1938 SEP 14 CC MINP '71 E1 Segundo, California. September 14, 1938. A reSular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, was celled to order at 7:00 o'clock P. I?. on the above date, in the Council Ch.anber of the Cit,}r 1'�.11 of said City, by Pete_- E. Linder, '.iayor. R�� ",L• C:LL. CounciL.ien Present: Gerow, llesser, Love, Selby and l'ayor Binder. Councilmen Absent: None. Other Officers Present: City Attorney - Clyde Woodworth. City Engineer - R. T. Hutchins. City Clerl. - Victor D. l'cCf�:rthy. P. .'SDI -- OF "{II= OT PRZ- N7,91TS r� �TI,TG. ?'he Minutes of ':I�ie rerltlar nneting held on the 7th day of Se?�tenser, 19 3, wero read. l4 eriors or omissions appearing, it was roved by Councilman. Love, seconded by CounciLTlan Selby, the minutes be a;,nroved as read. Carried. The following coitmlunications, which were read to t e Council, :sere disposed of in the manner indicated, follotirint; tl,e reforence to e ^ci_ he salter: 3UIL=Z :lam .;3t1_ L CC .= 'ru•'v, dated July 20th, 1938, expressin[,; gratefulness for the past patronage of the City of El Segundo and advising that it will make every reason:.ble effort to m�,rit the City's friendship and business. Ordered filed. OTTO H. ) U=,. , City Clerk, Inglewood, dated September 7th, 1938, transmitting there;,rith copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Inglewood, September 3rd, 1938, setting forth the c_ualif ications of the Honorable Raymond V. Darby, '.%yor of the City of Inq__-%1ewood, as the successor to the Honorable Leland ??. Ford, Supervisor of the Fourth District of Los f_ngales County, California, in event of the resignation of the latter official, and urging, the Governor of the State of Calm = 'orris to appoir_t 1,7 :r. Derby s ...r. lord's successor. Said letter also venuested this Council to adort resolution in furtherance of l:r. D-arby's appointilent as aforesaid. DurinC discussion of the subject, it appeared t`ip.t the several members of this Council were in agreement kith ti_e sentiments exnr'oSsed in the resolution next above referred to, and it was moved by Councillx,n Ge- •ow, seconded by CounciLnan :lesser, t,,.e following resolution be adopted: ','>iL;2 ;S, a vacancy .-rill occur -on the L?oard of Su-)cr- visors of Los Angeles County, California, u-,on the election as :enresentative in Con,;ress of the United Mates of . ",rierica of :_onorable Leland',!. Ford, incumbent Sunervisor of the Fourth Supervisorial District of said County; 'l7_7'1_.,S, the appointment of ?aymond V. Darby, T? yon of the City of Ingle. rood, Los i',,n;;eles County, California, to fill such vacancy is being-, advocated by nany of his friends, ineludin his associate Councilmen of the said City of Ir_l-lewood; F?TD, '.; ?t yLS, this Council_ fully concurs in the sentinents expressed in that certain resole Aon adopted 3enteraber 3rd, 193rS, by the City Council of said City of ::n;;lewood res�)ectin,; the a)pointiient of -. Darby to the office of Sur,arvisor rel>resentinC the Fourth District of sr.id Los :_; -les County in event of a vaeanLy occurring in tike Bo,­rd of Supervisors of said County; P '72 AIJ7i , ' „L _ 5, the ;aembers of this Coitncil, individually and collectively, know and believe Iir. Darby to be a ;public official of unquestioned integrity, with boundless initiative, energy, tact tact and good judMent, whose accomplishments have redounded to the benefit of the cor2muni ty which lie has served so faithfully fog so many years as Councilman and I.:ayor, and which will remain as monmients to his industry and to his efficient discharge of the Ablic trust reposed in him; ,AND; "�iEit ,��, this Council believes that as a member of the Board of Supervisors of the Count;; of Los 2.igeles, the said Raymond V. Darby vrill' display suc�_ a concept of the functions of 6-ove,nment as co encoi',pass iris present enviable record; - I�TOI•;, TIER0 00?