1944 AUG 02 CC MIN7-1 Segundo, California.
20 1944.
rr-[-uiar meeting of the City Council of the City of El Sp�und_-
,alifcrni-� , was held in t"np Ccuncil Cham`_,er of the City :all of sai-_` 7it,,-
or the ahov- date, having beer called tc order at 7:00 P. I,'. by George
Pre-ent: :lesser, Fe-terscr, Selby, S..elley and ..'.,qyor Love.
C "_:n C i I n :absent :
__�e -in,_ites of Lhe rE��zular ',-eld on t'ne 19th day of 17,d 1 y L V Iz_
;I—er. _reap? and no errors or emissions en-uearin�-, it jr,,)vFa
.C,-uncJ___Lm-_-n i-eterson, secon^ed by Councilman Skelley, the minutes --f said
p , �� �. I !
e , n -- : I` 9T'�=Ve' aS recc
_-_ e Ci'-- Clergy* arncunced he had ir. -ossession it the same corai+ion
�_c 7.,ner rFceived, t,,-I-o for- the nurcriase of t?x de,? IeJ real p-rop-rty
c, y ' '1�
-for sale h- Oitv of Ell Serund3 en,4 in -�,4 t 4 - 'C� i ` S
t r--� fo r
�7-" Council by genpral conS°r.t, authoriz� the susnension
o-f business, so that it mie.ht consider said -iris at
is t i 7?
iv_oved *--,,- Council= :--terson, s-conc3p,; It,'.- C,)--incilmar ' esser, that tae
proceed to open, examine and publicly dec__larp all 'cirls rpce-Lvzd
this date fez the -nurci7ase of tay de-'ded real. property . 4 thin tne _'jtv of
_71 sG --) r -1 o h-
tcfore offere-' .-for s le by s!_�id City. Carried.
11e Council thereupon roceeded to and did open, examine and Publicly
sec._ -r= said', `2i!�E , i;hich said h�i-,Is ,verf, found I-v this Cour.(,i,- to be as
"o 11 o.—'s, t ")--rit
Di.` o- '::._'ilI_iam '?aurhman, oubmitted on regular fonm provided therefor,
'-i,1dinz- the s= of 2:300.00 for the purchase of Lot 20, Block 429 7,1 Sp,,vundc,
a4vortised for sale under Notice 71.-o. 4-1,' of Irtention to Sell City or Ell
"'caned Real Property.
Said '-i,! ,gas accorrmanied b,,- Cashier's CI-eck 1,,o. 577254, rlr,-,.• .,n -Payable
to the order of t-Ie City of 7-1 Semjn#o, in Via 711T of _1300.00, on El Segundo
--ational 'ank of Los Angeles.
of _--at.rvn 0irsmith, offering ':'200.00 for the South 40 feet of
-ot 105, El Se,7-undlo, as advertised for sale un,1er I'otice !,'o. 5 of
lrtprtion to Sell City of -71 S-.-un-5o Cwned 'Rea ro ertv.
Soy --id was accorma-ieI by ' "cited States Postal 1"oney Ordpr No. 276279
it tne siri of d_�ted Tanuar'17 12, 194z, on the Los `,nr-ples, California
-:-cs" mnd,- -Da7.'abip, to -Klatl-irine Cbe-smith, en'lorse by said
Cc;-rs,-_itr� the name of the payee left blank; United States -Postal
.r-;er :o. 2)041 3, in the sum of 1944, drawn on the
s'" to 17. Saunders -9nd endorsed on the
—3-%-, -T-17ona I)ost ,_,ffice, ra-�-a�__
b,r V. 7aun,:ers -r,,, H t----,.Tr, CbRrs-,iit-; Cashier's Ch—k '.O.
the o° t.Y mated Decc�r-�__ payable to the order c ff'
'�o in t e S,, n Cf,
bearing-- several' -ncrlorsements, the last of
c, ='-es t',
�4ty of --1 SeE-undo ':':arrant "o. 446e4,
Je 'P, q nei7otiable, ?.P - I-
e^ Cer dra wn navable - t, c the order of Kathryn Obersmith in
t'-e sn:,- of .,:hic.-I sai,;, w,�=.ant nas net been endorser by the payee.
