1939 JUN 28 CC MINP min -EI Segundo; Valifornia. 20 Jnue `EBt, zl'939'41''"i d regnlar' 'MA ing=df`thce`City 7doulicfy -of lie City of- -Ri =Segdndo, California, was held on the abo4e` date'In'ifie* dounail �dhsiiber ''_'of :the `_City=Hall"of said City, having been called to order at 7:00 P. M. by the Mayor, Peter'E. Binder. Councilmen Present: Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder. Councilmen Absent: Gerow and Love. Other Offieers_Present: C1ydeN6odworth.- City Attorney: Frank H.'Chilson Act ng City. Engineer. _. J. A. Cummings - Acting Chief of Police: - - - C. K. McConnell - Fire Chief. Victor D. McCarthy - City Clerk. READING OF MINUTE8- OF PEEPIOUS MSETWG-. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 21st day of June, 1939, were read. No errors or omissions appearing; it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the minutes be approved as read.' Carried. The following communications, which -were read to the Council, were disposed of in the manner indicated following the reference to each hereinafter: SOMI1fSST DISTRI6T• HIG MYS- ASSOCIA'T`ION, post marked June 21 ' iMV ` announcing its", regular `monthhy meeting to beE'helid at Gardedk;' Juae 213th,' 1939, at s 30. P.. M. Ordei40�'f led.' - f-... _ '� ,4 t<�Fn t ._i fir... ♦., CITY OF liEDONDO BFACH,: `dated June= 2(3rd', '1939;' drawing' atteutiofa to .a: hedring'set by the United 9tettet Distrimat Engineer_ for `Friday; July 7th, 1339, at' iO :00 A. it. in 'the Citj Hell at Redondo Beech,- respecting the building••of a yacht harbor at said City, requesting that a map attached to said communica- tion -ai a bullptim from ` the• �istr`tev Engineer �e- atud'ied; a written endorse- ment 'of the pro jest prepa'red-�irk& died w_ ith tht '-se id `Usiited 'States �istriat Engineer at or before -sfdIIIiiAn' g. and that a represeintativw *o`f the City of El Segundo . attend Cher same •a"n We pr` epare' to "Gip enk erief1: f o the question at the Hearing. By general consent the matter was taken under advise®enti until the next meeting of the Council. MRS. : Ai.ICS IBJPN, 'Puti3leit Director; �reituestiag d =106*6 0f absence in addition to.her.-annual'austomairy two` weeks vacation from 7y k9th to October 1st, 1939 _ Moved by Councilman Selby,- seconded by Councilman Hesser, the following resolution be adopted: - - ,.._ . RESOLVED, .tint Mrs. Alice • Hope, `I Alicity Director, be and she is< hereby. granted "her customary�anaual two weeks vacation bettyeen ' the t dates -Ju`3':y 18_ th 1939 and Tu3.y - 31st 1939 , • Incl . and that in addition=- Che:+eto she` be granted a lease -�of absence during the- .months-of August'aid-September, 1939; during which time - permission alsd.is granted: said employee °to leave the State or California;; _. � .. : -. ' .•, - , .. -...> 4 •; . AND $E IT' rftTfmRz RF 6LVE13 that while Mrs. Alice Hope is absent from-the City ot El: Segiin4o and from fier '�aties as Publicity Director of i said 'Cityj, Mary Lawrence ' be_4nd' - e~ is hereby appointed Acting Publicity"Director,'to ssrte-in'thit capacity during the months 6 f August an&- September ; 1939; Pt-,#M I AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that while said Mary 3,awreace, -i8, so employed as Acting Publicity Director of the City of E1 Segundo, she be compensated for all serrieesgrenderedrthe City of E1 Segundo in connection with the performance of duties of Publicity Director at the rate of $60.00 per month, which said compensation shall - by ;ppric . in accordemee,�with,,t4e provisions iof,aurreut, resolutions -of :this .Counoil respecting 440,Paymeut; Of "laries 0P` municipa; • - employees. - - �, . - . - �, _ The foregoing resolution was_adopted:by the following Tote: Ayes: Councilmen Sesser,, Selby -and Mayor ,Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. ` Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Love. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE, STATE OF CALIMM41A� dated_Jun�.26th, 1939, acknowledging receipt of the Council.'s•telegram of lune.22nd, 1939, urging the Governor to sign Assembly Bills 10571058_and',1050. .Ordered filed. W. S. PSHERER, dated June 28th, 1939; and MRS.'ISABEL FREDERICK, undated, being applications for employment by the City of E1 Segundo. Ordered filed. _ ORAL COM6�JHICATIOI�4. q „ ._ None. - . :REPORTS OF ~STANDING bommiTrm. None. _ r - REPORTS. OF.:OFFICERS AND. SPECIAL QOWITTZES The City Clerk advised of receipt by him of a Deed of Easement, dated. June, 21st, :1939, executed by,._ Sap`ta, Fe Land In�mrament�Compsag, t congeying to the Gity oL. El Segundo for puhli�c highwaF. pni- doses,�io T strips of land, each 90 feet wide, situated is the.•Naeast quarte;.,oj Section 7, Township 3 South, Range 14 West, S. B. $. k H., in the City of'" El Segundo, bounty of Los Angeles, State of. California -,- as said, section t is shown on map, recorded` in:, -Book 70 ,Page 9� o:e mss,= D[ s�cellanepus KRoi iprds .,of 'Los Angeles County, all an.:more particularly descrlbjed ,,.fin kaid #i ;t ment. , Sr J1 J ... J S The document, was;, examined by_the, City,A,ttorney'v A-ba anrolfid,.it as to -form,, and :by the Acting Gitg Engineer Mho.. AWroTed , the _descriFtion . therein : of the - proposed, publ is highways , . �rhareupon it : am •moved by Councilman ;Selby-,: 4waond_sd,,. ,Councilman Hesser, .,the f01.1 _ing resolution .be adopted:. RESOLVED, that that certain Deed of Basement from ,., Salta Fe, Land Is-wravement C.oQnpsay r -dated the - 21st -day., of Tune l, ,1939 j. cone_ ying to. the G ity ,at 1�1 SsgundQ t]i�, following described real property in the City of EI'Seguado, County of Los Angeles, State of California, to -wit: ` Beginning at a point in the western line -of. that certain land described as Parcel'No. 1 r , in deed; •to The. Atchison,~ Tbpoka and ;Santa Fe Railway ,Cozpany.recorded- ,_.Hook,, 278, - .page_ 354; Official Records. of -said -.Co%z4ty,,diataat _ 3oUth 0 °12. East` 953.tQet ,on,_eaid ;mesternAiae• from,a point in. a -line, noxmal.ly...distant,_30: feet, southerly- from,_and yarallelYirit$ Abe- no��.,aine, of said section and distant South 090411- Wist'r _ 129:60 feet froa,the eastilJoo- thereof} thence :.�!South..QP12' fast _ 90. feet on said weeteii line, _ V thence- South. 89 0 47! West 1285.60E feet .,parallel -.with the southern line of.:tiiat certain: land des- cribed in deed dated Fbbryary,il3�.1r934,.:recorded in Book 12672, page 1149 of said Official Accords, P %I. to a point in tpe southern~ prvlon®ntion. of the 4 most western- line,of, said last: -mentioned land, said southern- line and. said_;Most,westorn line- being: the_ southegm , and west -ra lines, of Douglas _ Street and; Northrop- Street- ,. ,rexpectively ;,, thence- . North; 0iD12'� West 9Q feet o. the sonthwe *tern: corner of said last mentioned land; thence North;89-�47',• East 1285.60 feet along said southern line to the point of beginning. Parcel No. $ Beginning- at, -a point -ln a line normally distant 30 feet- southerly from and parallel with the -. north line .0 said Section 7, distant, Nortjr 890`47• East -150 feet on said parallel line filowthe most worth- western corner of said. land described an deed dated February 13, 1934, recorded in:Book 12672,•page 114, t said Official Records, said point being distant North 89047' East 150 feet from the eastern line of land described in deed.recorded in Book 9451, -page 166, said Official Records;-thence South 0012' East 893 feet, parallel with_ the most western line of said land . described in deed.dated February 13,,•1934,-to a point In a Nine. normally. distant .60 .feet northerly- from and: _ parillil .with. the southern ]line: of said land described in - said `last .aentioaed:�deed ara►1 , said last - mentioned. p1e1 line being -the northern ;line cif :Douglas Street; thence South 