1937 SEP 08 CC MIN0-97
E? Segcusdo, California.
September 8, 1937.
A regular meeting of the C; ty Ct_,uncLL of the City of a S�:ruz do, California,
-oas called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on tbs above d.a,-,e. in the Council Chamber
or the City ua:-1 of said City, by Peter E. Binder, Mayor.
Councilmen Present: Gsrow, iiesser, hove, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Councilmea Absent: hone.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the lst day of September, 1937,
—;r, re&d, No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Love,
s?con.ded by Councilmen Hes.ser, the minutes lis approved as read. Carried.
GO VERN t "_Ids' REZINING & GASOLINE CQR.P'NRATION, :,TD., dated September . 8th,
1357, aapd.yir,g for a permit to dvill its "El Primo No. 2" well on Lot.i 120
121 o.:" Block 123., within the C1:ty- of El SeSu do, ,.aid P.pplication being
a sr.rrp€iy3.F:d by s. map showing the purported exterior boundaries of said. Coip --
: a
ti Q "i s lease upon which said toot 11 is proposed to be drilled. The application
t, R.r r, t ��e=s :�g in fo!-� s tisfartor,r to ti;:- Council, therefore, after dis-
3',zs s 1.c:^ i. , s moved by Colu^ci lm:aai Selby, eccnded by Council man Love, that the
t.hc - ssuance to <<�,vernnc& I'efining and Case) line Cs;rpo^ation, Ltd., of
p �rmit 1"o -J-1 tlae drilling of an oil vtelj p ursut�_t to its application dated
:r.ts bcr 8 0b, 1937, be taken rider cdvlsement without prejAdice until the next
az :i. et?nG of this Coznci.l. Carried by the following vote:
Ay C;otnicilmen Gerow, Hesser, .Loge., Selby any mayor^ Binder.
Noe,, 'Councilmen None.
Abae --t� Councilman *Fong:.
At this paint, the hour being 7:47 o'clock P. M., the Council. recessed for
five minl;tes , A" the hour or 7:52 o'clock P. U., the Council reconvened,
— .L- Wil:nen Cerow.. Hesser, Love, Selby and .Mayor Binder being present and
- ZS�r�i,Zn Roll Call.
RICiIF'ir.I.D OIL COF�pORATIUN, dated Septesiler 8th, • 1937, applying for a permit
;t; d: 9.11. i�.s well to be known as "E? sie No. 3" at a point 1483.25 feet Rest of
Vie east Lyrae and 280 fees_ north of the south ling: of Section 12, Township 3
South2. R.arge V. Nest. Said application -jrts acc� -wmps:.nied by a map showing the
ezterior boundaries of the lease oienad by said Uorroraxtion send upon which said
pry000sed *,ell will be drilled. tfoved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman
"Ht%!= aer, that Resolution No. 598 entitled:
was rend,, be adopted. T:xe motion carried by the following vote:
.yes: ;'ouneilmer� (Zero , Hesse :e, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Aloes: Councilmen. None.
- kisert: Councilmen None.
0 U. .F t� . t :00DWAT; A ?1D FA.'�ILo, idv) cLYDE WOOD ORTA Ai4U PALLY f received
September 2nd, 1937, Prpreasing thank Loz the Council's expression of sympathy
u-7n the death of Hillard Loomis Woodworth; father of City Attorney Clyde
,. cd north.
. c
LOGAN R. COTTON, da-tea September 8th' 19371 submitting a vraposct;. for
auditing the books and &ccounts of all the departments of the City of E:
Segundo for the fiscal year 1937 -•38 Order od filed.
FAUI AMR , OAKF'S & FAULKNER, daate3 September let, 1557, requesting consider-
ation when the matter of auditing City racords is discussed. Ordered fled.
