1943 FEB 10 CC MINam
El Segundo, California.
February 10th, 1943.
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California,
was held on the above date, having been called to order at 7:00 P. b:. on the
above date in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by George
Love, Mayor.
Councilmen Present: Gerow, Hesser, Peterson, Selby and Mayor Love.
Councilmen Absent: None.
.The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 3rd day of February,
1943, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman
Peterson, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the minutes be approved as recorded.
The following communications, which were read to the Gouncil,.were
disposed of in the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter:
RALPH E. HALEY and WALTER EZVAPP, dated February lstm 1943, advising
that rain water run -off spills over the sidewalk between the properties
numbered 725 and 737 Sierra Street, within the City of E1- Segundo, and requesting
the City of E1 Segundo to take steps to remedy the .condition.
The City Engineer reported that the flow of storm water at the location
mentioned is over a natural water course and that the City can do nothing about
it. Councilman Peterson reported having viewed the situation with the City
Engineer and stated that he concurred in the engineer's decision and report.
Thereupon the communication was ordered received and filed.
advising that its February meeting will be held February 13th, 1943, at the
Clark Hotel, Los Angeles, at 12:30 P. M.
Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that any
member of the City Council desiring to do so and the City Engineer be
authorized to attend the Bebruary 13th, 1943 meeting of the Planning Congress
of Los Angeles County, as a representative of the City of E1 Segundo and to
file their claim against the City for their actual and necessary expenses
in connection therewith, any claim, so filed, to be audited and approved in
the usual manner before payment. - Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Peterson, Selby and Mayor Love.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
EL SEGUNDO OIL COMPANY, dated February 9th, 1943, advising that effective
for the month of January, 1943 and thereafter, the wells and property of the
Sovereign Oil Corporation in the City of El Segundo, known as Sovereign -El
Segundo No. 1, Community No. 2, Sovereign - Copinger No. 1 and Sovereign -Elsie
No. 2, have been assigned and transferred to said El Segundo Oil Company.
The City Clerk reported that upon receipt of said communication, he
had advised said Company that the data submitted is inadequate for the Council
to act upon in approving the transfer of the ownership of these properties
and that he had advised said Company what additional documents would be
necessary and if it experienced any difficulty in submitting the same, to
confer with the City Attorney for his advice in the premises.
Q 35i'
On motion of Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Hesser, which
carried unanimously, the matter of the transfer of the ownership of the pro-
perties of Sovereign Oil Corporation to E1 Segundo Oil Company was taken under
consideration until the next regular meeting of this Council.
ROYALTY SERVICE CORPORATION, LTD., dated February 8th, 1943, transmitting
therewith endorsements to be attached to oil well drilling bonds of said Cor=
poration now on file with the City Clerk.
The forms of endorsements or riders were examined by the City Attorney
and approved-by him as to form, whereupon it was moved by Councilman Hesser,
seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the riders presented this Council this date
by Royalty Service Corporation, Ltd., reducing the penalties of Fidelity and
Deposit Company of.Naryland's oil well drilling bonds Nos. 4392223 and 4392224,
with Royalty Service Corporation, Ltd. as principal, from $5000.00 Bach to
X2000.00 each, be and the same are hereby accepted and the City Clerk is hereby
authorized and instructed to attach the same to the documents which they effect
and which are now on file in his office. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Peterson, Selby and Mayor Love.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
Secretary of the Senate of the State of California, dated February
3rd, 1943, transmitting therewith copy of a resolution adopted by the
Governmental Efficiency Committee of the Senate, requesting that that Committee
be furnished certain information respecting the operation of local governments
as set forth in particular in said resolution. By general consent the com-
munication was ordered received and filed and the City Clerk directed to abknow-
ledge receipt of the same and otherwise make appropriate reply thereto.
APEX PETROLEOM CORPORATION, LTD., dated February 4th, 1943, transmitting
therewith riders effecting certain bonds written by National Automobile In-
surance Company as Surety, with Apex Petroleum Corporation, Ltd. as principal,
heretofore filed with the City of E1 Segundo in compliance with ordinance require-
ments of said City pertaining to the filing of-bonds in connection with the
drilling, operation and maintenance of oil wells, which riders reduce the
penalty of said bonds from $5000.00 each to 02000.00 each.
