1941 DEC 23 CC MINp��r _186
El Segundo, California.
December 23rd, 1941.
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California,
was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the above date,
having been called to order at 7:00 P. M. by Peter E. Binder, Mayor.
Councilmen Present: Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Councilmen. Absent: Gerow.
Other Officers Present:
T. Hutchins - City Engineer.
Victor D. McCarthy - City- Clerk.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 17th day of December,
1941, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Council-
man Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, the minutes be approved as recorded.
The f ollor.-ing communications, which were read to the Council, were
dis -posed of in the manner indicated following reference to each hereinafter:
•JAIL'S F --'1=1 ARGO, dated December 19th,. 1941, being an application for
emrloy,nent 17 the City of El Segundo. Ordered. filed.
CITY CLERK, CITY OF LOS A1;GE'IS, dated December 16th, 1941, transmitting
therewith copy of a letter received by the City Council of the City of Los
n geles, addressed'to thpt body by Harry J. Bauer, President, the Community
Development Association, Ltd., under date of October 7th, 1941, recommending
that the City Council of the said City of Los Angeles and the Board of Super-
visors of the County of Los Angeles appropriate funds for the employment of a
Board of Engineers to recommend a comprehensive plan for the disposal of
sewage from, the Los Angeles Metropolitan area.
The letter from the City Clerk was writter. at the direction of the
City Council of the City* of Los Angeles, and inquired whether or not the City
of El Se Tando, with other cities of Los Angeles County, would be willing to
cooperate with the City of Los Angeles in solving the sewage disposal problem
by contributing a portion of the cost of making an engineering survey as
suggested by the Community Development Association, Ltd.
On motion. of Councilman, Se ;by, seconded by Councilman Hesser, which
carrie^ unanimously, this Council indicated a willinggess to cooperate and
directed the City ilerk to so indicate by letter to.the City Council of the
City of Los Angeles, xithout obligating the City of E1 Segundo, however, to
an• stated amount until the arproximate cost of such engineering survey has
been ascertained.
A. J. SULLIVAN, dated December 23rd, 1941, being an application for
a house moving perrait.
".owed by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that A. J.
Sullivar be and he is hereby Cranted per :fission to move a one story frame
building from its present location. on E1 Seg'ando Elementary Spool property
to a ne•r: location at 303 West Ca'k Avenue, said building to be moved on a truc'_:
cn or about t'_:e 30th day of December, 19 -_1, over and along the following
P 1.87
route, to-wit: v"esterly on Yariposa Avenue to Virginia Street, northerly
on Virginia Street to Oak Avenue, easterly on Oak Avenue to 303 Vest Oak
Ave=nue; provided, however, th -t such removal shall be under the supervision
of the '_ dice Depart: -.ent of the City of El Segundo as r=egards traffic regulation
an! safety and in all other respects under the supervision of the Street
Superintendent of the City of El Segundo. Carried.
R. L - ^_B '�I1 CCI;"�4 Y, dated December 19th 1941, advisi g that said
Co :,man' has avail-able for :municipal use "Foster" air raid sirens, priced at
N160.00, f.o.b. Newark, N. J. Ordered filed.
S^LTTI -1 `73T - ISTRICT iil ?'n?S A. SOCI _TIC!:, dated December 19tH 1941 ,
captioned "Freeman otor',.3y ', sai3 letter beint, accompanied by a sketch
prepared by the Automobile Clul of Southern California, indicating the rroposed
:Sidth of said proposed "Free:ran :' oto.r:a;; ". Ordered filed. -
I— 'UE OF C ':LIFOP?vL4 CITIES, dated December 16th, 1941, explaining
Jr- "1J
that the reduction in fire insurance rates on municipal propert;;,, obtained as
a reside of the crk of a special committee of the League, is effective as of
Sul; lot, 1941, but that return premiums allo ?..able on policies in force on
s ^i? ?ate .:.ay not be paid until late in 1042, due to the fact that the engineers
of the Board of Fire Urder:,rriters of the Pacific are unusually bush in
connection with engineering services for the United States Government. Ordered
_^ i l e � .
CCUi'TY'OF LOS A GELFS DE~T�.' :SE CCL'T.CIL, dated December 17th, 1941,
urn -ing the adoption of a standard policy concerning nermits for and inspection
of air raid shelters. Ordered -filed.
'1c FA.7=1I.'R, 'dated December 11th, 1941, being a proposal
tc au,?it the City's books and recor�s for the current fiscal year. Ordered filed.
The hour of 7:15 o'clock P. 71,'. at this meeting having heretofore been
fiz-ed as the hour and date for receiving bids for furnishing the City of E1
Segundo hydrated lime for the year ending December 31st, 1941, the Mayor
announced the arrival of the hour of 7:14 P. Y. and requested any person or
persons present desiring to file bids thereon, to do so immediately.