F. J. ROSSI, City Attorney of the City of uiedes3to, Presidenw Ingineeral and
Street Superintendentsa Section of the League of California lamicipalities,
Pdaising that said Section hats prep -rad an interesting and instructive program
for the 39th convention of s&id league to be head In San Jone September Bite,
z ;G 1.8th, incl., and urging that the City Eng:'_nnoT. and Superintendent of Streets {
of the City of El Segundo be a u- '$:'xa. � sgd to attend, said convention. Ordered filed.
P. J. BENBOUGH, flayor, Gity o San Diego, dated September 3rd, 1957, requesting
�:. t the delegates of 'he City of.' Fl Segundo who may attend the convention of the
?.gus of California r. Sall ,rose, Califorrirx, Septa'aber lath, to
?.Ei ,iYy 11.�.x 7 give the vote of the City of El Segundo •:,o San Diego .for the holding
:,f tho 1SZ8 con"ver�t.l on. Ordered filed.
i.L-. Rzlph D. Kaanoder cddresserl tha C:tme.il relative to t'tc living cocUtione
cr." Lhe care-taker of the city's "cen dump" and recommended that some action be
flaken to iraprvve the Saud. . F3 was informed ;ha;; tLe Council is fully arare of
zhe si ;uution; thst the person referred erred to is not an employee of Vae City of El .
:'e undo but moved in voluntarily so 1hat he might profit by the sale of such junk
n3 he is able to salvage from the "can dump "; that the Council has recommended, on
;scveral cca;sionc, that the man move his family to suitable, living quarters and
-that the Councilae recommendations in this _regard have gone unheeded; nevertheless,
t,lta ;omacil would instruct the Chief o:' Police to make an investigation to determine
rhether or not there is *my County agency w`.th jurisdiction to cause to be corrected
the c7nditione comnla:lned of.
Ur. A. T. Miller, an employee of •uhe Street Department of the City of El
t,es?t;ndo since April, 1918, auinovnced his intention to resign, the city's employ
:o that, for the good. of his health, he might take up his residence in another
_.,art; oaf the State. He sleeted t:bjit his emptoymont r(aations with. the city had.
; ;,I ?aye been satinfactuny and 11-01ki2 ikel tu-3 Council for its cotsiderF ioi and co-
on during hi a more than nineteen consecutive ymrs of seritice. Frollowir..g
l; i ;, remaxks, it _ vas moved by Oolancilzan Selby, seconded by Councilman He gser,
h-i t •the resignation of A. T. Miller as an Employee of the City of In Segundo
t,£ accepted, effective October 78th, 1937; that said employee be granted 'bf.s
titer tomary annual trio v ,3eks vacation between this date and Saturday October
18t;•., 1337, and that dis compensation or salary for the month of October be
pro- raatad tossaid October 18Th, 1957. Carried by. the following vote:
Ayeua Councilmen Gerov, Hessen. Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Woes.- Cou nci.lmer_ None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
Councilman Gerowv of the Public Works t;ommittee, reportix4g wai•th : °eccpect
r, the installation of traffic control sign at the intersections of 1- llerest
t.raet and laariposa Avenue, and C,yprers Street snd Imperial Highwa;;, whit -h said
x-a, "';er was referred to said comx:}_ttee at Ur last regular meeting of this Council,
stated tfaat, in his opinion, any type of traffic control sign wrotzl d not live mi ch
v��I.uu at the locations. named but that.... in his opinion, the propezty owners who
.qL- ;,tdn hed;ea Rho ch obstruc" -'.he view: at said points would' trim the sude to .
<.ffnrd better vieibiii.ty far nn %orl.s,tr, if the m; -tttey were properly presented to
Stich property owitra. {es,ner end City Engineer Hutchins c9ncurrod in
thr repart, whereupon the ?a.y r designated tha same committee -to comer with the
- rc,pert :y oxners with j-espec:t: to t1he trimming of hedges.
E it.y C7_er McCa3i tr.; reported that Rcyclty Service Corparation, L-,,:d., had
.11y fir!-q fired. whether cr not the city would improve the roadrroy of Tuley 130Uj.
disotyssian, ;.ha City Eiv`, der levcz instruc-ced to prepare an ebtimata of the
..s u of rc- pairing said roaar+ in such manner as to mice the same passable, yet safe..
