1945 APR 04 CC MIN01� El Segundo, California. April 4, 1945. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the above date, having been called to order at 7:00 P. M. by the Mayor, William R. Selby. ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Councilmen Absent: None. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 21st day of March, 1945, having been read and no errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the minutes of said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried. Pursuant to resolution heretofore adopttd, the Council at this point proceeded to consider matters related to the rehabilitation of tax delinquent property. The City Clerk announed that he had in his possession, in the same con- dition as when received,`three bids for the purchase of tax deeded real property heretofore advertised for sale by the City of E1 Segundo. Moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the Council proceed to open, examine and publicly declare the bids received this date for the purchase of tax deeded property heretofore advertised for sale by the City of E1 Segundo. Carried. The Council proceeded to and did open, examine and publicly declare said bids, which said bids,were found by said Council to be as follows, to -wit: Bid of Francis L. Wade, as follows: "The undersigned, the former owner of Lot 18, Block 36, E1 Segundo, does hereby offer to purchase said lot from the City of E1 Segundo, by quitclaim deed, pursuant to its published Notice of Intention No. 5. I herewith offer to pay the City the sum of $125.00 for said parcel of property and enclose said sum in full payment thereof. If said offer is accepted, please make deed to Francis L. Wade, a single man Dated: March 27, 1945. Francis L. Wade, 2709 Orchard Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. Zone (7) Enclosed: Citizens NT&S Bank Cashier's Check #164854- 3/27/45 $125:0© ". Said bid was accompanied by Cashiers Check No. 164364, dated March 27, 1945, drawn on Citizens National Trust & Savings Bank, payable to City Clerk, City of E1 Segundo, in the sum of $125.00. E1 Segundo, California. April 4, 1945. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the above date, having been called to order at 7:00 P. M. by the Mayor, William R. Selby. ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Councilmen Absent: None. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS .,FETING. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 21st day of March, 1945, having been read and no errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the minutes of said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried. Pursuant to resolution heretofore adoptbd, the Council at this point proceeded to consider matters related to the rehabilitation of tax delinquent property. The City Clerk announed that he had in his possession, in the same con- dition as when received, three bids for the purchase of tax deeded real property heretofore advertised for sale by the City of E1 Segundo. Moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the Council proceed to open, examine and publicly declare the bids received this date for the purchase of tax deeded property heretofore advertised for sale by the City of E1 Segundo. Carried. The Council proceeded to and did open, examine and publicly declare said bids, which said bids were found by said Council to be as follows, to -wit: Bid of Francis L. Wade, as follows: "The undersigned, the former owner of Lot 18, Block 36, E1 Segundo, does hereby offer to purchase sail lot from the City of El Segundo, by quitclaim deed, pursuant to its published Notice of Intention No. 5. I herewith offer to pay the City the sum of $125.00 for said parcel of property and enclose said sum in full payment thereof. If said offer is accepted, please make deed to Francis L. Wade, a single man Dated: March 27, 1945. Francis L. Wade, 2709 Orchard Ave . Los Angeles, Calif. zone (7) Enclosed: Citizens NT&S Bank Cashier's Check #164854 3/27/45 9125.00 ". Said bid was accompanied by Cashiers Check No. 164364, dated March 27, 1945, drawn on Citizens National Trust & Savings Bank, payable to City Clerk, City of E1 Segundo, in the sum of $125.00. Q 927 Bid of Frank R. Seccombe and Clinton F. Seccombe, Executors of Estate of A. H. Seccombe, Deceased, as follows: "THE undersigned does hereby offer to purchase from the City of E1 Segundo, pursuant to all of the provisions of Notice of Intention No. D, the following described property for the following amount: Property Amount Lot 13, Block 28, E1 Segundo $125.00 Enclosed please find the sum of $125.00, in full payment for said property. If this bid is accepted, please make deed in the name of Estate of A. H. Seccombe, deceased The Council is advised that the undersigned is the represen- tative of the former owner of the property. Frank R. Seccombe and Clinton F. Seccombe, Executors of Estate of A. H. Seccombe, Decd. By ClintoitF. Seccombe Frank R. Seccombe 607 So. Orange Drive Los Angeles, Calif." Said bid was accompanied by Cashier's Check No. 3443437, drawn on Seventh and Figueroa Branch, Bank of America National Trust & Savings Association, payable to City of El Segundo in the sum of $125.00. Bid of Marvin H. Brown, on regular form prepared therefor, as follows: "Pursuant to your Notice No. 4M of Intention to Sell City of E1 Segundo Owned Real Property and Inviting Bids or Offers therefor, and subject to your acceptance of this bid within 20 days, I hereby offer for: Lot No. 1,. Block No. 43, E1 Segundo, the sum of $250.00 Lot No. 2, Block No. 43, E1 Segundo, the sum of 200.00 Marvin H. Brown, 438 Whiting Street." Said bid was accompanied by currency in the sum