�, 13E I`�' ? SOLtILD, that the City Council of the Citl- of El Segundo, in re(-ular meeting assembled this 14th day of Senteriber, r D. 1938, believing that outstandin public service merits reward and /or promotion and that if appointed -to said office -U*,ie nominee 'torein na_rled will serve said County in a most commendable manner, does hereby 'recommend to the Honorable Frank 'Y. '- ..`_erriam, 1:overr_or o� the State of C�:!ifornia, the appointment of 1 onorable Raymond V. Darby, Ilayor of the City of Inglewood, to the office of rieriber of the Board of Sui)er visors of said Los _ngeles County, representing; the 2ourth Disc, -ict thereof, in event a vacancy occur: therein; !,M BE IT UR77fm R_MOLVE'D, that copy of this resolution be fonrlyded forthwith to the Honorable Frank F. :Terri-an, Governor of the .State of California. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the follovrinr vote: Ayes • Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and I,rayor Binder. floes: Councilmen ''Done. Absent: Councilmen bone. S0UTI+'2,3T DTS'IRIC`T' ITIGIEL:YS .MOCIATIO`T, dated September 12th, 1938, transmitting cony of resolution adopted by said zsociation'. requesting the cooperation of this City in furthering action to have a portion of � red Avenue designated a State High:�ay. The resolution was read it f1n11, whereupon it .us moved by Councilman. Selby, seconded by Councilman Love, the r:ollo.-,ing resolution be adopted: RESOL�D, th T at the City Council of the City of Fl Segundo does hereby approve the pronos.tion'set forth in that certain resolution adon'ced ti`r the Soutl�Are:t District :Iig q1rIyS _ ssociat -ion, :'_u,-ust 25th, 193",, enti. fled: 1 iCUJfICiv' 0- 7-Lil S0T7PT.; -L,3' DTYPRICT IIG- 7:L' •r p,� •_;r.� A330Ci I.:TII.)J '1-'I L'_r_ l.a��'rIST .•inn1.� -' �'i',-� G1T ��� n.. j,_:'�r n� _.. _:*. VL rTT.L1n "iT:yr:_.!.id D- ;'I(r::: T-M _ PU`U'. 2 160 1 L COT LOS DI,.)T: - ' TO CC L -,_?C'T 'II'.-ri -�-ffST= STr._� . . IG ': a 5 l 6d T `I' L, T'O TTo G= LO:: L;, 7,L IS” ; IT - jURMER _2:,::0Lv27), that the City Council of the City of El Segundo does hereby recom.end to the Division of . i ,haays of the De_ -alt? lent of P I1) :Iorl_s of U -I :Mate of California thi.t it take annronriate action to hive that portion of LaBrea :venue in Los .�.r;;eles County, extending; from Centinela : venue in said County throu,_h the B l&rin I'illc and Northerly c its intersection vrith State Aghi�ay Route 160, designated a Mate Highwa,r and" a -,art of the State Ilighvr y System of the State of California; SLID 3s IT -UTZ =-, IZ'SGL' 2 that copies of this resolution be transmitted to -the onorable Fran'•: F. Nerriam, Governor of t'le :state of California, to onorable Earl L. Kelly, Director of the De?artr?ent of public of the :Mate of Ccllifornit4, to the of the 101oi)nt-,1 of Los :'�-i­eleo, ..,A P '73 Division of - icriviays 3oard of 5'a7_,ervi °ors to the Ci ty Council of c 'n-r - oir_c, re.�olution -r.s adopted }; the -')llo-•ri -, vote; :-es. Cc. unc4- lrion ^,ro; , i:.c; , Lo-1(1 �r,;. ' -. or "oes; Council-men 70ne• ._bse_zt: Councilmen hone. _z_ r. C: mI) _.._ 7(­1 _ 77,Oi'' =.'_T^ „ith the City of -,l , e� ando of _ In •L. - pears, ;i. D. 3a'.•rett and Patrick Conley. Ordered filed. OT nom• T{ Tr m- i:�' • I. :r. -'::ark Veal addressed the Council relc. Live to additional em- olcyiaent by tine City of 31 Segundo and after a•brief rresentation of ]lis case, was recuested to rermin unti). the ad iournment of this meetinn, to furt::er discuss • the natter informally. PE ORTS OF : :'IT__1.rK'1:G CiI:,TIT ..5. • (3ovncilna-n Gerovr reported that-he and CoanciLrrian liesser had node survey of certain of the stree-bs in -the east acre - e, and found that turible • ;reeds and other grotirths should-be removed t:ierefron, tivhereu:,or. by r•ener -,l consent t;ie 2treet Sure rintendent w--s instructed to attend to the natter. REPORTS OF 0?l ICt;RS •,' ) -CL- CO?'