Respecting the matter of a time and date for a conference between members of
the Council, the Fire Chief, and representatives of the Couthern California Gas
Company to discuss the installation of shut -off valves on gas lines within the
City of E1 Segundo; the Council, by general consent, agreed upon Wednesday September
22nd, at or about the hoer•of 6 :00 o'clock P. M., in the Courcal Chamber of the City
Hall of the City of El. Segundo as the time card place for the holding of such
conference And the City Clerk was requested •;;o notify the district manager of
Southern California Gas Company to t'rsis effset.
The Following dem-ands have had the approval of the committee on finance and
records were mad:
V,ater Works Fund
?tine -ny- Meter corp. , .1:
General _rued
1.: ;1,,To d Eo, Dk & Stat . 'Uo . _1.75
So = t "11i1". Blue Prin•'� Co. 2.71
Ge -Drae `Dari•tch 16.62
Gri.mes- SMasforth Stat.Co. .46
£guilders Materia-1 Co. 98.55
1J - H. A6-ard i -1, 00
Moved by Councilman Lesser, Seconded by Counci.?man Selby, the demands be
alto , d and warrants ordered drawn. On and paid out of the respective 4 funds
co Ter'.ag the Same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes; Councilmen Gerow, Hesae.4. Loves• Selby and Mayor Binder.
Poes; Councilmen done.
Absent: Councilmen Noni.
Loved by Councilman ��el }rr, seconded 7 Councilman Love., that the following
recolirti.on be adopted:
RESOLVED, that until the further orde .- Gi this Council, the
C'.ty Cler:: be and he is hereby authorized to pF: -mit the use of the
City hall Auditorium and the new Banquet Hall and facilities in the
Auditorium and Banquet Hall, upon the f olloering cep °ms, without
further action of 'this Council, to nit:
For purely public use ------ .- _.- __- _ - - - - -- Nothing per day.
For private uses where no admittance fee "is charged - - - - t 5.00 per day.
!'or private use, where radmitta.nce fee is Charged - - - - - 7.50 per day.
T'ir Lodges meeting once each week - - -- - - - .. _ _ _ .. _ _ 15.00 per month.
For Lodges meeting once each two weeks - - - •. - - _ _ _ _ 7,.50 per month.
Banquet HR11 and faciliti,�s - - - - _ - - - - - •- - - - - - - 2.50 per day.
All of the foregoing rentals ,3t:,sll be payable in advance
before, use, Nxcepti c ;?zly rentals charged on a monthly basis.'
•I For .any use or *purpose other tfLan• (hose hereinatove .
indicated, the matter :shall be referred to the City Council
for decision.
,10 municipal property appurtenant to either said
And i.tor:ium cr said Lanquet hall aball ba removed therefrom
or loar e-z therefrom at any time by any pe -son save r4zd except
General Fund
Calif. ?::d�Foz_ Co., Ltd.
V -lii . ."..d:1..S'o': CG. s Ltd.
".1'a .if. Mison Co., Ltd.
T i3:..
TAil.ler Lrl:sh Co.
P -rnats n co., Ltd.
_',• r�, v�r.i ,�:i�az
4. 00
Iri •13'•+ocd
Pet-al Works
Fti]i.`i�2_'�tL+`� Co.
-Z,i• e Corporation
C uamberli.n
Moved by Councilman Lesser, Seconded by Counci.?man Selby, the demands be
alto , d and warrants ordered drawn. On and paid out of the respective 4 funds
co Ter'.ag the Same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes; Councilmen Gerow, Hesae.4. Loves• Selby and Mayor Binder.
Poes; Councilmen done.
Absent: Councilmen Noni.
Loved by Councilman ��el }rr, seconded 7 Councilman Love., that the following
recolirti.on be adopted:
RESOLVED, that until the further orde .- Gi this Council, the
C'.ty Cler:: be and he is hereby authorized to pF: -mit the use of the
City hall Auditorium and the new Banquet Hall and facilities in the
Auditorium and Banquet Hall, upon the f olloering cep °ms, without
further action of 'this Council, to nit:
For purely public use ------ .- _.- __- _ - - - - -- Nothing per day.
