1939 JUN 07 CC MIN1P ()429g:qZ
El Segundo, California.
June 7th, 1939.
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California,
was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on the above date, in the Council
Chamber of the City hall of said City, by Peter E. Binder, Layor.
Councilmen Present: Gerow, Hesser, Selby and ,:ayor Binder.
Councilmen Absent: Love.
Other Officers Present:
Clyde 1oodworth - City Attorney.
Frank H. Chilson - Acting City Engineer.
C. K. IscConnell - Fire Chief.
J. ri. Cummings - Acting Chief of Police.
Victor D. hcCarthy - City Clerk.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 31st day of .,Iay, 1939,
were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman
Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
The following communications, which were read to the Council, were
disposed of in the manner indicated following the reference to each herein-
HONORABLE ROBERT V1. P;14MY, Senator for Los Angeles County, dated May
31st, 1939, acknowledging receipt of the Council's expression relative to
its attitude tovrard Senate Bill 800. Ordered filed.
L kGUF, OF CALLFORNI. _ 'I'MUCIPALITI S, its Legislative Bulletin No. 13,
dated June 3rd, 1939, recounting the present status of certain bills now
Pending before the State Legislature. Ordered filed.
0. G. MILLssR AIM ASSOCIATES, dated Yay 31st, 1939, requesting they be
advised when the City calls for bids for auditing its municipal books and
records. Ordered filed.
R.ALPH G. DO_�4, dated June 4th, 1939, soliciting consideration in the
matter of auditing the books and records of the City of E1 Segundo. Ordered
C. 1.1% HYDE, JR., dated June 1st, 1939, submitting a proposal to perform
services in connection with restoring to the tax rolls certain properties
deeded to the State because of the non - payment of taxes and special assessments.
Lengthy discussion respecting the subject ensued, terminating in a motion.
by'Councilman Hesser, seconded by,Councilman Selby, that the City Clerk be
authorized and: directed to-notify William McKenzie Brown, John F. Bender,
3ernard Brennan, and associated assessment Engineers.,.if they desire so to do;
to submit proposals to the City of El Segundo for liquidating the taxes and
special assessment delinquencies within the City of E1 Segundo and to request .
each, together with C. 1`i. Hyde, Jr., to have his or their representative
present at the next meeting of this Council for the purpose of discussing
such proposals as shall be or have been submitted or filed. Carried.
P.IGH, RD G_KAVES, Executive Secretary, League of California Municipalities,
dated June 6th, 1939, in response to the City Clerk's letter of June 2nd,
stating that he, or said League is unable to give any specific advice with
reference to Assembly Bill 693, Senate Bill 1243 or Assembly Bill 2625, as these
bills have reference to matters apparently effecting Los Angeles County only
and that the activities of the League extend to measures which effect the Cities
of the entire State. Following discussion, the communication was ordered filed.
STATE COL:PZSSATIOY INSIIFZ "d'ICE FUND, dated June 5th, 1939, advising that
the City's current compensation insurance policy with State Compensation
Insurance Fund as insuror, will expire July 1st, 1939. Moved by Councilman
Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the City Clerk of the City of E1
Segundo, California, be and he is' hereby authorized and
directed to cause Policy No. 17694 -38 of Workmen's Compensation
Insurance Fund, expiring July 1st, 1939, to be renewed; and
DE IT r RT:= RESOLVED, that the adv-,.nce premium for
such renewal of such workmen's compensation Insurance policy
be paid upon the presentation to this Council of the proper
demand therefor. '
Carried by the following vote:
'ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and Yayor Binder.
Woes: Councilmen None.
l�bsent: Councilman Love.
LOOM: R. COTTON;, dated June 5th, 1939, addressed to Is. Russell Hutchins,
Citir Engineer, with reference to the necessity of installing a new bookkeeping
system for the :'later Department of the City of El Segundo. The matter was
referred to Councilman Selby for a consultation with Lir. Cotton and the City
Clerk was requested by Councilman Selby to arrange for a conference.
ORAL C01-7,2dIC.1TIOIdS.
R;P RTS OF STti.DD`IG CO1,2. =S.
r S.
