1945 FEB 07 CC MINE1 Segundo, California. February 7, 1945. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, on the above date, having been called to order at 7 :00 P. Y. by Dave o'. Peterson, Mayor pro ter.., L'a,,,or Love being absent. ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: :- iesser, Selby, Skelley and Mayor pro tem Peterson. Councilmen Absent: Love. RF.�iDING CF YINTU "FE'S OF PREVIOUS &FETING. The minutes of the regular meeting held-on the 17th day of January, 1945, having been read, and no errors or emissions appearing, it was move? by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the minutes of said meeting be aperoved as recorded. Carried. "711 - CO! vavIUNICATIONS. The follo.,ring communications, received from the -persons, firms or ccrperations hereinafter named, were read to t-he Council, and were disposed of in the manner indicated follo;vinQ reference-to each hereinafter: K. C. Iv.cILROY, undated, stamped received February 7, 1945, being an appli- cation for a permit to 'keep one milk cow and three ponies at his premises 715 7,�est Mariposa Avenue, El Segundo. On :notion of Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, which carried unanimously, the matter was referred to Chief of Police Hutchins for investigation and report and the application was.taken under advisement until the next regular meeting- of this Council. COU111''I71 OF LOS ANGELES, S "YiOKE A FU,-_S COiY:�::ISSION, dated January 24, 1945, ar?vising with reference to the work of said Commission, which had been appointed by the Board-of Supervisors of Los Angeles County to investigate those subjects. The communication enclosed a proposed ford of ordinance and requested that any suggestions which the City of E1 Segundo might have be communicated to the v:riter. The City Clerk stated that on receipt of said communication and enclosures, he had referred the same to I.ayor pro tern Dave Peterson. Mlr. Peterson stated he had revie -ed the ordinance and hard one suggestion to make at this time, na:aely - that some period shculd be provided in the ordinance during which any conditior_ complained of could be remedied before the penalty provided by the ordinance could be invoked. lifter discussion, it was moved by Councilman nesser, seconded by Councilman Skelley, and unanimously carried, that the City Clerk be authorized to reply to said communication, stating that :in the opinion of the City Council the ordinance sabm:itted should contain some •?rovision which would permit a period during which any ccn-itions complained of mi -ht ho corrected before penalties involved in the ordinance were invoked, such period to be a reasonable period, having due re:-ard = or the nature of the corrective measures recuired. The City Clerk at this time presented and read to the Council the following, communications: Copy of communication, written by R. T. Hutchins, City Engineer, dated January 25, 1945, to H. E. Vw'elsh, District Engineer, Southern California Edison Company; and Communication from A. Southern California 27, 1945, addressed of it Segundo, Cali: L. Pryor, Street Lighting Engineer, Edison C6mpan�T, Ltd., dated January to the Honorable City Council, City Cornia and Q Corrnunication from Forth American Aviation, Inc., dated January 29, 1945, addressed to The iionorabla City Council, Cit;' of El Segundo, California. ' Said communications had reference to the installation of certain traffic lane on portions of Imperial :i ghr:ay , serving, night workers in in- dustrial plants located near the respective cross walks. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman iesser, that the following resolution be adopted: " =01.71:;, that those certain corzriunicat ions, to :grit: ",o ^y of coee?:unication, -r,ritter: by __�. T. utc:_ins, City Engineer, dated Janua. 25, 1945, addressed to H. 