1944 JUN 07 CC MINV. 732 El Segundo, California. June 7, 1944. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City _fall of said City on the above date, having been called to order at 7 :00 r, i,:. by George Love, I.`ayor. ROLL GALL. Councilmen ?resent: fiesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley an,' L:a,ror Love. Councilmen absent: None. PZ DII G OF OF P EVIOUS I.T=HNGS. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 17th day of '..'ay, 1944, and of the a(journed r? gular meeting held on the 2nd day of June, 1944, havinc each been read and no errors or omissions appearing, it eras moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Selby, the minutes of said meetings be annroved. as recorded. Carried. ', °RITT71 COI. ZTITIC .TIOI:S. The following communications, received from the persons, firms or corpora - tior_s hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter: _c.DGiT�G 3 4CrT LODGE NC. 1378, B. P. C. Elks, inviting the- City Council, other municipal officials, their relatives anti friends to attend flag day service to be held at the home of said lodge, Redondo Beach, California, Tuesday, June 1:3, 1944, at 8:00 P. Ordered filed. LOS •!�IIGELES I'LGCD CONTROL DISTRICT, dated i.-'ay 15, 1944, advising. the Council that in order to accomplish, in the fiscal year 1944 -45, the program for the investigation of ground mater resources in the South Bay area, in zrrhich program the City of E1 Segundo has heretofore agreed to participate, it .rill be necessary for the City of El Segundo to appropriate its proportionate share of the cost, to-wit: the sum of :424.00, and the City was reouested to authorize the conmittment of this sum. It -gas triereupon moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman hesser, that the following resolution be adopted: o ° ;�RF-_S, the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, did heretofore on the 9th day of June, 1944, adopt a resolution indicating the intention of the City of E1 Segundo to partici- pate in the ";est Basin ' Survey; there has no-r been furnished to this Council a statement of the proportion of the cost of said survey to be naid by said City of E1 Sep -undo for the fiscal year 1944 -45; in view of the interest of the City of El Sep -undo in the result of s-id survey, the Council feels that the proportion to be paid by the scid City should be raid; PIO:, ,R FG E, BJ IT =ESCL`TE'D, that there be and there is hereby - allocated out. of the General ;Fund of the Citi* of El SeF-undo the sum of 424.00, as the City's contributive share to the cost of said survey, all as contemplated ir_ said previous resolution of June 9th, 1943; =1::), ZE IT 77RTI-772 i=SCLTEED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to prepare and present to this Council at the proper time the necessary warrant to provide for the payment of the amount hereinafoee allocated. '.'he foregoinc resolution ­,as adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, noes: Councilmen None. Y_bsent: Councilmen Ione. Q Peterson, Selby, Skelley and I::ayor Love. DEFyRTi.EII`i OF PU3LIC '.:OFFS, STATE OF CALIrO -RNIA, over the signature of :..cCoy, State righ:aay Jn=ineer, dated I,:ay 19, 1944, advising that under separate cover it had transmitted one copy of the Special Provisions, I✓rcposal ana Contract, Standard Specifications dated 1940 and one set of plans, all coverin the prop &sed improvement of Douglas Street from Imperial I'i!7b ­3y to 1400 feet South thereof, the improvement being designated "California _access 7roject Dr. -':'I 2G3 road VII - LA - Douglas Street ", such data being transmitted nursuant to a request heretofore made by this Council. The City Clerk a�vised the Council that the data referred to h?6 been ilAd ith the office of the City _Engineer, a-n1 the communication, by ^eneral consent, <-a s ordered filed. J. L. r_'zI: '_�L, dated .=ay 29, 1944, requesting permission, on behalf of the Chufch of Jesus Christ. of Latter Day Saints to use Grand Avenue dark, cn the evening of June 10, 1944, for its annual aTniversar,-y party of the Centinella sd of sai -11 Church, of �,,hich manic El Segundo people are rr_embe,rs. :roved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Skelle,-, that the ,hurch of Jesus Christ of Latter _,ay Saints be and it is hereby granted permission to use Grand Avenue Par'., Saturday, June 10, 1944, for the purpose of holdin, its anniversary r- icnlc, and that the Police Department of the City of 71 -e Fando be and it is hereby directed to reserve two barbecue Twits and adjoining, tables for the use of said organization on said date. Carried. LOS AI;GEI.ZS C07,1 1'Y DITTISIOIi LE" GUE CF CALIFOP1eIA CITIES, dated June 2, 1941_, inviting- attendance at its 150th monthly i_eeting to be held in 3ev- =rly _fills, June 15, 194s and requesting that reservations be made on or -prior to June 13, 1944. I.1oved by. Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that any me ^ioer of the City Council d?siring so to do,.the City Clerk and the City Lngineer be and they are hereby authorized to attend the 150th monthly meeting of the Los "_ngeles County Division, League of California Cities, to be held at 3everly Hills, June 15, 1944, as representatives of the City of E1 Segundo, and to file their demands for their actual and necessary expenses in connection ,,-ith attendance at said meeting; and that any officers and employees of said City anticipating attendance at said meeting shall make reservations with the City Clerk on or -prior to June 13th, so that officer may notify the Lea!Tue of the number of persons from El Segundo ..rho will be in attendance at said meeting. Carried by the follo:-jing vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Layor Love. Does: Councilmen INTone. Absent: Councilmen None. LOS 1UTGE= COL,'_,�Ti HEALTH DEPARM —LENT, dated June 2, 1944, advising that an inspection has been made of a pile of burned lumber located on the 'S'est side of Standard Street, south of Franklin Avenue, and that the condition existing- thereat, v-ill in time cause a serious source of rat harborage and that it should be removed so as to eliminate any future rat conditions. 3y general consent the communication was ordered -filed and the City C1,erk renuested to endeavor to. .contact the or;ner of, se id property, renuesting that he �isnose of the debris, and failing in such endeavor, to attempt to cause the condition to be otheinise corrected. SUNSET STAG'S, LTD., dated June 5, 1944, requesting- permission from the City of El Segundo to use El Segundo Boulevard. from InpleT*iood- Redondo icad to a point approximately 1272 feet westerly thereof, so as to permit of the rerouting of its transportation services and provide entrance into that Q 734 private roadway extending southerly to E1 Segundo Boulevard from the present southerly terminus of Douglas Avenue in order to afford access to the Douglas Avenue gates of Douglas Aircraft Corporation, through which, after June 15, 1944, all employees of said Corporation will enter and leave the Douglas plant due to the closing by said Corporation of its gates on Lapham ,Street. I,:oved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the following resolution be adopted: ESOL 7D, that the communication, dated June 5, 1944, from Sunset Stages, Ltd., addressed to the hon. Mayor and - ,=emb =rs of Cite Council, City of El Segundo, requesting permission to use E1 Segundo boulevard from Inglewodd- Redondo Road to a point approximately 1272 feet westerly thereof, be received and placed on file in the office of the City Clerk and that said communication, so on file, be and the same is hereby referred to and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof; AND, BE IT r 'RT IR RESOLtiED, that said applicant, Sunset :tares, Ltd. be and it is hereby granted the permission and authority requested in the said communication, provided, ho7ever, that said permission is temporary only and is revocable at any time by the City Council of the City of B1 Segundo without notice, without cause and without liability and must be accepted and acted upon by said utility accordingly. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and 'Mayor Love. Does: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. 30,RD OY EDliCrTIO_ OF 11.1E CITY OF LOS ANGELES, dated May 18, 19449 acknowledging receipt of the City Clerk's communication of lay 8, 19440 with reference to the encroachment of sand from the sand hills in the City- of El Segundo onto private property in the latter City alone the mesterly boundary thereof and advising that further communications with respect to this matter should be addressed to Lr. N. P. VanValkenberg, 8609 San Vicente Street, Southgate. Ordered filed. : ILROAD COT.1-ISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, dated lay 9, 1944, advising that pursuant to the resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, April 5, 1944, an investigation has been made by one of the Commission's engineers and it appears therefrom that the trans - Dortation service most suited to that portion of the City of E1 Segundo lying easterly of Sheldon Street and westerly of Center Street between Tariposa Avenue and Imperial Highway should be of a local character, connecting the business district with the residential area involved, and that it is the understanding of said Railroad Commission that Inglewood City Lines will file a formal application for a revision of its Inglewood -El Segundo line to permit service into the area referred to; that when such application is received, it will have the Commission's attention. Ordered filed. !r?S. R. R. TILLOTSON, dated June 6, 1944,.repuesting reservations in Grand Avenue lark for a picric for the 2th Grade students of E1 Segundo elementary School.- Loved by Councilman. Peterson, seconded by Councilman esser, that Yrs. R. a. Tillotson, Chairman, Gommittee on arrangements for the 8th Grade picnic, be and she is hereby granted permission to use Grand Avenue Park in the City of E1 Secunio, June 9, 1944, bet-een the hours of 1:00 and 7:00 P. V., for the purpose of conducting a picnic for the students of the 8th Grade of E1 Segundo Elementary School and their families and friends, and that the Police Department of the City of E1 Segundo be authorized and directed to cause reauisite reservations to be made. Carried. Q. !! DIVISIC17 OF FISE : r`D G I.E, STAIT- G'_' CrLIFG�tI:L�_, dated lay 22, 1944, referring to the letter of the City Clerk of L. =ay 5, 1944, written pursuant to that certain resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of :11 Segundo, :.:ay 3rd, 1944, protesting gill netting in Santa ,:onica Bay, advisinr7, that the section of the Fish and Game Coae referred to, adopted at the 1943 session of the LAgislature, will remain in effect until ;,'.arch 1, 1945, or until' the cessation of hostilities of all ,. ^.ars in ��-hich the Lniter' States