_=_T.T`'_,�5. T}ie City Clerk reported that the 'Tealth Off i cel• had requested the adoption of an ordinance wAich will rec.ui.re the operators of food vending • establishments to obtain a permit therefor from the Tlealth Department prior to the issuance of a bi ?.sines 1i cerise; it uas noved by Counoiliwm • Hessen, seconded by CounciLaa_n Selby, that : c City ytto_ney of -the City of • El `3egun.dc be and he is hereby instructed to draft an ordinance wit"ll Reference to the issuance of permits by the _oalth Officer of the City of El Segundo, for the operation of food vondinr, establisiu;ients prior to the issuance of business licenses for the conduct of such businesses and to submit the sane to this Council 3t his earl; convenience for its consideration. Garr•ie(x. "he City Clerk re? opted to it he }: ^.s been dviced b;; ; "s. L. Stewart that the hearing in that certain :~Latter pending before the IZf�ilro ^d Cor::iission of the State of California, entitled: "City of El Ser-undo, et al, Complainants, vs. Southern California Edison Conpany,•Ltd. Defendant ", has been set for 9enteiiber 32nd, 1958, omd that o ficial noti ication the:i.leof will be received at a later date. Follo:•rin_ t is report, it , -pas moved by Cou_ncilnar Love, :seconded by Council -an i:e»cr, tliat tl-ie follouin,:, resolution be adopted: 1 __S0UTED, tlist the City �_ttorne.1 of the City of 31 Segundo, be and he is herebytautliorized and instructed to attend the liearin,-; before Lhe Railroad Coiar_ission of the State of California, conmmencin, September 22nd, 1938, in the matter of "City of El Segundo, et al, Connl,--inants, vs. Southern California Edison Company, Ltd. Defendant ", and to render such counsel and assistance in the said natter on behalf of the City of El Segundo as to hin rmay seem proper; AND DE IT =1 711—ER R,SOLVED, that said City attorne,r shall be entitled to receive and there shall be paid to him a reasonable additional compensation for his attendance at said -hearings and service rendered in said matter; said compensation to be paid upon prover demands therefor to be presented, audited and paid in the usual manner. P '74 The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and I;ayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None, Absent: Councilmen None. None. U!T'IIiI�i=�� 3USII•?E.��. F:�IG DIT:rtS. the following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None, Absent: Councilmen I4'one. D]� ; BUSEI -ESS. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the followving resolution be adopted: VJHM�%.S, the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, has heretofore from time to time created various funds hereinafter referred to for the various projects herein- after mentioned; AND, ''9 7,�S, the said projects have now been completed and certain sums are still credited to such respective funds; AND, 'ai-E ELS, there remain in certain other funds herein- after mentioned certain balances after the payment of all obligations properly chargeable to such respective funds; ^J D, j'1I �E �S, this Council believes that such excess amountg remaining in said respective funds for which no further General Fund dater Works hand :';. E. Davis 79.50 Builders Material Co. $1914.43 Southern Calif. Cras Co. 4.76 AddressoCraph Co. .93 V7. T. Belt 6.64 Crane Co. 72.06 Ira "E. Escobar 37.85 General Electric Supply Corp. 215.71 Southern Calif. Edison Co. 6.60 Griffith Hardware Co. 9.41 Southern Calif. Edison Co. 27.69 Grimes - Stassforth Stat. Co. 3.66 Southern Calif. Edison Co. 33.10 J. F. Hansen 6.90 Southern Calif. Edison Co. 218.21 Industrial Printing & Stat. Co. 4958 Southern Calif. Telephone Co. 38.30 Los Angeles Stamp & Stat. Co. 5.20 H. H. Baker 4.00 Rensselaer Valve Co. 308.88 Lee B. Hawkins 59.74 So. Calif. Edison Co. 631.33 TOT-=L $516.39 So. Calif. Telephone Co. 27.05 VJ, H. Knapp 44.00 E. 11. I.'