'Jelsh, District En,- ineer, Southern California Edison Cornrany; and Cor:miunication from A. L. Pryor, Street Lighting Engineer, Southern California Edison Company, Ltd., dated January 27, 1945, addressed to the :Honorable City Council, City of El Segundc, California; and Communication from P;orth hme 'rican Aviation, Inc., dated January 29, 1945, addressed to the Honorable City Council, City of El Segundo, California, which related to certain safety lighting of cross-walks on imperial Highway adjacent to industrial plants located along said riirhway, be received and placed 'on file in the office of the City Clerk and that said communications, so on file, be and the same are hereby referred to and by this reference incorpora- ted herein and made a part hereof; ri 1 j, BE IT ru3T R :Z SCLVE'D, that the' City Council of the City of El Segundo does hereby find and determine that the installation of the safety lights, as proposed in said communi- cations, would be in the public interest arid -mould serve to pro- tect persons 'who are required to traverse the respective cross - walks referred to, after nightfall; IND, IT ii .;,?R :7R =L SGL'IED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to reeuest the Southern California Edson Comr_anv to cause the lights referred to in the com- nunication from A. L. Pryor, Strdet Lighting Engineer, Southern California Edison Compar_y, Ltd., to be installed at such time as the necessary priorities or orders therefor can be obtained, and that the City of El Segundo will pay the service charge for service fort e li` :_tin- of such lights and a;Fpree to pay the up and down charc -e referred'' to in said cornmui%fcati.on in the event such ch r €Te iS found neceEsarr , t` at the City of E1 Segundo, . so far as it lay %rfuli,y may do so, does hereby Grant to said Southern California Edison Comrany any anA all authority :which ma; be necessary frD,-, said City- of El Segundo in order to install and P. :aint3 in t ",e li:'hts referreC to in said communications; f ..• AND, E II FC - :;=.R RESCL'F-,D, that the City Clerk shall fo rvard to said Southern California Edison Company such number of copies of this resolution as may be necessary in order to permit said Company to properly file and prosecute an an:)lica- tion or applications, which may be necessary for authority to install and maintain such lights-. The fore_oinp resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby, Skelley ann IaIal:or pro tem Peterson. oes: Councilmen hone. rbsent: Councilman Love. ✓ - 0_ =ai F. ==R, Special City Attorney, dated January 22, 1945, advising of the collection by him of -84.51 as full and final settlement of Asst. No. 1969, under R. I. 134, effecting,Lot 7, Block 4, El Segundo, requestin:z the Council's approval thereof and the remittance to him of his fee in connection therewith in accordance with his contract with the City of F.1 Segundo with reference to such matters. :,:oT7ed by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the follo��irg resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the settlement made by John F. Bender, Special City ttorney, of delinquent special assessment levied against Lot 7, Block 4, El Segundo, under Resolution of Intention No. 134, as referred to in the communication of said Special City Attorney, hated January 22, 1945, nresented'this Council this date, be ratified and approved, and the City Clerk be authorised to cause demand in favor of said John F. Bender to be prepared for the amount due him under contract for effectinE; said settlement. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson. noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Love. Selby, Skelley and Mayor pro tem J. J. IiERRIlvG, dated January 24, 1945, being application for employment b;: the City of El Segundo. Ordered filed. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, BGREAti OF RESOURCES AND COLLECTIONS, dated February 2, 1945, File No. 369500, with reference to the care of prisoners in the jail ward of Los Angeles County General Hospital. Or. motion of Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Skelley, which carried unanimously, the matter was referred to City Attorney 2Jood- worth for investigation and report, pending receipt of which the matter of reply was taken under advisement.. AT_7', TRGL"Iiv; CCRPGRATIOi. , LTD., dated January 23, 1945, trans- mitting therewith oil well Bond No. 46625, in the penal sum of W109000.009 with the request that the same be accepted by the City of El Segundo and substituted for oil well Bonds Nos. 28631, 150849 9628, 8980 and 8981, In the penal sum'of X2000.00 each, now on file with said City. Loved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the following resolution be adopted: o- 'V - EIE'AS, there has been presented to this Council the bond of Apex Petroleum Corporation, Ltd., with National Automobile and Casualty Insurance Co. as Surety, in the principal sum, of $10,000.00, covering the following oil wells operated by said Principal in the City of E1 Segundo, to -wit: Apex -Elsie Community No. 1, Apex Converse Well #1, Apex Elsie No. 3, Apex Elsie 'ell No. 4, Elsie - Community #6; AND, ,,-H ;REDS, said bond has received the approval of the City Attorney of the City of El Segundo as to form; TAO' , T EREFOHE, E IT• RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, as follows: First: That the said bond in the sum of $10,000.00 hereinbefore referred to, be and the same is hereby approved and accepted by and on behalf of the City of El Segundo. Second: That the following bonds, furnished by apex Petroleum Corporation, Ltd. with National Automobile and Casualty Insurance Company as Surety, to -gait: Bond No. 8980, covering Apex -Elsie Community No. 1 Well, dated December 30, 1937; Bond No. 8981, covering Apex Converse Well #19 dated December 30, 1937; Bond No. 9628, covering Apex Elsie No. 3 hell, dated April 20, 1938; Bond No. 15084 -39, covering Apex Elsie Well No. 4, dated April 31 1939; and Bond No. 28631, covering Elsie - Community No. 6 ,':ell, dated February 15, 1944, heretofore furnished said City, shall be and the same are hereby exonerated as to any liability acgruing on said respective bonds subsecuent to the effective date of said .;;10,000.00 bond hereinabove referred to. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the followiug vote: Ayes: .Councilmen Hesser, Selby, Skelley and mayor pro tem Peterson. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Love. ORAL COYM NICATIONS. :�s. . TZ. Donaldson, 130 Sierra Street, addressed toe Council, requesting ?permission to keep live stock on his premises. Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that the verbal request of .i. 1. Donaldson for permit to keep live stock on his premises at 130 Sierra Street, be noted and that the matter be referred to the Chief of Police of the City of El Segundo for investigation and report and that pending such report, tie :hatter be taken under acvisement and the applicant be requested to make his application in writinr . Carried. REPORTS OF 7T :1 v DITNG C0: r":'1 _ ,l E ES . ::one. .7r. RTS 4 n y C ERR ?7 T J i R RE � -1� c_ .,_ �'I� �:� r_�;D S_ C IAA, C :.:,:IrT1'Es. In the Matte= of the application of Howard D. Lehigh for permission to keer or:P horse 336 Test Imneriai Hic i ?';ay, 7.'itnin the City of El Segundo, heretofore _ _ es _- t._ t__is Council an? raferred to the Chief of Police for inveati` nicn .ant report, sai4 officer recommended the application he 'denied. It :as thereupon moved by• Council :an Skelley, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the application of Howard D. Lehigh, filed -:-ith this Council Jana -r; 17, 1 45, for permission to '_keep one horse at, 336 ' /,'est Imperial ,h way in the City of E1 Segundo, be denied in vier; of the un_ °avoraole report thereon made by the Chief of Police. Carried. In the matter of the application of James. i�. Gorham for per:rissior_ to e_r. e horse °11 �'ir ;inia Street, in the City of E' Segundo, _,tofo_e ke oa ors at hor. r fileal t:ith t..is Council and referred to the. Chief of Police for investigation and report, said officer recommended that the perr..it requested be granted. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Selby, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that James ,�. Gorham be and he is hereby :,ranted a ter^pora =y, revocable permit, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 255 of the City of E1 Segundo and the Gusinr; Act of the State of California, to keep one horse at 211 Virginia Street, within said City; said permit shall be revocable at the pleasure of the City Council, without notice and without liability, and is further subject to the provision that during all of the time this permit is heing exercised, said premises must be .kept in a clean corldition and not in any manner to constitute a nuisance;.said permit is Further conditioned upon the permittee approving a copy of the same in writing, agreeing to its terms and conditions, and that said approved copy shall be thereupon filed in the office of the Gity Clerk. - he foregoine resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby,.SKelley and Mayor pro tem Peterson. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Lover In the natter of the application of Irma ':ilson, heretofore filed with this Council, to keep one horse at 617 "lest Palm Avenue, in the City of E1 Segundo an referred to the Chief of Police for investigation and report, s'�_id officer recommended that the permit requested be granted. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that Irma 'Jlilson be and she is hereby canted a temporary, revocable permit, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 255 of the City of E1 Segundo and the :lousing Act of the State of California, to keep one horse at 617 ; e The City Clerk reported that the State liar Council has requested all cities .nd counties in the State of California to adopt a lava enforce:rent mutual ail plan, all as set forth in communications and forms heretofore filed -with said City Clerk. The Clerc reported further that the plan has been reviewed by the Chief of =olice of the City of E1 Segundo, who recormiends adoption of the plan, `.vrereupcn it was moved b-Y Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that Resolution No. 745, entitled: A ESOLT TICK OF T� CI-.y. COU1'CIL CL = CITY CF EL S GUND. -, CALIFORNIA , APPROVI vG AiND ADOPTIi\G PRCPOSFD LA.' EI:KORCEti NT 1,Jji'JAL AID PLA A eD AUIriORIZli:G �ARTICIPATIOiC Tip T_ PLC: M ITS OFf I3ERS A ZD EP,.- 'LODES, C _ ;1aS rra' , ce a'iopted. - arried by the following vote: Ares: Councilmen Hesser, Selby, Skelley an? 1:ayor pro ter. Peterson. .,;oes: Councilmen hone. nbsent: Councilman Love. T'ne City Clerk reported that he has been corresponding with the Department o= - inance of the State of California, with reference to reimbursing the City of El Se:�-ur_ao for certain civilian defense expenditures heretofore made; that e '-as ;iscussed the matter with the City nttorney, who has prepared appropriate resolutions and other data with reference thereto, all as required by State _ epartment of Finance, and in form recommended by said Department. Follo in this statement and further brief explanation, it was moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Selby, treat the following resolution be alon.ted: "ITT .REAS, the City of El Segundo desires to file an application for State aid for civilian defense under the provisions of Chapter 805, Statutes of 1943 of the State of California; A1Z)$ '.,_EiR✓AS, there has been furnished to said city a form of instructions for filing such applications; AL!'—, '.- ERM A.S 9 under the provisions of the paragraph numbered 11" of said instructions, a resolution of approval of the governing boar: of the local agency is required; A,ND, l,',- HEPZAS, the City Council of the City of El Seg'indo, California, is the governing board of said city; NOj'J' T= yREFO_RE, the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, does hereby resolve, declare, determine and order as follows: First: That the City Clerk of the City of El Segundo is hereby authorized, designated and namedd as the represen- tative of said city to sign and present the application on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo for State aid under the provisions of said Chapter 805, Statutes 1943. Second: That the i.:ayor (or Mayor pro -tem of said City ) is hereby authorized, designated and named as the represen- tative of said city, to execute an agreement with the State Director of Finance, governing the