is no-.,, engaged I T,,,-- _ichever first occurs. Ordered filed. L r C�1' C `�I =C. ;I'� VIII S, dated =. =ay 20, 194_4, bein _. jetailed erplar_ation of Drocedur =s to be followed in connection with the acquisition, by non - Federal a gencies, of surplus i`•Tar nronerti�:S urhich r;:?.y be offered for sale by the Procurement ivision of the Treasury L)epartl:ent, or other governmental agencies authoriz °d to disnose of surplus -rr�r -oroperties. By r~eneral consent the conmunica.tion 1 -ms or ~ere' referred to the City Engineer. L C S 1 _': =LFS _ti _IL_: Y JC ?GrpIC1 ;, iatsu June 6, 1944, transmitting trere«,ith a co-Dy of i* s m-nded. Fifty-second Supplemental ^plication p:o. 19179, ,rith ref _ rcr_c - to tYe rerouting an-' extension of its L. A. Airport Line No. 6S, and re ^:Urst4 that inscfcr as the of this municip_a.lity „a" V 1, _°f?cted, its anprovai and support he -iven to the application. i.:oved b Cojnc =1mar_ Iiesser, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the follor7ine resolution be adopted_: 77D, that a copy of ' "ended Fifty- Second Supplemental Ap?J11Cat]On ITO. 19179 (Rerouting and extension of L. A. Airport Line ,o.'66) �eiore the Ruilrou,i Commission of the State of California be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk and as so on file the same is herc-by referred to and by this raff'rence inccrporated herein and made a part hereof; D, 37 IT FORT + R R"�SGLV ='D, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to address a co.-ueunication to said utility an:' to the 'Railroad Commission of the State of California, stating that the City Council of the City of El Se`undo hey- no present objection to the granting of the authority requested in s?id application. The for?goinr resolution was adopted by the following- vote: Ayes: Councilmen Sesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and L:ayor Love. Ices: Councilmen none. Absent: Councilmen hone. S?FC LPL CBDF ? CF BuTSI1, SS . The hour of 7 :15 o'clock P. I. :. at this meetinc having heretofore been fixed as the time and nla.ce for receiving bids for furnishing. the City of Fl Se -,nd.o purrs, pipe and fittings for ':rater '.:ell No. 9� as e vertised for the a,ror' announced that fact an^ that the hour of 7:14 o'clock I.;. had arrived anr3 !-e requested that any nersor or persons _present d?sirin to file bids for orris hind the 'Jit- OI F1 Segundo pump, pipe and fittinE_ -s for -eater ;:ell i:o. 9 do so immed iatell,. The hour"of 9:15 o'clock P. I.:. having arrived and all bids being in, the :. ayor announced the time for receiving- bids -for furnishinF- the ,City of L1 Se_u ac n=p, -?ipe and f ittin,-s for - .:ester ::ell 1.o. 9 closed. i'tle City Clerk thereupon announced that he had in his possession, unopened in the same condition as ? ­hen received, four bids for furnishing the City of __1 Segundo pmrip, pipe and fittin -,s for :Eater .:ell I:o. 9, as advertised for. :..oved by CounciLm,?n Selby, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that the :ouncil orocee(� to onen, examine and publicly declare all bids received this K .,4� Q : '736 date for furnishing the City of �',1 Segundo pump, pipe and fittings for ".ater '..ell o. 9 as advertised for. Carried. The Council proceeded to and did open, examine and publicly declare all bids received this date for furnishing the Cite of Fl Segundo pump, pipe and fittings for `.'rater '::ell P:o. 9 of the City of El Segundo, which said bids were found by said Council to be as follo.,s, to -wit: mid of 3yron Jackson Company, on re�_-ular fora., as follovas: Lump sum of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X2800.06, including. Federal or State Sales or Use Tax. Said bid ^aas accompanied by Cashier's Check P,o. 3705003, drawn on Clarendon - Pacific 3ranch of Lank of America National Trust and Savings yssociation, Huntington Park, CaliF•ornia, payable to City of E1 Segundo in amount of ,; 1944, and that all bids received this date for furnishing the City of 71 Segundo pump, pine and fittings for '..ater'::ell No. 9, as advertised for, be taken under advisement until said time at said meeting. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen F-esser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and .:ayor Love. Noes: Councilmen Pone. Absent: Councilmen P,,one. The City Clerk thereupon announced that he had in his possession, unopened and in the same condition as when received, six bids on real property accuired by the City of Dl Segundo, by reason of tax elincuencies and heretofore offered for sale by said City. ',loved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman ?eterson, that the Council proceed to open, examine and publicly declare all bids received this date on reel property heretofore offered for sale by the City of El See-undo in connection :nith its tax delinouent real property rehabilitation prof- ram. Carried . the Council proceeded to and did onen,'exar:.ine and publicly declare said bids, , -hich said bids vaere found by said Council to be as follows, to -grit: Bid of Kathr -'-n Obersmith, as follows: "Los Angeles, California June 7, 1944 Re: The South 40 feet of Lot 7, City Council Block 105, El Segundo Tract. El Segundo, California Gentlemen: - Pursuant to your - Notice Number Five of Intention to sell the above .described real estate, I hereby offer the amount of Eighty -five Dollars for a Quit Claim Deed to the above described property. I herewith inclose a Cashiers