Acting Superintendent of the V!ater Department, Frank H. Chilson,
reported having pulled the pump from ti;ater 'ell No. 1; that the column
contained 40 feet of sand thd the well itself 142 feet; that it seems im-
practicable to replace'the pump in said well; that the pump is now under-
going repairs and it is his intention to use the same in Water Z'dell No. 6
now being drilled.
He reported also that the production from 1`dater lVell No. 3 has been
pinched back and that said well is now pumping 1/2 yard of sand in comparison
i-ith 3 yards before production was curtailed; that there is no surface evidence
of caving in this well.
acting Superintendent of the :`dater Department Chilson reported also
that pursuant to instructions of the Council he had made arrangements with a
contractor for the drilling of ;rater :';ell No. 6 and that the work is now in
progress. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Hesser-, seconded by Councilman
Selby, that the following resolution be adopted:
' ='a ,S, this Council did heretofore at its meeting of
:: =ay 31st, 1939, take emergency action authorizing the immediate
drilling and casing of a new water well for the City of E1
.�.27D, the r_roper officials of said City did, in
respohse to such instruction, arrange with Roscoe 2,oss Company,
for the drillinS and casing of such new :rater well under the
sa :ie terms and conditions and subject to the same provisions and
at the sane consideration per foot as in the case-of Well No.
5 of said City;
said Roscoe ?.oss Company, in pursuance of
such arrangement and in such emergency, immediately started
work upon said-well on the 1st day of June, 1939;
AND, r y-�S, there is now presented to this Council a
formal contract dated as of June 1st, 1939, between said Roscoe
i:oss Company and the City of El Segundo for the drilling of said
well, which is hereby designated as Well No. 6;
h0" - :) TIL OF.E, _11E IT RESOLVED, that the action of the
_zcting eater Superintendent, Frank H. Chilson, and the Mayor and
of all of the other officers of the City of E1 Segundo had and
ta_cen pursuant to such emer• (zency resolution, be and the same are
hereby approved, ratified and confirmed by this Council as of the
respective dates upon which all such acts were performed;
$ B IT 2[T1ZT1= 11_.�SOLVEJ; that a copy of the said
contract, which is evolved pursuant to such acts, and which is
presented to this Council at this meeting, be placed on file in
the office of the City Clerk for the purpose of identification,
and that the i,:ayor of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby
authorized and directed to execute the said contract on behalf
of said City and the City Cler'� to attest the same and affix
the official seal of said City thereto and to make delivery
thereof upon receipt of duplicate copy of such contract, properly
executed on the part of said 2oscoe i.`_oss Company and the furnishing
of the required bonds, one in the penal sum of b540.00 for
faithful performance and one in the penal sum of ?1085.00 to
secure labor and materialmen.
The foreE;oing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
:.yes: Councilmen Gerow, ??esser, Selby and i:iayor Binder.
noes: Councilmen None.
absent: Councilman Love.
The City Attorney reported that there had been served upon his office
a Suanons in connection with a complaint filed by the Southern California
Telephone Company in the case entitled: "Southern California Telephone Company,
a Corporation, vs. City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation, and County of
Los ingeles, a body corporate and politic ". He explained that this action was
an action similar to that which had been filed by the Telephone Company in
previous years. These actions, he explained, were filed by the Telephone
Company in order to dvoid the running of the Statute of Limitations against
the purported.cause of action which the Company alleges it has and also to avoid
any claim on the part of the defendant that the Company was guilty of latches.
The suits, he stated, concerned themselves with the contention of the
Telephone Company that the State Board of Equalization, in making assessments
of public utility property, now taxable, had acted arbitrarily and had made
a discriminatory assessment of their property as compared to other properties.
He stated that the Company had, at the time the suit was served, furnished a
stipulation extending the City's time to demur, answer or otherwise plead
until 10 days after further written notice from the Company's attorneys, the
same as they had in the suit filed about a year ago.- He stated that a large
number of these suits had been filed, one against practically every city in
California w1here the Company did business or received any appreciable revenue.
Councilman Selby,'
=SOLV_:D, that the City attorney be and he is hereby
authorized and instructed to appear in that certain action
bearing 'Number 441202, in the Superior Court of the State
of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles, entitled:
"Southern California Telephone Company, a corporation, vs.
