1937 SEP 29 CC MIN0-1.11
A „ezNl9r mooting of the City Conn_oil of tha aty of 'I Serrur: a; nab; °ornin
wee called to order. at 7x00 o'clock: P, V. on the above date, in the Council J
Chamber of the City Hall of Beid City by Peter E. Binders Mayor.
Councilmen Present: Gerow, Heaser, Love, Selby, and Mayor Binder.
Councilmen Absent: Yone,
The minutes of the reful.ar meeting held on the Rand day of September, 1937,
ware read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Love,
seconded by Councilmen Selby, the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
The following communication, which were read to the Councils were disposed
of in the manner indicated following the reference to each hereinafter.
TRY, OHIO OIL COMPANY, dated September :7th, 1937,, applying for a permit to
drill its "Gough Well. No. 9 ".. Loved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman
Reeser,, the Resolution No. 409 untitled:
whic?; was read, be adopted. The motion carried by the following voter
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hessers Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absents Councilmen None.
PACIFIC INDWITY. COMPANY, dated September 22nd, 1937, requesting that its
representative be permitted to appear at the next Council meeting for the purpose
of diacusaing general public liability insurance for the City of E1 Segundo.
Moved by Councilman Reeser, seconded by Councilman Selby that Mr. Roy G. Hebb,
Assistant Pda1-sager of Pacific Indemnity Company, be permitted to appear before
th.e Council at its next regular meeting for the purpose of discussing general
public liability insorencs for the City of El Segundo, and that the City Cleric
be directed to notify Mr. Webb of this action. Tha motion carried unanimously.
RIGUIKLD OIL CORPORATIONO dated September 23rd, 1937, advising that the
name of tts "Elsie No. 3" Drell was changed, effective September 22nd, 1937, to
"McCray loo. 111. Moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, that
the follc+m'_ *.ig resolution be adopted:
WHE YAS, the Richfield 011 Corporation has addressed to this
Council, A communication bearing data, the 23rd day of September,
19 "7, crherein it notifies this Council that it hae criangec the
name of that certain well her etofore in Resolution No. 398 of this
Cowicil designated as "Elsie - ;'icy. 3" to "McCray No. 1 ";
AND WHEREAS, this Council has no objection to the re- naming of
said we 3.1;
F-00 71 HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said communication of Rich -
field Oil Corporation, dated September 23rd, 1957, be received and
Placed on file in the-office of the City Clerk; thf-t this Council
hereby approves the re- naming of said "E?aia No. 3" well to oNeCray
No. 1 "; that a certified Copp of this Resolution be.attached'to the
copy of the origin: permit tow on file in ,he office of the City
•.; .: Clel -ig and a like 'certi." isd copy thereof be forwarded . to said Richfield
Oil Corporation for attachment to its copy of Baia permit.
Th-s foregoing resclutior. was ,4dopte ^. the f01107-1x;g vo;:et
Ayes Councilmen Gerow, Hessen, rove, Selby and Yayr.r
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent. Councilmen None.
CALIFORNIA OIL AVD GAS A.SSOCI: TION., datE,d 'September, 28th, IsI37, requesting
that the resolution o2 tr:.is Coviici =. heretc -Cor^ adopted regriring cpsrator ;: dam_'_ ling
oil. wells within the City of El Segundo to 'Lice signs i:non the derricks used in
connection wi;h oil well drilling 3parationa rith letter: not ie9s tra1j 3h_ inches
(6 11) in height, designating the nrj.re and f:.;t ;.)er of th reel: .and the name of the
permittee, be amender: so that t'io uiin_ mum height of l.tteas r•%agaire1` _ be tevo
inches (2" ► instead. of six ix ;ches (6 ") , Moved CoVncilTM.sr_ G)vH, s?nconded by
Courcilmar. Selby that the f o? loving reso:; u tio-: ': e adopted.
th P et t cr_ ; x' ::ji by `,.r__v ;',c,m. -1 .
August, 25th, 1937 requiring erclz oil well derrick for Rhic:. a
parmit has heretofore been. I st:ucr : or May he7- eafter be
by this Council, to dioplay thereon, in letfnrs rot J_es ; ijLan
six inches (611) in height, apprea-ia.te signs staging, the, t_eme:
of the pernittee of such o;e±.l, ghf.ch s& id action is all recorded
at page 0 -92 of the Minutes of the ?roceed. n'-s of this Couv il,
be _,nd. t!ie same is hereby modifiod by- changing t e grove six ':,6)
to tvo (2) wherever Used In the -sso! ution recor: ed as afo."i?5 \id,
and t-_lat all permita heretofore isjued by this Council for tat
drill.i.ng of oil wells within the Cit�r of El Segundo containing
parar:a --h "Twentieth"likew se corrected by charging the word
sir c.r fii use 6, whichever may c ava been used therei z, to the
word ttyo or figure 2, whic`.iever is appropriate in each instance; a:.d
F:4 .ZT FURTHER RE OUED, .hat -he City Clerk Of the City of
El Sig; zndo ie hereby d:i..rect•sc; to r.c-;;if;y j].! 03.1 Well permittees
of the aauption of trio reen2cation..
The ioregol -ig rte:- ol%zt3 -on was adop, •,eci bn7 ~„_e fc�.ovi:ig •roe �:
�,y2s; Councilmen Gerow, liesser, Love, Sc-!-,,:)y aY.d Mayor Binder,
Iti'oes ° Councilmen Nor c .
