1945 MAR 20 CC MINQ 914
E1 Segundo, California.
Lurch: 20, 1945.
A special meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California,
was called to order at 4:30 o'clock P. M.- on the above date, in the Council
Chamber of the City Hall cf said City, by ;have %. Peterson, Mayor pro tem,
pursuant to the foregoing Consent and "'aiver of Notice.
Councilmen Present: Hesser, Selby, Skelley and Pa;:or pro tem Peterson.
Councilmen Absent: None.
roved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the regular
order of business be dispensed.with. Carried.
The City Clerk read to the Council a letter received by Councilman '".illard
J. S kelle-.- from John A. Owen, respecting Assembly Bill No. 239, now pending
before the State Legislature, the purpose of which is to amend Section 2808 of
the Streets and :iighways Code to permit, in proper cases, the construction of
sanitary servers and sewage disposal works in areas where the same are required
for the preservation of the public health and safety, by eliminating from
existing laws concerning* special assessment proceedings, the majority protest
'she Council ttereupon discussed the matter at length and through inouiry
learned that the cities of Hawthorne and-Redondo Beach had adopted resolutions
approving- the bill and recommending its passage by the State Legislature,
and be lievin;- that while the City of E1 Segundo or its inhabitants are not
presently troubled with unsanitary conditions in any section of the City
,rnerein cesspools are the only se::.,age disposal method, it determined that the
passage of the bill in question might prove "helpful to areas of the State
Therein concehtrated and excess numbers of cesspools do exist, and it was,
therefore, the consensus that approval of the measure should bp uiven in a
spirit of helpfulness to other governmental jurisdictions of the State, which
may be faced with the necessity for quickly eliminating unsanitary conditions.
Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman
Skelley, that the following resolution be adopted:
P AS, the part played by civilians in the current
war effort, has brought about the transfer of large populations
into areas unprepared therefor throughout the State of California,
necessitating the hasty construction of homes and establishments
to provide housing facilities, without due regard to proper and
adequate planning therefor;
AM', !EEREAS, many areas hitherto unsubdivided, have
been developed into building sites and 'housing facilities have
been erecter? thereon, many of such sections or areas being un-
provided with sanitary sewage disposal facilities, resulting
in the use of the cesspool selvage disposal method;
i.7, :'IR✓AS, it is believed the concentration of large
housing units, usin- cesspools, in some areas, endangers the
public health and safety of large numbers of persons residing in
or near such conF,eSted areas and may,. in some instances, endanger
subterranean fresh water sources;
Ala, " :�— :�R,rS, it is believed that such conditions should
not be bermitted to exist beyon; t:.e time at which they may be
correcte -, :1,7her_ there is goor reason to believe or there is
^efinite croof available tnat such conditions are a menace to
t e 7u-Iic health and safet,-;
kND, --EREAS, in view of existing conditions and circumstances,
tnis•Council believes that the provisions of Section 2808 of the
Special assessment Investigation, Limitation and L:ajority Protest Act
of 1931, as amended to date, s -ould be further amended, as provided
in Assembly Bill No. 239, presently under consideration by the Legis-
lature of the State of California, to enable governing bodies of
local jurisdictions, in proper cases, to cause unsanitary conditions,
menaciny _public health and safety, to be corrected, free from the
restraint now imposed by said Section 2808;
AND, .TIHE cEAS, this Council believes that the written recommendation
of a City or County Health Officer and the affirmative vote of four -
fifths of the members of the LARislative Body a,^optin,c proceedings for
the construction of sanitary sewers and seT�Tage disposal norks, are
sufficient guarantees that the rir_hts of p- roperty owners of districts
or localities affected by any such prcceedin�s will not be abused or
invaded, and that said Assembly Bill 239, if adopted, will permit
Le --islative 3odies to take appropriate action, after such bodies have
determined that proceedings with reference to sanitary conditions are
N07 ". , T �? FOR , EE Ii RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City
of El Se,-undo, in special session assembled this date for the purpose
of consi• erin~ said Assembly Bill 239, does hereby approve and urge the
adoption, by the Legislature of the State of California, of said
As se�:b_.y Sill 239, and does' hereby direct the City Clerk of said City to
spread this resolution upon the minutes of the proceedings of this
Council and to forthwith dispatch to State Senator Jack B. Tenney, and to
State Assemblymen Glenn L_. Anderson and Ralph C. Dills, certified copies
The foregoing resolution was adopted b- the followin# vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby, Skelley and Mayor pro tem Peterson.
Noes: Councilmen None.-
Absent: Councilmen None.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it
was .moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the meeting
adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Approved: U City Cler
mayor pro -tem. -