1941 DEC 30 CC MINP 119E E'1 Segundo, California. Dece: ^er 30th, 1941. An adjo,_,r-ned re7alar meeting of the City Council of the Cit;; of El Segundo, Ca'_ _ drr. �*as el _yin the C^ l : 2 :tier 1'_ of s id C t' , acing i`' ia, h ? cunci C of the City a i ., h �Ce calle? to order at ?:OC ciclocl P. M. b� the Deputy City Clerk, the Mayor bei_ ,r,CeTt. Councilman_ L=e ___ __irduc'_� chosen ?.'al-or rr,_ tear and -he immediately assume-' tl,c utleo Of t'. E' 7.aycr. _ =" :'e.. ., nt : Hier., . , ' e � S'. r' Seib, an' T.:aydr �r 0 teI i iC7c . :..a c _ ender. r.L_^EING CF YET%UT'S OF PREVIOUS t71_'E'TIN0x. .:_6 : :Iia:tes of the adi.^..._..ed -eL-ulai. r^.>et; :c he1:'. cr tale Yn,.3r.a day of De, ems. IOn1 t rnf- lag ct r. held tl n ,r r e 1. ,2_, c_._._ _ , __ _ , .1_.e _ _ ^e lr._, _.e _ dI. e 2zt'._ da c D cem er, a th.7 a.2- ur: -.e1 ._.,1a meet__- held 2n the 2C- day of Decem er 1:4_1, _-:af, and no error_ dr c::iscicns ar.Dearing, it wa-- moved by Cour_ci_ma-: Gerd.•. -, that the . inu-t °c c° the nt.. o-7 as recorded. Carried. "'._F follow,- co munlcations, .:h_ch .':err read to -the Coilnai3 ,j 'were _ ,cTu .r �= }1- e renn e td each hereinafter: a i _ta , f it Orin€ _ ef Cj= CE ET �;EC, dated Decem! r 3 0t h t'�at t-:e City Council ame ::d its Resolution No. 563, providin€ t'-e =)oi ntmert cf certain perran ent an.. temporary committees of the 1:1 '_.' z Lc caI De °"nse Cc nci' by n t .,- r c _ ,,..0 _, rya ire e r_e.r ccmmitt e to be kro : ^r. as 11., 1Ir Raid r,arder_ DJvisio. ". _ ._r. Ira E. Escobar, a member of the Local Defense Council, who was ..cam =. -t at the meetir : ^, a.� r -cz-f t_ "_e Cc.__ _., =laining in detail the reason t_ _ ♦?Guest. Di _-cussior ,.a_ had luring .whit:_ it .gas brou ^ht out that tY.P Local Defense Council :_a� also arc ^inted, at the r -quest of the Governor of the State of 7?ii°cr^ia a "Slabber Ratidnin., -• Board" an,' that the a.^.'endr.ge ^.t to the .above numbered resolution should also include the creating of such a Rubber Rationing 3oard. Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Grror, seconded by Councilman Selo;;, that Resoluticn No. 597, entitled: A RESCLUTICiI OF T%_ CITY COLZ:CIZ OF THE CITY OF FL S? ?i�DC, CAL IFCPTIIF,, AL. 'iI :G RESCLUTION TIC. 563, E: :TITLZD: "A R :.CLUTICr' CF T? OITY COLTI'CIL OF TIC C IT :G D 7° D -, , ` FIING FOR T11Z AiPPCII:T=ZT OF CERIAII; 11ER1YYXEI:T : ND TEI.`°ORARY CCnl!TTF..S (TO B KNOW," AS "DIVISIONS) OF TIE DEr POSE CCLTIICIL OF SLID CITY, DEFITNIING T:2 DUTIE'S OF SUCH ^vC?YT,'iT i ::, I :`At"_I1 G GFI L ?F?OVISIOi :S ','aZT:= _ZEY F.;CL PA �IOI _ OF ADDING- ti ­z. . _. �N T. T) cT ;S T --� -Em S- ?7 A AIR PAID „�..YY,IVI��CI�. �L.� _C TO C �; S " . �_RDENS" DI�.TIST_C : �D "R'CE�F R� -TIGT I�G" DIVISIOTI :Lu.Ji �.l.i wllic'n was read, be adopted. Ayes: Councilmen :7oes. Cdur.ciL^�pn Absent: Cd uric iLTan Carried by the following, vote: Gerov?, Hesser, Selby and Yayor pro tear: Love. None. Binder. P -, _ 119`' '.'AP DZPAR =:T, UNITE:) STATES OFFICE, dated December 24th, 1941, advising that application has been made by the City of Redondo Beach, California, for extension of time on Aar Department permit dated November 21, 193511 to construct a breakwater at Redondo Beach, and inviting interested persons to inspect drawings shovring location and plan of the proposed wcrk, and to file objections, in :.-citing, on or before 11 A. M., December 29th, such objections to be based on navigation interests only. Ordered filed. �n CI O ^ T IFC1RNIA, dated Decemb that it has abandoned its Refinery ",ells :Zos. 2, 3 and Segundo. :_y general consent the matter was referred __r investigatioL, checking and report to this Council of ....c:, yells. er 22nd, 1241, advisinC 8, ir_ the City of El to the Cit; Engineer as to the present status =CiE C17 �I=CFd;In CITIES, dated December 24th, 1941, e titled "Legislative P.L:llet in" . Ordered filed. The hour of 7:15 o'c fixed as the time and date 23rd, 19^_1 , for furnishing SP C T, CP:_jFR OF BUST 111-0, Lock P. i ;. at this meeting having heretofore been for consideration of bids received December the City of Fl Se_ --undo lime fcr the ar_dar year 194421 ar.' said time having arrived, the .'.ayor pro tern announced tl:.at said Council v,-ou'_d rov: proceed with the consideration of said bids. Foil o.•.:ir,t, such consideration and a reco:u_er_dation made by the 7Jater S.uneri_.tendent of the City of El Segundo, it •ras moved by Councilman_ Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerov, that Resolution No. 5989 entitled: A ?,SOLt''=ION< OF THE CITY CC'.'1"CIL OF T= CITY OF EL S GZ DC, CALIFC 'LL'',, A.%ARDI1�G TO 1EFFCPD C=:ICAL COL:PANY 7HE CCNTPACT FOR FURNIS= G S^.ID CITY :';ITi: CEPTAIN HYDRLTFD LIYEV which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and Mayor pro ter, Love. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: ?`_ayor Binder. REPORTS OF STANDING CORyiITTEE— . Councilman Gerow of the Public Works Committee, reported that the '.unicipal Lechanic is in need of a building, wherein to store tools, and he suggested the moving of a small building from the Library Building grounds to the i::unicipal 7.1arehouse grounds fcr this purpose. The Council concurred in Councilman Gerow's suggestion and he •:as, by rer.eral consent, authorized to have said building; rer:_oved to its new 'location. P..IrCRTS OF OrFIC=Z AND SPECIAL C011MITTi;--" The City E'ng'ineer reported that certain emplo;rees of the Police and Serer Departments, r17.c, were scheduled to take their annual tyro vreers vacation during the month of December, 1941, vrere compelled tc forego these vacations due to tre present emergency, and hay' requested they be paid in lieu of such vacations, as provided for ir_ Section 6 of Resolution No. 589 of the City Council. After consideration, it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Gero ^r, the following resolution: be adopted: .j P,: 1198 "IF }AS, under existing emergency and war conditions, it is essential that the personnel of certain departments of the City of E1 Segundo be retained in service on a full time basis in most instances; AND, VdFiEREAS, under such circumstances, it is not reasonably possible for'such personnel, rho have accumulated earned vacdtion periods, to•take such vacations; AND, 'VT1P —AS, tiis Council has reserved to itself the'power in those cases where it believes it proper to do so, to grant ray- in lieu'of earne^ vacations; THEREFORE, DE IT RE'SOLVE'D, that in the folio; --ing cases, pay in lieu of vacation shall be allowed as set forth in the following schedule, to -� %it: EA-T77-r-1 7A P,.Y ALLC; =D IN TEA" CF 0-7-71-7 OR TIOI' TP1, -T LIE[" CF SUCH 71111:10"7E GSITIO.Z ACCLN71, L A TED EAPTED V.iCATICPr Yictor L. I..cCarthy Alex r'a' dock E. iYorgan Tr. Officer 1st Class 2 .eeks X82.49 Police Cff. 2 7,eeks 72.36 1st Class Sewer Foreman 2 Weeks 68.75 EE IT -17R" R RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be rat. u and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and present to this Council such demands and warrants as may be necessary to provide for the payment'of said amounts in lieu of such earned vacations for said respective officers and employees above named. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes:. Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and Mayor pro tear. Love. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent:. Mayor Binder. The City Engineer submitted a list of emergency tools needed for the Sewer Department. Following examination of said list, it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the purchase of tools for use by the Sewer Department, as set forth in the list prepared by the City Engineer, be and the same is hereby authorized, at a total cost of not to exceed $75.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and Mayer pro tem Love. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Mayor Binder. The City Engineer presented for the Council's information, copies of letters he had received from the Division of Oil and Gas of the Department of T_<atural Resources of the State of California, which said Division of Oil and Gas had written to the Sovereign Oil Corporation, the Silver Wing Oil Company and Ape:. Petroleum Corp. Ltd., notifying said Oil Companies to discontinue their present practice of disposing of waste salt water from producing wells in the El Segundo Oil field by pumping the water into abandoned oil wells. PAYING BILLS'. The following demandc, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Recors, were read: P 1199- Recreation Fund General Fund Adrian Sheldon Pottery Shop $2.80 Inglewood Humane Society, Inc. $15.17 American Legion Auxiliary 25.00 Ralph M. Converse 25.00 General Fund Peter E. Binder 35.00 Economy Blue Print & Supply Co. „8,,24 J. P. Hansen 1.80 Permcid Colored Light Globe Co. 9.30 Pacific Electric Ry. Cc. 1100 Segner's 5- 10 -25¢ Store 1.17 J. -C. Penney Co. 14.64 --T-1 Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the demands be allot. *ed an ;q . warrants ordered drann on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and P,iayor pro tem Love. Noes: Councilmen_ i;one. Absent: 11 :a�-or Binder. No further business appear-in-7 to be transacted at this meeting, it =gas roved by Councilmen Selby *, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the meeting adjourn. Carrier. Ap_ ^ved: —ayor. Respectfully submitted, VICTOR D. I,_cCA.RTi -Y, City Clerk, BY /�-a- Deput