tre particular and peculiar facts with reference to this matter, the
payment hereb7 provided for should be made.
Tile .foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby, Skelley and Mayor pro tem
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
City Attorney liloodworth reported that he has prepared and furnished
Inglewood Humane Society, Inc. renewal of contract forms in connection with
an extension of its contract to perform pound services in and for the City
of E1 Segundo and that he has also made request that the company bonding
Ingle�,vood Humane Society, Inc. furnish the City of E1 Segundo a letter
inlicatin- the continuance of the current contr -.ct bond of said Inglewood
ane Society, Inc.
The City Attcrne .,,r at this tire reported that the first meeting of the
'Lays and ,:eans Committee of the '. +est B -sin Ground ','rater Conservation Group had
been held in the City of Torrance on the 13th day of ?March, 1945, and that he
had attended the same, pursuant to -he Council's authority in the premises.
:.e outlines tic the Council the particular matters which had been discussed at
the n_eetinl- and stated t_nat t :nis was merely a progress report for the Council's
"later Superintendent fiutcrins reported that he has heretofore
&-ranted Ruth Schlimme, Derartmental Clete in the ' :'ater Department, one week's
v- c =2ttion beginning TcIarch 20, 19 _5, whereupon it was moved by Councilman
7pconde' by Councilman Skelley, that the action of the Superintendent
)f t :P :`.ater Departmment in granting nut: Scrlimme one ,,veek of her earned
vacation, beginning !March 20, 1945, is hereby ratified, a ^proved and confirmed.
a_^riec .
'.rater Sun °rintendent Hutchins rep_ orted receipt, from Los Angeles
C,ounty 'ji'vilf___ i%-'fFnse Cr`_nlzation, of _. certificate presented the •,ater
Depart'..ent :�f t, e City of Ei Sec -uI11C :'0- its ccmpiianc° '.Nita standards
approved by Los Angeles City and County 'Juar Councils for adequate plant and
personnel protection. He thereupon exhibited the certificate to the vier
cf the memhgrs of the Council and informed them that it would be sent to
the 'rater Department Treatment ----'!ant for framing and d ispl ay.
;rater Superintendent �utcain$ reported that Carl :ilson heretofore
AnEa,�ed by the dater,Department of the City,of El Segundo as consultant in
;'at °r TrO`1-ction and distribution matters, has f, llnl It 'neCeSS,-r \' tO 1nCrF.3Se
-is .._opt lr fee for services rendered from ,30.00 tc X40.00. rie explained
yO , -e COuncl' w "_y he :believes the 3ervi CPS ,rendered b" Sai" 'C-ri ,.ilson
to be valuatie to the 7:ater Department of the Cite of El Se--undo and he
re.commendec that the increase be approved and allo ^red by the Council.
Thereafter it was moved by Councilmanl Skelley, Seconded by Councilman
Selby, the 'all o *n.ing resolution be adopter°: ,
RE SO, L :'�D, that the communication from Cari :`ikon, dated
1._arch.7, 1945, be received and placed on file in the office
of the City Clerk for the purposes of identification and
Al, ':) , DE IT FC?RTZR N 'SOL', ^�D, in view of present war time
and emergencv conditions, and the statements made in said
coirL7zunication, that the existing- agreement or arrangement
�eteen said C ^sl ^ ilscn and the City of El Segundo fcr the
oerfor7.ance of technical services in conn ^ction with the
water from the municipal water works system of said City
an the analysis thereof, he amended in the following
particular only - that whereas said present arrangement
calls for a payment of ;%30.00 per month to said Carl 'V,ilson,
that effective on and after the first day of April, 1945 '
the said monthly payment shall be and the same is hereby
increased to ,40.00.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby, Skelley and mayor pro tem
noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen none.
The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on
r inance and Records, were read:
Day Roll Demand Nos. 10553
to 10564, Incl.
1�inta Curtzwiler, City Treas.
__nia Curtzi, filer, City Treas.
Grimes- Stassforth Stat. Co.
Infilcc, Inc.
So. "cliff'. Telephone Co.
Addressing 1 ; :achine & Acc. Co.
St ^te. Em- loyeesj Retirement .
State -Emnlovees' Retirement
b:'ater Forks Fund ;Mater '11orks Fund
Carl Wilson 460.00
,582.09 Ditto, Inc. 5.56
65.50 Fletcher's Tire Service 6.64
18.50 City of E1 Segundo 201.63
5.73 Howard Supply Co. 17.54
31.37 Richfield Oil Corp. 12.49
21.00 Star ''.ire Screen and
5.89 Iron "'orks _
36 .9 1
R. B. Cut _Mate Dru=-
:Recreation Fund
,9 .41
General Fund
General Fund
Payroll Demand Nos. 50172
Yinta Curtzwiler, City Tress.
to 50189, Inc.
tiinta Curtz.,riler, -City Treas.
Payroll Demand Nos. 50190
'.'esters Union Telegraph Co.
to 50201, Inc.
V.ilson's Carbon Co. Ltd.
Pay Roll Demand Nos. 50202
P. R. temp
to 50223, Inc.
So. Calif. Disinfecting Co.
State E-Dlovees Ret. System
Blake Electric Co.
State Employees Ret. System
Fletcher's Tire Service
Pacific Railway Signal-Cc.
Earl Morgan
John F. Bender
The Foxboro Company
ohs Y. Sender
Pacific Electric Railway Co.
