1944 SEP 20 CC MINQ 815
E1 Segundo, California.
September 20, 1944.
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California,
was held in the Council Chamber of.the City Hall of said City on the above date,
having been called to order at 7:00 P. M. by the Mayor, George Love.
Councilmen Present: Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and ?tiayor Love.
Councilmen Absent: None.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 6th day of September,
1944, having been read and no errors or omissions appearing, it was moved
by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the minutes be
approved as read. Carried.
The following communications, received from the persons, firms or
corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed
of in the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter:
L:ALCOLY B. CAthBELL, all being applications for employment by the
City of E1 Segundo. Ordered filed.
In connection with the application of Malcolm B. Campbell for employment
b;i the City of E1 Segundo, filed with this Council this date, Street
Superintendent Hutchins reported that Mr. Campbell had been temporarily
employed in the Street Department on September 13th, 1944.
i,:oved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the
temporary employment of irialcolm B. Campbell in the Street Department of the
City of El Segundo, be and the same is hereby ratified, approved and
confirmed. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Mayor Love.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
BUILDERS OF THE WEST, INC., dated September 19, 1944, being a reply to
that certain letter written by the City Clerk of the City of El Segundo,
September 13, 1944, at the request of the City Council, seeking additional
information respecting H.R. 4915 and S 2105, referred to in another
communication of the Builders of the 'iiest, Inc., dated August 29, 1944,
which vaas presented the Citv Council on September 6th, 1944.
It appearing from the letter first above mentioned that the benefits
to be derived by the Stage of California will be more favgrable if S 2105
is adopted than :ill be the case-if HR 4195 becomes law, and that. the
provisions of the Senate bill are• more equitable than the provisions of the
_souse 3il1, and it appearine also that the League of California Cities,
site- st" ;dvinc cr.t' -:ronr_. sit ions, recommends that cities of C= li_ornia
approve ar. s:.^port S 2105, it was moved by Councilman.Peterson, seconded
11; Councilman .'esser, that this Council go on record as in favor of the
passae�rA of S 2105 and of the rejection of HIR 4915, both Federal rid
Hizhway bills, and that in conformi-:;y with the request of the Builders of
4 s16
the i;est, Inc., as made in their letter of �_ u<_ust 29th, 1944, filed
wit'.-: this Council Septem'-' °r 6t -, 1944, tale City 'mil °rk be autnorized
and instructed to communicate :'Tit .hilted States Sen?tors := lrc1:: -To' nn son,
Sheridan Downey and Carl Hayden infOrf"_inr' these gentlemen Of this
Cc:lncil's attitude with resne.ct to said Senate mill 2105 an ::r7 nF_'
their support thereof. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and I.1ayor Love.
hoes: Councilmen none.
Absent: Councilmen 'one.
LOS A'7,,1ET C'S 3?`REAL' OF PU. N.ICIPAL ESEARC-, dated September 19, 1944,
scl is it ina an engagement to make a revenue survey for the City of El
Segundo, to guide said City in its post war nlanning. Ordered filed.
P.i",IFIC ELECTRIC R-.IU!J.Y COArTANY, dated September 14, 1944,
advising that it has filed aaith the Railroad Commission of the State
of California its Application No. 17984, requesting authority to
continue, or. a permanent basis, the operation through the City of El
5egunao of its Los An�!.eles to Redondo via Playa del Rey passenger bus
This action, on the part of said Pacific Electric iaiLway
Company, being in consonance with the views of this Council expressed
in a certain resolution adopted !day 179 1944, and being in the best
interests of the people of the City of El Segundo, without being
prejudicial to the interests of persons living in other areas, it was
ordered, by general consent, that the communication and accompanying
copy of said application No. 17984, be placed on file in the office of
the City* Clerk, for the purposes of identification and reference; that
receipt thereof be acknowledged and the Company thanked for its
accession to the request of this.Council heretofore expressed in the
resolution adopted by it 7,ay 17, 1944.
AU1AS HOUSE MOVING, dated September 19, 1944, being an application
to move a one story- frame dwelling house from its present location in
Lynwood, California, to a new location within the City of E1 Segundo as
more fully set forth in said application.
It appearing that requisite deposits have been made; that pursuant
to ordinances of the City of El Segundo respecting house moving, the
3uildinA inspector of the City of E1 Segundo had caused said building
to be inspected; that in view of the fact that the structure does not
conform to building ordinance of the City of E1 Segundo, said Building
lrsnector has recommended that the permit applied for be not granted,
it ryas moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that
the house moving permit applied for in that certain application for house
moving permit dated September 19, 1944, filed with this Council this date
by Almas -Ouse i.,oving be denied and that the unused portion of any
deposits made with said application be returned to applicant and that
warrant in the proper sum to accomplish said refund be and the same is
hereby ordered drawn and paid in the usual manner. Carried by the
followin, vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Mayor Love.
.goes: Councilmen None,
Absent: Councilmen None.
None .
Street Superintendent ::utchins reported that I- -r. 'Norval Turcotte,
who ;gad Ceen temnorarily employed in his department as a tractor operator
had terminated his employment September 9th, 1944.
Street Superintendent Hutchins reported receipt of a communication from
the District Engineer of the Division of Highways of the State of California,
dated September 12, 1944, advising that the work of grading and paving Douglas
Street, from Imperial Highway to 1400 feet south thereof, under Division of
Highways Contract No. 7ASC9, had been completed by Olympic Contracting
Company; that the work is satisfactory, having been completed in accordance
w ith plans and specifications, and that the City's acbeptance thereof as of
September 6th is recommended.
the City Engineer reported that he had inspected the improvement, which,
in his judzient, is satisfactory in all respects, and that as requested by
the Division of Highways, he had accepted the same as of September 6th, 1944.
It *as thereupon moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman
Skelley,' that the action of the City Engineer of the City of El Segundo in
acceptin-, as of September 6, .1944 the 'improvement of Douglas Street from "
imperial Highway to a point 1400 feet south thereof, as bontemp_lated by
Contract No. 7ASC9 of the Division of Highways of the Stag of California, and
plans and specifications adopted for such improvement, be and the same is
hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.' Carried by the followinE vote:
Ayes: Councilmen. Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Mayor Love.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen bone.
At this roint Councilman Skelley read to the Council a letter addressed
to that Body, written by C. L. idcIlwain, Park Superintendent, under date of
September 11, 1944, stating that the services in his department of 1,r. J.
F. 4dilson had terminated as of September 4, 1944, and that I4'r. Perry Campbell
has been placed in the job vacated by f.'r. Wilson.
,loved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the
communication from C. L. McIlwain, Park Superintendent, dated September 11,
1944, r:-ith reference to the termination of the services of J. F. Wilson and
the change in employment classification of Perry Campbell, be received and
placed on file in the office of the City Clerk, and that the action of the
Park Superintendent, therein referred to, be and the same is hereby ratified,
and approved. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Mayor Love.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
The following der,ands, having had the approval of the Committee on
Finance and Records, were read:
Hater Works Fund
Pay Moll Demands Nos. Minta Curtzwiler, City
10289 to 10295, Incl. w484.28
1�'inta Curtzwiler, City Trees. 43.50
State Employees' Retirement Syst. 31.88
State Employees'. Retirement S;ast. 38.86
City of El Segundo 591.65
::ammond Lumber Co. 94.84
Industrial Stat. and Printing Co. 3.39
Keenan Pipe & Suoply Co. 352.89
Oro Grande Lime :`c Stone Corp. 257.25
Rensselaer Valve Company 115.95
Southern, Calif. Telenhone Co. 24.60
Cz ri '.: ilson 30.00
;5`ater [' orks Fund
Addressing :Machine and
Acc. Co.
Braun Corporation
El Se.uundo Hardware
El Segundo Herald
Hersey Mfg. Co.
Kimball Elevator Co.
Osalald Bros.
Roscoe Iti'oss Company
Taylor Wholesale Elec.
Co. 4.68
Recreation Fund
General Fund
'TictOr T_' . `cGurt:y, City Clerk
Yinta Curtz��:iler, Cit;, Treas.
- 319.16
m ^-
.LAT "
N .50
?_inta Curtz.:iler, City Treas.
State Employees' Retirement Syst. 326.85
State ymployees' Retirement Syst. 263.37
Pay Roll Demands Nos.
John F. Bender
48867 to 48885, Incl.
Civilian Front
Pay Rcll ,DeTanJs 1 os.
Victor D. P.:eCarthy, City. Cler_
48886 to 48897, Incl.
Consoli ated -cuse i:_cvers
Paz Roil _---ands ivos.
International -n-4-vester Co.
4E898 to 48922, Incl.
Title Insurance Trust Co.
...._cft- .:hitney Co.
P. .;.. Yost 3 Sons
.T-a.. , _ aste =artners
Sout: ~ern Calif. TelPn cne Co.
:-_ ~_araI Electric Company
impartment of Pu'clic , orks
_ ac»ic 7 1, ec.tric r Cc.
'it of Los ^ _tiles
_0 .77
inn P. 2)ender mender
InEle:rood Dock Stat. Co.
°ria- I._anufactur inE Co.
�itie_ Insurance & Trust Co.
P. Y. Yost & Sons
ricar ?'- tun -ais Co.
Larry R. Shuler
= ___rry Lan,-lois
pit; of L1 Se _ando ..ter wept.
City of El SeE-undo .rater JePt.
_ - matcher's "_'__e
.__^: a s __Ouse ., :„rir_.
61 Q9
- 5807,67_
, seconded
by Councilman Skel e;', the
4r::_: Cn
and email out of the , °SD_ective, funds
_ ..
the fcllowin
=- vote:
Cot,nc r"e^
esser, _ -_tom_
_, .., Sel; ^', S_.ell- and I.'a-,,-or
:.., n ; . =rre n ;
_one .
.se la:
i�L, 3t'SI =US.
PEterscn, SaC `r "'.F^ t_, IoUnCilm ^_r. Sl_elley, that ','into
'S' -i - ^- , =+n" she is .= eY°CZ" rt )n r! :dssiOn to t °ke h1pr
;°E'. {S V"'C°ti0 °p'1hI: =n SF' ?ate: .--fir 25, "1944. Carried by
nj'eS: OouncilTen -less- - +s-n, Sel ; , Skelley and .: :ayor Love.
.OeS: v!iunCilr°n I,,On?•
nbsert: Councilmen i%_Orle
::_OV °d ,v 'ounc llP:an S':: ° -Ilt?v S- ccr_ le_ b ' �,CUnc ilman I:essr-r, that the
-c- _n- res ._ution to ted .
P_��5, E2rl �-an, Se- -:er _orer,an, has a-. accumulation
Cf Sixteen day overtire due -ir. for whic. "_ !1e is entitled to
.aa irC off'•
is �eSirous of ta1iinF Such accumulated
tin,= of, C'e.i ^rin OctO ar 1, 19_ , and Pr -fern to to =:e his
rer-alar earned vaC-..t.= no,'. �ue '-in. in 1945;
.::..:5, the Cit;, Encineer ::=!S inn j cated to t 1S
Ouncil that sucf: ar_a_ - ...tint is s tisfactory,
IT SGL? -D, that sari :.or8an, Sewer
./e n -rti ent _- oreman, be en d ne is here.bj' authorized to absent
is ,ut.es 'c t- . --een the -4ates October , 19,14- to
1hC_usive, . ;ith 7a- "- s?id ^e.riod of time
cvertir e b-- sai^ Earl .,:orEan, for which he dic
no,, Veceive :7.oneta_ rert." =_ti n, an': tliat the ta_:inL of :is
ref' _ar ea_nec v- cation due hi.. in the year 1944 be deferred
i7 for_ _. reSU�utio. `. ^:aS a Orted by tn° f ^110T /:ink VOte.
Q 81.9
Ayes: Councilmen. Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley a__° P:a -cr Love.
' ?ces: Councilmen :one.
Absent: Councilmen hone.
'roved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilmen Hesser, that the
Street De_rartment of.the City of 7-1 Segundo be and it is hereby authorized
and directed to construct -a storm drain in and across that certain easement
for storm drain nurposes owned by the City of rl Se;°dndc, beinc- the North
3 feet of Lots 65 and 56, ana•the South 3 feet of Lots E6 and 55, in Bract
at a cost of not to exceed 200.00. Carried by the followir_e vote:
Ayes: Councilmen ;�esser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Mayor Love.
?oes: Courcilme*: one
Absent: Councilmen None.
Proved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the
attendance of all members of the City Council, the City Clerk and the City
EnF-ineer, at the one day s?ssion of the League of California Cities, to be
i:eld in Los Angeles, October 13th, 1944,•be and the same is hereby authorized;
that the Cit, Clerk be authorized and directed to make reservations therefor,
an? thet those of said officials who may attend said conference be authorized
to fire their demands against the City for their actual and necessary
expenses in connection therewith. CarripH by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Rlayor Love.
I oes: Councilmen none.
Absent: Councilmen None.
No further business arnearinr to be transacted at this meeting, it was
moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded cy Councilman Skelley, the fneeting
adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
C' rk.