1937 OCT 27 CC MIN0-139, El Segundo, California. October 27th, 1937. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Seg?uido, California., was cE-lled to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. 1 ". on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of s,-:id Ci t;r, by Peter E. Binder, l'ayor. . pJJL CtLL. Councilmen Present: Gerow, :-lesser, Love, -elby and I. -.ayor Binder. Councilmen rbsent: done. F .T r) -� -7-r.I .. .� -. -]i -.r :;r ^ - r. .,u 1:�� ,_:o _ZI'J __TING. 1 The rinutes of the re­u'_ar meetin:_ held on the 20th deer of October, 1937, ­ere rear? No errors or omissions a,n- earin­, it ? ^aS r:over7_ by Councilman Gelb-, , seconded Ur Cou?lcil ran Love, the r i nutes be a -,roved as read. Carried. _ mom.. -r,r nr-1.-r T _ _ _ i y (1 The followin.g communications, which .:-ere ret.d to the Council, � ^ere ��is�ose:?. of in the manner in:ic tcd follot;in, the reference to eac._ herein- after: IG T, I L OL COFPOFE:TI:� I, C.L:te�. October 27th, 1337, a �Y,ljring for a ^ermit to install one o" gas lane a =cross i.'ariposa hvenue, 12 feet c,esterly Of the center iine of lxidedicatc-C :trsrin` ton Street. Mroved by Councilman Selby , seconded by Councilman 'Cero!% the follo� inF resolution be adopted: OLVI?: , that the application of R.ichfiel.. Oil Corpora :tion, dated October "7th, 19,,7, for permission to install one 6" gas pine line in & suitable casing, across ri ^o a - venue, 12 feet �. esterl, o° the Center line of unc edicr:ted a.ashin_ ton Street be received and nlr :ced on file; an�J BI IT ' TP.7?PR ''3LI'i:ID, that �er..•_iscion to so install said line bF' �:nC. the Sr.me is ereh.,' Lrantef, u-Ion the folio' "ing terms ant' conditions, to —::it: 1. This _permit is temporary only �.nd Tray be revoked at any time by the City- Council of the City of El Segundo, without notice, without c: -use and r1thout liability and must be accepted by the permittee accordingly. 2. In the event this r;ermit is revoked, then and in that event the sa—JO ,er~:ittee, _..t its w:r expEnse, shall cruse any faCl .itie lnstslled ^.Ereun"er to �'e im..mccietely rE ~ovEd fron :.i^ strFet.s and shall restore trie streets and the surf,:ce t ereof to the sz:m. e coi :Citi on , as nearly as the _ , e n be done, in ..-- rt the sL.me e: istec 1mmE'.:ai BtF.l ' r'r'_or to the of any excLv -tion or the doing of any i orn here.Ln�Jer. F. Tnat. any . ort: hereunder, excavations, trenches or earth _ -i lES or other obstructions shall be ororerl-,- and adequately ,rotE,ctF °d b=- .rr�e_-s, ii: --hts EnVor other.protectiVe, means or devicE:s so as to _)r!v,nt injurzr to _)ersons or Pronert�, in 4. That the permittee, b acce-tin this rermit or doing E .. or_. thereunce_ , shy 11 the° eb ::.utor:r ticall aF^ce to 1 7Uer;n_f `­e t- of F1 -E=_ un,:o anc; each and all of its of_"icei•s, e ents, sere rants and em-Dloyeeo from and agE.inst any and E:ll dara`e_c anC. 1 -1 E b 111 ties or claims of or for damaL-es or liabilit'_ r'nich r`e =:r-se out of the doing of an,.), --crk under this - permit, or e_s thE= result of aiiy a_ct or omission on the ^art of S=ic ;ermittee, its officers, agents, sErvarts e:.. to eE s or s„ ora u-: Jer contr�.ct �-.i th it. 140-0 r 5. That all ,or': must be prosecuted to the satis- f,:ction of the City Engineer and Street Sure - intendent of S' id `'i ty and all materials must likeT= i se be of J c_Larrcter, r.; mensi on and naterial s&tisfactor'? to said Engineer and rust be located and installed in accordance it'^ the instructions of such Cit-1 7 Engineer and Street Suae- intendent. E. Before comrencin� any ;Tor - under this, r.e -r^it, the -lermittee shill E:ive to the City En; ne-er t:.nd Street Surerir2t-indent sufficient end adequate notice o`• the time v.-en such ;:ori: is to col-T.-,c-.1, so a.s to �err,:it s:.id Cite �n ineer -..no Street cu»erintendent to be ^resent or to ,!ave bar ia-, in attend_nce t- _creak. for t.,e '.?U' "7nSF of lns ?ectin the same en': iti i nF. 121St2'UCl' CIiS it'_; reference thereto. Such direction anr., instruction by ingi veer and. 6treet Surerintendent or on his be.:alf shall not be deC;: ed in rn� ScnSE as mE._ i n ; the -�rr'44, tE (: the acent of the Cit;; or of any officer thereof, nor sh_11 such direction or control be construed in Env nl�nne- r,,nr:tsoevEr to be such as to constitute ::aid - errittee ^r s-n"' az ;ent, ce=,.nt or emrlo -ee of said ~,err` i - - _ lttee a:n em ,_o,. ee of i" it- in the rennin, of the :•or_,T-en I s Cor.:r_ensation in u_rr-nce arid. S fetl, dct, of the State of Californi -. 