These riders having been examined and approved as to form by the City
Attorney, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Selby,
that those certain riders effecting Bonds Nos. 8980 - 8981 -9628 and 15084, with
National Automobile Insurance Company as surety, and Apex Petroleum Corporation,
Ltd. as Principal, presented this Council this date by said Apex Petroleum
Corporation, Ltd., which said bonds were heretofore filed by said Corporation
in compliance with ordinances of the City of E1 Segundo requiring the filing
of bonds in connection with the drilling, operation and maintenance of oil
wells within the City of E1 Segundo, which said riders reduce the penalties of
said bonds from $5000.00 each to $2000.00 each, be received, approved and
accepted and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to endorse upon
said riders the approval and acceptance of same on behalf of the City of E1
Segundo, attach the originals thereof to the bonds to which the same pertain,
and to transmit copies of said riders, with said approval endorsed thereon,
to the said Apex Petroleum Corporation, Ltd. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Peterson, Selby and Mayor Love.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None. .
VERNON P. SPENCER, Attorney at Law, dated February 4th, 19439
submitting therewith First Supplemental Application Nos. 25340 and 25373,
before the Railroad Commission of the State of California, in the matter of
the application of Inglewood City Lines for authority to extend its service,
abandon portions thereof presently authorized, to reroute its service and
consolidate operating rights, and requesting the City Council, if'it concurs
in the proposal of the applicant, to adopt an appropriate resolution and
transmit the same to the Railroad Commission of the State of California.
Said application and the map attaahed thereto were examined by the
members of the Council, and it appearing from such examination that the bus
transportation service of applicant, Inglewood City Lines, within the City
of E1 Segundo, will not be modified adversely, if the Railroad Commission of
the State of California approves said application, it was moved by Councilman
Selby, seconded -by Councilman Peterson, that the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, Inglewood City Lines has filed with the Railroad
Commission of the State of California, First Supplemental
Application Nos. 25340 and 25373, seeking authority to reroute
and abandon portions of its presently authorized services; and
14THEREAS, a copy of said application, -with map attached,
has been presented this Council, with the request that it
indicate its - attitude toward the proposed rerouting, etc; and
17H=A.S, this Council has examined said application and
said map and is satisfied that favorable action upon the said
application by the Railroad Commission of the State of Calif-
ornia will not adversely effect the services of said carrier
within the City of E1 Segundo;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council
of the City of El Segundo has no objection to the taking of
favorable action by the Railroad Commission of the State of
California upon the petition of Inglewood City Lines now on
file with it and referred to as First Supplemental Application
Nos. 25340 and 25373, so far as the same effects the City of
E1 Segundo; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby
authorized Ynd directed to transmit two certified copies of
this resolution to the Railroad Commission of the State of
California and one copy thereof to Vernon P. Spencer, Inglewood,
California, attorney for applicant.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Peterson, Selby and Mayor Love.
Noes: Councilmen-None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
V. HAZELLE BESSMER' dated February 10th, 1943, being application for
permit to establish and/or conduct a rest home or boarding home at 702
Virginia Street, within the City of E1 Segundo. Said application was
accompanied by a stdtement signed by fourteen persons residing in the
vicinity of 702 Virginia Street, stating that they have no objections to a
rest home being conducted at said address.
Following the reading of the application and its supporting petition,
Councilman Gerow stated that he had requested Building Inspector Catalano
to inspect the buildings located at 702 Virginia Street as to their
adaptability for rest home purposes and to investigate-in the neighborhood
as to the attitude of the adjacent property owners with respect to the
maintenance of a rest home at said address.
Building Inspector Catalano thereupon reported that he found some
of the electric wiring does not conform to building ordinance requirements
and that Fire Chief McConnell and Assistant Fire Chief Barber are of the
opinion that the buildings present too- grelita fire hazard to'be utilized
for rest home purposes.
•Building Inspector Catalano reported further that of the property
owners interviewed nine had no objections and two did object to the maintenance
of a rest home at 702 Virginia Street.
Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by
Councilman Gerow, that in view of the discussions had and the evidence
presented this Council this date respecting the operation and maintenance
of a rest home at 702 Virginia Street, El Segundo, the application of V.
' tS.
Hazelle Bessmer for a permit to establish and /or conduct a rest home or
boarding home at the before mentioned address, filed with this Council
this date, be rejected with regret and the permit denied. Carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Peterson, Selby and Mayor Love.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: 'Councilmen None.
The City Attorney reported receipt of an easement from the Read Department
of Los Angeles County, dated October 12th, 1943, in which the Atchison, Topeka
and Santa-Fe Railway Company gives to the City of El Segundo an easement and
right of way'for street purposes over certain real property in Section S.
Township 3•South, Range 14 West, in.the City of El Segundo, County of Los
Aggel'es, as more fully described in said easement, the land thus described
being a portion of Inglewood- Redondo Road.
Moved by Councilman Selby, seconddd by Councilman Peterson, that
said 'easement be received and referred to'the City Engineer for checking
as to description and action thereon deferred pending receipt of the
Engineer's report. Carried.