Check in amount of T: =irty Dollars payable to the City of it Segundo. I will be in attendance at your meeting tonight and will pay the balance of Fifty -five Dollars tonight or upon delivery of the deed to the South 40 feet of Lot 7,•Block 105, E1 Segundo Tract. A decision on same at your Council i;:eeting tonight till be very much appreciated. Very truly yours, Kathryn Cbersmith ". Said bid was accompanied by Cashiers Check No. 736726, dated December 23, 1942, drawh on Fifth and Spring Office, Security -First rational Bank of Los Angeles, payable to City of Fl Segundo in the sum of - 30.00. Bid of Arthur S. Booth, on regular form therefor, bidding the sum of �150.00 cash, for Lot 1, Block 16, El Segundo, under Notice No. 5 of Intention to Sell City of E1 Segundo Owned Real Property. Said bid was accompanied by Cashiers Check No. 576924, drawn on El Segundo Branch, Security -First National Bank of Los Angeles, payable to City of El SeF^und'o in the sum of : 150.00. Bid of John.n. Gerow, as follo7s: "OFFER TO 7URC::.AS3 'REAL PRORERTY NC' "ICE !:C. 4L: Re: the ?ast 44 feet of Lot 7, in Block 10C, except the north 40 feet and extent the South 136 feet. - City Council 31 Segundo, Calif. The undersiKned does hereby offer to purchase the above described parcel of propert; p r ursuant to all the terms and pro- visions of "Notice No. 4:.: of Intention to Sell City of EE1 Segundo 0- -,,nod Neal Property, and Inviting Bids or Offers Therefor ", for the sum of e*22C.00. Enclosed you -!rill find Cashiers Check ,1/4576928 in the sum of .100.00, the balance of said purchase price to be _paid in sixty (60) days. If this offer is acccptad, please have deed made to JCE2, A. G C.: end C` L!­ 3. GE?C.', as joint tenants. Dated: 'This 7th day of June, 1944. JcHil n. TI-IRO-.111. Said bid Texas accompanied by Cashiers Check No. 576928, drawn on El Sep -undo Branch, Security -First 1�ntional 3an:: of Los Angeles, payable to City o° '.l 3e' -undo in the sum of 1C0.00. ?id o_° bner I, °. ..= cGinley, as follo7rs: "June 1st, 194_. El Segundo, Calif. Io __on. :.:a, cr and City Council of El Se�_--undo, Cal. This is to certify that the undersigned E. IV:. I:cGinley, presents a bid to buy Lot 6, 31ocr_ 73, as per map of E1 Segundo tract, as stated in Public Notice i�o. 5 of Intention to Sell Real Property. he bic prico is 126.GO cash. Cashiers Check enclosed. If accepted `rantee to be in the deed to be issued is :Ebner Ml ;:cGinley, 747 = ,:aryland St. El Segundo. ;Tern truly yours, Ebner '. McGinley ". Said bid wa.s accompanied by Cashiers Check 170. 576896, dra�:.,n on El Se^ando 3rarch, Security -first :rational Bank of Los Angeles, payable to City of E1 SeF-undo in the sum of N126.00. =yid of 's'd ^-ard H. Cote, on regular form, offering the sum of w260.00 cash for Lot 2, Block 1 ?, El Segundo, under Notice No. 4-1L of Intention to Sell City of E1 Seg+,indo Owned Real Property and Inviting Bids or Offers Therefor. Said bid ,ras accompanied by cash deposit in the sum of :,75.00. Eid of Giles H. Slocum, on regular form therefor, offering the sum of ;250.00 cash, for Lot 2, Block 17, El Segundo, under i,otice No. 4 -K of Intention to Sell City of El Segundo Owned Real Property and Inviting Bids or Offers Therefor. Said bid -,:as accompanied by Post Office Loney Order No. 432225, payable to City of E1 Segundo, in the siu.q of :N63.G0. Follo•,inF -the orening, examining and declarin-& of said bids, the Council sa-re torsi- '.eration to each and all of them, after which the follo - ~ing actions er° tar -en: ;,roved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the _ bid oi' = -athr;,rn Cbersmith, b idd in - the sum of -'85.00 the South 40 feet of Lot ?, 31ock L , E1 Sec-undo, be and the same is hereby reiecte,,3. Carried by the Q 739 follovTin^ vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and :,savor Love. Toes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. I -oved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Selby, that Resolutior Io. 727, entitled: :1✓SOLL? -ICI: OF THE CITY COUNCIL CF Tt r7 'TTY Ol EL SEC?T7 C IFG -I :Ire, ACCF.PTIIvG T�� C: -s SID OF EBIvER I:. I, :cGINIFY FCR CER _II, CITY 0`.'-NED REAL PROPERTY, which 7,7as read, be adopted. Carried by the followin vote: i_ves: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Yayor Love. I:oes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. .roved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that the bid of Arthur S. Tooth, offering- the sum of w150.00 for Lot 1, Block 16, L1 Sep -undo, be and the same is hereby rejected. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Layor Love. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. roved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that Resolution Sao. 724, entitled: RESOLUTION OF ME CITY CCUNCIL OF TTE CITY OF EL SEGUITDO, CA.LIFORNL4, ACCEPTING TIC CASH LID OF JOH1 f . GEROT FOR CERTAIN CITY O :TT''D EAL PROPERTY, which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and mayor Love. hoes: Councilmen None. Absent; Councilmen None. 1.:oved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that Resolution Ito. 725, entitled: RESOLUTION OF Thy CITY Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUIDO, C= IIFORI?I�_, ACCEPTDTG THE CA311 BID OF ED'.:ARD T=. COTE FOR CERTAII CITY O".714 —ID REAL PROPERTY AID RE'JECTII G ALL O=ER BIDS, which t ^Pas read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and ',Mayor