89047 West '90 -toot along said fast: mentioned paralle3 :line; thenctr North_OQ12' ;West -1895 -.feet, !parallel,wtth -and: normally,distant 60 feet easterly. from -said .most - western •line, -to; a yplut,,diatant 9Q. - feet :South 8947' .:West from said •point of - :beginning, said -7;ast ..aoaree being the eastern lice oi' Ngsthrog,:, Street; _thencE[:North 89947 _Beta! QO•.eat • to wtiLe.;paint, , of beginning, for; Public-highway .purposes }::*6 0nd_t"_:A=0 is hereby accepted by and on behalf of the City -of ,El Segundo;, AND, BE IT YURTHER RESOLVED, •that: the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause the said Deed ;. - of;:•Easemnent-_t* be-;placed of record, in the-- offioa .of ;the County 8ecorder..op Los .Angeles Gounty; Californial. i�a - The foregoing ,resolution -was adopted L _by the fellowiAg • vote; ..1�yea:. • Gouacilmen- Hesser, Selby, . and. 11ayar _Binder.. 1�ioesi- .Gouneilmen -None. Absent:: ,: Councilmen Gerow and love. : .The "City Clerk reported-receipt of a•.Grant,-of .Easement,- for• sanitary sewer purposes from.James W. Wampler .and;'F.'Ta Wampler, his•.wife•, -dated June ,22nd, 1939, granting the, City;of Sl Segundo the ;-right to-•construct -a sewer -trunk line ,in the 3outhsrly_,7*. -feed of: Lot -37,6,..Bloot,ll =,,$l,Segondo Sheet.No. 8, Book-22j Pages 106 and 107 of Mape, 7reoor$e of�.I:oa Angeles County, California,, The - Grant• of;. Easement being in form prepare¢ sand Approved by the City Attorney and the•_description therein of the property over which. the Easement•. is ° granted, being acceptable to :the; ABting,. City Engineer, it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Cgpncilxon Sglby, that Grant of Easement for sewer trunk line purposes, executed by James W. Wampler and Eva Wampler; his cif e,, -dated -- June, _ Mad; 1939,; grant ing to the City of El_Segundo a perpetual, easement right -of way, for, the construction, reconstruction, inspeation;.maintenanae;; operation and repair of a sanitary sewer or sewers, in, over; upon, across. -.and P13WC1 along the Southerly 72 feet of Lot 376, 9 Block 123 as shown upon El Segundo Sheit No.Tat I& Bb6kNb Me. page's 106" and 107 of � n Maps, records; of 'Los' Angel 4W County,- Vaj1kbftj:t,-1,­. and ' -o - -- file in the office of the..CotvW� Reebrder Of said ftiufttY,• be -end` the same is hereby accepted on behalf of the -`07it3f �of-'RT Seg=&01 -` alWthe- Ckty� Clerk be and he is hereby directedi 1natrdAden'V.%W-te, .filed Ztoig record in the office si I I - otwty, :Cj1j of the CoUnty-It6botd6r of'Lbs An;gele -ift-rAift'. Carried by the following Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby and Mayoir'Bibder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Love The City Clerk v4portea receipt of Zrant 'of 1kneinent for sanitary sewer purposes.- dated-4une 23rd - 193T, .executed. by, Southern California Edison -Compalay, Ltd**--4iaht1hg iboe Clt:Y_ bf- El' Se&ndo-the right to construct a sewer-'trunk 1 inel lit 'Itlie Southerl► -7* feet of � Ibt% 321- -and the Northerly 7-X f eet' Of Ibt 320 1 -all, An Block 123'' ii pbr" rAp • of , Zi 'Segundo Sheet No. 2 9- as 80 recorded' irk B6oi- 2Zt-" pages ,106'and 10- of, Maps; - reco-rds of Los Angeles County. The -form of Grant of- Easement having been approved by the City Attorney as to `f6r­M­an& the descjriptioif,,of the � property,, as set forth in the document -being . satisfactory toa:tha`Act.jng City ,Engineer, it was moved by Councilman Selby,, -seconded by Councilman - Hesse .-, -'that Grant of Easement for - sewer truilk; 111it, 'ourpose's * executed -by, Southierin -California Edison Company Ltd-. ',ftted'7uiie 23rd' -1939,- granting to -the :01t*-b�f -ZL Segundo a perpetual easement and/or right of wag; lfor ;'tho''constructiozi.:�'�radonstruction, inspection, maintenanicbe, -operation`a6d, sewers, in.over, upon. across -aiid 7hlong- the -Northe.A7�'.7j -feet rdf Lot- ZM- and the Southerly 71- feet of , Lot -321 -bf 'MbeA 12&," a9,f-xhdrwn fu;�6n Vief,Map of El Segundo 2 9 Sheet S.