1945 AUG 23 CC MINR 21 E1 Segundo, California. August 23, 1945. Nn aaiourned regular meeting of the Cite Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was held on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, having been called to order at 4:15 o'clock P. N. by Dave Ve Peterson,.?Mayor pro tem. ROLL CALL. COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Hesser, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Pro tem Peterson. COUNCI YEN ABSENT: Selby. OF M"INCTES OF PpETT?OTTS 17ETING. ?ENDING , The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 16th day of August, 1945, having been reap', and no errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by C ^sncil- nah Skelley, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the minutes of said meeting be =r,roved as recorded. Carried. RITTET CC.1'2'JIvIC::TIONS. The following communications, received from the persons, firms or corporations hereinafter named, viere read to the Council, and were disposed of in the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter: RCBERT DENNIS, dated August 21, 1945; ROLLC L. COLLINS, dated 8 -20 -1945; and RTCSSELL HINTS, dated July 26, 1945; each being application for emn_loyment. Orf'�,red filed. �UI^T ^Y C=SS :SSOCIATES, dated August 23, 1945, being an application for a -ermit to drill an oil well at a certain location in Block 123 of the City of E1 Segundo, said undertaking to be the redrilling of an abandoned well formerly known as "Ruchti Petrole,.im Company, Inc.'s #1 " "Jell. Said application appearing to be in good order, and applicant having filed a bond which apparently also is in good order, it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Co=, ilman Skelley, that Resolution.No. 771, entitled: A PBSOLUTION OF= C ITy comm of THE C I'd'F' of EL S�.'GONW, CALIFORNIA, GRARTTING TO WINCY CASS ASSOCIA- TES, A PERi':iIT FOR THAT CERTAIN OIL ,'.ML IN SAID CITY L:11SIGNATED AND KNOIJv't: AS "COPINCER -CASS ASSOC IAT 3 #1", which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Skelley, Thompson and IMayor pro tem Peterson. Noes: None. Absent: Mayor Selby. GuOP.E'LINE PiUZUNG ;_SSOCIATIOry OF CALIFORNLy, INC., dated August 219 r 1945, inviting attendance-at a hearing on beach acquisition, to be held in the z-"hlic Forks Hearing :-room, Los Angeles City Hall, August 28, 1945; and a hearing on the same subject, sponsored by the Los Angeles County Regional _'lanninr Commission, in Room 912, Civic Center Building, Au Tust 30, 1945. general consent the communication was ordered filed and members of the City Council, and /or the Cite Engineer, authorized.to attend the said meetings. R'22 CITY ATTORNEY CLYDE ACOD.':ORTH, dated August 20, 1945, being a memorandum with reference,to his preparation of an ordinance creating a Veterans' Affairs Committee; also a form of resolution, which, if adopted, will provide for activating of the procedure contemplated in said ordinance. The Council discussed the matter and Judge Peter E. Binder, Chairman of a citizen's committee appointed to make recommendations concerning the establish- ment of a veterans' affairs committee in E1 Segundo, who was present at this meeting, co--unented thereon. At the conclusion of the discussions, the Council, by general consent, indicated its epproval of the ordinance ani the creation of a Veterans' Affairs Committee pursuent thereto, but :: .,ithheld introduction_ of the same pendin` a meeting of Judge Binder's committee, to be held AuEnist 24th, 1945, to enable that Body to consider the .�,att @r further and male recommendations concerning the ordinance, if such recommendations appear to the Committee to be indicated. None. None . Pone . ORAL COyu?UNICATIONS. REPORTS OF STANDING CONITITTES. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL CO1.,2 ITTEES. UN'FLr; IShEED BUSINESS. The City Clerk at this time presented and read the title of Ordinance _o. 284, entitled: AN ORDINANCE Or Tr_'F CITY OF EL SEGUNDO , CALIFO�IZA, F IYI':C Tl A1,:OUT1T OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION UPON TIE MSABLE PROPERTY TIEREIN AS A REVENUE TO CARRY 02: TIC 7ARICUS DEPARTf: FN T S (IN- CLUDIN = EL 97"M UNDO PUBLIC LIBRARY) ; PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS -OF SAID CITY AND OF A CERTAIN DISTRIC ^1 THEREIN; AND TO h„.E'ETING THE OBLIGATIONS OF SAID CITY UNDER THE CALIFORNIA STATE E u'LOYEES' _ RETI.RmGENT ACT, FOR TIC CURRENT FISCAL YEAR 1945 -1946, which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 16th day of August, 1945. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Skellsy, seconded by Councilman Thompson, that the further reading of said Ordinance No. 284 be waived. Said motion was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor pro tem Peterson. Noes: None. Absent: Ma -Tor Selby. Moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by CounciLmar_ Thompson, that Ordinance No. 284, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL S EGTJN'r*0, CALIFORNIA, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TA7,ATIMN UPON 71r—" TAXm -BLE PRCPERT'� Ti,EREIN AS A RE77EP UE . TO CARRY 0 ": TIW VYRIOUS MRARTLM..TS ( IN- CLUDING = EL S3GUNDC PUBLIC LIBRARY) ; PAY THE 30NDED INDEBTEDNESS CF SAID CITY AND OF A CERTAIN DISTRICT THEREIN; A11-D TO P:�_=T TI-E OBLIGATIONS OF CIT!' LENDER =,, C:IIFCRI'IA STATE EP?PLOY ES' RLTIR3:.Z7'T ACT, FOR M!E, CUrRE'_`?T FISCAL YEAR 1945 -1946, R-23 which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of this Council held on the 16th day of August, 1945, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor pro tem Peterson. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Mayor Selby. None. PAYING BILLS. NE'.'; BUSINESS. Loved by Councilman Skelley, seconder' b.• Councilman :Hesser, that Resolution No. 770, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF = CITY COUNCIL OF TRH' CITY OF EL SEGUNDC, CALIFORNIA_, FLYING TRH R,1TES OF TABS LEVIED IT' AND FOR SAID CITY, SUFFICIENT TO RAISE T Al.`1717 OF YONITY 2IY.ED BY THE SAID CITY COUNCIL Ifi ORDINANCE NO. 284 THEPE'OF, PASSED ?LND ADOPT'E'D CN T:.T 23RD r1A.Y OF AUGUST, A. D. , 1945, AND TRW' E:•T_EHP,'SE OF COLLECTIC11 OF SAID AL`CYNT, T`=, SAID RATES = =ITN FIXED BEING THE R2ATES OF TABS Its AND FOR S.-ID CITY FOR TILE `RREFT FISCAL Y7-AR 1945 -1946, which was reEd, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Skelley, Thomson and l.ayar pro tem Peterson. Noes: None. Absent: 1,`ayor Selby. Councilman Thcmpson introduced Ordinance No. 285, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF T -E CITY OF EL SEGL'NDO, C ?LIFORNIA , A1.Z71"DING ORDINANCE NC. 204 OF SAID CITY, ENTITLED: "IJ, ORDIP:.-JVCE OF = CITY OF EL SE'GUNDC, Ci"LIFORNIA, REGULATING TRAFFIC UPON T-17 - 77BLIC STREETS, AVENL79 , ALLEYS, 'I'UOROUGF!FARE'S A 11 D PLACE'S WITEIN SAID CITY, AND REPEALING ING ALL ORDINATTr ES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THERE'IITH. ", AS A�-:ENDED, BY ADDING SUBDIVISIONS (14), (15), (16) AND (17) TO SECTION 79 OF SAID ORDINANCE, which was read. At this point the City Clerk annourmd that he had in his possession, in the same condition as when received, two bids for the purchase of tax deeded real property heretofore advertised for sale by the City of E1 Segundo under Notice ice 1:o . 