Love. I,-oes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. ORAL CGIvITNICATIONS. .1,r. I::ike Roncevich addressed the Council relative to the difficulty and delay ey-pprienced in obtaining medical services for .:r. L`<ike Rahan, taken ill about 4:00 _ I:.. Saturday, June 3rd, 1944 and who passed away on the afternoon of s = -id date, and he reauested the Council Five consideration to steps which mif7'7t be taken to augment medical services now available to residents of the City of El Segundo. Q 1740 He *"Tas informed that the Council is cognizant of the situation and of the fact that all surrounding cities are likewise suffering from a curtailment of medical services due to the requirements of the military under war conditions; that the Council is giving serious consideration to the problem and doing its utmost to encourage an immediate improvement. P07i'S OF STAT,: T1I1TG C CT,;==ES . Public Safety Commissioner 'Hiesser reported that Councilman Skelley had rea_unsted him to investinate the desirability of installing traffic stop signs t- Center Street and i�:ariposa Avenue, for the purpose of reducing motor vehicle speeds on both streets, which 1.1r. Skelley stated are excessive; that thereafter he had referred the matter to Chief of Police Hutchins and Captain Cummings of the Police Denartr!ent, requesting that they check and make recommendations accordingly. The Chief of Police reported that he is not ,ready to make his recommendation at tIAs tire, but would do so in the near future. 7 -ublic Safety Commissioner iliesser reported also that he had received com- nlaints concerning a hedge located adjacent to the alley east of•Loma Vista Stre9t, at its intersection with Grand Avenue, which obstructs the view of motorists entering Grand Avenue from said alley; that he had discussed .--ith the o-rrner cf the nroaerty or which. the hedge is located the matter of trimming the same; that the o� ^ner does not possess the recuisite tools. after discussion, it was recommended that Councilman lesser aFair. confer ',:-ith the owner of the property and encourage him to borrow the necessary tools so t: at the .edge may be trimmed at an early date a.nd the allef-ed existing traffic hazard be thus removed. Public ';orks Commissioner Peterson informed the Council that army posts located in areas outside of the City of El Segundo have been disposing of Farbage, cans and other refuse without permission at El Segundo's can dump, and that in viev,, of the lighted area and the limited man ,power to control .911th dumping, even if it ^ *ere permitted, the City of El Segundo is being unduly imn_osed upon and he felt that stens should be taken to cause the practice to be iscontinued. Following discussion, it - ,:as moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Cour_cilmar Hesser, that the following resolution be adopted: =­iZE , , this Council, upon its own independent investigation, has determined that the dumping of rubbish and refuse in the City of E1 SeFundo from outside areas pas reacted such proportion as to endanger the public peace, h-alt'r_, safety, cc. -fort, convenience and general welfare of d Cite; 1, E EA3, such investigation develQps the in- zo-- ,oration that much of such rubbish, debris, etc. originates camn_s t:riere military personnel is domiciled; ER 5, said Council feels th-�t the City of E1 Se— undo should not be and cannot continue to be burdened ith the retention of such rubbish ana debris further; �R 77C ?: , BE IT PESOL 7D, that the City Clerk �,e and he is hereby- authorized and instructed to foinkrard a 00­) of this resolution, together with an anpropriate letter of transr. ^_ittal, to the Co'vmand.ing Officer of the local defense area, as the sincere request and petition of the City Ccuncll of the it r of E1 Sezrdo that the present practice of trans no-ti-­_- an' dumping such rubbish and waste materials in the Ci+,•,, of 'l Segun-�o rro:a :nilitar;,° ir_stallations not located ^ ;ithin it Cit-, be stun -ed by -; > HOD late or�Pr. 'Q The foreicoinP resolution was adopted,by the following vote: ayes: Councilmen Nasser, 'eterson, Selby, S�elley .,n, ;.savor Love. noes: CounciLnen ::one. :absent: Councilmen None. '_7ilblic Service Commissioner S'relley infor.:ed the Council that in his ud�rent it would be desirable to relent St. 4Lu�ustine %-rass in a portion f the part r.,ay in front of rl Segundo iigh School, "rich the school :soul' maintain thereafter; also that a portion of the parking area at the nortr- -*-est corner of Eain. Street and I= ariposa Avenue should he filled in with c -ne ^_t concrete so as to afford a safe and clean area for persons entering or le :vine the oublic transportation buss?S � "hich stop at sai i corner. Follo::inF- discussion, it : s n_oved by Councilmar. Selby, sacor.led by Cour_cilr.ar. 'eterson, that t'i:e Street Department of the City of - SeF~undo b ri' It 1� '-ere, . `" authorized and .d irect -d to construct a suitable ce ,i nt ccrcr,;te side - ^alk strip in the park: °ray on the wrst side of i. :ain Street a' i -cent to and. north of L- ariposa _7enue, to provide a safe an:? convenient platform: for residents usinf- the public service facilities v;I stop ^t said corner, and that the ratter of thF planting of grass in the in front of F1 Segundo ii�rh School be deferred pendin further !