1941 JUL 09 CC MINEl Segundo, California July 9, 1941 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of 2.1 Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said city on the above date, having been called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Peter Binder, _:ayor. ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Gerow, Love, Selby, and 11ayor Binder. Councilmen Absent: Hesser. R l'�IITG OF OF P:1- 'PIOUS TING. The .inutes of the regular meeting held on the 2nd day of July, 1941 here read. TTo errors or omissions appearing, it was roved by Councilman -elby, seconded by Counci7l:kan Gerow that the said minutes be approved as read. ? -otion carried. ':_?ITT ? COil -Mi IC.�TIOiTS. The following communications, received since the last regular meeting of the Council, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the manner indicated following reference to each hereinafter: .OU'1 1: C<L_IrO =DTI �'` COiy ?;Y, dated July 1, 1941, beinE, an applica- tion to excavate in certain public streets for the rnzrpose of installing a gas vain. Said ap-plication having; been approved by the Street Superintendent, it was moved by Councilman Selby, and seconded by Councilman Gerow, that Resolution ITo. 567, entitled: A, =, OLUTIO1i OF = CITY COMMIL OF 'L7,: CITY OP M 3=`DC , CAL - 2-,M,, GR.-ITTEI G tZ= G,�BLB P'M .ZT TO SO=- I. -MT C;,LI 'C:Z:IA G10 CCl , -ITY TO INSTALL A C...c'?T1MT PE.' LILT I:- 11 CE -0-17 PORTICi; OF . ;AL--,',UT .LTMMB, , ITI 1 Sr-ID CITY, which r;as read, be adopted. Said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Love, !'elb :r, and Kayor Binder. ;Toes: Councilmen Pone. Absent: Councilman Hesser. I "OPT `j; L :'ZSCi4 dated July 7, 1941, being an application for a permit to Move a one story frarie building from its present location in the city of Los Angeles to a location on private property within the city of L1 Segundo. The ap-�,licant having made all requisite deposits with the City Cleri: and the Building Inspector of the City of Ll Segundo having inspected the building proposed to be moved, and having found that the same will conform to Building Ordinances and Regulations of the City of 21 Segundo in the location to which it is to be moved, and havin5 recozuaended that the permit applied for be granted, it was noved by Councilman Selby,.seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the follow- -ng, resolution be adopted: ?' soi; : ? , t,--.at ITonnan Larson be and he is hereby granted pernissiori to move a one story frame building from its present loc,,.tion outside of the city of Bl Segundo to a perrianent location on Lot C, Bloc'_ _15, Ll aegunlo, the said building, bile in course of removal, to be routed southerly on Se_)ulveda 3culev sd from the northerly city li:.lits of the City or yl Segundo, P-' 1028' to 11ariposa Avenue; thence westerly on ..:ari posa .:venue to said Lot 8, Bloch 115; thence northerly across private property to its perr anent location; provided, however, that such removal shall occur at such date and hour as may be anproved by the Police Department of the City of 1 Segundo, so as to insure as little interference as.possible with vehicular traffic on the streets named during the course of such rerioval, and that other- wise, such renoval shad be prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent of said city. •..;aid ;:lotion was carried, and the resolution adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Cou.ncilrlen Gerona, Love, Seiby and 1 -ayor finder. :oes : Counci lrien 11one. Absent: CounciL-aen "lesser. dated duly 2, 1941, being an application for a permit to establish and conduct a rest home at 702 Virginia Street within the City of El met undo. Following discussion of the clatter, it was decided, by r-eneral consent, to ta._e the application under advisement for a period of one Tree' :, and the City* Cler': was directed to request the applicant to meet the Council at the City Hall at 6:415 o' clock p.m. , ".7ednesday, July 15, 19 ^l, for an informal discussion of his application. ::one . None. 02; L COii.UilICzTIOIrS. '==LS OF T1'11 ✓Ii G =-, ORTS CF 017?