1939 JUN 21 CC MIN^ ..:! _ S3. Segundo,- California. A regular meeting of the City Coanail -of the City ot 21 'Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chasft ni) of the City Hall of said City on the above date, having been called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. M. by the Mayor, Peter E. Binder. BOLL CALL. Councilmen Present: ' Hessar,, -Loveiv, Selby and Mayor Binder. Councilmen ABserits Gerow: Other Officers Present: • Clyde Woodworth = Gity Attorney. Frank Chilson - Acting City EngiA"r: - J. A. Cummings - Acting Chief •of°Police. Victor D. McCarthy - City Clerk. _ :;HLADING OF MMTES'%OF ` PREnOUS STINGS. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 14th day of June, 19399 were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Selby,,sec6Aded- by-CeaA0ilMi Hesser, the minutes be approved as read. Carried. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on-the-.,19th day Qf ,Tuna19 9.��Ie�e��ad xitUout error or omission being noted, and were approved as read upon motion of Councilman Selby; seconded by Councilman Love, which carried. _____� ,• .. `- WRITTEN COMEMNICATIONS. The following communications, which were read to the Council, were disposed of in the manner indicated following the reference to each hereinafter: LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA MUNICIPALITIES, its Legislative Bulletin No. 14, dated June 17th, 1939, with reference to the disposition of certain legislative bills and recommending that the Council wire Governor Olson with respect to his signing such of certain bills now before him for signature. Moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that Legislative Bulletin No. 14 of the League of California Municipalities be received and placed on file in the office of the City Clerk and that officer be'and he is hereby directed to wire Governor Olson, requesting his signature to Assembly Bills Nos. 1057, 1058 and 1059. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Gerow. BARNARD ENGINEERING COMPANY, dated June 20th, 1939, being application for permit to install certain water mains in portions of Lapbam and Douglas Streets within the City of E1 Segundo. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman $esser, -the following resolution be adopted:. RMSOLVED, that a copy of the communication from Barnard Engineering Company to the City Council of the City of Sl Segundo, dated June 20th, 1939, relating to the installation of certain water mains in Lapham Street and Douglas Street within the City of E1 Segundo, California, be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for identification and reference; P a &5cl AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a temporary permit, _ .. revocable by the City ioouncil:of the- Cityof ZL Sogmtdo� ° ^ ^' California,--without -cause and without_3iabil1' t*t Upon " thfrty. - days notice, be and the same is hereby granted for the con- s�rnctian: and maintenance of ._t4 - water. - rains- thereiii referred to; -provided, -however -that befora:thio paswift ' becomes _ effeotiva; the perdaa; -ifirm _or;cortomtioz-1 owtlag such,pipd . lines; shall file avith" the _Oity _Clerk a coasonicatron stating . that the, writer of such loam mileation is,-the owner of -such ` .pipe lines and responsible therefor and will make any repairs, adj-gstments or - removals -raa and: when t5ei'swie become necessary An ordefi 'tq . protect: public property -.or ,the aceomodatlon' of other-Fublia� utilities -in said thorougbf6i4m, and which