_'iscussions of the subject :,,,ith school authorities. Carried by the follo::in,- vote: rives: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and ::ayor Love. s: Councilmen None.: ,bsent: Councilmen Tone. finance and Records Commissioner Selby reported prot_ress in the r,.atter of providing civil service for the employees of the City of Fl Sep - undo, : ^hich matter had heretofore been referred to him and to Councilman eter=on for investigation and report, and that they would be able to File such report in the near future. iEpoz-?IS Or OI'FICE RS _:ND SPECIAL C00, ITT ES. The Chief of Police announed the revocation of the appointment of George Harlo :,r as a Police Officer of the City of El Segundo effective as of midni_rht, T, -ay 20th, 1944. the City Clerk reported that in accordance with instruction heretofore given, he had obtain an estimate from A. . :. Lassner ;deon Iaintenance Co. for repairin- and connecting the E1 Segundo City Limits i:eon sign at I: Aerial' Highv?ay and Sepulveda Boulevard within the City of _­1 Segundo; that said T= aintenance Company agreed to repair the broken tubing, connect the sign, install a blackout switch and do all the other work necessary to place the siwn.in proper working order for the sum of w75.62. In addition, the Company offered to install a fully automatic time switch to turn the si<:,r on and off each day and to maintain the same for the sum of X1.00 per ,aonth and to service tre sign, including washing, pai-ting, and repairing the same and furnish all necessary labor and materials therefor for the sur of .115.00 per :-,,onth a ditional; that said Company had transmitted with its bid on performing the work a fore, of contract for execution by the :ity in event the City desired to rent the time switch anti to contract for the maintenance' of the said sign. r_fter discussion, it --as moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by C;ouncilir-n Peterson, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the communication from A. M.. Lassner ?:eon :aintenance Co., dated _ay 25, 1944, v:ith reference to T :eon sign maintenance, etc. be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk, together with a copy of the contract therein enclosed; Q -'742 RE IT FL i'r 3 PESOLVED, that the City Council hereby accents the proposal of said A. L1. Lassner Peon 1'.air_tenance Co. to repair the i;eon directional sign, the subject of said letter, for the consideration of :,:75.62, as set forth in said communic "t ion; ­-D 71 IT r. -111 �R RFSOLVEL) that a contract -.-with said �,. :.. Lassner ieon i,aintenance Co. for the period of one year, commencing July 1, 1944, substantially other:^Tise in the form enclosed in said communication, be executed by the City for the maintenance of said sign at the sum of X5.00 per month and for the furnishing and maintenance of an electric time clock at e cost of •„1.00 ner month, making a total of 'x6.00 ner month for such service; T'-7 3r IT ?�fi?'Ir�R �30L ED that the P, -ayor of said City be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to execute the said contract on behalf of the City and the City Clerk to attest +hA s-3me and make delivery thereof. The forenoin!- resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Lesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Mayor Love. I:oPs: Councilmen "bone. bsent : Councilmen Pone . -itv Tn =ineer -'utchins read to the Council a communication dated June 19-1 he had received from I,•orth American 4viation, Inc., reouestinn_ permission to install an aerial A. D. T. alarm circuit across a portion of you,_ -:las Street, within the City of R1 Se -undo. The Council �--ave consideration to the renuest, after which it was :Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that the folloi -ain:�- resolution be adopted: RDSOLVF'D, that the cor unication from Forth American .iviatior, Inc'. , addre =sed to :street Department, City of D1 S�nundo for - ttention of R. T. 'Hutchins, City Engineer, Gated 6 June, 1944, renuesting permission to cross Douglas Street in the City of R1 Segundo - ^:ith an aerial _4. D. T. -larm circuit be received and placed on file in the office of the City Clerk and that the same, as so on file, be and it is hereby referred to and by this reference incorporated herein and made a nnrt hereof; AN; j, 31 IT ITRTTER RFSCL -V l'D, that a temporary permit, revocable at any time by the City Council of the City of 11 Sep-undo, without notice, Ttwithout cause and without liability, be an-? the same is hereby granted to said North :.merican Aviation, Inc. to install and maintain the wires referred to as contemplated in said communication, subject to the-following terms and conditions: First: That said nermittee endorse upon a copy of this resolutiontobe filed in the office of the City Clerk, to the effect that nermittee is fpmiliar with the provisions of this resolution and the conditions imposed thereby and accepts the hermit accordingly. Second: That the said pe rnittee by acceptance of said nermit shall thereb- agree to indemnify and save the :;it7, of 21 Se undo and its officers, agents, servants and employ -es harmless-from any loss or damage which may be occasioned to either persons or property by reason of the exercise of any right or privilege granted under this resolution or as the result of the installation or maintenance of the facilities, 1 %rmission for which is hereby granted. 