1941 DEC 31 CC MINP 1200"
El Segundo, California.
December 31st, 1941.
At the hpur of 7:00.P. M. or, the above date, in the Council Chamber of
the City :all in the City of El Segundo, California, said time and place
being the time and place for holding reCular meetings of the City Council
of said City, the.City Clerk was the only person present. Said City Clerk
:zited at the Council Chamber for a period of fifteen minutes, and no member
cf the .it:.- C,cuncil appearing, the City Clerk theroupor. announce? that the
stood adjourned until ?:,.onday, the 5th day of January, 1 °42 at the
hour of 4:15 o'clock D. :►:.
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-Respectfully- submitted,
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Ci Clerk.