7. That t_lis ­erni t is sn intE ri rr: --er:nit only and the 6, Council rescrveS the ri jht to fix additional and different Con' pions and te'_ ms at an` tine i n the future in connecti')n ith sr:-id installati ,n1 or the maintenance or use of the £r- cilities installef5 here.:ander. The fore ` oin = resoluti or: as adonted by the follo,-inF vote: ryes: Councilmen Geror, Hesser, Love, Selby and 1ayor. Binder. noes: Councilmen :done. Y'bsent: Councilmen :gone. - - CuFIt.T� nII, ;,t,LnL't;TIC?:J, dated to in,-AL11 a 12" has line r.cross Se"-�ul 'ou_evrrd, at points indicated in said in le", casing_ under the navement. October 27th, 19 '57, ap_)!-v ing for a permit Ted& Boulevard and across El Segundo annlication, such ga_s line to be encased C. --. Kin g of the right of za`,, c:.enartm.ent of said Comneny, who was -resent at the meet,inf7, advised the Council of the nrobability of the actual location of said nine 1ine'when installed being different than that actually indicated in the ap-pli cation, e:hereuron it eras moved b7� Councilman Ceror, seconder b Lo, ncilman Hesse -, th•: t the following resolution be acontedt FFSOLVE:D, that the annlication of P,ichfield Oil Corporation, dated October 27th, 1937, for nerr_issior_ to in.-tall cne 12" Eas line ,,.cross Senulveda Boulevard, 701 Soatr, of the center line of El _Qe «undo Blvd., and across Fl :eL:undo Boulevard, 123' Kest of the rest line of Senulveda ol_ileva.rd, such s line to be encased in 16" casing under the patement, be received and placed on file; and Br_ IT F'uFTiER. i.SOLVr.D, that permission to so install _ Ec i6 lines be and the • same •is hereby - ranted up_ on the following terr!s ana condit ` c)ns, to -brit: 1. This r:ermit is temnora -;; only and may be. revoked at. e.nrr time by the City Council of the City of El Segundo, Tithout notice, without cause and r:ithout liability and must be accented by the - 1e-rmittee accordingly. 2. In the event this permit is revoked, then and in that evert the said nermittee, at its ovn eynense, shall cause any facilities installed hereunder to be immediately removed from said stre(.ts an^ shall restore the streets 141 and the surface thereof to the same condition, as nearly as the same can be done, in c-hich the same existed im- medi atel7r prior to the ma ,ing of any exce.va.tion or the doing of an-,> , -!crk hereunder. 3. That any work hereunder, excavations, trenches or earth piles or other obstructions, shall be pro nerly and ade ^uately protected by barriers, lights and other pro- tective means or devices so as to prevent injury to persons or property in the vicinity. 4. That the nermittee, by accenting this nermit or doing any r•:ork thereunder, shall thereby automatically agree to indemnify thle City of H Segundo and each and all of its officers, agents, servants an6 employees from and against an 'IT rnd all dama-- es and liabilities or claims of or for dama..ges or liabilities z-hich may arise out of the doing of any ::or'; under this permit, or as the result of any act or omission on the hart of- sai6 perE_ittee, its officers, az,ents, servants or em- loyees or persons under contract with it. . E. That E.11 1701-k must be prosecuted to the satisfaction o- the lity Ln ineer and Street Superintendent of said City and all materials must likewise be of character, dimension and material satisfactory to said Engineer -.,nd must be located and installed in accor -_ance with the instructions of such City Engineer and Street Superintendent. 6. 3efore commencing any work under this permit, the permittee shall give to the City Engineer and Street Super- intendent sufficient and adec_uate notice of the time rhen such work is to commence, so as to perm..it said City Engineer and Street Sunerintendent to be present or to have some person delegated by him in attendance thereat, for the purpose of insnectinc the same and `ivinr, instructions with reference thereto. Such direction and instruction by said City engineer and Street Zuperintendent or on his behalf shall not be deemed in any ce_isF as ma�.ing the permittee the agent of the City or of a.ny officer thereof, nor shall such direction or control be construed in any manner ,!hatsoeve-r to be such as to con- stitute said nermittee or any agent, servant or employee of said permittee an employee of said City within the meaning of the ,';orkmen's Compensation Insurance and Safety Act of the State of California. 7. That this permit is an interim permit only and the City Council reserves the ri -ht to fix additional and different conditions and terms at any time in the future in connection ,vrith said installation or the maintenance or use of the facilities installed hereunder. 