21-e fore�-oin�z resolution was adopted by the following vote: __Yes: Councilmen Messer, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and ;,:ayor Love. .oes: Councilmen Tone. __bsent: CounciLmen ::one. Q ;43 The City Clerk reported to the Council that Los Angeles County Health Denartment had submitted for consideration of this Council a for. of con - tr=-ct for the performance of health services for the City of El Segundo by said County, :Thish said form the City .zttorney had approved from a legal standpoint. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman =lesser, the follov7ing resolution be adopted: RESCLT -.D, that a copy of that certain agreement pt *een the County of Los Angeles, on the one )art, and the City of E1 Segundo, on the other Dart, for the per - formance by the health Officer, and other employees of said County, of any or all functions relating to the enforcement in the City of all ordinances thereof relating to public health and sanitation, and the making of all inspections, and the performance of all functions in con- nection therewith, presented to the City Council of the City of El Segundo at this meeting, be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk and hereby referred to and by this reference incorporated herein and made a Dart hereof; D, E7 IT ='UR'IIyR REE-SOL'TsD that the said form of agreement be and the same is hereby approved by this Council, an' that the , a:'or of s� id City be and he is hereb:., authorized a:d instructed to execute said agreement on behalf of said itv, and in its name, and the City Clerk to attest the same ar' -f fix the official seal of said City thereto; 3E IT 7,'RI1EE3 RESCL-TED, that- the effective date of scid contract shall be the lst day of July, 1944. 'he fore�oinF resolution was adopted by the following vote: =_yes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and .: ?ayor Love. i;oes: Councilmen None. r bsent: Councilmen Tone. The City EngineCr submitted for an?nrova1 Femorandum of Agreement for expenditure of 1/41-/ gas tax for Streets of '. -ajor Importance within the City of El Se_-undo for the 1945 fiscal year, a,',vising that the projects therein set forth coincide rith the project statement submitted by him to the Division of Higharays of the State of California. Thereafter it -ras moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman _+esser, that the following resolution be adopted: "1D5, the State of California, through its De7artment of Public .''orks, Division of uighways, has -)resented a memorandum of agreement in accordance ,frith a project statement submitted by the City for expenditure o--"-the 1/4 cent c s tax for the fiscal year 1945 allocated for streets of major importance other than State Highways in the City of El Segundo; and '. ER-3, the City Council has heard read said ar=ree;:ent in full and is familiar with the contents thereof, an-,', desires to approve the same; T=REFO?TE , BE IT 'ESCL'TED by the City Council of the City of E1 Sec7undo that said- agreement for expenditure of 1,/4 cent gas _tax ailocated. fob streets of major importance other t:aF.n State rirh'; ?ays, be and the sa'P.e is hereby a, roved ±h,- i._ayor and City 1­r�: are dlr °.Ctr � t0 S1�'Il the Same on if of sai . C,it� ]"he fore ^oin =' resolution '.,as 'adopted by the vote: Q "744 Ayes: Councilmen Sesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and '.:ayor Love. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. he Cit- ^_ttorney reported that in the case of the action of the State of California vs. various cities connected to the H'Vnerion seiner s;Ystem, he had appeared in court or. the 31st day of :,:arch, 1944, and that at said ar-) ^= rar.ce, at "Thich the attorneys for the other cities and the sanitation ?istrict ..ere also present, the 1-_atter had been continued for trial from t_— -previous set date, June 7th, 1944 to the 23rd day of nuFust, 1944. the Sup- rintendent of the ,,ater Department read to the Council a co _Muricr�tion he had received from Fergus L. Ferguson relative to the settie:i:ent of a claim said rater Department has against Howard Gil Cempary. Fo11o,�rin4;7 d.iscussion, it was moved by Councilman Se ;by, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the matter of settlement of the claim of the City of `l Der-un,90 a,-ainst iior-ard Gil Company and the preparation and trans - mission of any receipts or assig -Ments in connection therewith, be referred to the City Attorney of the City of E1 Segundo for determination. Carried by the following vote: :yes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and i,ayor Love. i;oes: Councilmen Tone. ribsent: Councilmen idone. !he City Clerk a ,4vised the Council that he had received a communica- tion from I.'r. 0. .. Fuller, residing at 423 .est ir:aple Avenue, El Segundo, co: rlainin� -- of the existence of a body and fender works at 413 -Nest i'aple _venue in said City; that upon receipt of said communication he had referred the matter to the -Police Department, �-%rhich investigated and obtained a promise from the operator of said fender works that he would minimize his activities and the noise created thereby, particularly during such times as P,r. Fuller, who works nights, is sleeping. The Chief of Police, supplementing this renort, stated that other complaints have been received from the neighborhood of this body and fender works, and that so far as the _Police Depart -..ent is able to learn, the o'neratcr thereof has not cooperated as agreed. Following discussion, the Police Department was instructed, by General consent, to call the attention of the owner of said body and fender corks to the fact that complaints continue to be received concerning his operations and activities there and to endeavor to enlist his cooperation in a discontinuance of the nuisance complained of, vihich if not discontinued, may subject him to prosecution under an ordinance of the City of El Segundo, which prohibits certain types of businesses creating noise, odors or smoke r,ithin certain districts of the City of El Segundo. The City Clerk called the Council's attention to the fact that its current contract for furnishing the City Tr:ith gasoline, oil, lubricants -rd liouid asphalts Tt:ill expire June 30th, 1944, and inquired whether or not the Council desires to advertise for bids on these materials to be furnished during the fiscal year 1944 -45. 7.-oved by Councilman Selby;-, seconded b-r Councilman Peterson, the follo.;ing resolution be adopted: 'Q i 4.5 RESOLVED, that a copy of that certain "Notice to Bidders on Gasoline, Oil, Lubricants and Liquid Asphalts, to tie furni^hed the City of Fl Segundo, California ", presented and read to this Council at this meeting, be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for the purposes of identification and reference; AP'.D, BE IT FURTHER RESCL7ED, that the City Council hereby approves the said form of notice and does hereby occordingly amend the various specifications therein referred to 'to the extent and in the particulars as therein set forth; ,: =', BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that bids be invited under said notice and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause said notice to be published in time, form and manner ns reouired by law. the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Layor Love. Toes: Councilmen Pone. Absent: Councilmen None. R. T. Hutchins, Superintendent of the later Department, reported having t orouFhly investigated and given mature consideration to the matter of bi- monthly billing by the :'rater Department of the City of Fl Segundo, as a result of which he recommended against the some in favor of a continuance of the current practice of monthly billing and he explained in detail his reasons for such recommendation. The Council discussed the matter further,,at the conclusion of which, by renernl consent, it was decided the matter be dropped. PAYING BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: F1 Segundo Hardware TOT,riL So. Calif. Edison Co. Ltd. So. Calif. Edison Co. Ltd. So. Calif. Edison Co. Ltd. Grimes- Stassforth Stat. Co. Recreation Fund General Fund 59.14 Gibson Motor Parts :;x40.34 :9.14 E1 Segundo Hardware 22.74 So. Calif. Gas Co. 3.29 General Fund Title Irs. 8 Trust Co. 16.00 ,;241.33 Yonroe Calculating 257.20 :achine Co. Inc. 12.00 19.98 Schwabacher -Frey Co. 6.15 50.:3 Clyde 7oodworth 100.00 TOTAL '528.03 Loved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the demands be alloyed and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the follorinr vote: Ayes: Councilmen lesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Mayor Love. Does: Councilmen Pone. _,bsent: . Rouncilmen Pone. P.'�:' ' 3U�I :vTM�SS . • • � . The .rater Superintendent at this time stated to the Council that he felt the following two -grater pipe line installations, to-wit: Loma Vista Street, betveen Grand and Holly :venues, and Eillcrest Street, between Oak - and _eple Avenues, could be made at a minimun expense at this time, as Q 746 excavation. .,achinery was available in the City, which coul(? be used to s ?vantage. He stated the cost of the first item above referred to would be the sum of Y490.00 and the cost of the second ,,ould be the sun., of x355.00. rafter hearing the report from the 'rater Superintendent :': „ith reference to said matter, it was moved by Councilman Selby., seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the installation of a 6” crater pipe line in Loma Vista Street, cet--een Gran= ::venue and =olly avenue at a cost of w490.00, and in T illcrest Street, b -t-een Cak Avenu4, anal :.:axle Avenue, at a cost of. `355.00, }P a -nd the same is hereby authorized, ratified an,-' confirmed by this Council. Carrier, by the following vote: .yes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and ?:ayor Love. ".Oes: CounciL:�er_ hone. ,sent : Councilmen I-one _ P _ )erinterr.ent of the ;'rater Lenartment renorte� that ' r. Fr?nk - .- nr=° ;" been emnic:red in �'is Lenart. ". °rat f ^_r n�. t: at lue to atse -,cP of ;.:r. Osborne on account of illness, it is recess ,ry to continue .. antic n Pm^ rmr;_r, s ° + s __ i_ .ploy t i �i'i d- ,a��n;ert; r:-hereupon it .�� o -..�_ - ouncil an Selb secon?ec by Council -tnn S_celley, t11-9t the *„ of the ..:ter Je_.] r+..ent be 1 ?e is he ut.lOrlZed t0 P "'n1O: .r. Frank 7. 1_°nrla r as a Laborer-1st vlqSS effective ?.S of 121:01 1945; that s - :id employes be compensated in the manner �ro'.ri' =d by resolution of this Council es'- „;lishing rates of compensation ,_ rules of er7loyment of employees of the City- of Fl Se:_�ar?o. C -rrie3 the follo-,!in� vot -1. ='s: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selb.-, Selley and '_..ayor Love. oPS: Councilmen_ None. s•Jesent: Councilmen 12one. I.o further business -c.S .'.OV °_d 'ouncll,'ra ^i -- a� urn artit ..onlalr, t:ie 'cloc'c ,_. Carried. appearing to be t.rans^cte -, =t this session, it Esser, seconded by Councilmen SLelley, the .r_eetinE 19th day of June, 1944, . qt the hour of 5:15 Pesnectfully dubmitten_, .._a, j or..*” _-r