Said bid was acccn- oanied also by a two -page communication, over the sic-nature
of Kathryn Cbersmith, dated August 2, 1944, expressing her views . ^ith respect
to taxation.
Following consideration of the said bids, it ,as moved b,' Councilman Peterson,
seconded by Councilman Hess-r-, that the bid of Kathr- -n Cbersr!ith, filer ?ith
this Council this date, offering :5200.00 for a deed to trip City,S interest in
the South 40 feet of Lot 7, Dlock 105, El Se�cando, be rejpcted ar.d file City
Cler'r he and he is her -gibe authorized and directed to return to said bridder the
_'P_.ted States postal _._oney Criers, Cas-ierls Che.c:: and City of "'l Sec=undo warrant,
i:4 h accompanied said bid as : pr Oeposit in connection therewith. Cr rried by
the fcllorlir� - vote
A; es: Councilmen riesser, Peterson, Selby, Skellpy and or love.
I:o1s: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
oved by Councilman Iesser, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that Resolution.
:;c. 731, entitled:
R- �I�. OF 1 E C_ ! CO INCI C, _1_ Cl
n CE Z' 7I _C ,-T CU Su SID
EEL SEC:, ���C, �_�IrOP��L:, nC�.,� _ :•:U :.�
01 „IIr�.- -• ��^_ 0:� �. tC CE. T_ l_. ^I' C :U
SEAL p OpE_7:,
::tiCh :'Jc�S rea , oe adopted. Carried Jy the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen . esser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and 1�iayor Love.
I•ioes: Councilmen I :one.
A:csent: Councilmen Hone.
Special City Attorney John F. =sender then presented the Council three
; uitclaim Deeds, filed as one document, effecting Lot 25, Block 12, in the
City of E1 Segundo, which he recommended the Council accept and cause to be
It Was thereupon moved cy Councilman :lesser, seconded, by Councilman
Skelley, that the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that those certain Quitclaim Deeds, filed
as one document, as follo� ^.s, to -wit: Quitclaim Deed dated
the 17th day of July, 1944, executed by liable Grace McDonald
!.:artmer; Quitclaim Deed dated the 17th day of July, 1944,
executed by Prances P,iarie EcDonald Kelley, and Quitclaim
Deed, dated the 22nd day of July, 1944, executed by Robert
Royal :McDonald, presented to this Council for its considera-
tion and conveying to the City of El Segundo, that certain
parcel of real property situated in the City of L'1 Segundo,
County of Los AnCeles, State of California, described as
Lot 25 in Block 12 of El Segundo Tract,
in the City of El Segundo, County of Los
Angeles, State of California, as per map
recorded in Book 16, Page 69 of i'_aps,
in the office of the County Recorder of
said County, '
be and the same is hereby accepted bar and or_ behalf of the
of 7_1 Ser -undc; and
�E I-_ - �SCL °r __, that the City Clerk be and
:e is hereby authoriZ °:� and direct -d to record said instrument
in trip office of the County Recorder o_' Los Angeles County,
--he forec-oin- resolution was a.iopted by the follo::inF vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen :esser,'Peterson, Selby, Skelley and I'a;,°or Love.
noes: Councilmen None.
Kbsent: Councilmen None.
Special City attorney ohn F. Bender then informed the Counci_ that he
had r_reaared an furnishe ^, each member of the Council a list of parcels of
real Property !,ithin the City of El SeEando, to which the City holds Tax
Deed but has not as ;het authorized the com^lencement of quiet title pro-
cee^ in_-s in order to acquire title to said property. ne requested tics` the
1!ln'Ci� C ^ :?CK
the list and inform him as to which r_arcels it d °sires to
nave titles cloared.
.. _1I ` .. C l.', T,' = vn I C ".
'r_e follo;'ain^ communications, received* from the persons, firms Or
CorPCrations hereinafter named", were read to th°_ Council and ti.ere dispos!,d
of _., t,h- 7: nner indicated, followii . reference to eac',_ hereinafter:
'kited July 3i, 1944, heir. a_�pliC3tlOn for em :iOjli]? 1t
t:_e Cit of Se =;o. Ordered °fled.