of $113.00. Following the consideration of said bids, it was moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Hesser,.that Resolution No. 750, entitled: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE CASH B.ID OF. FRANCIS L. WkDE FOR CERTAIN CITY OIAVED REAL PROPERTY, . which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that Resolution No. 751, entitled: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE CASH BID OF FRANK R. SECCOMBE AND CLINTON F. SECCOMBE, EXECUTORS OF ESTATE OF A. H. SECCOMBE, DECEASED, FOR CERTAIN CITY O."dNED REAL PROPERTY, which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. Moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that Resolution No. 752, entitled: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE TIME PAYMEivlf BID OF MARTIN H, BROWN FOR CERTAIN CITY OWNED REAL PROPERTY, which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. At this Doint the Council's attention was called to the fact that taxes are delinquent on-certain portion of Lot 3, Block 93, El Segundo, and that said property has been sold to the State; that the property so sold has for several years been used by owners of other portions of said Lot 3, Block 93, as a means of ingress and egress to their respective parcels, and that if the same should be purchased by a third party, the other owners in said block would be left in distress. Discussion followed, in which members of the Council deemed it advisable that the City procure said parcel of land for public street or alley purposes, after which it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that Special City Attorney John F. Bender be authorized and directed to proceed with a title.search respecting the Westerly 20 feet of the North 300 feet and the Westerly 20 feet of the South -25 feet of Lot 3, Block -93, for the purpose of ascertaining the condition of title and the names of the owners thereof, and thereafter to proceed to contact said owners if possible, for the purpose of obtaining Quitclaim Deeds to said parcels, for the consideration heretofore authorized by this Council in such cases. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS. The following communications, received from the persons, firms or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council, and were disposed of in the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter: Q 929 WM. R. MARCUS, dated 3 -28 -1945; and LEONARD EVERETT EDEN, dated April 49 1945, each being application for employment by the City of E1 Segundo. Ordered filed. HARRY E. MISSEN, Minister, Westchester Christian Church, dated March 21, 1945, thanking the Council for the privilege of using Grand Avenue Park for its picnic held March 18th. Ordered filed. PUBLIC ROADS ADMINISTRATION, FEDERAL WORKS•AGENCY, Division Two, dated March 29, 1945, being copy of a letter addressed by Division Engineer Chas. C. Morris to the State Highway Engineer at Sacramento, advising that California Project DA -WI -234, El Segundo Boulevard, between Sepulveda Boulevard and Main Street, providing access to the Standard Oil Company's refinery at El Segundo, has been certified by the War Production Board and Federal funds have been reserved for the improvement thereof, and requesting the said State Highway Engineer to proceed with the preliminary engineering on the project. Ordered filed. THE YOUNG PEOPLES GROUP, MANHATTAN BEACH =11UNITY CHURCH, dated March 30, 1945, requesting that the minutes of the City Council record the fact that said Council is not in sympathy with certain signs on private property in E1 Segundo, which might tend to encourage race prejudice, and requesting the Council's aid "that our boys won't have to come home and find Hitlerism here ". By general consent the communication was ordered filed and the City Clerk requested to make appropriate reply* thereto. THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY, dated March 27, 1945, captioned: "File No. 154 -H11, requesting permission to place an additional house trailer on its station site property in Section 18, within the City of E1 Segundo. After consideration, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the following resolution be adopted: W=AS, December 6th, 1944, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company was granted permission to maintain two house trailers on its property in the vicinity of its railway station in the City of E1 Segundo; and WHEREAS, said Company, by- application dated March 27, 19450 filed with this Council this date, has requested permission to place an additional house trailer on said premises, and this Council sees no objection thereto in view of the acute housing shortage in this area as a result of war conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company be and it is hereby granted permission to increase the number of house trailers maintained on its premises as aforesaid to three instead of two, subject, however, to the same conditions and provisions as were set fortis in the permit hereinbefore in this reso- lution referred to. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson; Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent': Councilmen None. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES, dated March 30, 1945, with reference to Senate Bill 625, which, it is anticipated, will come to a vote in the Senate during this week, requesting that the Legislators representing this area be asked to support said Bill. Q 930 After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the City Clerk be instructed to notify Senator Jack B. Tenney and Assemblyman Glenn Anderson, that the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo favors the adoption of Senate Bill 625 in the form as recommended by the League of California Cities. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen.Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. ORAL COLEMUNICATIONS. None. REPORTS OF STANDING COPOJrITTEES. None. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Chief of Police Hutchins reported having appointed, as a Desk Officer - 2nd Class, in the Police Department of the City of El Segundo, Leonard E. Eden; that he had explained to the appointee that such appointment is probably for the duration only and that said person accepted the appointment with this understanding. Moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the appointment, by the Chief of Police, of Leonard E. Eden as Desk Officer -2nd Class, in the Police Department of the City of E1 Segundo, be and the same is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed, with the understanding that such employment is a temporary war duration appointment. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None, Building Inspector Catalano reported progress in connection with his attempts to cause the owners and operators of oil wells, maintaining oil well derricks within the City of E1 Segundo, to.place obstruction lights on such derricks. City Attorney Woodworth reported that on March 27th, 1945, he had attended the second meeting of the Ways and Means Committee of the West Basin Water Conservation Group; that matters are progressing satisfactorily, and that its next meeting will be held April 12th, 1945. City Attorney Woodworth reported also that a further Superior Court hearing in the matter of the action brought by the State of California against the City of Los Angeles, City of E1 Segundo, et al, to cause abatement of the Hyperion outfall sewer, will be held April 16th, 1945, None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. PAYING BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Water Works Fund General Fund Pay Roll Demand No. 10580 11.00 Pay Roll Demand No. 50262 to E1 Segundo Herald to 10591, Incl. $639.21 6.90 The Gates Rubber Company 6.34 50269, Incl. Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 20.00 Pay Roll Demand No. 50270 to Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 83.60 6.00 The A. Lietz Company 2.26 50280, Incl. State Employees' Retirement 30.00 Pay Roll Demand No. 50281, to F. E. Dine System 53.09 9.90 J and M. Grill 1.70 50309, Incl. State Employees' Retirement 9.50 Pay Roll Demand No. 50310 to $796.23 984.99 1516.70 System 49.62 503339 Incl. 561.00 E. Cote 11.00 Eddings Brothers 15.30 E1 Segundo Hardware 2.70 E1 Segundo Herald 32.40 Fletcher's Tire Service 6.90 The Gates Rubber Company 6.34 Grimes - Stassforth Stat. Co. 5.64 R. T. Hutchins, Petty Cash 42.61 Industrial Engineering Co. 2"1.04 Industrial Stat. & Printing 7.42. Joslin- Alexander Co. 15.10 Kimball Elevator Cos Ltd. 6.00 The A. Lietz Company 2.26 Taylor Wholesale Elect. Co. 58.01 Carl Wilson 30.00 TOTAL 1114.24 Recreation Fund Pay Roll Demand No. 50334 to 50341, Incl. $108.76 Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 23.87 Eagleson & Co. 5.38 Wm. M. Dennis 10.45 Hollywood Athletic Co. 12.45 Leather Supply Company 9.88 E1 Segundo Hardware 6.99 Victor D. McCarthy, City Cl. 14.58 TOTAL 192.36 Ge ne ra 1 Fund Busby Photo Service 6.85 Doyle McMillin 139.20 The A. Lietz Co. 4.36 Roach Chevrolet 1.54 Sam Holon 25.00 Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 468.80 Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 72.61 State Employees' Retirement Syst. 296.43 State Employees' Retirement Svst. 248.64 Griffith Company 54.76 Inglewood Auto Wreckers 3.50 E1 Segundo Hardware 33.32 Lassner Neon Maint.'Co. 6.00 Gibson Motor Parts 22.54 W. F. Miller Glass Co. 3.67 American Bitumuls Co. 11.79 Richfield Oil Corp. 207.62 Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk 26.29 Pacific Electric Railway Co. 4.30 Inglewood Humane Society, Inc. 23.33 The Lighthouse, Inc. 10.95 Sam Holon 230.60 F. E. Dine 42.50 Simplex Valve & Meter Co. 9.90 J and M. Grill 1.70 Cafe Supreme 4.65 Master Pest Control Company 9.50 Pacific Toro Company 2.26 Inglewood Motor Parts 32.38 Eddings Brothers .62 Municipal Finance Officers Assn. 10.00 Wm. H. Hoegee Co. 59.09 Transmission Exchange Co. 33.31 Southern Calif. Gas Co. 22.23 Blake Electric Company 77.07 Boulevard Radiator Shop 3.00 English & Lauer, Inc. 4.92 Bozo's Motorcycle Sales 4.21 Lee Parmelee 22.00 State Board of Equalization 1.10 R. C. Wells & Son 20.59 Ira E. Escobar 495.09 TOTAL $6617,14 Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Counc il.msn None. NEW B[TSINTSS. Mayor Selby advised the Council that the Mayors of a number of South Bay cities meet once monthly to discuss their common problems and to seek solutions thereof; that he believes such conferences to be advantageous and expressed a - desire to attend the same on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that Idayor Selby of the City of El Segundo be authorized to attend a conference of mayors of the South Bay'cities to be held April 25th, 1945, at 7 :00'P. M. in Inglewood, California, and to attend all regular meetings of said group held thereafter; as well as any adjourned or special meetings of said group, as a representative thereat of the City of El Segundo, and that he be further authorized to file his demand against the City of E1 Segundo for his actual and necessary expenses 'in connection with such attendances. Carried'by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. No further butiness appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman-Peterson, the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, Approved: OCle Mayor.