The hour of 7:15 o'clock P. Y. having arrived and all bids being in,
the I. :ayor declared the time for receiving bids as aforesaid, closed.
The Cleri> announced that three bids had been received.
It was thereupon moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman
Love, that the Council proceed to open, examine and publicly declare all bids
received this date for furnishing the City of E1 Segundo hydrated lime as
advertised for. Carried.
The Council thereupon proceeded to and did open, examine and publicly
declare all bids received this date'for furnishing the City of E1 Segundo
hydrated lime as advertised for. Carried.' '
The Council thereupon proceeded to and did opbn, examine and publicly
declare all bids received this date for furnishing the City of El Segundo
hydrated lime during the calendar year 1942, which said bids were found by
said Council to be as.follows,' to -:tilt:
Bid *of A ?RO', :':.TyD LE-1E 8_ C- ='ICAL CO. as follows, to -wit:
";n response to your request for bids, under date' of
December 11, 1941, we propose to furnish your requirements
of hydrated lime for the calendar year 1942, at the price
of $17.45 per ton. This price is quoted as delivered to your
P �� 11.88
water treating plant in El Segundo-in truckload lots of a
minimum weight of twenty tons, is not subject to any discount
for cash, includes present sales tax, and invoices covering
each delivery are due for payment on or before the tenth of
the month following shipment.
Under this proposal we would deliver our ArrotArhead Hy ~rated
Lime, packed in 50# 3 -wall paper bags, which has an average
chemical analysis as follows:
Insoluble (Si02)
Iron and Aluminum Oxides
Magnesium Oxide
Calcium Carbonate
Calcium Sulphate
Calcium Hydroxide
Calcium Oxide Equivalent
Screen !",-nalysis average:
Y.inus 100 mesh 99.99%
,linus 200 mesh 99.00
Minus 325 mesh 95.00%
All other conditions and requirements as set forth in your published
request for bids would be faithfully carried out."
Hid of KEFFORID C=ICAL CC2. �APf�, as follows, to -wit:
'17.e submit herewith, our bid for furnishing the City of
El Segundo with Hydrated Lime for the period ending
December 31, 1942, as follows:
The lime to be supplied will be West End Hydrated Lime
produced in California, of which the average test is as
Calcium Hydroxide' 95%
Calcium Oxide 73%
1ragnesium Oxide less than 1%
Mesh 98 to 99% through 325 mesh
Package: 50# c'r'ater- proofed paper bags.
quantity: Estimated at 300 tons for contractural period.
Delivery: Yinimiur, 15 ton lots, delivery of each lot to be
completed in not to'exceed ten (10) days from
date order is placed.
Place of Delivery:
City 'Hater Purification_ Plant in City of
El Segundo, California.
Drice: $9.50 per ton f.o.b. West End, California
.285 State Sales Tax
4.21 Freight
$13.995 Total
Terms: Net 30 Days after delivery.
This =onosal incorporates by reference all particulars of
t:ne �ublisfted request for bids on Hydrated Lime by the City
of E'1 Segundo dated: To be opened up to 7:15 p. m. December
27 19411111
Lid of OR" GR,.. ":DE IE.7 & STONE CCR_PCRLTIO111, as follows:
IP, `�$9
"In response to your advertisement of Dec. 11, 18, 19419
inviting bids on the requirements for the 'Hater Department of
Hydrated Lime for 1942; approximately, 250 tons, we quote as .
follows on Colton Hydrated Lime manufactured by the California
Portland Cement Co., at Colton, Calif.
Colton Hydrate is packed in 50# paper bags and is of the
same quality and fineness as that which we have been furnishing
the current year.
Colton Hydrated Lime, f.o.b. Kilns, Colton, Calif.,
$11.55 net per ton
.3495 sales tax
2.00 transportation
,'13.9995 per ton delivered to Filtration Plant
in loads of not less than 20 tons.
We suggest that any tests that may be made or_ the lime
should be made at the place and time of manufacture. We shall
be F1ad to furnish you with factor,- test on each shipment, if
desired. Colton lime is consistently running 72 per cent
available lime.
Exceptions: The sales tax used above is in accordance
with the present law; that is also true of the transportaticn rate
used; it beins according to the present Freight Tariff.
These two items to be subject to any changes affecting the
tar, applicable and the Freight Tariff published by carriers. In
other words, any increase or decrease in these two items to be for
account of purchaser.