City of El Segundo, a municipal corporation, and Bounty of
Los Angeles, a body corporate and politic ", and to make
defense of s id action on behalf of said deffendant City,
hearin- the report of the City Attorney, it was moved by
seconded by Councilman Hesser, the following resolution be
filing such documents and pleadings and taking such pro-
ceedings and making such arguments as in his opinion will
best subserve the interests of said City and protect its
position in the matter; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said City Attorney shall be
entitled to receive and there shall be paid to him an additional
compensation for_ his services with reference to the said action,
to be paid upon presentation of proper demand therefor to be
audited and approved in the usual manner.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
'eyes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and .:ayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen hone.
Absent: Councilman Love.
The City Clerk reported that pursuant to the action of this Council
taken Llay 24th, 1939, wherein the City Clerk was instructed to write a letter
to Southern California Telephone Company on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo,
requesting information relative to a charge made by said Telephone Company
for the removal of one of its poles adjacent to the corner of Imperial Highway
and Sepulveda Boulevard, he had written said letter and that in response
thereto, h:r. Fred E. Smith, District Commercial i,;anager, had visited his
office and explained that when poles are moved, except in cases of necessity
to provide means of ingress and egress, a charge must be made for the work
involved and that such charges are authorized by Railroad Corn.ission rulings.
In the instant case, however, said Telephone Company has discovered that the
role in question actually had been -.laced on private property, and that,
therefore, it will refund to the person who paid the same, the amount
collected by said Telephone Company for the removal of said pole.
The City Attorney stated that he understood the Council desired his
further opinion with respect to the necessity for employees of the City of
El Segundo, who are required to operate motor vehicles upon the public
highways in pursuance -of their assigned duties, obtaining chauffeur's
licenses and that he had not altered his opinion heretofore given this
Council, which was .to the effect that it will be safest and best for the
City to have its vehicles operated by employees who have qualified as
chauffeurs. Thereupon, by general consent, department heads of the City
oft Segundo were instructed to see that employees under their supervision
obtain such chauffeur's licenses before July lst, 1939.
The City Clerk reported that the painting of the Council Chamber
and the City Judge's office has been completed. He inquired whether or not
the Council desired to proceed with any additional painting. It was thereupon
moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the City Clerk
be authorized and directed to cause the exterior of the City Hall and the
City Hall annex to be painted, such work to be done by force account; that
Lr. harry Doims be employed as a painter and to supervise the prosecution of
said work and that-he be compensated for his services and for furnishing
ladders, pulleys, tarpaulins and other equipment necessary in the doing of said
viork at the rate of X1.25 per hour for such time as he is actually employed
in the capacity of painter for this particular job, and that Joseph F. l'_iner
be employed as a painter, to be compensated for all services rendered in
connection with paintin the exterior of the City Hall and the City Iiall
:annex at the rate of •1.00 per hour for such time as he is actually engaged
in the performance of the work hereby ordered, and that the City Clerk, as
Furci_asin.:_, igent,.prociire all of the necessary paints, brushes, equipment,
and attend to such other details as may be necessary in connection there.7ith.
Carried by the followin- vote:
i.yes: Councilmen Gerov:, Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Does: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Love.
P 303'=
The City Clerk reported that there remains in 7. P. A. Project No. 6
Fund, after completion of the work as heretofore reported by the City Engineer,
the sum of $1777.35, which he would like authority to transfer back to the
General Fund of the.City of E1 Segundo, from which Fund said sum was originally
It was thereupon moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser,
that the unexpended balance of t'. P. A. Project No. 6 Fund, to -wit: $1777.35,
be transferred to the General Fund of the City of El Segundo, and that the
City Clerk and the City Treasurer of said City be authorized and directed to
effect such transfer and to cause appropriate entries respecting; the same
to be made in their resr__ective books of account. Carried by the following
riyes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and I+_ayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen I'one.
Absent: Councilman Love.
The City Clerk reported that he had received from the University of
Southern California an attendance coupon book for the Institute of.Govern-
ment, which will convene on the University Campus, June 12th and continue
in session until June 16th, and that the coupons will be made available to
such municipal employees as may tigrish to attend the several sessions.