may be - _ necessary. in order to eampiy _tdth was r. regairements :,or orders" of the City Council of the .01ty 'of El Segundo ror ' of .the- Street Superintendent or City Engineer of said City; further, that all.of such 1nstallations:and work and the maintenance` thereof sball be. ;done in • accordance. with, the = requirements 'and. in con fortuity with the: -Instruction.of thb City Engineer-of, said City, and .that the obligations .:of the writer of such communication in connection with such pipe ]ones .4hall -extend to end be binding upon the successors and assigns of such'. owner'._- The foregoing ,resolution was adopted by the, -following vots: Ayes: Councilmen •Hesser, love, Selby and-Mayor Binder. - Noes: Couneilnew None,. Absent: Councilman Germ. B.- 0. Lng,, Rated .June- 9th, 1939;_ advising that he had on skid date forwarded to the: Road, Departmenit� of Los Angeles `Count3r a deed from Emma L. Leusinger in favor .of thb City. of- 91 Segundp, - eo*sring. a: portion of Ut 48, of Mills and -W1,e a :- Subdivision,'..as: more' part icularly'Atearibed" In 'said deed, for the purpose of enabling the County to straighten Inglewood-Redondo Road; said property being deeded to the City of El Segundo at the request of the County Road. Department and: -upon :aorta ip-teriw. and` conditions•`as•' set forth in his letter, dated June fth,r 1939;, addressed- to- George- W Johns Road Commissioner,: 1104 Hal ]c of, Records, Los Angeles:,- .California ",for -"a - attention of George A. MiUhe,tl,' bearing the -sub jwoct •"Rez: Inglewood= Reflondo 'Road 3RD - 404 "_, copy, Qf_ xhich latter letter was attached to they -ones First= hdreiabefore mentioned; - and letter .trots 1:,GZORW, W. -- .TONES; Goad Commissioner, 4ate .TUns -16th; 1959- - Captioned: "Re: Inglewood- Redondo Road (5). R D- -1406 &,City.of =U- _Segundo" -; transmitting in duplicate road deed executed by Emma Louisa Leuzinger,- 'Widow;- dbscribing therein a portion of Lot 48 of bills and Wicks Subdivision, and requesting that S aid - deed -be, accepted- by, the- :C�-ty- Council and-both copibs,'forwarded to the Registrar of Torrens Titles, Hall. of Records, --ror filing:-• • The City Attorney thereupon recommended that the terms and conditions mentioned in the - eommun�eatiop-of`Mr.',$.: 0: Leeke ' before _ referred to, be more specifically ,set forth:' in said-- rbad�' deed.. .I It- was- thereupon twvitl try- Councilman Selby, seconded by Council n.Love - "-that'the= matter or,thOracceptance of a certain road deed, executed by Ewme Louisa Leuginger, conveying a certain portion of- -lot:- 48' of -Mills and .nicks M9nbdiVIsion.- to: the Citg of E1 Segundo for _public road and highway..purposesy betaken- under` advisement 'antil a future meeting of this Council, and that in the meantime tha!muattor :be ref6kred to the City Attorney of the City of El Segundo, to enable him to cause.said deed. to,.be amended or- :clarified..in such manner. as -:bk . demo `46strable. Carried. CITY ENGINEER, City of Los Angeles; dated�,June�l3th 1930; File No. "WO - 54770 ", Subject "Vista Del Mar and Coast Blvd. I. D.", addressed to Russell T. Eutehins,_City- Engineer of the City of E1 Segundo, advising that the estimated cost of the construction of that portion of Vista Del Mar which will take place within the City of E1 Segundo is $109770.00; 55% of which, plus engineering and incidental costs and any expenses incurred in the acquisition of rights of way, must be provided from local mds .asd aequestiag:tBat --the:.C6unoil agree . to 'finanew its share of Aht teost of Elie cmdrk mithim the City cof :•F.7.: Segundo: ; %-_ f .