1938 JUL 20 CC MINP t.1
El Segundo, California.
July 20th, 1938:
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, was called to order at 7:00 o *clock P. M. on the above date,
in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by Peter E. Binder,
Councilmen Present: Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Councilmen Absent: Gerow.
Other Officers Present:
City Attorney - Lester 0. Luce (Substituting for Clyde Woodworth.)
City Engineer - R. T. Hutchins.
City Clerk Victor D. McCarthy.-
The minutes of the regular meeting held.on the 13th day of July, 1938,
were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilmen
Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the minutes be approved as read.
The following communications, which were read to the Council, were
disposed of in the manner indicated following the reference to each hereinafter:
APPLICATIONS of M. A. Bailey, Owen*J. Haley, A. F..McKim and Leroy F.
Zimmerman for employment by the City of El Segundo. Ordered filed.
EL SEGUNDO HIGH SCHOOL, dated July 19th, 1938, requesting the Council to
repair a roadway adjacent to its Manual Arts tuilding, and to bill the High
School District therefor; to cause the City Engineer to investigate and
report upon a drainage problem at.the athletic field,on the High School..
campus; s• and to advise with res
pect.to renewal of the contract for the use
of the baseball grounds. Following consideration o:' these matters, it.was
moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the Street
Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to,cause
repairs to be made `to that certain oil - macadam driveway on the.High School
campus adjacent to the Manual Arts Building, and to-cause e -the.High School
District to be billed for the same. Carried by the following vote
Ayes: Councilmen: Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder,
Noes: Councilmen None:
Absent: Councilman Gerow.
With respect to the drainage of a portion of the athletic field at
the High School, City Engineer advised that he had already looked into
the matter and feels that the High School District may correct the situation
by the laying of its own drainage line under a portion of its property and_
by general consent said Engineer was instructed to confer direct]y with
Superintendent Broadwater of the High School with respect to this matter.
In connection with the leasing of the High School baseball grounds by the
City of E1 Segundo, it was by general consent decided to•postpone action
thereon until the neat meeting of this Council.-
advising that the 87th regular meeting of said body will be held in
Glendale July 21st, 1938,'and requesting representation of this City
thereat. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by'Mayor'Binder, that
Councilman Hesser and City Clerk McCarthy be authorized and directed to
attend the meeting of the Los Angeles County League of Municipalities
to be held in.Glendale July-21st, 1938. and that they be authorized to
file a demand for their actual anti necessary expenses in•conaeetion
therewith. Carried by the following vote:
P 2A-
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Noes: None,
Absent: CouncilmancGerow.
calling attention to minor adjustments deemed desirable on fire engine. By
general consent the commanieation was referred to the Fire Chief,
DEPARTMEIQ'I' OF PUBLIC HEALTH of the State of California, dated July'15th,
1938, advising that an educational campaign regarding venereal diseases is
being conducted throughout the state by said department and requesting co-
operation by this city to the extent that enameled signs, a replica of
which accompanied said communication,-,be erected in the several washrooms
maintained by the city. By general consent the City Clerk was instructed
to order four such signs.
RICF=D OIL CORPORATION, dated July 15th; 1938, being an application
to excavate in certain of the public streets of the'City of El Segundo at
locations described in said application and shoft upon the certain map
attached to said-application, for the purpose of installing certain oil and
gas lines. The matter having been previously investigated by the Street
Superintendent of the City of E1 Segundo and having met with his approval,
it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Selby that
Richfield Oil Corporation be and'it is hereby granted permission to'make
excavations in certain portions of Maryland Street, Franklin Avenue and
Grand Avenue for the purpose of installing certain oil and gas lines in
accordance with its application therefor filed with this Council this
date, provided all said work shall be prosecuted and completed to the
satisfaction of the Street Superintendent of the City of El Segundo.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen Rona. '
Absent: Councilman GArow. .
The hour of 7:15'otclock at this meeting having heretofore been fixed as
the time and date for receiving bids for furnishing the City of E1 Segundo
with public pound service, the Mayor at this time announced the hour of
7:14 o*clodk P. M. and asked if there were any person'or persons present
in the Council Chamber who desired to file bids in said matter. The hour
of 7:15 o'clock P.'M. having arrived and all bids being in, the Mayor
declared the time for receiving bids for furnishing the City of E1 Segundo
public pound service closed. The'City Clerk announced that two bids had been
received. '
It was thdreupon moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Love,
that the Council proceed to open, examine and publicly declare all bids
received this date for furnishing the City of 31 Segundo with public pound
service. Carried.
The Council then proceeded to open, examine and publicly declare all
of said bids so received, which said bids were found by said Council to have
been submitted on regular forms provided therefor and as follows, to -wit:
Bid df The Inglewood Humane Society, Inc as follows:
ITEM NO. 1: For a definite payment to the undersigned
' of a definite stun per month; at; follows :
(a) On the basis•of a contract for the period from
August 1st, 1938, to March 31, 1939, at midnight,
............................$ per month;
(b) On the basis of a contract for the period from
August 1st, 1938, to March 31, 1940, at midnight,
......................i....4 per month;
(c) On the basis of a contract for the period from
August 1st, 1938, to March 31, 1941, at midnight,
........ .................... 25.00 per month.