_._ IS, hated ruc ust 1, 1944, 'cein- an application for employment
City o S, -un,o. Ordered filed.
"-ILLL�� ::S, Superinten7ert, -1 SeF,-undc Unified School District,
at -a .-uly 31, 1944, rquestin^ the Council to release certain real properties
tre City of E1 Sec-undo from the effects of certain rig-hts of way for
at�r pipe line corstruction and maintenance no-,,, held bl, said City.
cvs by CcunciLman lesser, seconied by Councilman Selby, the following
resolution be ad opted :
SCL' E that the cC "_T.uniication fror^ Dan T. 7.1111ams,
JITFrintenlerit, El SA�7u.nlc Uni�ied S --pool District, dated
u'..'i i. �.' 31 ,: 1944, reference to the release by the City of
l of Certain Casemerts oVm.Fed by sail City in certain
real -,property o_- or,osed to be acquired by s -.id School District,
be received and n1 -aced on file in the office of the City
, lF rii ; and
BL I= F7 ER ;- SCL,7D, in response to said cor^.munication,
that the City- Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to notifir
said District, trrou`_h its proper officers, that the City
�Cuncil of the .ity of El Se�.undo presently i001i5 ?A /itri favor
ro_i the desire of said District in the ^re:mises, out that
s i= 'Council reouasts that said District cause to be prepared
and furnis -,ed to the City of Ll Ser,undo th•, exact form of
release or quitclaim t,ich s id District desires said City
to exec . f' js` :o.: ir._ t::e r, ^O^ Z _ Pi dgrCr4 0 ; : Of the
and CCr+ is ,- P _ iaus° tC the effect
L t`.- City .r "'S _Jt, by such ins "_'LLrient r lo_;cr ai. irht
f -
ir. rest _._ _ t' 2. n y Crtic, - Gf _ pUh'lic st "e et r
..�t rnn. -i nt of such •o_'...
a i�'_f ��rl c .�1t ✓"`...aC i� .ii1 �ii�p tr -;P s' -; !(lo
°SSG' =', _C.t =r50 ^, Sel y, C' ✓n i�'; and ._ Love.
v J
1 n r rrl
Special City tttorne;r, gated ul 21, 10 - L Z z , a ^v is _- _t
of the ..=Sterl, 7.01 feet LOt ll , IOC'r: 9E, Ni .Se,7undo, has noel
paid in full the a,-,-,cunt Of the assessment due t_ ^ereo^_, levied lr ('OnnPction
Stre t Open ink proce -O inF' under the "Street Cpenir -F- Act of 188911, and
rc�ae?tln =- t e Council approve the s" „^:e and that he be Co7r-rsgt• -' in a ^Ccr.Jance
-,'it -- : is contract �,;ith tae City of El Sep_irdo for the ccllecticr_ of delinquent
special assessments.
.._Oved by Councilman 3?1'Cy, seconded b- :ounci -'n?r Sk-Piley, t"ft the
Sltt_e, e -t !T.a7P J o nn "'. Bender, JpeC lal .]tV ttOrney Of trie alt, ^ 7 1
Of delineuent specks assessment Levied a`7ainst t..e 'Ke,sterly 67.`
cwt --t 10 deck 9r E1 Se n d o bein` __„n'� : :c. 40 un ^er "Street 0n ninc-
cc�er ,-.F, � - d t n the �. a in- ti - -1-t _ _ ^v 1_ �_ C :�_ O” :�- sale S ^PCla� ltd t C me \•,
,=sent- l..ls '.,� c4l this 7.��� te , bT ratified ? -nom a c_ -) e
"n- -_q „it' ��.1.e1'✓ :; °. athorJ zed to cause ce"'_ar_a In favc_ .-,_ Jendei
ca prepared for the amount due him under co -tract for effectin said spttle-
m�. t. Carr;ed b, the follov:in:l- vote:
P c e'.' ='c °r .Soil SSelby, Sk � and ' ^r Love.
Councilmen n s _ , _ t , , ...eliey
l;oe s : Councilmen one.
CS ° ^.t : .OUIlC i1TiPn N'One .
y,J =_- C_ � C1T: C� �rS rT, "i;S, Gated r"ill'llSt i, 1944, tranSTittlnF_
.O_° ° r °�Ort O; tt° -,OF,- of Public .'orks of sai vlt ', f11e
the ' -t,- Council t ^?TPCf, pursuant to a communic?tio,: her °tofore sent the
i.os ".n=-eles by the City of ^1 Segundo with reference to the encroachment
cf ssn� fro:: the City o_' Los Angeles upon private property r:ithin the City of
c, ?'::':ichi report st t, s 2! t the eXc?.vatio. ^_s menticner? in the letter
City of E1 Se ^antic were discontinued June 30, 1944, and that the encroach-
ment ccir7 aired of appears to have been a movement of sand toward the City of
L= vndc aloe: the entire '_ensth of the dunes westerly thereof, including
loc ^tions not eff -cted by excavation at the particular point referred to by the
,`ovPd by Councilmmar_ Petersor., seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the
f'clle'�^:inc resolution be adopted:
?SOL�TD, that the communication from the City Clerk
of the City of Los Angeles, dated zupust 1, 194 anal the
report of the Board of Public :':erks of said City, dated
aly 26, 1944, addressers to the City Council of the City
cf Los kn. -eles, attached thereto, be received and placed
on file in the office of the City Clerk;
AIM I H TT Fu_ T: �B �ESCL ':8, that the City Cler': be
he is hereby authorized and directed to address a
communication to the City Council of the City of Los 'ngeles,
thankin`- said Bod,.- for its efforts and cooperation respectinr,
the matter referred to in the letter addressed to said Body
b,,\ the City Clerk of the City of El Se�mndn or, :,:,-.y 8, 1944,
and statin<-- that it is the reouest of the City Council of the
City of -1 Se�_nindo that as a matter of municipal cooperation,
the City Ccunc it of the City of Los Am ,eles should make such
c-�ers as may be necessary to cause a planting of beach moss
or suitable shrubbery cr vegetation to be made to the end
that the wind erosion of the sand dunes on the Hy
_reatTMent giant. site b: arrested as -far as reasonably possible
en t:`18t the conseeUent encroachrilent upon private 'property
it ^ -in the City of ZHi Se�-undo be ^:inimized thereby. .
lhP forez-oino resolution was adopted by the folio, ^:ink vote, to -r :it:
-_yes: Councilmen hesser, Peterson, Selby, S'relley end :'mayor Love.
Councilmen .",one. .
I�csent. Ccan ^ilmen
..one .
2�pO_ TS OF ST NDDNG C0';';:IT7I7E'ES .
?:_:PCR S C_, G IG S i :D S CIS _ CO',7, =IT=S.
iUi.id.in insn °_ctor „ohn O °talanc caused to oe reap t0 the „Cunci- a C:O':":.^IUP.lc3-
i^ 194.L. ?ddress to him ^' C:ln 0• tiUStlri, 4rChitArchitect, ^.it
20, 1�
refPr-ncp to settlement :':ith - aticnal Cornice ' :'Or-..S in corLnection With its cOn-
tr= ct to r)-rf.c= certain labor and furni SI, certain_ materials at El Sr -gundo public
cc= -n-.e,4 oralll upon_ the .^.':titter, stating that in his Judgment .rational
Co^ ice orks °.s don- ever.thinc it may do at this time to fulfill its obligations
L.n :er its CCTltr3ct, but t "iat dlle t, war cond.itionS it is unable to furnish the
00 S me ^- tinned in s---'A contr -ct, ?n? he reCOR1,T.endeu 331a National
^,rr.i Ce .',O :c Le -i. the S L" Of Y110.00 as flail and final llay.Tont Of ail worU
!rat�rials furnished to date unler its contract, and that the Council
nor tr,P c•:ncellatior; of said contract and the release of its Faithful
=F: furnis.:Pd in cornoction therot- ,Tith.
councilman Se1b -, seconded br Councilman Skelley, that the
resolution be adopt.-_..