- reeord6d- in Book =, Rages -106 and 307 bf-Maps, records of said County of 166 Angeles -, -b6 Land 'the dabi*`Ais 'Kdrebyi accepted on behalf of the City'-af-E! Segundo; And'tho City Clerk U li6 -is -hereby directed to causa the said in6truz6nti ' to office of the Co4n*y;:R.6cordth?4f1,6i Jftlgele*i CodntY. —Cirried by the following vote: Ayes S7' HefeOr 'Selby 7nC"Y(Vi Xinder; Noes: C6"6tlMei dhe.,; `0dujdjTmeij-GCii6w and 4-- ,j Czf V Pct rThe 'City Zlerk nieported'that � the City AttorUsylt had lmkde inquiry as to the present status `of ctli6se qelttaln oi!!-wells-*ithin,,th@'Zity of El Segundo known as Government Refining and Gasoline Corporation, Ltd. Guaranty- Wallace No; 1. . -,.-an&_!'Goverflme,rnt Refining.'and:GeL96lii&s-.--*O1'poi4ition,,'Ltd', Copinger-Wallace No. 2; that thereupon the Acting Building Inspector made i - -nace Wall,46. 1 in on an investigatl-6n whi6h;dtseiosels,tbgkt%araiity-wa production; that the derrick of Copinger-WellacwNd. 2 Welleha:s not been removed, that the cement conerete,derridk-,foxiidati6ns, floor `slab, cellar and sump remain; that another well, known as Ramsey-Wallace No. 1 Well, which it' Is-belie*ed-Gove'rnment"Refining-gind,-Gasoline Corporation, Ltd. may now be*., responsible --for 0%has- not been off Lci&lly,,abandon9d;;^;that- -while the derr4lck*haA been-z*moved'Vth9 dement-,o6nerete-derrick foundations, floor slab oillbir-- ind, illop ..'remain 4 and thatan,"aodumilation of debris has not been removed from the drill site- and :th4Lt' -thorefore •a­llcenie fee for each of said wells should be exacted for tke-'eurkint'coUndar year. It was-'thereupon moved by C6unc1l Imew- 116sber';- seconded by Councilman Selby, that the-City Clerk be directed to COUT6yA411 letter, to: the, City Attorney- the status or--the-oll1wells refeiri6d,to�'12---his: report. t6 the Council this date.. --Carried. 'Acting Chief'of Policer- Cummlhg$ reported = that-113n the 26th ,day of Tune.. 1939, he' had appointed-and emploj,9&'.0tho Leslie., T1:,dif*1l-... ail., Pollee Officer of th6'Citjof El Segundo due to th6:nece&sity.--6f-Pr6v1ding relief for o"icers, who will' -be. t4iken:-froz their usual-and-­ regular- assignments from day to day to enable the Police Department to assign one officer to ' P I 3 a. the _special duty of patrolling Sepulveda Boulevard in order to control motor vehicle traffic..- Moved'.by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED that the appointment of Otho Leslie Tidwell, 'by Acting Chief of Police J. A., Cummings, as a Police Officer of the City of El'Segundo, June 24th, 1939, and his employment on said date; be and the same is hereby ratified and approved; AND, BE IT FURZ11ER RESOLVED, that said appointee be and ' hd is hereby designated a Police Officer of the 7th Class; that his hours of employment and rate`of compensation be in accordance with current *-resolutions of this Council respecting the hours of employment and rates of compensation of municipal officers; and that the term of his employment be until the further order of this Council. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Love. Acting Chief of Police Cunednga reported that certain of the Police Officers badges and cap pieces need replating and a few re- enameling, whereupon it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the replatingand re- enameling of-such of the - badge$ e(nd cap pieces of Polica.Officers of the City of $1 Segundo, as in the discretion of the Chief of Police need replating and re- enameling, be and the same is hereby authorized, at a total cost of not to exceed $45.00. Carried by the following vote :. Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes., Counci]men None. Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Love. Acting Superintendent of the Water Department Chilson reported that Water Well No. 6 has.been completed; that the tests have proven entirely satisfactory; that the test pump will be pulled on Thursday of this week and that the City's pump will be installed on Friday. Acting Street Superintendent Chilson reported that six tires are required for use upon motor vehicles of the Street Department; whereupon it-was moved.by.Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the purchase of six automobile tires be and the same is hereby authorized at a cost of not to exceed $48.00,-plus California State Sales,Tax. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen-None. Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Love.. In connection with the acceptance by the City of El Segundo of a street and road deed, by which Ems L. Leuzinger purported to convey to the City of E1 Segundo a certain piece of real property for use in con- nection with'the straightening of Inglewood Redondo Road, which said matter was referred to him at the last regular meeting of this.Council, the City Attorney.reported.having written to Mr`. E. Ov Leake, Mrs. Leuzinger's attorney, respecting certain conditipns imposed upon the City in event of the acceptance of the instrument, which he desired to.have taken care of in a.manner different from that proposed by Mr. Leake; that he bad, to date, received no response to his communication and would report further upon receipt of Mr. Leake's reply. P ; " Reporting pursuant to previous instruction, the City Attorney read to the Council a letter received from William McXenzie�.Brown, an Attorney at Law, which contained a statement of the terms and fees under which be would undertake proceedings looking to the collection of delinquent assessments on certain real properties wihin the City of E1 Segundo. He recommended that Mr. Brown's proposal be considered, together with other written proposals hereto;orp received from other persons-engaged in the same work; whereupon by general consent the matter of employing experts to liquidate delinquent special assessments was taken under advisement for the perioCof two weeks. The City Attorney reported having conferred with`Mr..L. H. Stewart respecting the latter's presentation to the Railroad Commission of the State of California of a brief or report with regard to,the attitude of the City of E1 Segundo in connection with the proposed abandonment of Pacific Electric Railway Company's rail line between Redondo Beach and Los Angeles and the proposed substitution therefor of bus service; that he will be present at the hearing before the Railroad Commission, which will begin June 29th and that he will assist Mr. Stewart if needed in the presentation of the matter to said Railroad Commission, it being understood that so far as the City of.El Segundo is concerned, the City Attorney will not advocate theabandonment of said rail linea,.but that such assistance as he may render in this connection will be based upon the theory that if the rail lines are actually abandoned and bus service substituted therefor, then and in that event the City of E1 Segundo would desire to be included in the territory to be served by such substituted bus service. gouncilman Selby, Chairman of the -Finance Committee--of-the Council, reported having conferred with Logan Cotton and C. J. Rambo, Public Accountants,,respecting a change in the accounting procedure of the Water Department of'the City of E1 Segundo, and he suggested that before any recommendation is made as to the employment of either of these persons to effect such change, that the Acting Water Superintendent and the Water Department Clerk be instructed'to examine the systems installed in two nearby cities to determine, -if, possible; their adaptability to the requirements of the City of El Segundo.