For private uses where no admittance fee "is charged - - - - t 5.00 per day.
!'or private use, where radmitta.nce fee is Charged - - - - - 7.50 per day.
T'ir Lodges meeting once each week - - -- - - - .. _ _ _ .. _ _ 15.00 per month.
For Lodges meeting once each two weeks - - - •. - - _ _ _ _ 7,.50 per month.
Banquet HR11 and faciliti,�s - - - - _ - - - - - •- - - - - - - 2.50 per day.
All of the foregoing rentals ,3t:,sll be payable in advance
before, use, Nxcepti c ;?zly rentals charged on a monthly basis.'
•I For .any use or *purpose other tfLan• (hose hereinatove .
indicated, the matter :shall be referred to the City Council
for decision.
,10 municipal property appurtenant to either said
And i.tor:ium cr said Lanquet hall aball ba removed therefrom
or loar e-z therefrom at any time by any pe -son save r4zd except
100 C)
that the City Clerk may grant- au thori ty for the use of the
old portable tables, the cold collapsible caairs; and the
old china, silverware, and kitchen ut.ensjls, by citizens or
groups of citizens of said City who will hold themselves
responsible for the.proper and s?..fe return thereof;
BE IT FURTHM R „SOLVEDV th& t until the further order of
this Council. 4he City Clerk be and he ;.s hereby authorised
to permit the use of the Council Chamber in the City Hall by
vArious civic and busiress 0: :'Sani zati.ons fox bu6iness purposes
without charge; and
BE IT FURTHEf? RESOL -%F;D, that this resolution repealo and
reecia s all former reEc'S.::tions or orders of this Council
respecting the matters herein referred to.
The fo: egoing resolution vas adoslted Ly the following Grote:
Ayes; Councilmen Ce_row, Hes7,,c r; r,:,t,e9 Selby and Mayor Band ?: ?.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absen t Councilmen Ncne.
No further bus:: teas a.ppearin,, to be transacted at this seeting, it tras
mcsved by Councilman Selby, second'ed by COU"c"msn Love, the meeting ad auini.
Rc-c' ectfull.y E-11=- 3.tied
r h
WIN .04
I �;
This was run on the wrong sheet in error. See Page 104.
IT. 3, GROCER , data.d 'vpremb�sr 13t2�, 1917, Directing attention to the
pvt:nci ,1 danger to :fife &r,,.d property _end to obl and Water strata through
c ,
16S3 drilling of oil V ell's and r eco=ending the adoption of regulat' ns
� eq-i_rii.g oil raroducing com_nanier, to take all precaui:ions necessary to evert
gEs DI.Or-outs or otter accidents which 1:j-1-4
; hi s ttg er.. t'se to a or dat a
Ordered filed.
T":itf l�.iLA� JLR. DIRE.""' i,, Cdr" W ",t�7,, s k-K)l HMAT 0r71, 20ARE't date Snp embsr
F -th; 1377, expressing is a "s for ',;Ise uve of °;he City Bi.11 Auditor m dari,,•ig
the hearing's which were terrinated recently. Ordered filled.
J. F. f�iCF,R�t °, ; ��V`C +(ice ?t � 7'J1:', 171L."! DIVIS ON2 LFOU HKI Ck1_,1F0 ' It "s1S CV s AP+Y,
dLs''ed September 13th, 70.37, r +dv sue. %:g that he w,I.L be an0ile t sitL,.IcnC Gh:'
m,;-et n;- September 22nd in the 'i Y YM11 ;'or the pwc'pose of d- cusyis;g the
' nst-al la �i,on iz the 1ires of ,.,;tjf.3 Gas CompE ry cer. tc.3.n Safety devicet� recommended
Fire Cfi:ief Of 'the C-Ity of El Oe„undo, but tx.at Mr. .tot;, Superintoenaent
of T�iStributian, sri.? 1 at�,tenc, on 1 =entikIf o�' (c rti�E:^rt Califc . is Gas Company.