=•S 1:iii0 LCL'd, COi:..I=S. The Chief of Police announced the appointment of Victor August ?1ilder, as a special police officer, and requested approval of such an appointment. It was moved by Councilman Selby, and seconded by Councilman Love, that the appointment by the Chief of Police of the City of El Segundo of Victor August ilder as a special police officer of said city, be and the same is hereby ratified, approved, and confirmed. The motion carried unanimously. Street Superintendent, Frank Chilson, reported to the Council that under the new - ork relief program of the County of Los Angeles, he had been furnished taro men during the prior week. The City 'IlerL reported that he had been advised by a representative of National Yotth r.dlninistration that the work of constructing the F1 Segundo Public Library 3uilding will be permitted to continue, so far as a.Y.A. is concerned, under the original contract. The City Clerk advised the Council that its current contract for the disposal of garbage will expire September 1, ,"41. The City :Lttorney reported that pursuant to instructions he has pre- pared and has delivered to the City Clerk for presentation to the City Council at the proper tire, a form of "Notice to Bidders" in connection.with the proposed installation of water lines in portions of T:alnut Avenue, Acacia "venue, and Cedar Strc;et, within the City of 1-1 Segundo. He reported also having approved as to forri, a certain bond submitted by Henry Cleman in connection :aith the filing of a subdivision map of Tract No. 12391; also that he has heard nothin further from Sperry Gyroscope Company, Douglas Aircraft Corporation, or Sante Fe Land Improvement Company with reference to the proposed widening and improvement of Imperial Highway between Sepd1veda Rat 1020 Boulevard and Inglevtood- Redondo Road. City Attorney further reported having been advised by Mr. H. F. Crandall of Shell Oil Company that while said company had hoped to present at this meeting, an application for a temporary pe .nait to install a pipe line in certain of the public streets within the City of Hl Segundo and an application for a franchise covering the same installation, it has been unable to perfect all details in connection therevrith and trill file said application at a future date. tTr.., -,I x D DvsrIss. The Council havinE heretofore, from time'to time, discussed the necessity for curtailing the employment of casual workers due to treasury limitations, that matter was again given consideration, after which it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilran Love, that the follo-.ring = esolution be adopted: "H-11 , the City of Hl Segundo, in tines past, has sought to furnish employment to various relief clients of the State of California and of the County of Los Angeles; rdTB, WR✓r�S, the expenditures in that regard up to this time, in the opinion of the City Council, have been heavy, and have arCregated a sum Creatly in excess of that anticipated when the 1940 -41 budget was adopted; it appears that budget consideration at the present time indicates that the further carrying on of this progrart should be definitely curtailed in order that budget provisions may not be too greatly exceeded and thus i:.ipair the proper functioning of other essential governmental departments of said city; ..0'', 1 -'R.4'I OR �, BL IT r`t_::GG=LD, that the City Clerl: be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to notify any such relief clients, making application to said City for such employment, that the City Council is not in position at this time to offer serious consideration to any such applications in view of the foregoing premises. . The said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the following vote to -writ: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Love, Selby, and tTayor Binder. .oes: Councilmen .Tone. iibsent: Councilman ?lesser. In the matter of the request of L. C. ?itzCerald, that the Council revoke a pewit heretofore granted for the maintenance of a house trailer on ?is premises at 845 Sepulveda Boulevard, in the City of El Segundo, which said natter, at the last meeting of this Council had been taken under advisement until this meeting, it was decided to tape no further action inasrmch as the Council has been advised by the Building Inspector that the said trailer has been removed from the said premises. iii! 10— B=S The fol louring domands, having_ been approved by the Finance Cornittee, :,ere read: Recreation TRind General Fund �11 ties and ^_Sardwzre "44x.39 Mate Board' -of Leualization .'1.06 = :_- .otc ny 2.0Q Smith- -raery Company 56.86 uildor: ..:ateri al Co. 4.3,' T' ierson= ')eLane , Inc. 19.49 '"CT.'L t'a71.?U •es -ingholAse ilectrlC n :cinney Blueprint 5.57 "ater . :orl.s und fiobart :'. '?ude 5.59 '� m - 1 ti, _ tty C ., 5,1-.50 :Inglish E. Lauer, Inc. 5. -11 P , , 030 General F. P. Hansen 2.75 Duro Test Corporation 81.14- Standard Cif Co. of Calif. 