1944 JUL 19 CC MINQ '7"75 El Segundo, California. July 19, 1944. A regular meeting of the City Council o_° the City of E1 Segundo, California, -vas held in the Council Chamber of the City fall of said Cite on the above date, having- been called to order at 7:00 '=. U. by George Love, ',,:ayor. HOLL CALL. Councilmen _--resent: Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skeliey and J'-a­ or love. Councilmen rbsent: none. ire City Clerk announced that he had in his possession, it the Game condition. a�- . %rnen received, one bid for the Purchase of real Property* advertised for sale unier i:otice i,o. 5 of Intention_ to Se_l 'City of L1 Sep�sndo Ovar_eu Meal ?roperty and Inviting Sids or Offers Therefor. the Council thereupon, by general consent, authorized a susDension of the re =-ular order of business, so that it might consider said bid. It was thereuDcn moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skellev, that the Council proceed to open, examine and Publicly d -clare all •rids rgceiv ed this date for the Purchase of real Property o'nmea by the City of "l Se -undo advertised for sale under ltotice No. 5 invitinf7 bids or offers therefor. v =_ rle �.:e r=cil t :ereuPor_ -- )"oceeded to and did Chen, examin° an! publicly 'eClare t o one bi" receive(' T,1-is date for the Purchase of City of El Segundo real p,^operty, .hici2 s =id big; was found by said Council to be as follows, "July 19 -1944. City Council of El Se f'undo Se�ar_do, California Re: _he South 40 feet of Lot 7, 'R-lock 105, El Segundo Tr. Gentlemen: Pursuant to .Tour .1-otice Number 5 of Intention to Sell the above describes real estate, i hereby offer the amount of w140.00 for a ,wit Claim need to the above property. Inclosed Please fin,? :arrant tio. 14684 from the re•asurer of the City of �1 Se-andc in amount of w40.00. The balarce of :'100.00 will be paid a ^on .eliveryT of sold deed to me. 1 am 'Granira today, sc ple-se r_ak- the deed to my little '.randdau_!.t -r and n ?.'Re sake Caroline Obersmit.' , bOrI': to-a-'-, anw ohn Cbersmith, my son, --ith ri'ht of survivorship. x1 t:lryn Cbpi- smit!'_" . accompanied niit' of El .ci° l 1 ; r ?o iiarr-_nt " O. �R 4, �. r tie s• v l oo dra6'ir Pay %ab tG the o O _. � It y� 7ich A rr ?I:t was n-,t so that the' might f C.. Si: t= ° S . ^. •; S: b "" as. .le ?'t s v! ?Ck :.0. 736756, dated Decemb?r 23, 1942,, "U ^t of x"70 00i (n:)t F'ti :_" s.,.ia bid as acacmnanyinr the same or tilErG'.'it__;, ^.�_c,, 'sal; check Or'- lrally. " -S ar T•.. Pa�:Table t0 the G_ ;er cf ti e CJ_ c _l .333..-` , =t!?r endorsed by the City Of El S>� c_ -unto able LO t_'.° O1' ^er Cf .at -ry . l Cersmlt^, a2 not re -enr orse,,� so that ml ;ht Q '7'76 r-ter consideratior of said Did, it `.'.'as mcired by 'Councilman lesser, seconded bar Councilman Peterson, that the bid of itat`ir« Cbersm,ith, offarinE- the sum of 8140.00 foi- a uitclaim Need to the South 4C feet of Lot 7, _Eloc:l_ 10-E, El Segundo, be and the same is hereby rejected, and the City Clerk authorized and directed tc return to said bidder the den_ osit checks accompanyin said bid. Carried by the followir_r vote: Ayes: Councilmen. resser, Peterson, Selb-%r, S_telley and 'Yayor _eve. Lees: Councilmien iti^ne. V ^Sent: Councilmen :\one. St)ec:al �ity t tt_rney Benner at this joint lnfc=ed the Council t-at 'i"erared fcr its consideration a fcrm of resolution, which, If adorted, outhorize him to prcceed t^ clear title to certain tax , ^cede^ rCrcr °rties prnse,ntlir o-,,ned tv the vity of —y S° v'.ndO• Discussion on the subject followed, at the conclusion of which it was sir =ed that I.'r. Herder would prepare any? furnish the Council a. list of all tax deeded properties, the titles to which could be cuieted at the Council's rlerisure, se that the several members of the Council mi_-ht study sai_1 list -commend tc said Special City Attorney nigh prcperties shcul,' be included in a �;uiet Title Act ion _ in the near future, after w,ich sai_i Special City __ttornev may mcdify the proposed resolution presented this date and a�77air submit the same after such modification, tc this Council for its further consideration. :':3ITTEI: C01,1 MIC__TIONS. The following communications, received from th=e persons, firms or corperaticns hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed cif in the manner indicated, followinr reference to each hereinafter: DT SBGIIDO POST NO. 38 and AUY.ILL,4RY :,NTIT, American Legion, inviting the Counci` tc attend a joint installation of officers on Monday evening, July 24, 1944, at the American Legion Cluthouse, El Segundo. Ordered filed. RL'V. LAUR.D ;CE LEO YAMK Y, dated July 16, 1944, thanking the Council for havinE ,ranted permission to his group of altar servers and choir members to conduct their annual picnic in Grand Avenue Park, Thursday, July 13, 1944, and thanking also Lr. Jess Seadlee for making arrangements therefor. Ordered filed. EL SEaTNDO STANDARD GIL M'_PLCI7EES' CLUB, dated July 12, '1944, advising that said organization is planning an E1 SeFundc picnic for Labor Day, Septemb?r 4, 1944, on the High School Campus, and requesting that the City assist with the planning therefor and in the expense thereof. Yoved by Councilman Selby, seconded bay Councilman Sesser, that the followinc- resolution be adopted: F7SGLT%D, that the communication from E1 Segundo Standard Oil Employees Club, dated Julv 12, 1944, be received and placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for the purposes of identification and reference; A ^TD, BE IT F' r,THER RESOLVED, that this Council does hereby find and determne that the furnishing of entertainment and rromotional features and facilities at the occasion of the public -picn.ic referred to in said communication, to be held _ onday, September 4t ., 1944, would be of great and favorable advertising and promotional value to the City of El Segundo, and that, therefore, the City of El Segundo shall participate in the said occasion by the furnishinc- of enter- tainment and promotional features and facilities, and necessary cooperative and protecticnal features, at a total cost to said itv or not to exceed X500.00; AND, BE IT FURTIER RESCLVIIID, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby designated as the coordinating officer of said City, to cooperate with the general committee in charge of said picric and celebration, with authority to designate the particular items of entertainment, facilities and services to be rendered un -er the authority hereinabove granted, to the end that the City's cooperation in said occasion may be expended in a manner most compatible rrith the interests of said City in the premises. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skel'_ey and Elayor Love. 1�oes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen. None. STATE E��RPLC'_EEIS' 1ETIREi,-,1i'T,T SYST7_ `, dated July 7, 19449 advising that as provided in Section 76a of the State Employees' Retirement Act, ,.1r. Thomas J'. Kincaid, a municipal emplo yee, un -lerwent a medical examination which indicates that t'--e individual is not incapacitated for the performance of his duties and that, therefcre, it is satisfactory to retain.him in municipal service pending recei:,t of official notice o the action of the Board of Administration of the State Employees' Retirement Systeri with respect to his case. Ordered filed. IC 1? L FI 1�NCE CFF ICERS SSCC Ly. IO . 1 °44, r�com-iending that the City Council bi- monthly meetings of said ASSOCiatiQn, at and ot:ner relative subiects are discussed a ex -yen -e involved. Ordered filed. Q•�� OF SC`;T:EU_ C LIFO :In dated July urge its Finance Officers to attend which municipal finance nlannirg ad that the City bear the slight R ILRO^_D C013"ISSION OF TFE STATE' CI C._LIFORTv`L�, dated July 13, 1944, bearinc the su ^Ject "Appl. 2623111, advising that the City's letter of July 7, 1944, with reference to modification of service as.preposed by Inglewood City Lines has been received and will be given due consideration when the Commission acts upon. the Natter. Ordered filed. IT!GT?OCI Cliff' LI`S, dated July 17 P 1944, being a copy of a letter addressed by that utility to the Railroad Commission of the State of California, ,�:ith reference to its Applicaticn No. 26092, dated April 7, 1944, requesting authority to extend or change its motor coach routes Nos. 1, 3 and 5, in the vicinity of T,os Ange1es.Yu.nicipal Airport and the Douglas and North Am(�ri ^an -�j -craft factories. Ordered filed. _JOne . REPORTS OF ST_'YDIi17G CC,'�:1`ITTEES. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AT D S°E'C IAL CC �UITi''ES. The City Clerk reported having obtained from Emanuel E. Haastrom and wife, a street deed conveying a portion of Let 9, Block 98, El Segundo, to the City of E1 Segundo to comple`e the opening-, as a public street, of that certain traveled way commonly referred to as Concord Place. roved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the folloti•.inc- resol-.ation be adopted: =1,',:L-­,.that that certain Street :Deed, from Emanuel zp -stromi and Blanch S. Ha €strom, his wife, dated the 10th - of -u l­, i 4 , conve,- in` to the City of El Segundo the follo.vin E7 described real nrer_Art , in the City of El Segundo, cunty of Los Anc-eies, State of California, to -wit: ME The easterly t­,enty -five an^ 3/100 feet of the southerly forty -six feet of the norterl,- one hundred thirty -eight feet of Lot 9, dock 98, as shown upon L1 Segundo Sheet No. 3 and recorded in Wap Rook 20, Pages 22 and 23 of 1viaps, Records of Los Angeles County, California, on file in the office of the County Recorder of said Count.,, for Public street purposes, be ana the sime is hereby accented by and on behalf of the City of El Segundo; =:•p, a_ IT �7_ _`R RESOLVE:), that the City Clerk be and ne is hereby authorized and instructed to cause said deed to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles Count--, California, ;'ne fore�-oinr resolution was adopted by. the following vote: _r, yes: Councilmen :esser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and I::ayor Lcve. oes: Councilmen gone. Absent: Councilmen i,one. ire Cit'. Nttorney then reported that in antici ?ation of the City's acceptance o_' the Street Deed her,,tofore acceoted by this Council, P? had prepa­ed a form of resolution for the official naminr- of Concord Place, he at that time delivered to the Council for its consideration at the proper time. The Street Superintendent reported that during the week certain persons were employed in the Street Department of the City of El Segundo, and he requested the Council approve the employment of the following: Rov :Nichols, Harold I,:oar, Richard Zivalic, Robert Sheldon, Oren Randall and John _.rennin. ILcved by Councilman '=esser, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the action of the Street Superintendent of the City of F1 Segundo in employing :coy 'Achols, Harold hoar, Richard Zivalic, Robert Sheldon, Oren �tandall and John Brennan be and the same is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed, it being understood that such employments.are temporary only and subject to termination at any time at the pleasure of the Street Superintendent of the City of F1 Se,,--undo or of the City Council of said City. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Yayor Love. Noes: Councilmen hone. Absent: Councilmen 'Kone. Councilman hesser, to whom the matter referred to in this report leas assiCned, stated that after due investiCation and consideration, it is deemed advisable to rent,the building- of Mr. Ralph Converse at the Southwest corner of Richmond Street and Franklin Avenue as the recreation room for the Old rimers of E1 Se E7undo; that possession may not be had immediately, however, as _r. Converse will have to give the present occupants of said building*, the Civil Air Patrol, a reasonable length of time to locate new headquarters, and t-:at the Council will be advised at a future date when the premises will be available, so that it may take further action, if desired, respecting renting t_e same as headquarters and recreation room for the Old Timers. T.;NFIi�IS= aliSI:;ESS. Ordinance No. 279, entitled: Ai CRDINAi:CL' OF Til'" CITY Cr FL SFG UDC, CALIFORNIA, JSTABLIS=:II-G RULES AI7D FELI.TINa TO AND G07E'RN I: G PUBLIC R RriS , ?ARK,,, AYS , 7i. 4YGROU DS , CR = :TICi: R. kS AND PLP^ -.CL'S I'1 :IP; SAID CiMr, '10 �S T_ -E? Cr , Ai'.J tC I ;ITLN_; C-7 `.RTAIi. AC1S l:- IiI, which was introduced at a regular meeting of this Council held July 5, 1944, was presented at this time for the Council's further consideration, and the title thereof was read by the City Clerk. Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the further reading of said Ordinance Do. 279, be waived. Sail motion was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Messer, Selby, Skelley and L.ayor Love. sloes: Councilmen none. Absent: Councilmen ;gone. :oved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Selby, that Ordinance :c. 279, entitled: AN CRDINA 1%2E OF I'T H, CITY OF EL SEGL'NDC, CALIFCRNIA, ESTA3LI3HING RULES AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO AND GOVER;v ING ?'TBLIC PARKS, P;-- PLt�sAYS , PLAYGROUNDS , RECREATION AREAS AND PLACES ?WITHIN SAID CITY, AND USE T-H--- REOF, AND PRCHIBITING CERTAIN ACTS T^:ER✓IN, which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of this Council he }d or t'n? 5t.: day; of July, 1944, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby,, Skelley and Nayor Love. Toes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. PAYING BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Mater "corks Fund General Fund Pay Roll Demands Nos. Day Roll Demands Nos. 10190 to 10196, Incl. 5588.92 48479 to 48496, Incl. $717.76 Linta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 60.90 Pay Roll Demands Nos. :�:inta Curtzwiler, City 'areas. 80.50 48508 to 48531, Incl. 1501.61 State Employees' Retirement Pay Roll Demands Nos. System 45.84 48497 to 48507, Incl. 1028.15 State Employees' Retirement pinta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 465.10 System 55.07 Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 319.16 Addressing ::ach. & Acc. Co. 1.36 State Employees' Retirement Lyman --orum 17.75 System 283.76 Braun Corporation 16.91 State Employees' :retirement System 359.73 Calif. ?ipe Line Constr. Co. 875.45 Southern Calif. Tel. Co. 10.05 City of El Segundo 761.36 ;'cestern Union Telegraph Co. 4.55 El Segundo Hardware 3.04 Ira E. Escobar 171.52 E1 Segundo hi-erald 57.93 County of Los Angeles 56.40 International _arvester Co. 10.71 Southern Calif. Tel. Co. 134.63 Kimball Elevator Co. 6.00 Zonne Electric Tool Co. 28.50 'rational Cast Iron Pipe Co. 74.52 Barrie & Ferguson 11.77 Rensselaer Valve Co. 115.15 Inglewood lv:otor Parts 18.25 Rich Manufacturing Co. 5.96 Ted Eades .77 S:. Cal ' if . �T�ele -lone Go. 22.60 Fletcher's Tire Service 4.90 marl . ".ison 30.00 Inglewood Book & Stat. Co. 1.54 TCTAL w2829.97 C,. K. McConnell 2.85 Pacific Electric Railway Co. 15.08 Recreation Fund J.G. Tucker & Son 18.0: El Se -undo i ardware X1.06 ::m. H. Hoegee Co. 18.09 TCT,L x:1.06 Builders Sat ^rial Co. 5.17 El Segundo Hardware 20.65 Q 80 T:_oved by Councilmar_ Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the demands be allowed an Warr -nts ordered drawn on and paid. out Of t e resoective funds coverin} the same. Carried by the following vote: ryes: Councilmen. Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and La�,-or Love. IOes: Councilmen lone. nbsent: Councilmen. None. •roved by Councilman .Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that esolution :.o. 730, entitled: - iSCICi: C i C l'. ` CCI C Z IIY ii'i I CF C , - CF ET Sir C::RT--_IN iT :?I "^ C TT7_* AS I,CC_ -COs2D ?LaC Jn f n r.as rea^ b� aaortoa n _ .,arried by the following• vote: _yes: Councilmen Pesser, Peterson. Selby, Skelley and Iviavor Love. I:ce s : Covnc ilmen 11-one. Ab3z e_ ^.t: Colunccilm °._ 17one. I, -o,red b`' s Council.T.?-" - Seib- , s eccnr'ei .may noun n ilmen Skelley, that t-'. su,T '2500.00.be transfe ed fr--r th? mineral f - r � Fund of the City o F1 Se�nfin to the Li-rar­ cf s^ i' C t;r; also that the surr_ of '1000.00 be trar_sferrec from the General gun -' of said City to the Recreation Fund of sa i% C iti', ._._ that t *,,e C its" Clerk a.nd the C m eaC r a``' City lr.. urPi' of the said City cf L1 Se - undo•be an^ their are :.erebv authorized to make appropriate entries s -�c` trans_f'-rs in their respective books'cf record. Carried by the follorain :- vot- : yi:es: Councilmen. 