AINSWRTIi, 3.R., dated September l ,t.h, 1957, A. request for emp:�oy�
m1 ,. -1 i , 0rc.erad f fled. I
i.Z.h: 15;774,, subnit•ting ic% b'i :e- prirrb showinL the
the elen-a 1taxi., school. on Ri.ciBro.-d St
F--rd :�t._;.::: kvenue,: and �•egoest',in the Council's tho
tc. -__:E., •-a harmonious devslo2ma ,nt between the se
Z, of Councilman Se11:7, :-e ^.orlded by Co n
2'.2"- v.:?i.''.'.. <`ii.�. d t' �:�lt? r9f:l:Yi�?I' �JA:i �;,it ;nri under ad -is ,� :P..'3
Vej,_,: .
O£ttT C��''ri %III- iC:�":iOJvS.
TR BTEfES, da od Saptem1ber
des gn cif "ground development
re N between M4-1p1S& ti'verue
ght artd co-operation so as
01 grounds and Library Park.
cilxan Lov'a, which carried
t until. the next r'egulax
FWORT,, OF :`4A: "d J to COV*`TTTEFS.
F: 'POR'!'S Cr OFF_C?� 9/ AND Q:)ZC1A
- .ty Ebginee:r,reportirty p;;.r _: c instruction of bhp Council that he
n� ?;jere an estimate of the cosy c' pairIng Duley Roars, stated that the north
Utz :ui;.e of said roar( cart :ot he -repaired at the present time due to the
fa;:'; t,t t it `.s severed with ,rd. as F: r. eso't of the .recent gals b ores -out of a
which wae- bei:-Aff exille -i.n the t'i0.nity; that the dance of the road is
rot i.r_. a dar.gerous conditi . ; and that, In his opinion, the o:nl,:r improvement
no -tided this time ie to :mil? existing cbu,:k holes. By genera:. consent he
Wa.,; in,;t t1 " :.ecl SO WO da.
.� "i• rhi.t3 tiL.e '�` t;C)u2:C ?.% t4Ua '2: 'k�l' Iitl�i'l;E'L' of '3i_:t'
, , . S3
': r 71S4a�10n OQ the
._cx S.
pf�im. . 'r0 dxil). an
.i?. to .il, he seve I- avi.:ng been held over frost the previ'jus meet.;,ng of the Cou-lcil
si_d,�r�t•i,3 r.t brie meeting, Lenr thy a:.Scussioii rnsu.el and was g.atrtici ated
In by i ?it: =.u:ir O:i the C01111-ii., ., Oi u) tIt_ kt—ar f °y -, ;'. Jo.r.1 Cop,)tr��?r, fls`'' 8$r8 • `gat I�11t�
Buz `I r" 'r_ ,!', Rol _rt +'Bi16CC, i ': ROB- :' p'�� �li��1,'fi, mid TfdG�'3 v,eGxt�rd t'�.i1.4021e
turn: nn a•.1d at ti,e ?1t)ur. of A:511 r►c:j.ock F. rA., the Uq.yor declared a
.reces `i e minutee , tit 8:56 -c" cl n.ch F. .t1?e CG uicli re5convenad, Councilmen
�11 and Mayor" i3indFr. beiDg pr�,;,K,r;t, I.otr.i ^i"l.men Geroiw nxAd lesser being
�'c,�z'^ •. D acuosion wes rc.fsimed I'F'•3faE'•L'� .P, t' 1.t:SL1Jar3C t0 Gu7ei'tilL3nt Refining
arcs oi, e Corporation, I,tc:. of .z perrilt to dr:1i. an oil re .l and at the
ca:,c:7 dr:i 'thereof, i.t was novrd r� Ccuticilman Selby, ee;:ond� b; Councilman Love,
that re olutlon No. 4�,2 a >:ti -Ued: