1939 APR 26 CC MINP O9q
El Segundo,.California.
April 26th, 1939.
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo] California,
was called to order at 9 :00 otclock P. M. on the above date, in the Council
Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by Peter E, Binder, Mayor.
Councilmen Present: Gerold, Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder,
Councilmen Absent: Love.
Other Officers Present:
Lester 0. Luce, representing -City Attorney Clyde Woodworth.
Frank Chilson - Acting City Engineer,
C. R; McConnell - Fire-Chief•
J. A. Cummings - Acting Chief of Police.
Victor D. McCarthy - City Clerk.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 19th day of April, 1939,
were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman
Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
The following communications, which were read to the Council, were
disposed of in the manner indicated following the - reference to each herein-
DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY, INC., dated April 24th, 1939, stating that the
culvert recently installed at Imperial Highway and Inglewood Redondo Road
has satisfactorily fulfilled the purpose for which it was intended and that
during the rainy season the Company had had no trouble whatsoever with the
drainage system; also expressing appreciation of the cooperation of the City
Engineer and others concerned. Ordered filed.
DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY, INC., dated April 26th, 1939,-requesting
permission-to install a water line across a portion of Imperial Highway and
along a portion of Lapham Street to enable said Company to obtain water for
fire fighting purposes from the high pressure water system of the City of
Los Angeles at Los Angeles Municipal Airport,
Mr. T. C. McMahon, Secretary of the Company, was present and addressed
the Council briefly with reference to the matter, after which it was moved
by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Selby, that it be the sense of
this Council that if and when Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc. has completed
arrangements with the Bureau of Water and Power of the City of Los Angeles
to obtain water service from the water lines of said Burem existent at Los
Angeles Municipal Airport and has made definite arrangements for the con-
struction of the necessary water lines to connect its water system with the
distribution system of said Bureau of Water and Power at said Los Angeles
Municipal Airport, that this Council will be disposed to grant Douglas Aircraft
Company, Inc. a permit to excavate in such portions of Imperial Highway and
Laphem Street, witliin the City of El Segundo,, as may be necessary to lay a
10" water main to feed'the present'water distribution system of said Douglas
Aircraft Company, Inc., provided that said permit, when granted by this
Council, will designate a location at which such proposed pipe line will not
interfere with existing or contemplated public facilities in said streets.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder,
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Love.
SOUTHWEST DISTRICT HIGHWAYS ASSOCIATION, dndated, announcing its regular
monthly dinner meeting at Hermosa Beach, April 27th, 1939. Ordered filed.
CALIFORNIA SAFETY COUNCIL, INC., dated April 19th, 1939, inviting official
representation to the "City Awards Luncheon" of said Council at the Biltmore
Hotel, April 28th, 1939, to participate in the honor to be accorded twelve
California cities, which will receive aitations_or awards for outstanding
achievements in reducing traffic accidents.
Moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that Police
Officers T. B. DeBerry and /or M, H. McIntire, be authorized, in their discretion
and their duties permitting, to attend the luncheon of California Safety
Council, Inc. at the Biltmore Hotel, Friday, April 28th, 1939, and that they
be authorized to file their demand for their actual and necessary expenses
in connection therewith, which said demand shall be paid after being audited
in the usu$.1 manner. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow,
Noes: Councilmen Nose.
Absent: Councilman Love.
Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder,
UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, dated April 19th, 1939, transmitting
• duly approved acceptance of the permit granted it April 12th, 1939, to erect
• certain metal sign post in Imperial Highway westerly of Sepulveda Boulevard,
for the purpose of mounting thereon an advertising sign and a City of El
Segundo directional sign. Ordered filed.
making application for a permit to construct a pole line on the Southerly
side of Maple Avenue from Washington Street to Eucalyptus Drive and on the
West side of Eucalyptus Drive from Maple Avenue to Imperial Highway; also to
remove a eucalyptus tree from the Westerly side of Eucalyptus Drive approxi-
mately 30 feet North of Maple Avenue and to remove 5 palm trees from the
Southerly side of Maple Avenue between Penn and Sheldon Streets. On motion
of Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Hesser, which carried unanimously,
the matter was taken -under consideration until the next regular meeting of the
Council. 1
Legislative Bulletin No. 8, reporting upon the actual and contemplated
disposition of proposed legislation now under consideration by the State
Assembly and-Senate, Ordered filed. _
applying for a permit to excavate in a portion of Mariposa Avenue for the
purpose of installing two poles and one anchor. Said application having been
approved by Frank Chilson, Acting Street Superintendent, it was moved by
Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that Southern California
Telephone Company be and it is hereby granted permission to excavate in the
North side of Mariposa Avenue at points 55 feet, 144 feet and 164 feet .
Westerly of Virginia Street, for the purpose of_setting.two poles anc'l.one
anchor, provided said work shall be prosecuted and completed to the satis-
faction of the Street Superintendent of the City of E1 Segundo, Carried,
tequesting permission to excavate in a portion of Virginia Street, for the
purpose of setting..one pole and one anchor. Said application having been
approved by the Acting Street Superintendent, it was moved by Councilman Selby,
seconded by Councilman CTerow, that Southern California.Telbphone'Company be
and it is hereby granted permission to excavate in the West side of Virginia
Street at points 2 feet and 17 feet South of the alley North of Mariposa
Avenue, for the purpose of setting one pole and one anchor, provided said
work shall be prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Street
Superintendent of the City of E1 Segundo. Carried.
questing permission to excavate in a.portion of.Virginia Street, for the.,
purpose of placing one.pole and one -anchor.. Said application_having had the
approval of the Acting Street Superintendent of the City of E1'Segundo, it Was
moved by�Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that Southern Cal-
ifornia Telephone Company be and it is hereby granted permission to excavate
in the East side of Virginia Street, at.a point 169 feet South of Palm
Avenue;-•for the purpose of placing one pole and one sidewalk'anchor, provided
said work is prosecuted and completed in a good and workmanlike manner and to
the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent of the City of E1 Segundo.-Carried.
GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, dated April 17th, 1939, drawing attention
to the desirability of safety lighting.and volunteering to make a survey and
engineering report on the requirements of the City of E1 Segundo without
obligation to said City. Ordered filed. . C
being notice of a hearing to be held May 17th, 1939, at 10 A.,M, in the Court
Room of the Railroad Commission, State Building, Los Angeles, in the matter
of application No. 21656, entitled, "In the Matter of the Application of
Pacific Electric Railway Company, a Corporation,.for an Order Granting .
Permission to Increase and Adjust Passenger Rates and Fares for the Trans-
portation of Persons between Points in the State of California; Motor Transit
Company, a Corporation; Los Angeles Motor Coach Company". Ordered filed.
Mr. Guy Pearsall addressed the Council relative to employment by the
City of E1 Segundo and was advised that his case will be taken-under advisement
for a future decision.
The City Clerk reported having conferred with the representatives of the
owners of several parcels _of land fronting upon a certain private right of way
over and through which the City ixf El Segundo may desire an easement Xor the
construction of trunk line sewers and that such representatives expressed the
belief that, .their principals would be favorable to the,granting of such
easements when formally requested by the City.. Thereupon by general consent
the City Attorney was directed to prepare the forms of easements or rights of
way respecting all properties over, under or through which easements may be
required by the City of E1 Segundo for the construction and completion of its
proposed trunk line sewer in the Easterly portion of the subdivided area of
the City of E1 Segundo and to deliver, the same to the City Clerk at his early
Acting Chief of Police J. A. Cummings reported to.the Council the
appointment of Ben Edens McGhee as a Special Police Officer and requested
approval of the same. Moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman
Selby, that the appointment by Acting Chief of Police Cumnings of Ben Edens
McGhee as a Special Police Officer of the City of E1 Segundo be and the same
is hereby ratified and approved.. Carried.
The City Attorney recommended that in the interests of.eertainty and
for auditing purposes, the Council should take action with reference to the
salaries to be paid those certain officers appointed to fill.cartain offices
during the absence from duty of R. T. Hutchins, whereupon it was moved by
Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that until the further order
of this Council,_ those municipal employees designated as Acting Chief of
Police; and Acting City Engineer, Acting Street Superintendent, Acting Building
Inspector and Acting Water Superintendent, to -wit: Captain J. A. Cummings of
the Police Department and Assistant City Engineer,Frank H. Chilson respectively,
receive no additional compensation for services rendered in the capacities
above designated. Carriedd
R 1262 ` I
.The City Attorney, reporting to the Council with reference to the
employment.of minors, as he was directed to do -at the last regular meeting
of this Council, advised that no .person under the age of 18 years can obtain
a chauffeur's license and that no person should be employed to operate moving
vehicles Without a chauffeur's license; that no-minor under the Go of 18
years shall be employed for more °than 8 hours in any one day of 24 hours or
more than 48 hours in any one week, or.before 5 :00-o'clock in the morning or
after 10 :00 o'clock in the evening; that there are numerous restrtationa
relative to the employment of minors under the age of 16 years as set forth
in.Article II of Chapter II Part.IV of the Labor Code and in Article II
of Chapter III, Part IV of the same code; and an additional requirement
that the youth going to work must obtain consent to'work in accordance with
the provisions of the "School Code".
