1945 JUL 18 CC MIN- Q 995 El Segundo, California. July 189 1945. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo; California,. was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the above date, having been called to order at 7:00 P. M. by V111liam R. Selby, Mayor. ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Hesser, Peterson, Skelley and Mayor Selby. Councilmen Absent: Thompson. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 5th day of July, 1945, having been read and no errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the minutes of said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried. WRITTEN COLS UNICATIONS. The following communications, received from the persons, firms, or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter: YRS. M. E. LOVE, dated July 10, 1945, calling attention to the annoyance created by low flaring airplanes, numbers of two of which are reported in her letter; commenting also upon the unsightly advertising sign on Main Street, and reouesting that something be done about these matters, particularly the airplane nuisance. Moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the communication be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk and that officer directed to communicate with the Civil Aeronautics Administration with reference to the alleged nuisance of low flying airplanes and to request that agency to refer the matter to the proper military authorities if it is proven that the aircraft referred to by number in Mrs. Love's letter are not civilian or privately owned airplanes. Carried. FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY, BUREAU OF CCISTUNITY FACILITIES, dated July 16, 1945, calling attention to the fact that Congress has made funds available to assist cities in the preparation of plans for postwar construction pro- jects, and advising; that in view of the limited amount of money available, any application which the City intends to make should be filed at once. The communication was ordered filed. MADALYN H. MCDOWALL, dated July 16th, 1945, being application for employment by the City of E1 Segundo. Ordered filed. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS. The hour of 7:15 o'clock P. M. at this meeting, having heretofore been fixed as the time and place for receiving bids for drilling, casing and com- pleting a water well for the City of E1 Segundo, the Mayor announced the arrival of the hour of -7:14 o'clock P.:M. and requested that'if any person or persons present in the Council Chamber desired to file bids for said work, they should do so immediately. The hour of 7:15 o'clock P. M. having arrived, the Mayor announced the time for receiving bids for drilling, casing and completing a water w &ll for the City of E1 Segundo, closed. 4 996 The City Clerk announced that one bid had been received. Moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the Council proceed to open, examine and publicly declare the bid received this date for drilling, casing and completing a water well for the City of El Segundo. Carried. .The Council thereupon proceeded to open, examine and declare said bid, which said bid was found by said Council to be as follows, to -wit: Bid of Roscoe Moss Company, on regular form provided therefor, bidding the sum of �10.20 per Lineal Foot of well, measured from the surface of the ground to the bottom of the casing. Said bid was accompanied by Certified Check No. 65741, drawn on The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Los Angeles, payable to City of El Segundo in the sum of q3360.00. Following consideration of said bid, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that Resolution No. 765, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO , CALIFORNIA, X!,TARDING TO ROSCOE MOSS COMPANY THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTING AND COMPLETING WATER 79ELL NO. 10 IN AND FOR SAID CITY, which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Thompson. None. None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL COIXITTEES. Chief of Police Hutchins, by communication dated July 18th, 1945, reported the appointments of six individuals as Special Police Officers and requested approval of the same. Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that the appointments by the Chief of Police of the City of E1 Segundo of Joseph S. Piszeynski, Charles P. Pitney, Oscar Oliver Shaw, Harold Edward Sutter, Norman Victor and Norman Franklin Wynn, as Special Police Officers of said City, be and the same are hereby ratified, confirmed and approved. Carried. City Attorney Woodworth at this time made a further progress report to the Council respecting the meetings of the West Basin Ground 'dater Committee, upon which he is serving by direction of the City Council. The report outlined the current trend of the meetings of the Committee and indicated various.subjects which were under present discussion. Councilman Thompson appeared at the meeting while the City Attorney was making the foregoing report, the hour being 7:30 P. M., and he immediately took his seat at the Council table. City Attorney Woodworth reported that since the last Council meeting, he had prepared and caused to be filed on account of Councilman Lyle R. Thompson, an answer in the pending Hyperion nuisance suit, as Mr. Thompson, Q 1)9.7 being a new member of the Council, had recently been served with the Summons and Complaint in said action. He stated that there were several motions for continuance and to place case off calendar and also various demurrers, which had been filed in the action and which would come on for hearing preliminary to the trial of the action, which is presently set for Wednesday, July 25, 1945. On the outcome of those pending motions would depend whether the action would be actually tried or not, beginning on the date above mentioned. The City Clerk reported that he had.received a copy of "Findings and Facts" in the matter of the State Employees' Retirement System, Applicant, vs. Maude C. Havens, Defendant, Claim No. 95980, in connection with the application of said Claude C. Havens for disability retirement under the State Employees' Retirement Act, said copy of the said "Findings and Facts" being on file in the City Clerk's office. *See Paie R -1 for report ommitted under this Order of Business. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. City Engineer Hutchins reported that pursuant to direction of the Council previously given, he had examined the list of properties which the County Tax Collector proposes to offer for sale at public auction, and that none of the properties listed are located within the City of E1 Segundo. The City Clerk reported that Special City Attorney John F. Bender had telephoned him with reference to the sale of.certain tax delinquent properties referred to in the report of the City Engineer and.that he also stated none of such properties.are within the City of E1 Segundo. In the matter of compensating Mr. 11arren A. Elsterman, formerly employed by tie City of E1 Segundo as Office Engineer, for certain overtime worked by him prior to the termination of his services with the City of El Segundo, which matter was presented the Council for consideration at its regular meeting held June.20th, 1945, it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the following resolution be adopted: 11,7$EREAS, this,Council has received a communication from ,arren A. Elsterman, dated June 19, 1945, addressed to the Honorable Mayor and City Council, and,in which said employee makes claim for certain overtime rendered in the service of the City of El Segundo; 4ND, I'I� REAS, upon receipt of said communication, said Council took the said matter under consideration until this time and in the meantime has made a thorough investigation with reference to the particular facts and circumstances re- lating to the claim made by said employee in said letter; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT- RESOLVED,by the.City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, as follows: First:- That said communication be received and filed in the office of the City Clerk and that said communication, as so on file, be and the same is hereby referred to and by this reference expressly incorporated herein and made a part hereof; Second: That under the special and particular circum- stances of this particular case only and not in any manner to be considered as a precedent or as in anywise.abandoning the heretofore established policy;of the City Council with reference to such matters, said Council does hereby-find and determine that said employee has to his credit 512 hours of overtime rendered in the service of said City. Third: That in view of the fact that said claimant is no longer an employee of the City of E1 Segundo and for that reason it is impossible to grant him time off for such overtime, that therefore he shall receive pay in lieu of such time off for such earned overtime of 512 hours at the rate of 4205.00 per month. Fourth: That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to prepare and present to this Council at its next regular meeting the necessary demand and warrant to accomplish the payment to said employee of the amount above indicated. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and PAYING BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Wat Pay Roll Demand No. 10740 to 107 51, . Inc l . pinta Curtzwiler9 City Treas. pinta Curtzwiler, City Treas. State Employees' Retirement System State Employees' Retirement or Works Fund $689.98 50.30 20.50 36.30 System 36.30 R. T. Hutchins, Petty Cash 27.82 Southern Calif. Telephone Co. 15.50 Kimball Elevator Co. Ltd. 6.00 Richfield Oil Corp. 4.21 Oro Grande Lime & Stone Corgi. 257.25 Mefford Chemical Co. 29.73 Lawyers Title Guaranty Co. 23.50 Braun Corporation 19.48 Gibson Motor Parts 5.02 Industrial Stat. & Printing Co. 3.93 TAT vve F. Miller Glass Co. 3.08 TOTAL $1238.11 General Find Los Angeles Co. Health Dept. $5.01 Martin Bros. Machine Shop 2.40 Eddings Brothers 3.46 Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk 11.54 City of El Segundo �`'ater Dept. 48.80 General Fund Pay Roll Demand No. 51015 to 51033, Incl. x¢886.10 Pay Roll Demand No. 51034 to 51044, Incl. 950.24 Pay Roll Demand No. 51045 to 51079, Incl. 1986.32 Mints. Curtzwiler, City Treas.251.00 Minta Curtzwiler, " " 588.20 State Employees' Retirement System 308.33 State Employees' " " 274.58 State Employees' " 4.41 American Bitumuls Co. 11.79 Title Ins. & Trust Co. 16.00 Title Ins..& Trust 00, 13.50 Edna E. Leland 12.85 California State Employees' Retirement System 4211.90 Beaver Mortuary 10.00 Cyr's Menshop 3.25 Cafe Supreme 1.57 C. K. McConnell 2.85 Boulevard Radiator Shop 5.00 A -1 Signal Co. 7.18 Fletcher's Tire Service 5.49 W. T. Belt 3.50 So. Calif. Edison Co. Ltd. 291.62 So. Calif. Telephone Co. 123.56 TOTAL 10040.70 Moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilman None. Absent: Councilman None. NEW BUSINESS. City Engineer Hutchins informed the Council that in connection with the operation of Water Well No. 10 about to be drilled, it will be necessary to procure approximately 1300 lineal feet of 12" 10 -gauge welded steel pipe and that he has prepared a Notice to Bidders in connection with said matter. The notice was presented the City Attorney for examination and he approved the same as to form. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that a copy of that certain "Notice to Bidders on Welded Steel Pipe ", presented this Council this date, be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for the purposes of identification and reference; that the City Council does hereby approve the same, and does further authorize the publication of said Notice in time, form and manner as required by law. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Coundilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. City Engineer Hutchins then advised the Council that it will be necessary to obtain bids for welding steel pipe, which the City shall procure for Water Department use in connection with new Water Well No. 10 and that he has pre- pared plans and specifications for the same. The Council thereupon examined said Plans and Specifications, after which it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Skelley,•that Plan No. 450716 entitled "Plan of 12" Welded Steel Water Line from Well No. 10 El Segundo, Cal. July, 1945 ", be• approved by this Council; that the same be filed in the office of the City Engineer and a copy thereof filed in the office of the City Clerk. Carried. The Council then examined Specifications No. 450718 of the City of E1 Segundo, for the installation of-water pipe and appurtenances, and the furnishing of certain materials incidental thereto, after which it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that Resolution No. 766, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TTM_ CITY OF EL SEGT.JNDO , CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS NO. 450718 OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FOR THE INSTALLATION OF WATER PIPE AND APPURTENANCES AND THE FURNISHING OF CERTAIN MATERIALS INCIDENTAL TIE RLTO , which was read, be adopted. -Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. The City Engineer then presented for the Council's examination and approval a form of "Notice to Bidders on Water Main Construction ", which contemplates the doing of th- e.work set forth in Plan No. 450716 and Specifica- tions No. 450718. The notice having been approved as to form by the City Attorney, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that that certain "Notice to Bidders on Water Main Construction ", presented this Council this date, be approved by this Council; that a copy thereof be Q 1000 placed on file in the office of the City Clerk and that the City Clerk be authorized and directed to publish such notice in time, form and manner required by law, at such time as the City Engineer shall notify him in writing that the City is ready to proceed with the work contemplated in said notice. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor City Engineer Hutchins reported to the Council that he had been advised by the Office of the District Engineer, Division of Highways of the State of California, that bids received by it for the improvement of E1 Segundo Boulevard, from Sepulveda Boulevard to Fain Street, within the City of E1 Segundo, are in excess of the amount of money heretofore appro- priated and allocated to this work and that the work cannot be undertaken unless the City consents to appropriating its proportionate share of the amount of the bid which is in excess of the estimated cost. After consideration, it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the City Engineer of the City of E1 Segundo has advised this Council that bids have been received for the proposed improvement of El Segundo Boulevard in the City of E1 Segundo under Project known as E1 Segundo Blvd. Access DA YVI -234, and that the lowest of said bids is approximately $1800.00 above the amount heretofore contemplated for the cost of said work, and that in the event the fill referred to on the plan and indicated between Station 10 ;00 and 16+50 is made, that such cost will be further increased by the sum of $4200.00; AND, '�.'HEREAS, it further appears that the representa- tive of the Department of Public 'Norks, Division of High- ways of the State of California, the agency concerned with said project and with the award of a contract or contracts thereunder, desires an expression from the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo with reference to the absorbing by said City of its proportion of such increased cost; NOW, THE _qFF 0TF, 17, I"_' HJ'3CL 7 , that the City Engineer of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to advise said authorities that the City of E1 Segundo is willing to contribute and to pay its propor- tionate share of such increased cost up to an amount of an additional $3000.00 over and above the amount heretofore committed by said City to said project. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, I�Tayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. Peterson_, Skelley, Thompson and At this point,.Supervisor Ray Darby appeared in the Council Chamber .with 1,,r. Thomas Cook, an engineer in the County Planning Commission and they exhitited maps showing the proposed acquisition of beacH areas in the Santa Konica Bay District, proposed under the State's recently enacted legislation, which permits the State to assist in such acquisitions by matching funds. R 1 They explained also in detail the County's plans and proposals in this connection and reo_uested the Council's approval thereof before August 16, 1945, to enable the County to prepare a master plan of beach acquisition and improvement, so that the County may apply to the State for financial aid in this connection. At the conclusion of the presentation, it-was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that the matter of the tentative approval of present plans of Los Angeles County for beach acouisition in the Bay area, be taken under advisement until the next regular meeting of this Council. The motion carried unanimously. I- No further busi.p_ess appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the meeting adjourn. Carried. Recce ° ^ +fS,l I- 0,1-i + +9-rl Approved: Mayor. G� *Special City Attorney John F. Bender, by letter dated July 130 19459, filed with the City Clerk, made a progress report respecting Lot 379, Block 123, E1 Segundo, which the City Council previously had requested he attemyt to purchase for the City for Water Department purposes.