The following is an average analysis of Colton Hydrated
Silica and insoluble 0.44
Aluminum and Iron Oxides 0.53
Calcium Oxide 0.00
Calcium Hydroxide 96.40
Calcium Carbonate 0.97
Magnesium Oxide 1.28
Free moisture 0.40
:'later soluble lime, not less than 72:00
Fineness; Passing a 325 mesh 98.00
Ve shall be glad to have you continue the very pleasant relations
of 1940."
At the conclusion of the opening -, examining and declaring of the aforesaid
bids, it was moved by CounciL^ian Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the
following resolution be adopted:
"WHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement therefor, this
Council has received this date three bids for furnishing the
City of El Segundo hydrated lime during the calendar year
AI D, ',!!H-7F4S, this Council believes that special
ccr,sultation should be had .xith the water technician employed
by the City of El Segundo with respect to the comparative
quality of the product offered by each of the bidders;
A:,D, :: R S, such consultation cannot be had for
several days;
NO "', THEREFORE, 3E, IT RESOLVED that all bids received
this date for furnishing the City of E1 Segundo hydrated lime
fcr the Ca2eudar Year 1942, be taken under advisement'until
the hour of 7:15 R. M , December 30th, 1941.
Carried by t' e folloi,.ing vote:
x;res: Councilmen Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman. Gerow. .
p 1190-
Chief of Police Hutchins announced the .appointment of Guy Hamilton
Kidd as a Sneciaf.Police Officer and requested.approval of such appointment.
P,ioved b;;, Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the appointment
by the Chief of Police of the City of El Segundo of Guy- Hamilton Kidd as a
Special Police Officer of said City be and the same is hereby ratified,
approve! and confirr.ed. Carried.
The Chief of Police announced the revocation of the appointments of
C. L. Tidwell and F. E. Sturm as Police Officers of the City of E1 Secsndo,
suc revocations effective as of this date.
The City Clerk reported receipt of a communication dated December 22nd,
1941, '=-: Tchn C. Austin, Architect, sup-lementinF his letter of December
12th, 19_l, with reference to El Segundo Public Library- Building, in which
he set forth additional information respecting the purchase of materials,
cancellation of certain contracts and the approximate total cost of carrying
the Kor'_c of completing the construction of El Segundo Public Library Building
to the point %There it right be used for emergency purposes in case of necessity.
Said c^TM unication made special_ reference to-certain contracts, one
cf :hic~ reference was to the contract between the City of El Segundo and
Eastsi�e Haildin~ r: ;?aterials Company for furnishing metal lath and gypsum plaster,
contr <act the vendor stated wool^. be cancelled unless delivery were made
_ ^t later than December 24t1a, 1941.
T:_cre•:-mon it- was moved by �ounc..yC ; m
...an Love, seconded by Councilman
--esse -, that the City Cler'_:.be authorized and dig -ected t0 order from Fastside
??aildin_ u'_ateri�ls Company 2.50 yards of metal lath and one ton of gypsum
^'actor, at - total cost of-not to exceed $65.00. plus California State Sales
Tar. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Love, Selby, Hesser and Mayor Binder.
N oes. Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Geroi�_
Reporting in connection with the matter of installing street lights in
the ne- subdi- Tisions northerly of Mariposa Avenue between Penn Street and Center
Street, City Ennineer Hutchins stated that he and Councilman Love had made a
survey- of the locality and following an explanation, it was moved by Councilman
Selby, seconded by Councilman Love, that the City Clerk be authorized and
directed to request Southern California Edison Company to install mast arm
street lights at the follovi locations, to -wit:
Sierra Street at Idanle Ave.
Sierra Street at Palm Ave.
Sierra Street at Marinosa Avenue
',:aryland. Street at Palm Ave.
I'ar -Ylani Street at ". :ariposa Avenue
Rungalow Driv > at Pair, Ave .
RungaloKDrive at I.:ariposa Avenue,
t ar. acdition to the current street lighting contract
1.et, e- th- C41. -f c+,- ...^dn aid J_a 1f ^ ' f F .�
...,, _ _.. „_. i„ _ �_ S,.tu_ �n s_ _ S t .ern .,ali�orr.ia Edison �omp�ny.
Ca^ »ief t t following vote:
..yes: Councilmen. Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
^.' SEnt: Coun ^_i -Irmn Gerow.
P,: 1191
City- Engineer =utc :ins reported having investigated the matter of the
prerosef contract bet,.peen the. City- of El Segundo and the County of Los Angeles
-•:ith r =fcrencc to checking maps of proposed subdivisions rithin the City of El
Seg:nac by the Count Surveyor and that he can see ncthinr ,prong with the
prod oral a° referrer' to in that certain letter of Alfred Done:., County Surveyor,
date=d �^.toher 6th, 19 1, prPSenited this Council :cvember 12th, 1941.
by C ou�c :ran '--esser, sewn e� _y Councilman
folio-4--Z r?sol,:ti cn be adopted:
RESOL7T.D, that a c^py „o that c °- rta _- ' c=un :C_ ^toon fr:'.