the D {uildinr Inspector of the City of El
Sa •uncD, California has _-PT)orted to this Council at this
°t tl'at SO far as it iS nOSSible un -ler existinr, War
.=n. itions _.atior.al Ccrnice corks has fulfilled and
cornleted its contract i ^rith the City of El Se -i.indo for
certain rork ini connection ^.'itti the Li'r3r7- uiliing_ Of
Y:•; , . :__�_ yPC, said 3uildin�, Inspect= has further
rencrte� to this Council that in his opinion_, deductions
maje for that portion of the fork and materials Which said
contractor s u:_ =.b1P to furnish due to +Tar time restrictions
--re ftiir and reasonable;
n^T), ".���, .S, after deducting all amounts heretofore
t. said Cjtv on said contract and the 'deduction due
to in3�oiiit; to furnish materials, Pt. , due to emercency
:ar timT, conditions a'._`ove referred to, •there remains ,,payable
tc said contractor the sum of X110.00;
C'`', T' �: -iFC Y , IT _7SC7;.D, that the City Clerk
^„er:are an," present to this Council forthwith the necessary
deman.a and .- arrant for the pal,-mPnt of said -balance of X110.00
to contractor;
IT FT_T,_RI'-= i SCE: r,, that uncn the Garment by
of s!- 1^ a"'OL.rt tc sail LCOntr =ctor, t:na Said contract
fulfilled ^n. tPrfninnted and that the bond
s� i? conti -ictor si.all, effective as of this date,
± l ;+z-= be exonerate,,.
i" in rP SOlUt ion ''3 $ ad ^rt , ^ -h° folloWinR vote:
v..-.i nc i l r'iP n. _O_S= ?Pt""son, Solby f Srelley and i,a ?Tor LOVe.
'Our• ?ilmnn :;On°• .
a^nointments of
-.e _ CliCe 3 :nOU' UDc .t ons o_°/t_1e folloti7inc- name;
Cf " S -c!und o tC�- .':it: J. ,• f0u[!1.5,
E on - -...1 _ -• L. .:oo , v. J. Loe Daniel-
._. f ^. 2'�' ✓n ^ .�• .i• St lii... °ll_f -,• C• Donovan, J• l,• Griffln, • i'.•
J �r1CA f i. r p...'S •J �• `EiCtSOn, G• F • r".Z2.r, {• 1'..• _n r
• • , f
4_ 107
...,ter Suserinite ^rent =.utchins resorted to tale. Council tiat the three months'
1P=ve of atsence . ":e2eto`'ore `ranted Gsborne Cec °_use of ft is illness, eX ^i -e.'1
Sul " 2 ^, 1944, out that his _'J:1VSicia. ^i is unTM•'illlln:" to � -ive him a release to
narmit __is returning to 'fork for a fe,..., weeks., No action tc'--en.
C4--.-.- Zttorne v :'soorlworth remin ^Pd the
et . `.P earliest possi'cle time, its �u het
to ho raised taxation for t : -r ''isc ._
nP ^_ ss;% y to rsis- s i� am-unt.
Council of the desirability of preparinF.. ,
fixing the mount of ;Toney necessary
ar 1944-15, ann f lxlnr7 t -, t^:_ rate
: iscusslon followe ^' !�urins' :,.hicl It '.':'3S conclude. that the or ,in"1ncP f?x' ^._
t -l- amount of more;•:- necessar;, to r_i-ised by taxation for cr=..-ine- o- the
r-rat _ns 0 - overn,me1t an(! a-,'ini-
_ �? -, the bonded inr'.ebtedness for thP fiscal ear
col._.. t" _ntron -Uce^ -- r-us_ 1C, 1944 a n;; i a"onted -2.t an 4 ^jj ou -2ne;� -,d r
�, - -ust 23r ", 1944-, on, .,._1Cf: 13tter 'date the resolution 17.x= tll° t�x
Ps furt %er determine. --oul' be
_ ^to
,I -rc
jar -',s = :avinF- "_2^ tic ,-?proiral of t-- iol Mitt?? on Finance
r-,-, -ere read.
'.at?r '•',orks i'unO
- moll L'emands .,'os.
,._inta Curtzwiler, City- i'reas.
to 10222, Incl.
Is3'.:elle In= -raham
:._ints , irtz. ^:filer, Git,, ireas.
Retirement Syst.
State E.rloTTees' Retirement Syst.