- Moved. 'by•-Councilman:Selby; noconded:.-W.- CannCi2man'I ,' that the matter of cassisti:ag_ -ia fibanc�- -- JWVa;teftWrcogt df ItmprovVIng that portion -f Vitt& 1�01 3iar :(Caa8tcB0altlV43Nbk,;--V&ivN t,herOity'bf Los Angeles - proposgs to :_improve. within 'the. Vity _�df :Ei Se�iridc j t be taken finder con- sideration ;'u xtil the :ne=t regdlar. Ming of this - Council. Carried. CITY - ENGIDI Mi- S M OF . LOS _AN=T l i,, -dated .=Juasr • -3Eth, J939, , File No: WO 54770, ;Subject: Vista- -Del. )fan -Coast Blvd v -1 = D::; advis ing that his ot;Vice is. c4anging-ther _plaAd -for _t1w 32iprave"mit=u>f Ms'ta Del Mar to conform . to- the request: cobtaine8- in• s:,lertter aiddrmwsd? -%W his office Delay. 25th, 1939, by:the- Cityt,Clsawk. It appearing, after:an•emamination -of.the City•Q1erk14' letter -referred . to, that - -the -,same_ bad been imindnterpreted `and that= in fact the City of Los • Angeles had not: -been ,regwwVed _to, change its -plains, but was merely advised. that- the. City Council bf the- Citq bf- Xl Segundo is considering a petitioV filed With it, ,urging certain other improvements within .the, City of `B'1 -Segundo and :that -if _said other., iapr'ovements are made, that the work in both cities be coordinated if possible, it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seeonde( by Couneilxian 14". that said ' communication be received and filed and the City Clerk of the City of El +Segundo be. instructed to, make appropriate7.xep3y - thereto. The motion carried, all Councilmen present voting WK. J. FOX, Chief Engineer, The Regional Planning Commission, addressed to R. V, Hutchins; _City.-Ingineer,,.dated:'Tune a9tk4!_%1439, inviting attendance at a public; hearing: of ,said.:Comnissi,on; :.JtMy, :12t1i, =-11935;, W the 'Asdembly Room of the State- lkLUding, which Aedting` x111 be held, for' Lice' pti�tfbe of adopting -n aaaster..:planL of. streets: anp.: highva ye',Sor' -,the County of `Las _ Angeles. Moved by C-ounc'I men _Selby zwonded- -Eby Couhc11* n -Love=,- that' Acting City Bngi noer, Frank.. Chilson- be. aitthpr -ized, sitd directed• ta, a'ttead- the meeting -of The_ Regiamal: Plaaniag;.Coyrmtsa ion; _, to: -be= biAdl iirthel BAs' eadbly Boom of the: State Building; Los Angeles, at 2000 A- N. ap.•representative- of the City-of ffi'- Segundo at-, and any member of the City Council desiring to attend:sa.fd�meetibg be authorized so to do and that any of said officers so attending said meeting Abe° authorized.; tb r-ile:-, hft' :dmmand agalnst the City. -for his actual and: necessary expenses, 11j, connaation therewith. Carried 'by' the following: vote: L* _ �'.�£., _ : iii: r... �� .. _•: c � �_ _ ':� .. .. .. ETC . -- -- -- _ *Yes: . �- Oouneilmen, Neaser; . Lo*cb , Selby- acrd' Mattor Binder. Noes:_,,­ Cannpilmen None. _ j _ Absent: Councilman Gerow. C. d; 8A1dE(? _ do CO.; dated. Tune. 21st., :1939?, r&qubst'ing the opportunity of filing a b dv in the- matter. of­: the installation' of` a' now: a6c6imt•itgE system in the City's- Tatpr.-Departatent. r -e - Moved- Councilman Binder; seconded-by`Councilienn`lov`; that -the matter be- .referred- #a Councilman Pelbyy,�-Chairman`of the", FinanceComnittee of the City Council: , ..carried. _ :7e _ . ,C. . At this -point Councilman Selby: regaested- 'Kn,.,C X. Mambo•, who was present at the Council meeting, to submit his proposal in writing, Which Mr. Rambo • • agreed a do. ORAL CONYQ14CATIONS. • . _. .. �'�. _: '. -. _,, _.'mac• �ti_ ,�_,... .�. • None. _. �._.. UPOR;LS OF STMING-:COMKXTTEPk,:= L` : Hone., -.,. i REPORTS OF OFFICERS -.AND SFZG, W_C0!=TTEHS.- =' Tha.Lity- -Clark "Ported receipt of a' Grant- of.Sasement.: for. sanitary sewer puiposesr:vezecuted -hy, Gran: L.. Smith-,._ st, al, and covering -the Southerly- 7:�. feet -of Lot 428, Block 123, El Segundo,.,- Moved by CowwUmpn Selby, seconded by Councilman' Love, ,that Grant of Easement for sewer trunk_ line purposes, executedrby., grace 14. Smith.- and C. W. Smith, her bnsband, and Mae E. Grnes and Vii. C.,4rines, her husband, dated June 19th, 1939:0 .gradating. 14 the City- of., El Segundo- a pefrpetua,, easement and/or right .of. -wag,' -for the_ :BDntPct ioa, reconstruct ion, . • inspect ion, ma iat enance , operatioh and_ repair::vf- a, semitary_ sewer or,.geFera, in,,r: 9ver,_- upon, across and along the Southerlg 9j.,ftet, of: Lot,:428,•.Block- 123,:as:4howgp !apop.E]. 3eSundo Sheet No. 8, recorded in Book 22, Pages 106 and 107 of Maps, records of Los Angeles County, :CaliforniaP :and on- fikf in -the, office ot_ the County Recorder of said County, be and the same is hereby accepted, on ,,behalf of the_ City of El Segundo, and the City Clerk be and hq ix hereby directed to cause the said instrument to be filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Los. Angeles County,- California. a. - Carried by the .Yahowing vote: - .Ayes:. Councilmen Hesser,::oovwj Selby and fir - Binder. -. Noes: Councilmen Dion. Absent: Councilman-Gerowf -, City Clerk McCarthy repQrted.that-the owner of Lots 3 and 5 in Block 1090 El Segundo, who is at present constructing a dwelling house on one of said lots and contemplates the erection of additional buildings, had requested an improvement of the roadway of,lalnut Aveme between Center Street and California Street, as the same is now extremely sandy and makes ingress and egress difficult. Moved -by Counciiman:,Selby, seconded; by Councilman Joye,.,that the matter be, referred to ;the:PublieAprks Coaaittep. for, inve$tigation,aip4Erepor�t. ,.Carried. •41:3 :R ._3. =. �'�: ^, ^. ,- The City Attorney reported having examined, as directed, the:Couacil, the proposals of C. W. Hyde, Jr. and Associated Assessment Engineers, with reference to.foreclosure,prooeedings against- properties)r*t4in the-City of E1 Segundo, the taxes upon which or the epeciaa, sspess$gntn.- agaia$t,_jrhich are now delinquent; but that he has not as yet conferrpd •,with,_- Wtlltaa,Vggenzie Brown, an attorney, who had presented a verbal proposal to the Council at its adjourned.- zeeting held -4mne -19th, By general consent. -he was: requested.to_ defer the on of a detailed report respecting the.. matter until after;Wb com�nicated_irlth Mr. Brown. The. City. Attorney: thereupon presented- a , form, o(; Motice to . Bidders on Cast Iron Water Pipe ", which he had prepared pursuantto; instruction, whereupon y it was.moved by Councilman Love, seconded b Couacilmen,:aeXby,•that, the following resolution be adopted: SOLVED, that a: copy of :that_, certain "Notice , to .$adders on - Cast Iron Water Pipe ", prepared by ths:; Gj.ty, Attomy,aad presented -to this Council : at this meetiag, A)& ,platcpd, 94 file, is the- office of the City Clerk, fob identification_ ands AND 8E IT FURTHM RESOLVED, that h _ids•be i�eciiyed,under- and+. '-pursuant-to the said Notice and .that the.City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed. :to cause said .N_otice to -be . - published- iAviting such bids, in. Use, • foss, mad scanner as required by law. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: ea. Councilmen Hesser, Love, Selby and,Mayor Binder. Roes: - Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Gerow. _ P�1 _talsul Acting Street Sni;Wiiniindent-Chlison7ret4rteAFtbat he had obtained a price of $25.00 for sharpening the disks on the disk harrow, Some question arose as to the necessity for performing said work, whereupon it wasamoved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilmen Hesse that the matter be referred 4orks Commit i iiie Ciri�iia to the Public -Ir'for the Plan Nvi^ The Afti hifir. � U-390621 -Boulevard improvement of lkeit`-` G `Avinae, between. Wishingt*h.39trftt,)mM--Sep4Y*ft by grading, oiling and resurfacing the-'salfte, -ailid Wittimlitea-'that - the- COXV Of-- improving said thoroughfare in accordance with said plan would not exceed $600.00; whereupon- it' *&i- in6ved by Coitnellymn Hesser', "sanded .-by.. Councilman Love, that the-- Act i-he Street Superintendent -be authorized And- Instructed - to cause the roadway of ftbt'10ratid Avenue * ­'� betw eecf* Washlhgtop�, Street and t Sepulveda Boulevard:, 'to be;:93ft6d-,_ olled* and-,.resalrfacM i­ In As- mapner- Indicate'd 'in his plahi theeefbrc, jiuMbb-rod- M,-39GMj+ vUth� sktd"p1,=-- is; heribby- approied by tie- Cbuwil arid- a- Jedpy `thereof ot-dft*d? 02;aaod­on:, file :in ths- office of said' Street- ghpeaMA,6ndeikt., Caifrled Ur-Ithe Tollowing Totw. ­Ayes: Councilmen-Aesser, LOTTO* Sblb]r. aAd'Uaydr -Binder:', 'Noes: Coundililie 'None. b-Ouncilim Gerow Absent'.-, Acting ;Chief of Police Cunning$',Telkirte&,tbat;'itti :bad lboen'found- desirable to have a demonstration of a radio receiving set in the police automobile of the City of'El Segundo ­*t1Wr't1ia1i tW- bet, -TIVet insts3XOS"-for demonstration purposes, and reported upon at the last regiAtr- a"tW- afthe Cotmell, and that the set now in use in said vehicle is date. TATING-S None. BUSINIM. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Love, that the purchase of not.-to --exceed *en II saA# of leaf mold ,'at ,ndt;-;toiiA@rdi*d -40$1,2er,:. sack, plus Calif6ifia-Siite-,Sa -31 Segundo, be and the 'same is hereby authorized and directed. Carried by the following vote :'2'7 Aies, te'='-c maiji-Hossei UTO Selbrand Noe -Coun011ywAyk (M6 Moved by Councilmen Selby, seceidid W-T6unallman-Love{ -that Varrant.• No. 342243 dated June 19th, 1939, in amount of $69,60, payable to the order of WO Ir-e" UI-461-thd V4 Saifib': is " her6by-" ordered eAnce11ed-_)aAd- the- action of this Coundil`, #teretofore td-Re&'oM6r1ng-its Isguancelbe and. ­th&,seme,1&_her9by:*,- rescinded. Carried by the following vote: ..*:,_, I , .,: Ayes: Coiina 1196ii'Hesser, Love,'Selby-- and -Ma7ov Siudere Noes:­, C bune il"li - None 3':1 71 Absent:, Counc ilia&:: Gerovr*, q i7l The attention of the Council having been directed to the proximity to the roadway' of .imperial' Hi*ftlr; or" oi6rta in, vurbing, an. the: Sbuth side of Imperial Highway'-at Oepulvdft' Bou1-biri3!%'#Lnd: by " the, pro))�&bliO: desirability. .at- relocating said cuibihg ee''gs_ to "facll-ltittw -the - ' UiW5-4of the-` highway =and the: parking of automobiles ther4bh' the 'marttAxr vikiri-4f*lTedl' to the PUblir- Works 'Committee for in*estigatibifiirffd report;. No further business -appearing to be* -tranwcts&j&V. this meeting, it me moved by Councilman H6sser, seconded- by Gouncilmw Im M__ OIL the, minting adjourn, Carried. Respectfully submitted, Approved: _4 ity 3oftiv Mayor.