,Osei3.t: Councilmen None.
Nor e;.
Zr rr�'I2d =ST . 7) BUSiNEISS.
"'he matter of the application: of the Church of Letter Day Sainte for per -
mission to use the City Hall Audito-rium and Banquet Hall on Sunday of each wept:
for the pi:rpose of holding religiotLS crvicas, eras brought ::.r for diecr:,sion.
The, rafter it was moved by Councilman Hes s- er, seconded by Councilman I,oTre, that
the follor .ng resolution be adop tud:
RESOLVED, that until tie further crdar of this Council, the
Church of +,he Latter Da; Saints: tie r:_d it is hereby granted per-
mission to use.the City Hall Audito.;ium end the Banquet H.qLll in
the City Hall Sunday of each week at a monthly rental of twenty
dollars ($20.00) payable monthly; provided, nowe-et, that thto
Council reserves -the ri_gbt to n.t any time noutharize the VLse o"
said City Ball A.uditorit:m :�r Banquet H10-1 and /or aTpurt =eranc s
for any paramount public uza, or at ar.y time at which this Council
might deem some other u„e to be narar-nount to the use of the prend..: ae
for religious services.
Th- fore?oing resoliitiort vrp,s adc)p"<,ed by ths following voto:
kyea: Counri:imen Gerovix He :se.-, i:sove, Selby and ;;Iayor biuUet.
lvoc_ : Coiinciimen None.
P_ 3_, nr,s Councilmen Yaone.
AY rTr S.
T1 1p .ioliowing .icrmaxlds, tiavili , had the. uppruva.l. ji• -i ae U'o1:1-Ut "i,ed oii Finance
and Rerlorda. were rear:
General "."U d vVl,eral rind
Ut t to incorporated uarl Ciuznijerlaiz 0;1...Uv
ixed ronere''
fie V "o. Ja .i,i
Moved by Cbuoci:Uaan move, seronaed by Co-.xr.cilmaar. Hcsser, that the demands
be &I-loved and ram its ordered dr,.Y.;n on and paid out of the respective funds
cove:-in,c,' the game. Garr :.ed oy► the -f )jiloning
A., :.s: Counc linen Gerow T; s` r) :Gdt'., 3e1Ly and hl'A;jGl E.{rcer.
Nc >F :s: Councilmen I; cry-:.
tb�Pnt: C•ounctl�en
lii 1' "'c by Counci'_razi -i ►t`. e by; secor did bN Cornci.'1_,.3,-z. Dove, that the slum
be tra��sfer�,_d froT i_i= C �n :rFa? rt„i;.' Of the City of :�1 Segundo
o. 5 Fund, and that the C'.ttr C?erlc end -the City treasurer of the
i`j'y o" &:;g-oz do lie a-lid they &i e hcre•;r" ai:.hurized and directed to make
rt :juisi -.a c tries in the :iz• :.a(_-s .ective cooks of accsour.t , CSZried by the
_. •_- �iuri: g vote.,
A rt s: Councilmen Gee ow, F:esser, :.rove, Selby and 11:•Iayor Binder.
Noss: Cou.cilmen hone.
Absent: Councilmen Nono.
Mooted by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the
pi..rcae. <,G.• cf venetian bl`.nds for u:.•, ..n tl:r: _'f.1ce of 1,'xc F+ater DQtartmt7nt
of ` the City of El .Se undo be and tae sfne is hereby authorized and directed;
the cost thereof not to exceee C to.00, i ltus California State Sales Tax.
. �•_ r_„ _ _S__
vci.ii.i.cu uy tieac _V11V7Y 111 :vva..
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, I-esser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
N,. :j: Councilmen_ No--ii:.
Absent: Councilmen Prone.
kut tha s point, the dour bei.i� 7.42 o' clod,. P.'µ., the Heyor declared a
areas of five minutes. At the hour of 7:45 o'clock P.M., the Council re-
cc lnvened, all Councilmen being present and answering Roll Cell.
Cor.siieraLion. Fraa '..hen liven ;;o Val- natter referrer to in the communi --
cr Lion of C. L. Bros3dwaterq Secretury, Fl Segundo Grar:im r School, dated
S :ptamh;°r 15th, 19.57, and filed rrith this Council said date, whereupon it
rras moved by Courci -i'lan Selby, seconded by Councilman Love, that action
-s Spec the same be dei'e red ozi,) for further corslde,ation. The
rlc;tior. narri.ed unaniiaotisly.
oved by Mayor Binder, seconded by Councilman Lore, that the following
�l rescltrt- on be adopted:
,. RESOL aD, • that until the further order of this. Council, all
x�"-- L- L Ca"!onz3 rece_'.i3k. :"-)r the eiection cif. :'riA., ILA the drillixxg
of wells for oil, gas, or other hydrocarbon substances in that
po ^tion of the City of F1 Segi:.ndo ly ng northerly of El Segundo
Boulevard and westerly of ;;epiLl Jeda Bo�.le��rd, will be taken under
advis�=ent by the City Council lantil the next regular meeting of
said CoLincil held following Mai, st; which such Applications
a-? first presented,
114 - C)
T'is foregoing
3 g
o "Z., c lj.!n H:,
Love. ",c1lov anc, Mayor 7,imler,
kbrer, t
Oun C I In. v n
-"f-CtfUl-" IV