-Dral.;_r. Corr oration
Calif. ise Line Constr. Co.
-raser Cement Products Co.
. �. iutchins, Petty Cash
Ir. ?ustrial Stat. -' Printinc, Co.
Cro Grande Lime & Stone Corn.
Reliable Iron Foundry
State Comrensation ins. Fund
Southern Calif. Freit7ht Forrarders 1.68'
TO'TAT k1468.77
Recreation Fund
,._inta Curtzwiler, City- i'reas.
Fran (,es Peterson
Is3'.:elle In= -raham
-thel S. Grubb
?atsy ., :itchell
I riarne Snow
? .12
yudi-ie Ca:: bell
m. L. Dennis
Ins- lewood Rol & Gun S'nop
ational Recreation nssOciationi
L. Dennis
LPSther Supr-y Co.
1:;P Fear _=andicrafts Co.
Ge ne ra 1 Fund
Pay Roll demands Nos.
48562 to 48579, Incl.
?a;% Roll Demands ,':os.
48580 to 48590, Incl.
ay Roil Demands ,cos.
48591 to 48620, Incl.
L:inta Curtzwiler, City areas.
P,iinta Curtzwiler, " "
State Employees' Retirement
State Employees' Retirement
,,:aster rest Control Co.
El Segundo Herald
Ira E. Escobar
Pacific Electric Ry. Co.
Lichfield Oil Corp.
Oswald Bros.
American Bitumuls Co.
Edna E. Leland
A. Carlisle R- Co.
Industrial Stet. k. Printing Co.17.91
So. Calif. Gas Co.
Public Administration Service
John F. Bender
Kae D. Lewis, Agent
:glue Goose Cafe
Jensen's Cafe
Cafe Supreme
Inelewood Human6 Societe, Inc.
F. E. Dine
C. K. McConnell
2.85 '
The A. Lietz Co.
State Comnensation Ins. Fund
Los nnr~eles Co. Health Dept.
Toved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Selby, the der-ands be
a_ owed aril warrants be drawn on aril paid out of the res- nPctive funds coverin:- the
ssa re . Carried by the following vote:
A gas: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, S'telley and Mayor Love.
;oes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Pone.
i.:ovec. by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the
named municipal emnlo«ees be anz the,, are hereby granted their customary
an= _ t "C ?`reefs earned vacation, bet:'Teen the gates set after their respective
n-!7es n-- reaf'ter, as follolms, to —wit:
Dorothy V;allace Au: -ust 7th to AuC-ust 20th
Rl_)Ssell ._ensley august 7th to August 20th
ohn C^talano September 11th to September 24th
Neva Flsey August 21st to September 3rd
__ha fore. - oink-' resolution was adopted by the• follo-ring vote, to-�vit:
.eyes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Ma. yor Love.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
';rater Superintendent utchins reported that Yrs. Ethel ?'sard will be
em-o'oye� to relieve .,alas Ruth Schlimme, Clerk in his office, during the latter's
L. e:ee_ :s vacation to be taken this month ar.d that in order to familiarize Mirs.
aka -ith the work, it was found desirable to employ her three days in advance
of'the beoirzin�7 of said vacation of Muth Schlimme.
It .;gas thereupon moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman
SKelle r, that the' emplovment of T:,.rs. Ethel ' : :ard, Aur-ust 2nd, 1944, to work bet-.,een
said. date ana the date or: the conclusion of the vacation period of Muth Schlimme,
AUc?'ust '20, 19441 be and the s ,-,-me is' hereby ratified. and approved, said
temporary employee to be compensated in the. manner and at the rate provided by
th'e salarV' resolution_ of the Cit�> of J1 Seeundo. Carried by the followinc vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, S_telley and r.ayor Love.
i,oes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
Chief of Police Hutchins a ^vised the Council that the Police Department
is ir :reed of a new filing cabinet and he Peauested that a sum be appropriated
F •
ar, esse_'•, -seconded Councilman Peterson, that the
=f C: = 'OliCe C: the y- o ! Sa -u n10 L,.P he is hereby Ol:tfo"izeJ to
: ..'. ti �� ^. i._-tJfor'th °_ USP Of n;° Police °"artmPnt of the ''it` C,- Jl
± OSt Of not t0 P.? ^ee? •75.00. Carried by the foll0?ini vote.