In the matter of the request of the Civic Union of Playa del Rey,
filed with this Council February 3rd, 1943, requesting that the City of
El Segundo appoint a representative to sit on a committee to investigate
problems involved in oil well drilling adjacent to beach areas, it was
moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that:R. T.
Hutchins, City Engineer of the City of E1 Segundo, be authorized and directed
to. represent the City of E1 Segundo on that certain committee being organized
by the Civic Union of Playa del Rey, for the purpose of considering problems
involved and making recommendations for a solution thereof in connection with
oil development along the shore lines in`this area. Carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Peterson, Selby and Mayor Love.
Noes: Councilmen None.,
Absent: Councilmen None.
In the matter of accepting membership in the Planning Congress of
Los Angeles'County, pursuant to the invitation so to do filed with this
Council January 27th, 1943, it was moved by Mayor Love, seconded by Councilman
Selby, that the City of E1 Segundo accept the invitation to membership in
the Planning Congress of Los Angeles County, and until the further order
of this Council, pay the annual membership dues therein, to -wit: $10.00
per year, the bill therefor to be filed, audited and approved in the usual
manner before payment. Said motion carried by the following vote, to -wit:
T ._-..• ~
Ayes; Councilmeri Hesser, Peterson, Selby and Mayor Love.
Noes: Councilman Gerow.
Absent: Councilmen None.
In the matter of the City'of'E1 Segunft taking action looking ..
toward participation by said City in the State Employees' Retirement System,
the City Clerk reported having communicated with all of the California cities
now affiliated with said System, each of which has replied and explained the
methods by which they became members thereof; also having received from the
Executive Secretary of the State Employees Retirement System a letter,
ex- )laining how employees above the age of 60 and elected officials may
participate in the plan.
Q 3.54
Discussion ensued and it was the consensus of the Council members
that the question of whether or not the City of E1 Segundo should partici-
pate in the State Employees' Retirement System should be submitted to the
voters for a decision at a special election to be held for that purpose.
The method of raising the monies to pay the City's portion of the cost in
event of favorable action by the voters was questioned and it appearing
that a study of the law in this connection was necessary, further action
was deferred until the next regular meeting of the Council to afford the
City Attorney an opportunity to familiarize himself with the law on the
The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on
Finance and Records were read:
Recreation Fund General Fund
Safeway Store
$2.20 Pacific Elect. Ry. Co. $7.56
Southern Cal. Edison
Co. 112.09
McKinney Blueprint
General Fund
Beaver Mortuary
Welch's Overall Cleaning
Co. .50
John F. Bender
Clyde Woodworth
Gibson Motor Parts,
Inc. 40.25
Hammel Heating Company
Edna E. Leland
Southern Calif. Tel. Co.
Southern Cal. Edison
Co. 234.64
Victor D. McCarthy, City
Cl. 5.96
Jerry's Market
Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the demands
be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective
funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Peterson, Selby and Mayor Love.
,Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
Special City Attorney John F. Bender presented for the Council's
consideration a quitclaim deed to Lot 33 in Block 43, E1 Segundo, which
deed he recommended be accepted.
After examination of said deed, it was moved by Councilman Selby,
seconded by Councilman Gerow, the following resolution be adopted:
A RESOLVED, that that certain Quitclaim Deed, presented
the Council for its consideration and quitclaiming to the
City of El Segundo, a Municipal Corporation, that certain
parcel of real property situated in the City of El Segundo,
County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as
Lot 33 in Block 4Z of E1 Segundo, in the
City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles,
State of California,---,as-per map recorded
in Book 20, Pages 22 and 23 of Maps, Record's
of Los Angeles County, California,
executed by Lena Gibson and E. L. Gibson, wife and huspand, and
dated the first day of February, 1943, be and the same is
hereby accepted by and on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he
is hereby authorized and instructed to record said deed in the
office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
• Ayes: Councilmen Gdrow, Hesser, Peterson, Selby and Mayor Love.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
City Clerk McCarthy, as Coordinator of El Segundo Defense Council, reported
that to increase the speed of handling incident reports and the dispatdhing
of personnel and equipment by the chiefs of emergency services in event of
an incident in which such emergency services would have to function, he
desired to purchase a stereoptican machine, which could-be used to immediately
flash incident reports on a screen to be read by all interested, which would
permit a discontinuance of the present method of reading the same aloud with
resultant confusion and possibility of misunderstanding.
Following this report, it wad moved-by Councilman Selby, seconded by
Councilman Hesser, that the purchase of a skereoptican machine for use at
El Segundo Civilian Defense Control Center and the necessary facilities for
mounting and utilizing the same, be authorized, at a cost of not to exceed
$125.00. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen.Gerow, Hesser, Peterson, Selby and Mayor Love.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was
moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Gerow, the meeting
adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,.
04 4 City 04erk,