Alfr -d Dor_es, County: Surveyor, aadresse3 to the Cite Counci_
n- er '?ate of Octc? -er 6th, 194-1, b -aring the subJect nCheCl:inr
M a ^ of S'abd_vision:s Within Your Cit- Li::its ", and accom:)anyin[7
^r*i of a�rreemTnt be receivea'anr? -.laud on file in the office
cf the City Cler% for the nuTTs -s of i� entificatlon. and ref - rep -_C•
A73, BE' IT FL' 1 =Mn R7311'11.71-M, that the City, Enc_ineer b� an.
..o s nereb -, .t t, a •-n lic P r deliver the
_ _-- - ... _ b�� . � _� �^i ze., to s i� _., ir. du^ at _ , ar.,,. _
i.a 1 �r o f +' City of
�___ ,�-reement o-; ,eh� -- �- -- City E'1 3egunac.
rescl::ticr was a,a,.7ted by the vote:
None. iie4ce ^, Love, Se 71 and Lay'or minder.
"te "'U11c i.lmen
:• :=- d by Council_an__ Selby, seconded by Councilman Hescer, that Crdinance
w_ _.._. : :as intryduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council
h=_ld on the l7th day of December, 1941, and reread at this meetinr, be
adcYted. Carried by the following, vote:
Ayes: Gounci7men Hesser, 'To"e, Selby and Mayor Birder.
T'oe s : Counc ilrien None.
Absent: Councilman Gerow.
l' -oved by CounciLnian HeUser, seconded by Councilman. Selby, that
Crlinance "o. 2!,72, entitled:
CAL ?TIC17,S ,
•r.Lic _ -,-;as introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council
he•l; on the 17th day of Decembe_-, 1241, and reread -"at'tids beeting, be
adc-1-ted. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen: 'lesser, Love, Selby and Yayor Binder,
Noes Josncy lmen :lone.
Absent: Councilman Gerow.
P 1192
The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance
and Reccr,'s, were read:
?loved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Love, t1ne demands be
allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds
covering• the same. Carried by the following; vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser,
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Geror..
Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Yoved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Love, that from time to
time and until the further order of this Council, R. A. Walton be employed as
Special Fire Department Instructor for the purpose of instructing certain
employees of the City of E1 Segundo in the proper handling and operation of
Fire Department equipment of the City of E1 Segundo, such employee to be com-
pensated at the rate of $1.50 per hour for each hour actually engaged in
instructing, employees as aforesaid, and that 0. H. Barber be employed as
Special Assistant Fire Department Instructor, for the purpose of assisting
the Special Instructor hereinbefore referred to, said Special Assistant
Instructcr to be compensated at the rate of $1.00 per hour for such time as
re is actually enga €ed in instructing municipal employees as aforesaid.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser,
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Gerow.
Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, It was
moved by Councilman Selby, seconded. by Councilman Love, the meeting adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
City C rk.
Recreation Fund
General Fund
J. -V. Gilbert Dept.
Store 42.13
J. W. Gilbert Dept. Store
Ralph Taraiesson
Standard Oil Co. of Calif.
Mrs. Lecra Royer
George F. Schenck
TOTAL w31.76
Ed's 101 Garage
Yculir_ & Company
General Fund
American- LaFrance- Foamite
;:'eetinghouse Elect.
Supply Co. .,41.01
The Garlock Packing
Co. 6.25
Ducz:,mmsn Metals & Supply Co. 3.76
Gitson Auto Electric
Service 21.33
L+' Mfg. an and rbe
V C O .
Los Angeles Co. Health
Dept. 1.03
Southern Calif. Edison Co.
Z. F. " ':ilson
?loved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Love, t1ne demands be
allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds
covering• the same. Carried by the following; vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser,
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Geror..
Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Yoved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Love, that from time to
time and until the further order of this Council, R. A. Walton be employed as
Special Fire Department Instructor for the purpose of instructing certain
employees of the City of E1 Segundo in the proper handling and operation of
Fire Department equipment of the City of E1 Segundo, such employee to be com-
pensated at the rate of $1.50 per hour for each hour actually engaged in
instructing, employees as aforesaid, and that 0. H. Barber be employed as
Special Assistant Fire Department Instructor, for the purpose of assisting
the Special Instructor hereinbefore referred to, said Special Assistant
Instructcr to be compensated at the rate of $1.00 per hour for such time as
re is actually enga €ed in instructing municipal employees as aforesaid.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser,
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Gerow.
Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, It was
moved by Councilman Selby, seconded. by Councilman Love, the meeting adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
City C rk.