1939 JUN 14 CC MINEl SegundoI California J'ane. 14, 1939 A, regular mee ting.of the City I .-Council - of the-City of,Zl . Segundo., California, ' -was called to order .at 7:00-01. clock P. M.* on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the Clity'Hall of s-aid.'Clty by Peter 3. B.inder,'Mayore.' ROLL CALL. ..Councilmen Present: Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder, .Councilmen Absent: Norte. Other Officers Present:- Clyde..Woodworth - City Attorney. J. A. Cummings - ActiAg Chief of Police. Frank Chilson - Acting City Engineer;- C. K. McConnell - Fire Chief. Victor D. McCarthy City Clerk. READING OF MINUTES OF. PREVIOUS MEETING. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 7th day of June, 1939, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, the - minutes be approved as read.,. Carried. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS. The following communications, which were read-to the Co . uncil,* were disposed of in the manner indicated follo7wing the reference to each hereinafter: FERGUS L. FA!RB0Z§,un&ated, but stamped received Tune7l4th, 1939, a ,notice to the effect that he is assigaee'forthe benefit or creditors of .Howard Oil Company,and requesting that a signed'istatement showing - the amount owing to creditors as of September. 1st, 1938,*'by Howard,Oii Company, less .credits since that date, . be sent to him immediately. On'motion by' Councilman Hesser, seconded by.Councilman Selby,.which carried unanimously, the matter wa-s_referre& to the office of tjid.City Attorney for attention. THE UNIVERSITY OF-SOUTHM CALIFORNIA, dated lune:-9ih'.' 1939, expressing its appreciation of the Council-Is having official representation from the City in the'Institut6-of Government program now in progress at said University. Ordered filed.. 'DR-1. L,'.POMEROT,*County Health Officer, dated-Tune 12th,,-1939, .requesting adoption of.Los Angelqs County Health Code as the same is related to.public eating places.. Moved'by Councilmen Hesser, seconded by-Councilman Gerow, that the matter be referr6d to the-City Attope7..for investigation and report to this Council. Themotibn carried, all members of the Council voting aye, EL SEGUNDO HIGH SCHOOL, dated June 13th,-1939, advising that a committee of the-Board of Trustees of El-Segundo Unified School Disttict had reported to said Board that abq�-t eighty.feet of.sidevalk and .curb 1n-front_*6f and west of the Manual Arts Buildihg needs replacement; that the Conmitteelireport to theBoard of School Trusteestwas made in the presence of Mayor Binder, who was in attendance at that particular 5chboi board m6eting;.requesting that .this:Council give the matter of replacement of sidewalk and.curb such attention as it may be able. By general consent the matter was referred to Councilman Hesser and Mayor Binder, .LYNIS ARTHUR VIESTENZ., dated. June 8th, 1939; and J. RAYMOND ROSS, 'dated lune. 12th, 1939• each being application for employment by the City of E1 Segundo.:, Ordered filed. ..LOS ANGELES COUNTY DIVISION, LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA MUNICIPALITIES, dated .June 7th, 1939, being notice of the holding of the 97th regular meeting of said Division at Inglewood, June 15th, 1939. . It appearing that the subject to be discussed at said meeting is important to cities and officials thereof,- it-was moved by Councilman`Selby; seconded by Councilmanf Love, that Mayor Binder, Councilman Hesser; City Clerk McCarthy, Deputy City Clerk Neva M. Elsey, City-Treasurer Mints Cutzwiler and'Acting City Engineer Frank Chilson, be authorized to attend the meeting of Los Angeles County Division League of California Municipalities at Inglewood, California, June 15th, 1939, and that each be authorized to file his demand Upon the City in customary formland manne', for hts actual and necessary expenses in connection therewith, which demand shad be allowed after having been properly audited. Carried by the following Sots:- Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hedser, Love,`Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen Ndne. - Absent: Councilmen None: ASSOCL4TED ASSESSMENT ENGINEERS, dated June 14th, - 1939, submitting a resume' of the delinquent tax and,assessment situation in El Segundo, suggesting a method of solving the situation and setting forth the terms and conditions under which said Engineers would contract to perform the service. Supplementing the written communication, Mr. Harry S. Whiteman, representing Associated Assessment Engineers, addressed the Council orally and responded to questions propounded by the City Attorney with reference to said matter. At'the conclusion of his remarks he was asked to remain in the Council Chamber until other tax assessment experts present at the Council meeting had been heard." JOHN F. BENDER, dated June 14th, 1939, submitting to the Council his proposa'l.to perform all legal services Tequired —in' re closure and /or other proceedings.in connection with delinquent taxes and/or delinquent - special assessments, in connection with such agreement as the Council inight, enter into with Associated Assaw ent Engineers to do`the field and clerieal work. Bender was personally present in the Council Chamber and he- likewise spoke orally concerning his written proposal'and-at -the conclusion of his remarks he also was asked ,to. remain until others had -been heard. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS. Mr. William McKenzie Brown, an attorney of Los Angeles, who specializes in assessment foreclosure matters, addressed the Council briefly, stating that h6 was in no position.to be helpful` -at this time.a,§ he'hdd.not understood until this.time_just what information: the Council_ desired with respect to delinquent taxes And,$pecial assessment,payments and therefore-'had' made no examination of records so that he might - present the matter.satisfactorily. He, too, was requested to remain in the Council Chamber until all`had been heard on the delinquent tax subject. ' Mr..C..W. Hyde ,.1k.0 who had submitted a written proposal to perform the services required to liquidate tax delinquent properties, which said proposal.was filed with- this" Council Tune 7th,11939; and - Mr. Roland Thompson, an Attorney,,who works -in conjunction with Mr. Hyde, in tax and assessment relief matters, ea .0h addressed the Council upon the subject of tax and - special assessmeat`reliet and their particular methods of prosecuting said *ork. The Mayor then asked if there were any other person or persons present in the Council Chamber who desired to.speak upon the.subject of restoring tax delinquent properti-es'.to assessment rolls, and there appearing to be none, it was moved by Councilman Heeser, seconded.by Councilman Selby, that any action with reference -to employing any person, firm or corporation, for the purpose of collecting delinquent special assessment charges, or of taking steps necessary to restore tax delinquent properties to the tax rolls, be postponed for the period of one week, during which time the matter will be 4 taken under advisement by this Council, and that all persons, firms or _corporations having submitted proposals-in connection,therewith, -be so advised. The motion carried, all Councilmen being present and voting aye. REPORTS OF STANDING`COMMITTEES. None. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES. The City Attorney, through the medium df his written report dated June 7th,. 1939; rendered an opinion with redpect to bonds owned by the City',of E1 Segundo, issued under the "Street Opening Act of 1921", which said bonds and the amount unpaid on each were described in said report, and.he recommended that the Council seriously consider a procedure similar to that *hich is being followed in other cities with reference to the liquidation and adjustment of special assessment district dbligatidns. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Love, that the said report be received and filed and the recommendations made therein taken under advisement Carried. Acting Chief of Police Cummings reported that the motor and the clutch in the Police car is in need. of overhauling; that the. cost of repairing the former will be $45.00 and the latter $15..00. He reported.also that a factory reconditioned motor may be installed in lieu of.the. present motor for.the sum of $85.00 and that if a new motor'is installed the clutch condition is automatically taken care of. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Love, seconded by'Councilman Selby, that a factory reconditioned motor be installed in the Ford touring car owned by the City of E1' Segundo and assigned to the use of the Police Department, provided the cost thereof -does not exceed $85.00,,plus California 'State Sales Tax. Carried by the following. vote: Ayes: Councilmen- Gerow, Hesser, Love,.Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: 'Councilmen None. ` Acting Chief of Police Cummings reported also that a new radio has been installed in the Police automobile by W. T. Belt for demonstration purposes and that the'same has proven -very satisfactory`to dates and recommended its purchase The'City Clerk- reported having received addit.lonil Grants,of Easement across certain_ portions of real property in Block 123, El Segundo,. which easements are necessary in connection with the - proposed construction.of a sewer -trunk line in Holly Avenue westerly from " epulveda Boulevard. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman.Love, that Grants of Easement for sewer trunk line purposes, made by Lulu Charles, dated - June 12th, 1939; granting td the City of El Segundo a perpetual easement and /or right.of. way, for the construction, reconstruction,_inspection, maintenance, operation and repair of a sanitary.:sewer or sewers, in, over, u�on, across and along the Northerly 7J feet of Lot 268 and the Northerly 72 feet of Lot 2269 Block 123, as shown upon E1 Segundo Sheet No. 8, recorded in Book 22, Pages.106 and.10.7 of Maps, ,Records 4f -Los Angeles County, California, and ,on file .:in the-office-of the County lecoider of said County, be and the same are.hereby „accepted on behalf of the City of El Segundo, and the City Sler1r b@ and,h6 is hereby 'directed to cause the.said instruments to be filed for reCOrd.in the office of the.County Recorder of Los Angeles _ County, California. Carried"by the fdllowing.vote:., Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser' Love, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. ' The Acting Superintendent of the Water Department reported that the .work of drilling the new water well, designated as Water Well No. 61 is progressing satisfactorily. Acting-Water S­tp'erint and eat -Chilson reported al so that 'he'and Chester Smith and lack Lind of the Water Department have-for three days attended sessions of the School of Government at the University of Southern California. Acting Street Superintendent.Chilson reported to-the Council that his investigation discloses th4t.it will cost approximately $310.00 to overhaul the Street Department tractor, which work will include new cylinders, new piston rings, clutch repairs, etc. Following a discussion of the matter, 'it VMS moved by Councilman - Hesser, seconded by Councilman Love, that the Acting Street Superintendent be authorized and-di.'rected'to have - the necessary repairs made to the City of El Segundo tractor at a cost.of not to exceed $310.00, plus California State Sales Tax. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Noes: Councilmen Noile. Absent: Councilmen None. Hesser, Love, Selby -and' Mayor Binder. City Attorney Woodworth, reporting pursuant to . instruct . ions given at the last meeting of the Council with respect to the coidproiziise of•certain fees due the City of El Segundo from Government Refining,and Gasoline Corporation, stated that he had made necessary representations' to Mr.-Butcher, the Receiver, who informed him that three to four weeks would be consumed in unwinding red tape and getting the matter thrdugh the Federal Court; but felt-.that the matter would be adjusted as agreed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. None. NEW BUSINESS. Mayor-Biilder announced the appointments of George Love and PeterI. Binder as members of the Board of Trustees of El SegtindoPublic Library to succeed themselves when their respective offices expired June 30th 1939, Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Counadman'. Love' that the appointments by the Mayor of the City of El Segundo of George'Love and Peter E. Binder, as members of the Board of Trustees of El Segundo Public Library, to succeed themselves . at the expirations of their present terms of office..be and the same are heieby confirmed, ratified and approved. Carried. Frank Chilson• Acting Superintendent of the Water Department, recommended to the'Council the-Anstallation of fire hydrants in. several locations on the westerly side of Sepulveda Boulevard;.stating that,as presently'plain6d, the approximate cost of installing 6".water lines and hydra nts:is $1725­ .009 'and the approximate cost of 8" lines and hydrants is $22600-00e­ Discussion dis&l:osing that in order.td perform the work -- the purchase of pipe is necessary and it having been . decided, by general Consent, I I that 6" water mains at said location are adequate, Acting . Water Superintendent . the the. was instructed•to prepare specifications covering 9 _quantity and quality of pipe desired and to-submit the same to.this Council at the next, meeting for its approv&l. Frank Chilson, Acting Superintendent of 'the-Water Department..reported necessity for doi ' ig some-pipe work in and about the Cityts property whereon Water Well No. 6 ' is being drilled, for the . purpose 6 g said . f -1 connectin d well with existing lines to th6 Water Treatment Plant. and after consideration, PUMP it•was.moved by- Councilman Hesser.'-seconded by Councilman Selby,.tbat the pure , hase of 216 feet,of 8" 10-gauge welded steel pipe; dipped-and Vrapped, together with one 8".10-gauge, 9-foot radius,90c,.bend, at a.cost of not to .exceed $150.00, plus California State'Sales Tax...be and the*same is hereby authorized and directed. Carried by*the following I vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerold, Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder. Councilmen None. -Absent: Councilmen None. ADIOURNUM. No further, kasi3kess. appearing� to be-transacted at--this'sessibn, it was moved by Councilmen Hesser, seconded by-'Councilman Selby, the meeting adjourn,, until.'M6nday, June 19th, 1939;-at the hour of:4:15 o'clock P. M. 'Carhed. • -Respectfully submitted, Approved: City Clerk. Mayor.