P 95
ITEU- N0. 2 For the payment to the undersigned of the following
percentage of the fees collected each month for dog licenses, as follows:
.(a) On,the basis of a contract for the period from
August 1st,. 1938, to March. 31, 1939',-at midnight
.•..._ per cent of such fees. "
(b) .. On the.basis of a contract for the period from
August 1st, 1938, .to March 31, 19409 at midnight
per cent. of such fees.
(c) On the basis of a contract for the period from
August lst, 1938, to March..31, 1941, at midnight
..... Ninety per cent of such fees.
ITEM 'N0 3:_ For the payment to -theJ=dersigned of a definite sum
per month and a percentage of the fees collected each month for dog
licenses, as follows:
(a) On the basis of a contract for the. Period from
' . August lst, 1938, to March --31; 1939, at midnight
00000$ per month, plus
per cent of such fees.
(b) On the basis of a contract for the period from
August lst, 1938, to March 31, 1940, at midnight
9.000$ per month, plus
per cent of such fees.
(c) On the basis of a contract for the period from
August•lst,.1938,_to March 31, 1941,.at midnight
:....$ 15.00 per month, plus 33 113
per cent of such fees.
said bid was accompanied by Cashierts Check No..1001120, dated July 20th,
1938, dratim on the Bank of America National`Trust &_Savings Association,
Inglewood Branch, payable to the order of the*City of Sl.Segundo, in the
sum of $100.00.
Bid of Arthur L. Chandler, as follows:
ITEM NO. 1:.For.a definite.payment to the undersigned of i' f
definite sum per month, as follows:
(a) On"the basis of a contract for the'period.from
August. lst,,,-1938, to March 31, 1939, at midnight
.............................$ 40.00 per month;
(b) On'the basis of a contract for the period from
August lst, 1938, to March 31, 1940, at midnight,
............. ......:.......... 35900 `per month;
(c) On the basis of a contract for the period from
August lst,;1938, to.March 31, 19419 at midnight,
.......:..................... 35.00 per month.
ITEM NO. 2:;For the payment'to the undersigned of.the following
percentage of the fees, collected each month for dog. licenses, ,as, follows:
(a) On the basis of a contract for the period from
August lst, 1938, to March 319 1939, at midnight
0000. per cent of such fees.
(b) On the basis of a contract for the period from
August 1st, 1938,'to'March 31, 1940, at midnight-
..... 85 per cent of such fees.
P 26
(c) On the basis of a contract for the period from
-August lst, 1938, to March 31, 1941, at- midnight-
.0000 e5 per cent of such fees.
ITEM NO. 3: For the payment to the undersigned of a
definite sum per month and a percentage ofthe fees collected each
month for dog licenses, as follows:
(a) On the basis of a contract for the period from
August 1st, 1938, to- March'31, 1939, at midnight
:...4 30.00 per month, -plus - '100
per cent of such fees.
(b) On the basis of a contract` for the period from
August 1st, 1938, to March 31,- 1940;'at midnight
00004 20.00 per month, plus 50
per cent of such fees.
(c) On the basis of a contract for the period from
August lst, 1938, to March 319 1941, at midnight
.. ... � 15.00 per month, plus 75
per cent of such fees.
Said bid was accompanied by Cashierts•Cheek No. 2037945, dated July 11th,
1938, drawn on the Bank of America National Trust & Savings Association,
Hawthorne Branch, payable to the order of the City of E1 Segundo, in the
sum of $100.00.
After said bids were read and considered, it was moved by Councilman
Love, seconded by Councilman Selby that all bids received this date for
furnishing the.City of El Segundo with public pound service be taken
under further consideration until the hour-of 7 :30 otclock P. M., at the
regular meeting of this Council to be held July 27th, 1938: Carried by
the.following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesaer, Love, �elby and Mayor Binder,
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Gerow.
Mr, Walter Eastman addressed the Council relative to adjustment of
his compensation for two days of services rendered the City of E1 Segundo
at its Water Treatment Plant, believing that he should have been com-
pensated as a carpenter instead of as a laborer, -which latter classification
appears on the city's Pay Roll. Discussion of the matter ensued at the
conclusion of which it Was moved by Mayor Binder; seconded by Councilman
Love,. that the following tesoltLtion' bb' Adopted:' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' •
IIIHE EAS, it appears that Walter Eastman was employed
July 5th, 1938, and July 6th, 1938, at thelWater Treatment
Plant of the City of El 5tMdo'.nW tnder•eonstruction,
rated as a laborer; and
WS, from testimony taken and investigation made
it appears that said Walter Eastman was actually performing
carpenter work and that therefore• shouid- have• been• compensated
at the rate fixed for carpenters instead of at the rate fixed
for common•laborers; and _.
WHEREAS, Warrants Nos. 6044 and 8074 were heretofore.
drawn in the sum of $5.60 each, aggragating
$11.209 while the total amount due said Walter Eastman for
services rendered as a carpenter should have been $17.60;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,,-that a warrant•be drawn
on the Water Works fund of the City of El Segundo in the sum
of $6.40 to make up the deficiency in the warrants hereinbefore
referred to and to adjust the error in compensation heretofore
paid said Walter Eastman.
P Z'7
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:.
Ayes; Councilmen Hesser, - Lave;- .Selby and Mayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Gerow.'
None. .
Chief of Police Hutchins a3inouncdd the revocation, as of July 18th,
1938, of the appointment.of Orville_C: Cripps as a Special Police officer.
Chief of Police Hutchins announcdd the appointment of Bruce Sturtevant
'as a Special Police officer dnd'requedted the Council's approval of said
'appointment. Moved by Councilman Loud, seconded by Councilman Selby that
'the appointment by the Chief of Policd of the City of El Segundo of Bruce
Sturtevant as a Special Police dfficer of said city be and the same is
hereby ratified and approved. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: 'Councilmen Hesser, Love; Selby and Mayor Binder. '
Noes:' Councilmen None. '
Absent:' Councilman Gerow. '
City Enginedr Hutchins reported liaving attended the meeting of the
Harbor District Chambers of Commerce held at Hawthorne July 14th, 1938,
as heretofore di'rdcted by this douncil', and that the chief 'business of
'the meetind was a discussion of the adoption of a proposed resolution
`recommending legislation which would create a County Highway Seystem
to the use of . mhich the counties would place that portion of gas tax
monies which the counties now pay to the rdinicipalities for street
maintenance and improvement. He stated, further, that it was his
belief that the matter would be referred to-the-Los Angeles County
League of Municipalities or to the State.League after the proposed
legislation has been framed by a committee charged with that responsibility.
Attorney Luce read to the Council th'e form of Notice to Bidders on
Garbage which had been prepared in the City Attorney's office whereupon
it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the
City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby authorized and
directed to advertise in the manner provided by law for bids for the
disposal of garbage collected by the City of E1 Segundo, said notice to
be -in the form prepared by the City Attorney of the City of El Seguuido'and
to be.published twice in El Segundo Herald. Carried by.the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Love,.Selby and Mayor Binder,
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Gerow,
The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on
Finance and Records, were read:
Water Works Fund Water Works. Fund
Otho Tidwell
32.78 Paul Allen
M. A. Anthony'
E. R. McCartney
C.. P. Grabill
-Lee T. Patterson..
33.00 .
A. G. Comstock
H. L. Martz
W. H. Knapp
S. H. Bissell
H. P. Clybourn
J. Wood
.E..M. Miner. . _...
R. G. Ryan
C. C. Chilson
W. H. Psherer
H. A. Slater
Paul A. Hart
John Mayo
A. La Hoblit-- --------------
-- -14.35
John Wagner
0, W. Foster
Joe Randall
Ellery Badgero
Lindley Allen
Kenneth Groger
J. Lind
Clifford Smith
Phoenix Meter Corp.
Tom Bray
A. Bleich
E. Coddington
J. Goodman
Carl Knight
W. E. Morgan
S. Patterson
W. Robinedlt
Lynn Todd
W. Zivalic
Rulon Lake
E. V. Erikson
R. Merryman
W. 1. Rice
Edison Bedore
Paul Goodrich.
F. L. Ford
Earl Cartland
Alts Coffee Shop
L.A. County Health Dept.
Killefer Manufacturing Corp
Clymer Indian Sales Co.
Rich Budelier
Sepulveda Super Service
Argo Garage
City of E. S. Water Dept.
City of E. S. Water Dept.
General Fund
General Fund
J: Brock
M. teal
T. Kincaid
Leonard Lane
J. Martin
Co Russell
F. Stuck
M. Zivalic
M. Roncevich
V. Lister.
F. Stanton
Monroe Painter
Me A. Anthony
W. R. Hickman
W. Oxley
P. Duncan
Segnerts 15¢ Store
So.Ca'lif. Disinfecting
Co. 3.53
Featherstonet.s, Inc.
§rimes- Stassforth Stat.
Co. 1.03
Pacific Electric Rwy. Co. 1198
Shepherd Tractor & Equip.
Co. .90
Morgan -Burr, Inc.
Tames F. Kemp
H. W. Prince, M.D..
Southern Calif. Gas Co.
Moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby', the demands be
allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds
covering the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder. .
Noes: Councilmen None,
Absent: Councilman Gerow.
The Street Superintendent reported his desire to. recondition Lapham
Street before the rainy season sets in and he explained to the Council the
method of repaie he contemplated. Thereafter it was moved by Councilman
Hesser, seconded by Councilman Selby that the Street Superintendent be and
he is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the "improvement of
Lapham Street within the City of E1 Segundo at a total cost of not to
exceed $740.00, which cost shall include`labor, material, supplies and
equipment. Carried by the following vote
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Gerow.
No further business appearing to be "transacted gt this meeting, it was
moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, the meeting adjourn.
Reepectfully submitted,,
2L S jQ�.,
City Clerk
Mayor -