The City Clerk reported having received from Kenneth E. Campbell
and Ruby C. Campbell his wife, a Grant of Easement for sewer purposes
covering certain real property over and across which the City is desirous
of building a sewer trunk line. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Selby,
seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the Grant of Easement for sewer trunk
line purposes, made by Kenneth Z. Campbell and Ruby Campbell, his wife,
dated June 3rd, 1939, granting to the City of E1 Segundo a perpetual easement
and /or right of way, for the construction, reconstruction, inspection, main-
tenance, operation and repair of a sanitary sewer or sewers, in, over, upon,
across and along the Northerly 7; feet of Lot 161, Block 123, as shown upon
E1 Segundo Sheet No. 8, recorded in Book 22, Pages 106 and 107 of Maps,
records of Los Angeles County, California, and on file in the office of the
County Recorder of said County, be and the same is hereby accepted on behalf
of the City of "I 'Segundo, and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed
to cause the said instrument to be filed for record in the office of the
County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. Carried by the following
ryes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and I;ayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Love.
Councilman Selby reported that Acting Chief of Police Cummings, between
the last meeting of the Council and this date, had drawn his attention to the
necessity of equipping the Police Department automobile with two new tires
and that he had authorized the purchase of same. It was thereupon moved by
Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the action of Councilman
Selby of the Public Safety Com^:ittee in authorizing the purchase of two tires
and tubes for use on the automobile in the service of the Police Department,
at a cost of not to exceed N35.00 be and the same is hereby ratified and approved.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and I:iayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent:.. Councilman Love,
Actin- City Engineer Chilson reported receipt of a communication from
Pacific Electric Railway Company, stating that said Company is preparing a
form of easement which will grant to the City of El Segundo a two -foot
right of way for sewer trunk line purposes along said Pacific Electric Rail -
way Company's right of way between Holly Avenue and the easterly terminus of
an existing trunk line laid along said Pacific Electric Company's right of
way and that without doubt the document will be received in the near future
for execution by the City of E1 Segundo.
P ; 4t
Acting Street Superintendent Chilson reported that the clutch and
brakes on the City's tractor need repairing and that the tractor itself
needs a general overhauling, whereupon he was directed-to obtain prices
for performing such work as appears to be necessary.
acting Street Superintendent Chilson reported that Kr. Jake Burgner,
who performs carpenter work for the City of E1 Segundo, is now off duty
as an aftermath of an injury recently sustained during the course of his
employment and that wLen he is discharged by his doctor he will begin
his vacation, therefore it becomes necessary to employ a carpenter to
perform certain essential carpenter rrork in and about municipal property.
Thereupon by general consent he was authorized to employ P. S. Psherer
to perform the necessary work, said employee to be compensated in the
manner prescribed in resolutions of the City of E1 Segundo respecting
hours of employment and rates of compensation of municipal employees.
In the matter of employing an expert to assemble facts and prepare
a report for filing with the Railroad Commission of the State of California
with reference to the matter of the abandonment of certain freight and
passenger rail lines by Pacific Electric Railway Company and the substitu-
tion therefor of motor transportation, which abandonment and substitution
may effect the City of E1 Segundo, it was moved by Councilman Selby,
seconded-by Councilman Messer, that the following resolution be adopted:
I�F . a -'�S, there is now pending before the Railroad
Co.*maission of the State of California, a proceeding wherein
Pacific Electric Railway Company is seeking an adjustment
of its fares upon its system generally, including the Los
Angeles -Playa Del Rey - Redondo Beach line, which serves the
City of El Segundo;
aT�TD, 'S, the engineers for the Railroad Commission
have prepared and filed a report in connection with said
proceedin-s, which indicates that bus transportation service
may, undler certain circumstances, be substituted for rail
transportation and such rail transportation discontinued;
__:�iM, : L71Z —I,S, such reco:�endations indicate an abandonment
of the said Los Angeles-Playa Del Rey- Redondo Beach line;
!.ND, :',ii�^S, this Council feels that a study and report
should be prepared, indicating the effect upon the City of.