8. Provided, however, that in the event the said installa- tion is not made at annroximately the locations stated in said application, that then and in that event said permittee must, Within three days after the completion of such installation, file vrith the City Engineer a full, true and correct map, indicating the exact location of the facilities installed hereunder, together with all other data necessary in order to accu_rately'and fully describe the same. The foregoing resolution ras adopted by the follov;ing vote:' Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and ;ayor $finder. Aoes: Councilmen None. absent: Councilmen :done. JC?hi G. GIBSON dated October 26th, 1937, being an application for en:plo rmflnt b' the City. Orderedfiled. 142-0 a r c STkNDAT"D OIL COI, °F'Aiv -Y OF CALIF'ORI�JIA, dated October 22nd, 1937; SLrJSHI?JF_ OIL CO;'P�wY, LTD., dated October 20th1 1937; RJCHTI PETROLF0 COIy;?A dY, dated October 21st, 1907, each giving the log of certain Tells drilled by said companies. Said communications were ordered Placed on file in the office of the pater Department of the City. of El Segundo. EIC IF 71:1D OIL CORPORATIOTJ, dated October 27th, 1937, advising, of the assignment to it by Republic Petroleum Company of a portion of a certain le--3e in Section 18 in the City of El Segundo as more Particularly described in a 007.7 of said assignment attached to said communication and a map attached thereto, requesting the Council's consent to the assignment to s yid !- Lichfield Oil Corporation of the permit -_eretofore granted !.eoublic Petroleum Company for the drilling of its Republic No. 7 well, the name of which is to be changed to Fichfield— Fe-:ublic No. 1. Loved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the follo,vinp resolution be adopted: ?Ti:E.T,AS, there was heretofore granted to Renublic Petroleum Comna.ny a permit under date of 14arch 24th, 1937, to erect a derrick and drill a well for oil, gas and /or other hydrocarbon substances at the following location in the amity of El Segundo, to —r.,it: On a portion of NW of SEA of iJ': -= of Section 18, iovnship 3 Soutiz, Range 14 Test, S. B. B. & i:., which said v;ell was named and designated in the said permit as "Renublic No. 711; and 1F.T?EFr,rS, it appears that subsequent to the issuance of s,-id hermit, the derrick for said ^,ell was duly erected; and 7,—HEFEAS, it nor annezxs that said Renublic Petroleum Com?.)any has assigned the lease or a Portion thereof upon which s�.id i ell is located, to Ri chfield..Oil corporation; and 17HE-EAS, under the terms of said permit the consent of this Council is required before any assignment of said permit from seid Republic Petroleum Company to said Richfield Oil Corporation shall become effective; and iFLE, S, said Richfield Oil Corporation, if such reouest for assignment of permit be granted, is desirous of renaming the said Tell "Richfield—Republic No. 1"; NMV THERhFORE, BE IT RESOL'vr1 by the City Council of the City of El Segundo as follows: 1. That said Council does hereby consent to the assignment above recjuested on the following terms and conditions: a. That said assignee, Richfield Oil Corporation, shall file rith the City Clerk of said 'ity its written acceptance of the said Permit in the same form as the acceptance thereof executed by said Republic Petroleum Company. b. That said permit in all other respects shall be and remain in full force and effect as to said assignee and each and all of the terms, conditions and provisions thereof must be observed and performed by the said assignee. 2. That said (:ouncil does hereby consent to the change of the name of said well from "Renublic No. 7" to "Richfield- -Republic. No. ill. The foregoin- resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and P,iayor Binder. iJoes: Councilmen done. Absent: Councilmen None. 0-143: CITY OF HERJv1OSA BEACH, CALIFORNIA, dated October 20th, 1937, enclosing cony of a letter sent to I::ayor Shaw and the City Council of the City of Los Angeles, commending said body on its wisdom and foresight in purchasing Los Angeles i..'unicipal Airport and requesting that the City Council of the City of El Segundo take similar action. Ordered filed. J. 61. ROBINSONI ?'