terms and conditions under wi_ich any amount of State aid is to be grarted -to said City of 7_1 --e-undo. Third: T-at the amount of State ail reouested is the suer of :935.83, anal it is hereby certified that matching funds are available from a source or sources other 'Unan the State Treasury,.or funds of any agency which is a part of the Executive Denartment of the State Government, for exjcn.diture fcr t_le - )uruose for . °hicn aid is requested in NNUM an amount equal to or in excess of the amount of the allocation requested from the Director of Finance. Fourth: That the purpose for which State aid is sou�_:ht is essential for adequate civilian defense. Fifth: That the City Clerk of said city shall DreDare such number of certifi =d copies of this resolution as ray be required in the prer,:ises in order to properly Prosecute the filing and grantln_ of the apps ication .,ereinahove referred to." the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby, Skelley and .:ayor pro tem Peterson. Iq_ oe s : Counc iliren .,,-one. hbsent: Councilman Love. vT _T �.rI _r.1SF:::.J aSIi�SS. roved Councilman Ske11ey, seconded ;tuncilrran Selby, that Ordinance ;o. 282, entitled: A.: ORDII� .;CE C= W CII`Y' OF LL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, A.:TNDD -'- ORDI.XAI CE .�C. 155 OF S.:ID CITY', ENTITLE, "A. CRJINA.;CE OF TEE CI—if OF EL SEGRUTYLC, CALIFCINNIA, ".-,T•,, C E RTAII< R_SIDEI'A, DISTRICT IN AND FOR SAID vi.-:n i 11� �T ti v:v _ CITY A' :.��iiIivu CERI��Ii F GliL� TIOIZ, ?:ITH � pRENCE TC J KEEPING CF LI ��STC -_K =R.EIN." , PASSED, APPROVED ADOPTED ON I-HE 25T : SAY CP Ti LtiA �I , A. D. , 1929 , n � H •. DED E?� n--.�,'r' Cam, ,- .m -�.n- i.._,tii�Gl nJ L''u4.'..� 1�1JJ:�, .Jl ."'L.'1�L�J1"G {.. ECTION 1 TH y , was introduced at a regular rreetin�- of the City Council held on the 1 ?th :lay of „anuary, 1945, and read ?t ti is r- _eetin`, be adopted. Carried by the follo., :in4r. vote: Ares: Councilmen ? esser, Selby, Skelley and Yayor pro tern Peterson. .;Oe.s: Councilmen Ton..- t.bsEnt: Councilman Love PAYING DILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on inance and Records, were read: "rater ?'gorks Fund Recreation Fund. Pay Roll Deland No. 2.16 Pay Roll Demand No. 17,37 104S4 to 10489, Incl. :4,439.07 49924 to 49929, Incl. 07.37 Linta Curtzi�.iler, City Treas. 17.00 Eddings Brothers 3.53 i�.inta Curtzvriler, City Treas. 43.60 El Se�randc Hardware 15.98 State Smployees'Retirement Syst. 37.98 .Yiinta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 21.36 State Emnloyees'Retirer:ent Syst. 3E..75 TOTAL w138.24 ,ddressin :� _� :achine �, _ -:cc. 'Co. 2.16 Braun Corporation 17,37 Drown Instrument Co. 4.4? City of El Segundo 193.55 E1 SPgu-r_do r_ard -rare 10.74 R. T. Hutchins, Petty Cash 17.0" Industrial Stat. & Prtg. Co. 9.28 iiin.ball Elevator Co. 6.00 banning, Laxwell a- Moore, Inc. 7.82 Cro "ranle Lime & Stone Corp. 257.25 Southern Calif. Edison Co. 1041.66 Southern Calif. Telephone Co. 21.55 TOTAL x,2165.97 Pay Roil Demand NTo. 49866 to 49884, Incl. Pay Roll Demand No.. 49897 to 49918, Incl. Pay Roll Demand No. 49885 to 49896, Incl. l'urray T. Gilbert General fund w874.06 1342.85 Title Insurance & Trust Co. Southern Cal. Edison Co. Eddings Brothers Richfield Oil Corporation Southern Cal. Gas Co. ).099.24 475.00 502.50 34.95 5.36 217.94 8.26 .Q 891. General Fund General Fund Goddard - Jackson Co. y:3.96 The Planning Congress of Los t 11-11 a ur tz -L-Ler, Citl. lreas. 85.11 Angeles Count r X10.00 "inta Curtzv:iler, City Treas.481.15 State Employees Retirement' Svst. 316.78 Joslin Lumber Co. 19.42 State Employees' Retirement Svst. 277.79 Pacific Electric Ry. Co. 14.41 Industrial Stat. & Prtg. Co. .51 Griffith Company 138.31 Inglewood Merchatile Co. 3.33 I.:. .,I. "rouse iioving Co. 72.30 A. Carlisle & 'Co. 5.28 Edna E. Leland 5.00 John F. 5ende'• 82.10 John F. Bender 60.00 John F. Bender 13.41 So. Calif. Disinfecting Co. 12.86 So. Calif. Gas Company 19.43 Gri.mes- Stassforth Stat. Co. 22.25 Ray Meyer, Treasurer 10.00 . Cafe Dupreme 3.22 F. E. Dine 42.50 Inglewood 'Humane Society 16.83 Redondo To-) & Upholstering Shop 17.65 udsen Sales Corporation 1.54 L. B. I,:cConnell 25.00 The Foxboro Company 9.87 Los Angeles County Health Dept. 18.22 L. C. Colling &, associates 5.38 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 4.94 Yaster Pest Control Co. 9.50 Southwestern Section I. A. E. I. 3,00 Service Blueprint .92 Economv Blue Print Q: Supply Co. 2.30 Lassner Neon h'aint. Co. 21.00 Southern Cal. Edison Co. Ltd. 19.98 Air Reduction. Sales Co. 11.45 Fletcher's Tire Service 15.00 Inglewood Lotor Parts 16.74 The Lighthouse, Inc. 2.91 Gibson Motor Parts 1.70 General Paint Corp. 2.72 Ira E. Escobar 22.04 �':. F. Lliller Glass Co. 17.94 Hansen & Johansen 23.49 Victor`D. McCarthy, City Clerk 14.05 :':m. Hancock 3.50 Manning, Maxwell & 1 "oore, Inc. 8.58 Lawyers Title Guaranty Co. 115.00 El Segundo Hardware 32.83 So. Calif. Edison Co. Ltd. 269.42 So. Calif. Edison Co. Ltd. 222.68 Roach Chevrolet 37.66 TUTAL $7233,12 Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen esser, Selby, Skelley and_riayor pro tem Peterson. Roes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Love. NYT '. MTSINE'SS. The City Clerk informed the Council that Jean Tarbell, Real Estate Operator, has made arrangements whereby the City of El Segundo may acquire title to Lot 10, Block 42, El Segundo, which property has been desired by said City as a portion of its proposed new City :all site. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the following resolution be adopted: j'j= -AS, the City of El Segundo, pursuant to proceedings regularly- taken, submitted a bid to Ida R. Fich, as Executrix of the Estate of Emma A. Whitaker, Deceased, in the sum of w550.00, for the following described real rroperty, located in said City, to-.,!it: Lot 10, Block 42, El Segundo Sheet Ito. 3, subject to (1) Second half taxes for the fiscal year 1944 -45, and (2) Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, and easements of record; A D,. ;'.7=i PEAS, as required' by law, said City at the time of making said bid, den_ csite -? therewith the sum of 255.00; thereafter the bid of said City was duly accented and an escrow cDened in Title Insurance and Trust Company for the consummation of said transaction'of sale and purchase; AND, HE?EAS, the escrow holder has now advised this Council, through the office of the City Clerk, that said escrow is now in condition to be closed bn receipt of the balance of said purchase price and the City'b cost of escrow; hC7;, T::LitFOR , HE IT RESCLVED, that' a warrant on thb General Fund of the City of El Segundo in the sum of 3502.50, being w495.00 balance of purchase price of said real property and x7.50 escrow:' cost and charges, 'payable to Title Insurance and Trust Company, be and the same is hereby ordered drawn, signed by the ^roper officers of said City, delivered to 'said pe,.ee and paid in due course in connection :ith the acquisition of said pro 'perty through seid escrow:,; ' AND, 3E IT F1CRT R PE'SOLVE'D, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed' to attend to any further details which may be necessary in order'to cause said warrant to be delivered to said escrow Molder and to cause said escrow: to be closed, so far as said City is concerned. The fcregcin resolution was adopted by the following vote: A,, =es: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson. hoes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Love. Selby, Skelley and �,_ayor pro tem 3y general consent the question with reference'to the payment of a real estate broker's co. =.,ission, and reimbursement of—the Costs advanced b;,- the broker or agent on the above mentioned property and on other properties referred to at this meeting was taken Tina ^.r advisement by the Council for furt_er information until t�-e next regular Ineeting. The City Clerk informed the Council that through the negotiations of .'rs. Jean Tarbell, 'Real 'state Cperator, the City of El Sep'undo may pu .-chase Lot 28, 31ock =2, El Se,� nao, which property the Council has desire^ to in connection -.Kith the proposed new City Hall site. ± s t-- reu�?on moved b,, Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Iiesser, t_:e `_'ollowin:• resoluticn be adopted: the City Council of the Cit-,- of Ll Segundo has been and is ?esirous of o_rocurir_ certain Parcels of real property in Hock 42 of the City of El Segundo, in which bloc!: it may, in the future, desire to erect a new city hall; f '_ED, ';�FtEAS, this Council is presently informed that it may purchase Lot 23 in s-aid Kock 42, for the sure of .;;10C.U0 net to the' seller; A 2.T 4D, ;: ET-E'.',S, in anticipation of the purchase of said Property, the City Clerk has here=tofore opened an escrow. with Lawyers Title Guaranty Company of Los A n reles, California, from ,which Title Guaranty Company he has procured a preliminary report shoring the items of encum- crar.c' -es against said property; NC`.' :, 'T�y? F03. , 32 IT ! SCLTE'D, that the action of the City Clerk of the Cit;7 of El Segundo in opening an escro-,: with Lawyers Title Guaranty Company, looking toward the purc_'-:a�-e of Lot 22, 311ock 42, by the City of El Segundo, be �r.d the same is her°b-, ratified, approved and confirmed; AD, BE IT IIPT:._z 1%SOLTFED, that the City Clerk. Proceed to consun ate t e purchase of said property for the sun: of ,100.00, net to the owner thereof; that a warrant in the sure of 9­115.CC be ordered drawn payable to the order of said Lawyers Title Guaranty Company and deposited in said escrow:, with instructions that the same be disbu=,d in t__ ^_e followring manner, ti-writ: ;90.00 to be paid to the Q- `893 grantor, who shall be named as such in the conveyance to the City of E1 Segundo, "10.00 of said purchase price of :100.00 having been heretofore advanced to the seller by Jean Tarbell, Real Estate Operator; $12.50 to Lawyers Title Guaranty Company as and for its escrow charge and "12.50 to said Title Company for title insurance policy, with liability in the sun of "130.00, `.rhich said title insurance policy snail show title in Lot 2_, Dlock 42, in the City* cf E1 Segundo, a I,:unici-oal Corporation of Los County, California, free and clear of e'ncu 'trances except: (1) General and Special County and City- unpaid t<<xes and delinquent penalties and interest not to exceed "15.00; and (2) Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Reccrd, if any; A2,, 3.S Il' r� "3T =-::13 RESOLVED, that said City Clerk is hereby directed and authoriz =d to perfor=m and do all things necessary in order to complete the transaction at the earliest practicable time in accordance with the foregoing instructions. Tne foregoing resolution was adopted by the follo�-Ting vote: Aye S. Councilmen lesser, Selby, Skelley and P.ayor pro tem Peterson. noes: Councilmen done. Absent: Councilman Love. 1 e City Clerk informed t?ie Council that Mrs. Jean Tarbell, Real Estate operator, has arranged for the City of El Segundo to purchase mot 19, 3lock 42, E1 Segundo, , +;hict: property the City has desired to aco_uire as a portion of its proposed new City Hall site; that the owner of t-:e property has presented for acceptance by the Council a Grant need, copveyinfi said property to the City of E1 Segundo, a P,:untcipal Corporation of Los Angeles County, California, subject only to convenants, conditions, restrictions and reservations of record; that said owner has furnished the City of E1 Segundo a preliminary title report on said property, issued by National Title Insurance Company, nhich said Title Insurance Company r4�11 also issue title insurance policy at the proper time, whereupon it ms moved by Counci_'msn Skelley, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the following resolution be adopted: ! '1EAS, the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo is and has been desirous of Durchasing Lot 19, Block 42, in the City of. El Segundo for use' in connection with certain planned future public improvements; AND, .'=ERZ,��S, said Council is presently informed that there has been delivered to the City Clerk for presentation to this Council, a deed conve -ing said property to the City of E1 Segundo, a Yunieipal Corporation of Los Angeles County, California; AND, "11:1'REAS, said Clerk has been authorized by the owner of said property to use said deed nhen the Council has authorized the payment to the grantor named therein of the sum of 4500.00 therefor; = -P.S, the grantor name d in said deed has ordered.National-Title Insurance Company to issue a. title insurance policy, guaranteeing title to said pro - nerty in the Cit;� of El Sep -undo, a municipal corporation of Los Angeles County, California, free and clear of encu:.brance except covenants, co'r_litions, restrictions and reservations, if any, of record; ERAS, it - ppears that furs. Jean Tarbell, a Real Estate Cp= rator, who negotiated t�-.e transaction, has advanced X25.00 on the purchase trice of said property; NO T:-EREFORE, = IT RESOLVED, that a warrant in the sum of N475.00 be dra. h on the General Fun,, of the City of E1 Segundo, payable to ;�_urray T. Gilbert, the owner of the property herein described and the grantor named in the deed hereinbefore referred to, which said warrant the City Clerk is authorized to deliver to said .�:u ^ray fi. Gilbert, *hen he has received from said rational Title Insurance Company the title insurance policy hereinbefore referred to. ire forer:-oing resolution was ado:)ted by the follo-.�rir.r• vote: -yes: Councilmen lesser, Peterson. Noes: Councilmen. None. - bsent: Councilman Love. Selby, Skelley anal ',avor pro tem ir:oved by Councilman Skelley, seccnJed by Councilman :lesser, the °ollo;:ir_r resolution be adopted: RESOLIFD, that that certain Grant Deed, dated the 6th day of February, 1945, exeduted by Murray T. Gilbert and Charles L. Gilbert her husband, grantintT to the City of E1 Segundo, a l'unieipal Corporation of Los Angeles County, California, Lot 19, Block 42, El Segundo', in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map iecorded in nook 20, Pages 22 and 23 of ,.ans, in the office of the Counter corder of Los - ngeles County, California, and the property conveyed thereby, be and the same are hereby accepted on behalf of the City of El Segundo; AND, _�F_ IT FURTHER RE'SOLVE'D, that the City Clerk of the City of El Segundo is-hereby directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Sesser, Peterson. T,Oes: Councilmen None. absent: Councilman Love. Selby, Skelley and iayor pro tem The City Clerk informed the Council that N'r. J. B. Smith has beer errinlo ye- by the City of E1 Segundo for a period slightly in excess of six months. .1-oved by Counci �ark Superintendent exceed 100 yards of delivered, and that to the Council as a the following vote: Lman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the be and he is hereby authorized to purchase not to fertilizer at a cost of not to exceed 90� per yard the site for the storage of said fertilizer be referred co=nittee of the whole with power to act. Carried by eyes: Councilmen Hesser', Peterson. Councilmen None. absent: Ccuncii^an Love. Selby, Skelley' and Eayor pro tem uildin�, Inspector. Catalano addressed the Council, informint it gnat a serve;:; he has made iscloses that there may be violations of the building- orwii ance of the City of E1 Segundo in cor_n-!ction with twenty structures Q- 895 which have been erected, altered or renovated and that he has cited the ownere to confer with him, with reference thereto; that as a result of the conference with those with him he has conferred, he has concluded that the violations were due to misunderstandings or a lack of knowledge of buil -ding ordinance provisions an,' requirements and that in his judgment embarrassment might be saved local property o, :ners and the 3uilain Inspector if publicity were given certain matters in connection *r-ith builainJ construction and building permits. . the Council, concurring in his . recommendation, did, by Nener.al consent, Five the 6uiiding Inspector authority to work nith the local ne.'.spaper in the ?renaration and publication of information, which said building, Inspector deers appropriate in the premises. :o further business appearinf- to be transacted at this m: etir_g, it was moved by Councilman Stelley, seconded by Councilman :lesser, the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, p-roved: City Vierk. :.Iayor