El Segundo of the abandonment of said rail line and the
substitution of bus service therefor and showing the require-
ments of said City with reference to transportation in the
event such bus service is to be provided, etc. etc., so that
such.report may be submitted on behalf of said City to the
Railroad Commission at the adjourned hearing on said matter
to be held on the 29th day of June, 1939;
N01,11 T�'�'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that L. H. Stewart,
Transportation and Rate Analyst, of the City of Los Angeles,
be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to prepare for
the City of E1 Segundo, a study, analysis and report of the
character above indicated, for presentation to the Railroad
Commission as aforesaid;
TD, BE IT FURTIiM RESOLVED, that there shall be paid to
said L. H. Stewart, for his services in this regard, the sum
of w150.00 upon receipt of said report, it being understood
that taid'•L. H. Stei•art will attend said continued hearing of
June.29th, 1939 and any further continuances thereof at.which
such report is to be considered.`
The fore;;oing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
eyes: Councilmen Gerow, Messer, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen I -;one.
Absent: Councilman Love.
In the matter of representation of the City of'El Segundo at the
planning conference of the County of Los Angeles on conservation, to be
held in Pasadena, California, June 9th and 10th, 1939, no Councilman or
other official of the City of El Segundo desired to participate, hence
the matter was tabled.
Tr following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on
Finance and Records., were read:
::orks Fund
General Fund
t,ddressing I.:achine & Acc. Co.
$ 1.02
Converse Iv'eon Signs
Builders T.:aterial Co.
Builders I.:aterial Co.
Ducommun 1 "etals & Supply Co.
Griffith Hardware Co.-
City of E1 Segundo
Argo Garage
E1 Segundo Herald
State Comp. Ins. Fund
Griffith Hardware Co.
Southern Cal. Edison Co.
r.imball elevator Co. Ltd.
Southern Cal. Edison Co.
State Comp. Insurance Fund
Southern Cal. Edison Co.
Carl i.`ilson
Southern Cal. Edison Co.
The Surety Products Co.
Hazthorne Nursery
Duro Test Corporation
J. G. Tucker & Son
Clymer Indian Sales Co.
Recreation Fund
J. F. I,:iner
American Handicrafts Co.
Harry Dorms
"Eil" Zillgitt
Standard Oil Co. of Calif.
Inglewood Book & Stat. Co.
University of So. Calif.
Argo Garage
General Fund
F. C. 17esterhout, Y. D.
A. J. Sullivan
Frank Chilson
.J. P. Hansen
E. .7eatherfield
Southern Calif. Gas Co.
E. Patterson
Harthorne Nursery
TOTAL $3071.93
Iv:oved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Selby, the demands
be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds
covering the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Love.
Xx it BUS=7SS.
Yoved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that one
new 12" typewriter be purchased for the City Clerk's office at a cost of
not to exceed w108.68, plus California State Sales Tax. Carried by the
folloe: ink vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Geror*, Sesser, Selby and I:'ayor Binder.
I�oes: Councilmen none.
absent: Councilman Love.
Actin -.City Engineer Chilson submitted Project.State`nent No. 5,
dated.June 6th, 1939, for the maintenance of State I:ighryays within the
City of E1 Segundo for the 1939 -1941 Biennium, which he read and explained
to the Council, follor;in_, wlriich it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded
b, Councilman Hesser, that Project Statement Ido. 5, dated June 6th, 1939,
bein, an estimate of the cost of the general maintenance of Sepulveda
Boulevard (State Highway Route 60) within the City of El Segundo, for the
1939 -1941 Biennium, addressed to the Director of Public Works of the State
of California, and prepared and submitted to this Council this date by the
Acting City Engineer of the City of E1 Segundo, be and the same is hereby
approved and said Lctin; City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed
p,306- =,
to cause the safie to be fon<xarded to the Director of Public �'Iorks of
the State of California at Sacramento, California, through the District
Engineer of District VII of the Division of Highvrays of said State at
Los Angeles, California and said acting City Engineer is hereby further
directed to cause one copy of said statement to be placed on file in the
office of the City Clerk of the City of El Segundo for identification and
reference. Carried by the following vote:
ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and i,:ayor Binder.
Noes-: Councilmen Tone.
Absent: Councilman Love.
I.'oved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman .esser, that the
purchase of one ;motorcycle tire and tube'at a cost of not to exceed
:;;15.,00 be and the sane is hereby authorized and directed. Carried by
the followin- vote:
:yes: Councilmen Gerorr, iTesser, Selby and mayor Binder.
goes: Councilmen IT one.
Absent: CounciL:.an Love.
iio further business arpearinJ to be transacted at this meeting,
it was moved by Councilman Gerorr, seconded'by Councilman Selby, the
meeting adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
I -ayor.