LTndenrocd Elliott Fisher Co.
C. D. Soiseth & Son
�rucc 3cdies Company
General Electric Co.
..estinghouse Elec. & iw:fg. Cc.
Lassner ;peon IvMaint. Co.
Los An -tiles Co. Heelt<_ Dept.
Southern Calif. Telephone Cc.
City of El Segundo :rater Dept.
loved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the demands be
allowed and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the
same. Ccrried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby, Skelley and Mayor pro tem Peterson.
woes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
Councilman ?lesser reminded the Council that a successor to Councilman
Love, deceased, should be chosen and he stated that after giving the matter
mature consideration, he felt justified in recommending the appointment of a
long time citizen of the City of E1 Segundo, •rrrom he believed was oualified by
temperament, experience and otherwise to satisfactorily fill the office and who
would, in his judo ent, be agreeable and cooperate with other members of the
Council and render commendable service to the public.
He then moved that Lyle Rex Thompson be appointed to the office of
member of the City Council of the Citv of El Segundo California, to fill the
vacancy on said Council created by the death of Councilman George Love. Said
motion was seconded by Councilman Selby and-was unanimously carried.
The City Clerk thereupon imposed the constitutional oath of office
upon ,:r. Lyle Rex Thompson, who subscribed the same, which he thereupon filed
t^.itr: the City Clerk and thereafter Councilman Thompson took his seat at the
Council table.
The Council, as presently constituted, thereupon proceeded to reorganize
and to elect a i, :ayor.
Councilman Peterson at this time stated tnat in view of Councilman
Selby's nearly 17 years tenure, his famildarity with and interest in the
governmental affairs of the City of E1 Segundc, his popularity with his fellow
Councilmen, his tact and good judgment, he feels that Councilman William R.
Selby is the to -ical person to fill the office of n'ayor. of the City of El
SP t'und o .
At the conclusion of further remarks complimentary to Councilman Selby,
it 11.as moved by, Councilman Peterson,' seconded h' Councilman Hesser, that
illiam R. Selby be declarer'. the unanimous c?_o2cP of this Council for the
„__ice ---- !'sycr of the City of El Sec-undo. !''otion carried unanimously.
yor pro tern Peterson thereupon relinquished the chair of the 'ayor
'� ?:o im ^ di�tel assumed the duties of '-is office.
to .,_.a, o r S,- _ , ., y
e -or Selby thereupon appointed Councilman L. E. Thompson a member of
the 3oard of T` ustees of El Se =undo Public Litrary, to fill the vaca nc- in that
Q 925
Body created by the death of Trustee George Love, and on motion of Councilman
Hesser, secondd by Councilman Peterson, which carried unanimously, this
appointment was approved.
:M=ayor Selby thereupon appointed L. R. Thompson as Finance Commissioner of
the City Council of the City of E.1 Segundo.
'.at.er Superintendent Hutchins explained that certain painting, paper hanging
and linoleum is needed at that municipally owned residence situated 803 Fast
Grand ivenue, "J1 Segundo, an^ occll )ied by him and that unon seekln�- nuotations
1'cr sunr, 'ing these need , 1 he f e
ines that the best pr.cP obtainab- e is $v175.00.
_ ..
it '. ^:as thereupon moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilr°ar
S' {eile-.', tint raintin�', parer hanF-inc, an -' th(' installation of lie^letun in that
ceftai~ municipally own e d d-,^. `ellin€ house, situated 80_. Sa t Gran" tin n"
occu'" °d Saperint`_'ndent of tre ..cter Depart ~°nt, K T. _utc ir_s, a-, l as
recol'meided by him, ';- aut_'_ori7,ed at a cost of not to exceed Carried
.y the ftllot.in- vote:
yes: Councilmen uesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and a, or Selby.
toes: Councilmen None.
s?nt: Councilmen I-.cne.
Superintendent of the ..ater Department utcrins exmlair_e l in ^etail to the
,ouncil t'_-_e necessit;_ for replecinc- a certain, Fn `.ater Department oun) with a
o" pu .p, in order to develop an increased quantit-, of T&rater for municipal
consu rtion an to n"._p iritain such a ldit,ianal ^uantity.
=_fter discussion, it .:us :ro-rad Council -, r_ Peterson, seccn?ed by
Counci--,lan Skelley, that the Superir_, ndert of the :rater Departs -ant re nut: orized
and dir_cted tc orocure a Ell 'rate'_ "ell nu:._) ail;^ recess V Pquinn,nrt fcr tile
Use of tiiE ..ater Denartirie nt of the f 7
Cit-_ c 71 SdO an to makE' or cause to
be ...ade inst : laticn of tl_e s ::!:e, all at a cost of not to excee; X1000.00.
Oa„ried b;- the followin- vote:
Ades: C0ancllnien :lesser, Peterson, Si_elley, Thompson and P,:ayor Selby.
roes: Councilmen Hone.
rbsent: Councilmen 17cne.
Councilman Skeilev suggested the Council consider the Teplacement of
certain padlocks presently in use on certain municipal facilities and that the
distribution of keys to ne,� ar locks be restricted. B general •consent the
matter .as taken anger consideration.
1:o further business appearinS to 'oe transacted at this meetin,T, it was
moved byr Councilman esser, seconded by Councilman Paterson, the meeting
-_journ. Carried.
p ^rOVna:
:Mayor .
Respectfully submitted,