Mayor Binder, reporting with respect to his study of Assembly Bill
No. 693, an enabling act authorizing the creation of transportation districts,
stated that it was developed at the last meeting of the League of California
Municipalities, that there is much opposition to the bill in its present
form, comment in this regard having been made by a prominent attorney
representing a neighboring City; also that Mr. .Donahue, Oity Treasurer of
the City of Manhattan Beach, who appears to be a member of a committee
studying the transportation problem, volunteered the information that the
bill is to be completely rewritten.
LIJ ZI 4 r :r D1 r
The City Clerk reported that the City Attorney had approved the
form of "Transfer of Real and Personal Property and Interest in Property ",
through which Burnoel Petroleum Company effected transfer to the -Apex
Petroleum Corporation, Ltd, of its interest in that certain oil well known
as "Burnoel Petroleum Company Elsie No. 1 ", and that therefore the Council
might properly act upon the communications of Apex Petroleum Corporation, Ltd.
dated April 4th, 1939, and Burnoel Petroleum Company, dated April 7th, 19399
with reference to the assignment and to a change in the name ofvthe well
and to the exoneration-of Burnoel Petroleum Company and its surety from
further liability.
It was thereupon moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman
Gerow, that the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, by its communication dated April 4th,'19391 now
on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of E1-
Segundo, California, Apex Petroleum Corporation, Ltd, advised
it had purchased and taken over.the operations of Burnoel
Petroleum Company Elsie No. 1 Well located in Block 30 of
the City of El Segundo; that it intended to change the name
of said well to Apex- Elsie* `Vo. 4*and that it had arranged
with its insurance carrier to file with the City Clerk a-
satisfactory bond as required by Ordinance No. 211 of the
City of El Segundo of oil well•pernittees;
AND, WHEREAS, by its letter dated April 7th, 1939,
Burnoel Petroleum Company advised having sold ell of its
right and title to its Burnoel Petroleum Company Elsie No. 1-
Well in Block 30 in the City of El Segundo to Apex Petroleum
Corporation, Ltd. and requested the, cancellation of its'bond
filed pursuant to ordinance requirements of the City of E1
Segundo when the permit was issued to it for the drilling of
said Well, and later by filing wit4 the City .Clerk of the
City,of El-Segundo copy of its Original Agreement or Transfer
of Real and Personal Property-end interest in Property, dated
March 30th, 1939, the form of which was approved bq Clyde
Woodworth, City Attorney of the City of El Segundov'did sub-
stantiate to the satisfaction of this Council the fact of the
sale and transfer of-its interest in said Burnoel Petroleum
Company Elsie No. 1 Well to Apex Petroleum Corporation, Ltd.;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Council does
hereby consent to the assignment of the- interest of Burnoel
Petroleum Company in and to that certain oil well
designated as Burnoel Petroleum Company Elsie No. 1
to Apex Petroleum Corporation, Ltd. and does consent
to the assignment of the permit for the drilling and
operation of said Well to Aaid Apex Petroleum Corporation,
Ltd. and does hereby consent to the renaming of said well
as requested in the before mentioned letter of Apex
Petroleum Corporation, Ltd., so that in the future the
same shall be referred to and be known by such new name
as follows, to wit: Apex- Elsie^lJo. 4; provided, however,
that this consent shall not become effective until Apex
Petroleum Corporation, Ltd. shall have filed with this
Council a.letter over the signature of its duly authorized
officers and the seal of said Corporation,,accepting all
of the provisions, conditions and agreements contained in
the original permit issued to Burnoel Petroleum Company
for the drilling of said Well and shall have filed with
the City Clerk, as required by law, a bond in the penal
sum of $5,000.00, conditioned upon the faithful performance
by Apex Petroleum Corporation, Ltd, of all of the conditions,
provisions and requirements of said oil well drilling permit,
which said bond shall first be approved by the City Attorney.
as to form and by the Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo as to
AND BE IT FUR'T'HER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and
he is hereby authorized and directed to forward a copy of
this resolution to said Burnoel Petroleum Company and to
said Apex Petroleum Corporation, Ltd.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder.,
Noes: Councilmen None,
Absent: Councilman Love.
Moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that
beginning this date and until the further order of this Council, the
Superintendent of E1 Segundo Municipal Water Department is hereby
directed to discontinue the service of water to domestic consumers on
the flat "rate basis of $1.50 per month and to hereafter furnish water to
domestic and other users in accordance with the rates, rules and regulations
fixed and established by Resolution No. 340 of the City of E1 Segundo,
adopted by this Council June 24th, 1936, and other resolutions amendatory
thereof or supplementary thereto. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Love.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting,
it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the meeting
adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
. Approved:
City Clerk.
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