'esser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and T,`.ayor Love. I,:oes: Councilmen Drone. Absent: Councilmen _gone. i,,oved by Councilman 4esS r, secondel by Councilman Skelley, the fcllc,•,ir-f resolution be adopted: 1LESOLTM , that the City Clerk be aid hA is hereby requested to, from time to time, aivise the City Council resnectin�- the employmeht status of'new employees of the City of Fl Se`-undc, so that tie City Council will be in a position to analyze such matters as related to the participation by the City in the State Fmployees"Retire- =t System. Tne `ore;"oln,' resolution ?A;as ado.,oted by t12 following' 'Cote: ye ^: Councilmen T_esser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Mayor Love. :.oes: Councilmen 'gone.' Absent: Councilmer_ None. l,ioved by Cot;ncil?*an Selby, seconded'by Councilman Skelly, that the resolution be adorted-: General Fund General Fund Grimes- Stassforth Stat. Co. 516.14 Title Ins. and Trust Co. 16.00 Grease - Sorbent Products Co. 30.03 Victor D. MTcCarthy, City C1. 6.07 City of 1'_anhattar_ Beach 8.00 City of E1 Segundo ?'rater City of Fl Se-undo 7iater Dept. 374.46 Depart. 51.92 TOTAL :�5709.7C T:_oved by Councilmar_ Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the demands be allowed an Warr -nts ordered drawn on and paid. out Of t e resoective funds coverin} the same. Carried by the following vote: ryes: Councilmen. Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and La�,-or Love. IOes: Councilmen lone. nbsent: Councilmen. None. •roved by Councilman .Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that esolution :.o. 730, entitled: - iSCICi: C i C l'. ` CCI C Z IIY ii'i I CF C , - CF ET Sir C::RT--_IN iT :?I "^ C TT7_* AS I,CC_ -COs2D ?LaC Jn f n r.as rea^ b� aaortoa n _ .,arried by the following• vote: _yes: Councilmen Pesser, Peterson. Selby, Skelley and Iviavor Love. I:ce s : Covnc ilmen 11-one. Ab3z e_ ^.t: Colunccilm °._ 17one. I, -o,red b`' s Council.T.?-" - Seib- , s eccnr'ei .may noun n ilmen Skelley, that t-'. su,T '2500.00.be transfe ed fr--r th? mineral f - r � Fund of the City o F1 Se�nfin to the Li-rar­ cf s^ i' C t;r; also that the surr_ of '1000.00 be trar_sferrec from the General gun -' of said City to the Recreation Fund of sa i% C iti', ._._ that t *,,e C its" Clerk a.nd the C m eaC r a``' City lr.. urPi' of the said City cf L1 Se - undo•be an^ their are :.erebv authorized to make appropriate entries s -�c` trans_f'-rs in their respective books'cf record. Carried by the follorain :- vot- : yi:es: Councilmen. 'esser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and T,`.ayor Love. I,:oes: Councilmen Drone. Absent: Councilmen _gone. i,,oved by Councilman 4esS r, secondel by Councilman Skelley, the fcllc,•,ir-f resolution be adopted: 1LESOLTM , that the City Clerk be aid hA is hereby requested to, from time to time, aivise the City Council resnectin�- the employmeht status of'new employees of the City of Fl Se`-undc, so that tie City Council will be in a position to analyze such matters as related to the participation by the City in the State Fmployees"Retire- =t System. Tne `ore;"oln,' resolution ?A;as ado.,oted by t12 following' 'Cote: ye ^: Councilmen T_esser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Mayor Love. :.oes: Councilmen 'gone.' Absent: Councilmer_ None. l,ioved by Cot;ncil?*an Selby, seconded'by Councilman Skelly, that the resolution be adorted-: Qt RESCLVE:), that any member of the City Council desiring_ so to do,. the City En-ineer and the City Clerk, be and t:.ey are hereby authorized tc attend the arrual conference of the Leai7ue of California Cities, to be held at Sacramento, California, September 19, 20 and 21, 19449 as representatives t- tereat of the City,- of M, Semindo; that ary,of said officials decidins to attend such Conference advise the City C1?r!c promrtl; of his intention so to do; that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and re- quested, Upon receirt of such information, to make.the reouisite hotel and transportation reservations, it being understood that any of such officers who actually attend said Conference may file their demands against the City of L'1 SeF-undo for their actual and necessary expenses in connection there' ith. T .e foreCoin� resolution was adorted by the followinF vote: n�Tes: Cou_ncilmpr. 'r_esser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Aayor Love. Does: Councilmen none. absent; Councilmen ::one. :1-o further business annearirp- to be transacted at this meeting, it was mov-d by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, approved: 4� j, City e r1ayoT . J _