6 -M. :.roved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the Ccun ^il nroceed to open, examine and publicly declare the bids received this irate for the purchase of tax deeded property heretofore advertised for sale by t`l- Cite of El Segundc under its Notice No. 6 -M.. Carried. The Council' troceeded to and did open, examine and.publicly declare said }ids, ;' :ic sail bids were found by said Council to be as follows, to -wit: Bid of Floyd Carr, on regular fora:. Provided therefor, bidding the sum of 41'256.00 for Lot 18, Block 44, El Sem.ndo. Said bid was accompanied by cash ae -osit in amount of u62.50. Bid of "illard N1 Bailey, or regular foul provided therefor, hirlcling the surer of �25C.00 for Lot 3, Block 25, El Segundo. Said bid was accompanies by cas':, deposit in amour_t of X62.50. R 24 FollokrinkZ c� nsideration of said bids, it was moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Fesseranthat Resolution No. 772, entitle,?: PESCLUTIO:: OF = C Iri CGL, =L OF TI ". CITY U EL S�GL'NDG, C_1IFCR'�L =_, ACCEPTING Tr`_L TD,_'t PAYi31 EID OF FLOYD Cr'-RR F01c CERTAIN CITY G.'.N�-,D RE'AL 1PROPERT'Y, 7:hich was read, be adopted. Carried by the following rote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Skelley, Thompson and N_atror pro tern Peterson. Noes: Ncne. Absent: Eavor Selby. l,ovea by CounciLman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that Resclution No. 773, Ant itled : A 3ESOIL TION OF TI-i_ CITY COUNCIL OF T= CITY OF EL SEEaTNDG, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING =11, CASH BID OF '; IL ARD i�. BtiIL"..Y FOR C-RTAIP; CI'T's- O'.NED REAL tOPERTY which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Skelley, Thompson and hayor pro ter. Peterson. P?ces: None . Absent: t.ayor Selby. At this point City Engineer Hutchins read to the Council a communication from :::r. illiarr. ' Davison, Manager, El Segundo Refinery, Standard Oil Company of California, dated August 23rd, 1945, reouesting an improvement in the street ligh.tin� at certain points in El Segundo Boulevard, all as indicated in said communication. I,�r. Hutchins also made reference to a certain communication he had received from Southern California Edison Company, Ltd., dated February 3rd, 1945, respecting the cost of making the street lighting changes requested in the letter of Standard Oil Company of California before referred to. After consideration, it was moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman, Hesser, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain_ communication from Standard Oil Company of California, dated August 23, 1945, addressed to the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo for the attention of R. T. Hutchins, City Engineer, and that certain communica- tion from Southern California Edison Company, Ltd., dated February 3, 1945, a? dressed to R. T. Hutchins, City Engineer, be received and r_leced on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of El Segundo, for the purposes of identification and reference; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby authorized and directed to recuest Southern California Edison Company, Ltd. tc alter the present street lighting in a' portion of E1 Segundo Boulevard by substituting a. 6000 lumen lamp for the 600 lumen lamp now in use at E1 Segundo Boulevard and Virginia Street, and a 6000 lumen lamp for the 600 lumen lamp now in use at E1 Segundo Boulevard and Concord Street; and substitute a 6000 lumen lamp for the 4000 lumen lamp now in use on Pole No. 411764H on El Segundo Boulevard westerly of Richmond Street; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Street_Superintendent R-25 of the City of E1 Segundo be authorized and directed to install 4000 lumen lamps in the top globe of the ornamental street lighting standards at E1 Segundo Boulevard and Richmond Street, for the lamps now in use in these fixtures. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the follo%ing vote: ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Skelley, Thompson and Payor pro ter, Peterson. Noes: Councilmen None. absent: ;-,ayor Selby. Do further business appearins to be transacted at this meetine, it eras moved by Councilmen Hesser, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk. approved: r 1 w Yayor. l G