- By general consent such was the order. UNFINISHED 13USDUSS. In the matter of the City of E1 Segundo agreeing to finance its share of the cost of improving a portion of VistaDel Mar and Coast Boulevard within the City of E1 Segundo, which work will.be done by the City of E,bs"Angeles and which matter is refer -red to in that - certain letter of the'City Znginesr of the•Clty of Los Angeles, dated-.June'13th, 19399 File No. W0- 54770, which letter was filed with this Council June 21st, 1939, and which said matter was taken under consideration until this date, it was moved by Councilman :Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the City Engineer of the City of Los Angeles has heretofore,-by communications addressed to this Council and now on file in the office of the City -Clerk, indicated said City's'intention of widening, straightening and improving portions of Vista -Del Mar within the City of Los Angeles-and Coast Boulevard within the City of El Segundo; •. AND , WHEREAS, in a certain communication from said City Engineer-of-the City of Los Angeles,'dated June 13th, 1939, bearing File No. WO- 54770, the-,City of El Segundo _ was requested to agree,to finance its share of the cost of that'portion of said work which is done within the City of El Segundo; AND, WHEREAS, from information ht= hand. it 'would appear that the cost to the City of El Segundo of that portion of the work to be performed within the City of E1 Segundo would be in excess of $6,000.00; Pte' . AND, WHEREAS, at this time such amount of money is not available in the City Treasury for !ii allocation to this -project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo does find and determine that at this time the said City cannot agree to finance its appatent� share of the cost of reconstructing a portion of the Coast Bouievard,within: the City of E1 Segundo, in accordance with plans therefor prepared by the Engineering Department of the City.of Lbs Angeles for the straightening, widening and improving of portions of Vista Del Mar and Coast Boulevard; AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk of the City -of E1 Segundo be and he.is hereby directed to communicate this finding to the City Engineer of the City of Los Angeles. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the:following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None: Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Love. PAYING BILLS. . The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Recreation Fund General Fund Griffith Hardware Company $3.74 J. F. Miner 32..00 Segner's 5- 10 -25¢ Store 4.56 Harry Downs 56.25 American Handicrafts Co.. 10.76 Frank Byard 10.00 TOTAL 19.06 Rachael Halley 4.80 Griffith Hardware Co. 9.13 General Fund V. A. Parry 4.00 Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk $64.13. Gibson Motor Parts, Inc. 6.10 Los Angeles County Health Dept. 1.86 Bassett- Lundstrom Co. .65 TOTAL 188.92 Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the demands be allowed and- warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same." Carried by the following vote:: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Love. NEW BUSINESS. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that Resolution No. 475, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF.THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FIXING AND ESTABLISHING THE COMPENSATION OR PAY OF VARIOUS M[JNICIPAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF SAID -CITY, AND REPEALING ALL RESO- LUTIONS AND ORDERS AND PARTS OF RESOLUTION AND ORDERS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH which was read,'be• adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder, Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Love. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by.Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman.Selby, the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, Approved: City 1 Mayor.