.iner 44.00 C. C. Chilson 44.00 General Fund 1- i W. H. Psherer 44.00 C. J. Lyonq y0100100 I:I. ;1. Bailey 44.00 John = :ayo 28.00 C. "d. Dix 44.00 Water Works Fund Roy L. Miller 28.00 John Spear $28.00 Grant McCarroll 28.00 H. A. Crowell 8.80 S. H. Bissell 28.00 RalUh B. Freese 22.40 Paul .°_. I -art 44.00 H. A. Slater 44.00 E. R. 1.IcCartney 29.20 John Lanham 38.00 maul Longstreet 41.00 E. Cote 50.00 Otho Tidwell 28.00 A. L. I1oblit 24.00 R. E. Stewart 17.60 C. E. Smith 22.40 Edison Bedore 22,,40 Joel Macdonald 11.20 TOTPL _ 4010.14 . ?loved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Gerow, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the game. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None, Absent: Councilmen I4'one. D]� ; BUSEI -ESS. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, the followving resolution be adopted: VJHM�%.S, the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, has heretofore from time to time created various funds hereinafter referred to for the various projects herein- after mentioned; AND, ''9 7,�S, the said projects have now been completed and certain sums are still credited to such respective funds; AND, 'ai-E ELS, there remain in certain other funds herein- after mentioned certain balances after the payment of all obligations properly chargeable to such respective funds; ^J D, j'1I �E �S, this Council believes that such excess amountg remaining in said respective funds for which no further LIN use appears, should be tr-znsferred into the Generrtl -find of said City; FO. 7$ ?. , O E, ?3 I`1`' RESCLV-2,1) by the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, that the following transfers of funds be nade and that the L)ro:)er officers of said City, having charge of the records and accounts of said City, be and they are .ierebl., authorized and in3tructod 'to nal.e the necessary entries accomplishing such transfers upon such records and accounts, to -grit: `5 ru'_:1) TO - ;' -HIC`- r7 ,iOUI7l' L, TO BE ;'i. P. :�. Project _do. 3 V00,00 Undistr. tr. Lmpr. Redemption 7.77 '._air_ Street im: rover.en t It 1532.66 °7 le - =venue 254.06 Gr: °nd Ave. & Richriond St. Tmprovenent Redemption 620.92 Valley, Fine Tiolly =eves. Improvement Redemption 417.94 Grand ! ve. Lateral :- ewerage Distr. ill Impr. Rederption 2513.65 Lateral District P:o. Lmnrovenent Redemption 13908.26 Virl; i ~iia °. Other .'• ts. L ipr. It 1215.89 Bayonne .;t. L = onitt.. Vista :.ve. _- m-irovenent gedemption 37.77 71illcrest 3t. E; ?ine ::ve. Improvement Redemption 262.98 aycw,,iore .'_ve. Opening, Bond Int. L Redemption 76.38 Cyl,ress w Other Sts. O;)ening, 184.84 Genera?_ Fund General Mind General Fund General _surd General ?find General Dand General 17 nd General Fund General -Prod General end General Fun Geiser- �l iund 1 General 1- maid The foregoing; resolution -.gas adopted by the following vote: 'eyes: Councilmen Gerow, Tiesser, Love, Selby and I3yor Binder. Noes: Councilmen hone. Absent: Councilmen None. I,ioved by CounciLian Gerow, seconded by Councilman Love, that the Street Superintendent be and :.e is hereby authorized and directed to erect such partitions and perform such other interior renovations to the dressing rooms on that portion of L1 Segundo Iii €�h School campus rented by the City of El Segundo for br:seball grounds purposes, as in his opinion are necessary to properly adapt said building to its intended use, all at cost of not to exceed E'25.00. Carried by the following vote: _eyes: Councilmen Grow, Tiesser, Love, Selby and '_ayor Binder. ,Toes: Councilmen None. _'.bsent: Councilmen ITone. ?.ioJed by Counci.l?rn Selby, seconded by Council:.Ian Love, the follovrir_c; resolution be adopted: r7= ;, it appears tllat the rublic necessity and convenience will be better s6rved by the c .taloguin(;, indexing, nreT)aration and completion of new files of Imblic records in the offices o the Citir Clerk, City Engineer and the '•later Denartnent of the City of 1 Segundo, t1_e tot7a cost o° ;r:.ich is estimated to be •;,1000.00, which sun is in excess of un•_aloc,1 -6e(1 funds in t'-le City`lrea.sury of said City, , +rhich might be made available for such _purposes; P-ITD .... _.:�, it til,.t e• =id ;,roject i.c one which miF�ht be financed in _1`rt frog: ',iorl-: Progress Adliinistration funds; 1ARM IdO;i, TTIET ,,FO: E, 3E IT RESOLED, that R. T. Hutchins, City Engineer of the City of El Segundo, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare a ?forks Progress 'dministration project proposal respectinL the transcription, cataloguing, i?zdexin, and preparation of a now file of Dublic records for the offices of the City Clerk, City engineer and ;later Department of the City of El Set-,undo and to file the sane vrith Works Progress Administration in Los rn,7eles at the earliest convenient time; ,-n BT, IT [r? "'I.2:P ItE'i0L`.' D, that in connection with all matters respeczin,- s ^id project -.rorosal nlication, said R. T. Hutchins be and he is hercbl designated and appointed the S ,,zonsor's _'_(; nt, :rit^ full authority to revise and amend said ap;;l_.eation eis nay be regluired by Fede -al authority havin;; jurisdiction thereovFr, rrorided such revision or-amendment shall not oblir -.te the City of 21 Segundo to contribute pore than ;215.00 town -d the cost o_' the work-proposed; i3 3- _^ TR "T�l: D, that Ilinta •Curtmriler, City Treasurer of the City of -1 ,-]P:,ando, be and she is hereby designated and u- mointed Fi seL:1 Officer of the City of "l 7,e ;undo, lath authority to certify ,is to funds in the Treasury of said C4 .'!I-y, available as needed, in connection with the ;,rosecuhion and completion a the project ;ierein- before designated, said certification, ho;,rever, not to obligate the Citjr of El Segundo to ex )end in excess of 4215.00 in connection , rith said pro j�ect ; .;) 3J I ' 7 �,�CLzT�'D, th9t there is hereby cr ated a. s_)acial land fcrr the City of El Seg-undo, Califo~r_in, to be known and designated a: ";Tor'cs ProgreF�s �,dministratior_ Pro ject '-To. 7 Fund ", to .rhich there shall be transferred iroi; the General Fund o= the City of El Segundo uhe• sum of :1215.00 for the payment of the portion of the cost and expens_�s of C. taloguing, indexinc and preparinc- new riles of public records for the offices of the City Cler::, C -J.11y nE<ineer and ;;ester Department of the City of `1 SeL;lindo, to be a:•sv?:Zed and raid b;r said City in event oi' the a- :proval of said :project by the appropriate i:.'ederal eL7ency di sbursin, Federal funds for such _ntrposes ; D 3L IT 711,71 2: OLjT_s'D, that in event said pro 4ect be a.i, proved. and t]- 'e work: proceeds, Ghat the costs and e:c7)enses of said portion to be assumed and paid by the City of El Se.. undo shall be paid out of said fund an(l the :mount hereto- fore ordered transferred to and placed in said Tkind shall be reserved for such purposes until said project is either rejected or abandoned; providea, horever, that in event there are monies in said Fund remaining unexpended at the time of the rejection of said project or its aba donr!ent, or after the same has been completed, then and in any of said events, such unexo_ended balance shall be transferred and credited back: into the General Fund- of said City. The foregoing; resolution was adopted by the foll-owing vote: Ayes: Council-Tien Gerow, ?lesser, Love, Selby and I;Iayor Binder. IToes: Councilmen None. .'Absent: Councilmen None, No further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was rioved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Council-nan Love, the meeting adjourn until Monday, Septe;aber 19th, 1938, at the hour of 4:30 o'clock P. Y. Carried. Respectfully submitted, :approved: I:'ayor. City C e _:. � i.