. D., District Health Of' ficer, dated October 25th, 19 ,`17, stating that there have been cases of rabies occurring within the City of E1 Segundo to such an extent that the Quarantining of dogs under the pro- visions of Ordinance No. 95 of the City of E1 Segundo is desirable and that, therefore, he has declared a quarantine against all dogs living within the City of El 6egundo effective October 25th, 1937 and to exist for a period of 90 days thereafter. Ordered filed. J111S F. KES:P, Recreational Director, undated, submitting a *plan for a Halloween program for October 30th, 1937. Ordered filed. BOLSA CHICA OIL COPPORATION, dated October 26th, 1937, making application for E. hermit to drill an oil and /or gas Tell in a portion of Lot 383, Block 1 "3, within the "ity of El Segundo. Action respecting same was deferred until the next regular meeting of the Council. ORAL C011,JNICATIONS, :lone. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL COMIU EES. The City Clerk reported that the Road Denartment of the City of Los Angeles is now striping the roadways of certain highways adjacent to the City of El 6egundo and had inquired whether or not the City of E1 Segundo wished to have striping renewed on Imperial Highway. It appearing from the report of the Asst. City Lngineer that such striping is not necessary at the present time, no action respecting the ratter was taken. 1 The City Clerk reported that due to the increased work in his office, it may be necessary from time to time to employ special help, whereupon it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to employ additional part time help in his office when in his discretion such help becomes necessary, such person so employed to be compensated in accordance with the provisions of that certain resolution of the City Council of the City of El Segundo respecting the hours of employment and the rates of compensation of employees of the City of El Segundo. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerovi, Hesser, Love, Selby and P +iayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. The Chief of Police announced the appointment of Orville Cripps and Rush T. Linch as special police officers of the City; of E1 Segundo and reouested the Council's approval of the same. b�oved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the appointment by the Chief of Police of the City of El Segundo of Orville Cripps and Rush T. Linch as special rolice officers of the said 6ity be and the same is hereby ratified and approved. Carried. " - The Assistant Cit` Engineer reported having investigated the matter of a ;tele.-ohone pole Juckxg having been installed too' close. -to a firre hydrant at the Interstate Aircraft and Engineering Corporation's plant and of the parking of automobiles in too close proximity to a fire hydrant at said location and stated that steps have been taken to remedy both matters. The Assistant City Engineer reported having had a test made of the pumps at the Lunicinal 1:ater I,7orks and that the pump in F;ater Tell No. 1 is attaining only 49% efficiency; that to install new bowls and do such other work as is necessary to increase the efficiency of said pump will entail an expenditure of 8350.00; whereupon it was moved bar Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman 144 - U Hesser, that necessary- repairs to �;ater Yorks Well and Pump No. 1 be made immediately, the total cost thereof not to exceed $350.00, plus California State Sales Tax. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and flayor Binder. :toes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. PAYING BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: General-Fund - General Fund Dan B. t:;artin $52.67 A. F. Monroe $20.00 Edna E. Leland 80.84 ,Graybar Electric Co. Inc. 21.09 C. K. "';cConnell 6.16 Ducommun Metals & Supply Co. .55 J. A. Nadeau Company 4.48 J. F. Kemp 50.00 The union Metal Co. 39.92 TOTAL $275.71 Proved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, the demands be allowed and warrants drawn. on end paid out of the General Fund covering the sere. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow.* Hesser, Love, Selby and Itayor Binder. .does: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. NEZ' BUSINESS. roved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that Logan R. Cotton be and he is hereby engaged to.audit the books and records of the T City of El Segundo for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1938, such audit to be made on a quarterly basis, for the total fee of $460.00. Carried by - the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen done. Absent: Councilmen None. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Love, the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfiilly submitted, Approved: )' i J • City le Mayor. v� c