259.81 Builders ..:aterial Co. 53.28 .illian T. Lindstrom Co. 27.50 South. Calif. -dison 1,D. 12.71 moo. Cali-. "dison Co. 244.51 n. ..attson 52.20 General Fund :sir :�eduetion Sales Company 2.54 1 Segundo hardware 47.90 Stephen E. Doss 6.00 Ldt•:. Sidebotha.TM & Son, Inc. 170.96 The Foxboro Company 19.87 South. Calif. Bdison Co.Ltd. 59.61 Uo. Calif. ".dison Co. Ltd. ;2.93 So. Calif. Telephone Co. 49.72 TOTAL '�?l, 233.70 Loved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Gerccr, that the demands presented this Council this date be allowed and crarrants therefor are here by ordered drac..m on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. The said motion eras adopted by the following vote: _�Lyes: Councilmen Gero:•;, '_?oes: Councilmen PFone. absent: CounciLnan ?'_esser. 1lla'iV BUSINESS. Love, Selby, and I:ayor Binder. xt this time the City Cleric read to the Council the form of "Notice to Bidders" heretofore prepared by the City !attorney of the City of 71 Segundo in ccnnection with the proposed laying of crater maims in portions of certain public streets in the City of F1 Segundo. At the conclusion of said reading it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Counciln n Selby, that the following resolution be adopted: OLV=, that a copy of that certain "Notice to Bidders on Trenching; and .rater Pipe Installation ", presented to this Council at this meeting, be placed on file in the office of the City Cleric for the purposes of identification and reference; .j D, BE IT FrJR= RESOLTM, that the said form of Notice and the stage Scale therein set forth, be and the sane are hereby approved by this Council and that said ;iage Scale, setting forth the prevailing wage rates in said City and which shall be applicable to said work_, be and the same is hereby fixed, determined and established b- this Council as set forth in said form of Notice; 'D, By IT FUR P_'�SOLSTED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause said Notice to be published in E31 Segundo Herald, in tine, foam and manner as re- quired by lair, and that said Council does hereby invite bids under said Notice. The said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the following vote: ayes: Councilmen Gerocr, Love, Selby, and Mayor Binder. i:oes: Councilmen None. ,absent: Councilor. r. Hesser: rt this time Councilman Selby voiced the opinion that consideration should be giver_ to the sale of `.15,000.00 par value of non - issued Sewer Bonds, election 1925, so that the city may have funds available for the construction of a se.?rer trunk line in Center Street, between Imperial Highway and Holly tivenue, to enable the city to provide ,sewer facilities for the homes which.will be constructed, in a portion'of the J. H. Fisher Subdivision lying-westerly of said Center Street, which is at present bring re- subdivided. Following a discussion of the matter, it was moved by Councilman. Selby, and seconded by Councilman Love that the following resolution be adopted: P.:.3OLVED, that the City Attorney be and he is hereby authorized- and instructed to discuss with Messrs. 0",.elveny & Myers, Attorneys at Law, of Los Angeles, California, the matter of the proposed P J031.'' r. ,sale of an additional "'15,000.00 par value of City of El Segundo Seiver Bonds, Election 1925, and to arrange with said Attorneys for their services in connection with the preparation of the necessary form of Notice of Sale and any other features which may be involved in obtaining their approving opinion upon such sale and issuance, the reasonable fees and charges of such kttorneys, 0' ielvey &.; 11::yers, to be paid by the City of M Segundo upon presentation of proper demand therefor, to be audited and approved in the usual manner. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote to -grit: Ayes: Councilmen Geror:, Love, Selby, and iu.yor Binder. I ?oes: Councilr =en None. <'.bsent: Councilman Messer. No further business a;pe^ ring to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Gerow and seconded by Councilman Zelby, that the meetinC adjourn. The notion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Approved:. - 1 CN . City Clerk Mayor