-. >. Counc - _r. esser, Peterson, Sel'^, &11 en? . :'a-, -Or Love.
"ounc].Imer none.
^s°?: Counc men 1 :One.
General Fund
General Fund
Boulevard Radiator Shop
w 3.50
-Gibson Tn.otor Parts1.9i
Fl.tcher's Tire Service
Boulevard Radiator Shop
Ineiewood T:.otor Parts
Air Reduction Sales Co.
Ra�r Lite Glass Co.
Clark Brothers
T;.cra in Soil Builder
national Cornice ,Yorks
C. Holland,
A. i,:. Lassner Neon b-aint.
Co. 5.00
Toved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Selby, the der-ands be
a_ owed aril warrants be drawn on aril paid out of the res- nPctive funds coverin:- the
ssa re . Carried by the following vote:
A gas: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, S'telley and Mayor Love.
;oes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Pone.
i.:ovec. by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the
named municipal emnlo«ees be anz the,, are hereby granted their customary
an= _ t "C ?`reefs earned vacation, bet:'Teen the gates set after their respective
n-!7es n-- reaf'ter, as follolms, to —wit:
Dorothy V;allace Au: -ust 7th to AuC-ust 20th
Rl_)Ssell ._ensley august 7th to August 20th
ohn C^talano September 11th to September 24th
Neva Flsey August 21st to September 3rd
__ha fore. - oink-' resolution was adopted by the• follo-ring vote, to-�vit:
.eyes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, Skelley and Ma. yor Love.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
';rater Superintendent utchins reported that Yrs. Ethel ?'sard will be
em-o'oye� to relieve .,alas Ruth Schlimme, Clerk in his office, during the latter's
L. e:ee_ :s vacation to be taken this month ar.d that in order to familiarize Mirs.
aka -ith the work, it was found desirable to employ her three days in advance
of'the beoirzin�7 of said vacation of Muth Schlimme.
It .;gas thereupon moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman
SKelle r, that the' emplovment of T:,.rs. Ethel ' : :ard, Aur-ust 2nd, 1944, to work bet-.,een
said. date ana the date or: the conclusion of the vacation period of Muth Schlimme,
AUc?'ust '20, 19441 be and the s ,-,-me is' hereby ratified. and approved, said
temporary employee to be compensated in the. manner and at the rate provided by
th'e salarV' resolution_ of the Cit�> of J1 Seeundo. Carried by the followinc vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selby, S_telley and r.ayor Love.
i,oes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
Chief of Police Hutchins a ^vised the Council that the Police Department
is ir :reed of a new filing cabinet and he Peauested that a sum be appropriated
F •
ar, esse_'•, -seconded Councilman Peterson, that the
=f C: = 'OliCe C: the y- o ! Sa -u n10 L,.P he is hereby Ol:tfo"izeJ to
: ..'. ti �� ^. i._-tJfor'th °_ USP Of n;° Police °"artmPnt of the ''it` C,- Jl
± OSt Of not t0 P.? ^ee? •75.00. Carried by the foll0?ini vote.
-. >. Counc - _r. esser, Peterson, Sel'^, &11 en? . :'a-, -Or Love.
"ounc].Imer none.
^s°?: Counc men 1 :One.
Q- '-'f89
she Ch ief of ice. in forme --,)ur,,c 1_ th at he iv ill -.:r . ?C)*-r,
presently em--jn-vp1 it t-e Street Dpnart:'i--rt of the Cit.v o-f 7-1 S—un�c,
.ror,. ti!n- tc tine ,,-s Dc.3'�: Sero-7ant anr7 Fire -ZIn.c-ine D-ive--, sc, he
famili,-ir with the -I�utips c'-,' t'--se c"fices ara '--- -v?ilahlc, for relief' -,urjoses
,hen 7,e--essar-,-.
fu-+',.er to be transacte at this wns
moved b',Ir Councilmar. 'H-esser, se�on�,,-o Ccuncilr..!'�.n Skelley, thp :�iaetin- iourn.
C 1'r ie
S,.)e C t -U 7
n -C