1936 FEB 13 CC MINV 35?; ^,^+'Jr`ae.: - .. ..,,..ya .x�,'s^L:.i: d•A ffa,..:3.':.a .L:. y, +"�' �'2 iA. _ _ Segundo, California. February 13, 1936. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock. P. M. on the abawe,date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City by Peter E. Binder, Mayor. ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Gerow, Hesser, Selby and Mayor - Binder. Councilmen Absent: Love. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS.• The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 5th day "of February,. 1956, and of the adjourned regular meeting held on the 7th deny of February- 1956, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that said minutes be approved as read. Carried. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS. The following communications.were'read and disposed,of a8 indicated: LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA MUNICIPALITIES, dated February 8th., 1936, y advising that said League is attempting to bring - together representatives a of the.California State Supervisors Association, Distr�ct:A#oraeye'•. Association and Peave Officers' Association, with represenbativss•otr:, said League, to see if the combined group can agree upon the fundamentals of a system of liquor control satisfactory to local governments, expressing the hope that the Couacil.will'delay any, action.. or. the making of public recommendations with respect to liquor control until: the League has had an opportunity to discuss the 4uestion with-the organisa- tions named, and to recommend a desirable amendment -to the liquor control act. Ordered filed. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA MUNICIPALITIES, its Municipal Bulletin dated February 5th, 1956 ' respecting uniform business license rates. Ordered filed. HOLLYWOOD HOUSE MWERS, dated February 10th., 1956., requesting a permit to move a certain building within the City of El Segundo. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that 2ollywood House Movers be and they are hereby granted permission to move a one story frame school building from its present location at the Southwest corner of Richmond Street and Palm Avenue within •the City of El. Segundo to the Northeast corner of Mariposa Avenue and Main Street' within said City, to be routed during the process of such removal as follows: Diagonally across Richmond Street and across the Southwest corner of Library Park to Mariposa Avenue, easterly.on Mariposa Avenue to a point easterly of Main Street, thence to its destination on El—Segundo—High School grounds- northerly of Mariposa Avenue. This permit ie.granted subject to the following terms and conditions, tom iit ,.._ '•. 1: That the Fermittee shall first pay .-to the City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo the sum of $25.50, as_and for fees and deposits requited 'by 6i' J ances of the City of El Segundo. 2. That said building shall be moved.13i'accordance with ordinances of the City-of E1 Segundo.,respecting the removal of buildings within said City. 3. That all of the work in connection with such removal shall be-prosecuted and completed'to the.satisfaction of the Building Inspector, Street '.Superintendent and R the Chief of Police of the City of .El Segundo. U x=56 4. This permit is subject to revocation at any time in the discretion of the City Council of the City of El Segundo. Carried. HEALTH OFFICER, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, dated February 6thp 1936, being a report of the activities of said Health Department within the City of El Segundo as Health-Officer of said City during the last quarter of the calendar year 1935. Ordered filed. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS. Mr. Ernest S. Grayson, representing the Community Gardens Division of Works Progress Administration, 1206 South San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, petitioned the Council on behalf of his organisation that the City,furnish water gratis to a W. P. A. garden project, to be conducted on an area comprising 17.67 acres at the Southwest corner of Sepulveda Boulevard and Imperial Highway, more particularly described as Lot .1 of C. C. Hunt's Subdivision, excepting the Westerly 264 feet thereof. He stated that the project will give employment -to unemployed removed from Los Angeles County relief rolls; that those employed will receive a minimum compensation of $54.00 per month; that the practice is to use about eight men to the acre; that only El Segundo men will be employed, provided there are a sufficient number to operate the project in accordance with W. P. A. regulations, and that`the: project is "authorised for the period of one year. The Council thereupon debated the subject, after which it.was moved by Councilman'Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby , that'the- `followdng resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, application has been made to the City•of EI Segundo, California, by Works Progress Administration.. Community Gardens Division, for permission to-'use, `in connection with Federal gardening project for unemployment relief, water from the Municipal Water Works system-'of said City, on Lot 1 of C. C. Hunt's Subdivision, excepting the Westerly 264 feet.thereof, within the City of El Segundo, California; and IMEREAS., this Council believes that said City hasp at this time, sufficient surplus water over and above the needs of the inhabitants of said City to supply the requirements of said project; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of,' the City of El Segundo, California: 1. That said application be and the same is hereby granted, subject to the following terms -and conditions: (a)• That the said service shall continue only during the time and to the extent that•' said City has surplus water not needed' by the, inhabitants of said City; (b) That the Water 'Superintendent`19 hereby'° authorised and instructed to -make the •neeesdairj connections, if arty, to •furnieh'said service' without the installation'of "•auk meter, said applicant to furnish all materials required to make the said connections;-and (c) That in view of the public need of the said service and of the•fact that it is a•governmental project for the relief of unemployment and is essential for the preservation;-of the public peace, 'health and safety of said City and of the environ- ment thereof, that no charge'shall be made for water served through said service-unless and until the City Council of said City shall otherwise determine. • Y 4 e�. t�.... .- e_.i�:�.�de�6'�- `�'�ar__�� =�� _ "- �..sv:,;_,�J�:s:Y:: �.u..,y .a -.LVa. •:. � .��_xt5n'ac:i,.,"es�is ...+ -�,. _ ..�..: >ar�.:..... _ .. � ... , �� ,.. _ x�,..;� - ;T€f°�it;�► , CI+��i�'"e�li°"�i s . ere authorised to forward a certified copy of this resolution to said applicant r.ormation and files with reference said matter. The foregoing resolution was adopted by'the following vote:' Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Love. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS. Whereas, all of the bids received February 7th, 1936, for the furnishing of all labor, material, transportation and services for the construction of a public library building to be located in City Park, El Seguado,.California, were, on said date, taken under advisement until the hour of 7:30 otclock P. M. at this meeting; and - Whereas, said hour had arrived, the Mayor announced that the Council would proceed immediately to a consideration of said bids. The Council thereupon proceeded to and did consider the said bids, at the conclusion of which it was moved bJ Councilman Gerow, seconded by. Councilman Hesser, that all.of the bids heretofore received for the furnishing of all labor, material, transportation and services for the construction of a public library building to be- located in City park at El Segundo, California, be taken under further advisement until the hour of'7 :30- otclock P. M., February 19th, 1936. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absentr Councilmen Hove.. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. None. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Mr. Sumner of the Water Department, Mr. Macdonald of the Street Department and Captain Cummings of the Police Department, :all reporting with respect to their respective departments, advised the Council that work in their said respective departments is progressing satisfactorily. The City Attorney, reporting with respect to an application made by the City of E1 Segundo to the Board of Public Works of the City'of Los Angeles for permission to connect a small portion of the sewer system of the City of El Segundo with the sewer system of the City of Los Angeles, recently constructed in Los Angeles Municipal Airport, advised of receipt of a communication from said Board of Public Works to the effect that its former action acquiescing in the request of the City of El Segundo has been rescinded. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Consideration was now given to the quotations receivdd February 5th, 1936, from Rich •Budelior and from .Clymer — Indian .Sales ComparW, _. on motorcycles to be-furnished the.City'of El Segundo 'and the allowance which would be made upon used motorcycles now owned by-the-City of El Segundo, to be traded in in event of purchase of a new machine. It appearing that Clymer — Indian Sales Company had offered the best allowance on used motorcycles of the City of E1 Segundo and is the vendor of the motorcycle which, in the opinion of this Council, is beat suited to the needs of the Police Department of the City of E1 Segundo, it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the following resolution be adopted: " RESOLVED, that the purchase from-Clymer-Indian Sales CompmV of one Indian 4 Motorcycles equipped with new speedometer, siren and side stand; representing a total value of $498.50, be and the same is hereby authorised and directed,•provided said Clymer - Indian Sales Company will make a trade -in allowance of $265.00 on the used 1953 Harley - Davidson Motorcycle No. 55VLE1225 now owned by the City of El Segundo, and will also accept from the City of El Segundo ►. its 1930 Model Harley- Davidsbn Used Motorcycle.. Motor No. VL 37502 on which it will allow the City of E1 Segundo a credit of $190.00, with the.understanding that:the said latter allowance may apply against a future purchase which may be made by.the City of El Segundo from said Clymer - Indian Sales Company. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and *Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Love. PAYING BILLS. None. NEW BUSINESS. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that Resolution No. 335, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, CONSENTING TO THE ENFORCE- MENT WITHIN SAID CITY OF ALL ORDERS,. QUARANTINE } REGULATIONS AND RULES PRESCRIBED :BY THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH AND OF ALL STATUTES RELATING TO `Y THE PUBL IC.HEALTH AND TO VITAL STATISTICS BY THE HEALTH OFFICER OF THE COUNTY OF LOSANGELES.. CALIFORNIA, t which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following wing votes . Ayes:. Councilmen Gerow, Hesser,-.'Selby and: Mayor Binder. Noes:. Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Love. Moved Councilman Selby., by, seconded ,by Councilman Gerow, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED , that the City Attorney be and. he. is hereby r. authorized and instructed to forward-to-the Public Works Administration of the Federal Government a vommunication which is self - explanatory and which,shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to- wit:, "E1 Segundo, California. February 14, 1936. Public Works Administration 805 Washington Building Los Angeles, California Re: California Docket #1287 R +yY Attentions Mr. Harry g..Boone.- _ Gentlemen: In view of the fact that the bids..raceived .by'. the City of El Segundo, California, on the ,7th day-of, February, 1936, and which have been taken under.adyisement• by the said Council,•on the Library Building contemplated In the Proceedings �,....,, are . under the abov � °?than _ Of the low bidder • ation be a to-wit. Theodorepgted' the bid for the total sum Beyer Corpor_ the estimated cost fors of $33,409.00 as against and view of the fact that the b g Of $ the local - element �' 1171 - T school.Procject, California Docket No. Ra:are. likewise higher than e Council of the. City of.El Se expected, the City that if tinder the circ Segundo respectfully petitions for your Administration umstances, it is found t,, thathe to authorize construction both projects, that then and in such event Council would be willing to withdraw a the said City consent to the withdrawal of end does hereby in consideration of the its said Library Project, completion of proseettion and construction to Council deems saideschoola r school project at this time. Project absolutely as said . ly essential This.action is entirely agreeable to. the Board of said City being the members Pthe members . of said Libr Library and said Council a said City Council) ary Board both roe appreciates the fact that as money P j cts,. would be spent -for the benefit of community and therefore the completion of the school unit would largely benefit the same served by the library building Public,that.would , be This withdrawal, however, is only r be consented to only in the event. y suggested•and wound be proceeded with said school-. 't , The said Council is- withholding award og upon said public libr � contract: from you with reference tort e�endi hearin f to and does therefore a matters hereinabove refer ed% the same your. most earnest request that you give cannot hold said t earnest and early attention Pen indefinite a as we' indefinitely.. This communication is forwarded to instructions and authority.of the Cit co pars to the • y uncil of said City. Yours very. truly, Si ed C` Woodworth and City, attorney of the El Segundo., o, Cal ifornia ^. f BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED determines that the action 'that aid Council here shall be indicated in said letter e y •finds. and the same is hereby taken base:. Attorney is here by said Council. Quoted: by authorised to so represent .sid The foregoing g g resolution was $dopted by the following vote: Councilmen Gerow Noes: Councilmen None.' Hesser, Selby and Mayor Binder.;', Absent: Councilman Love. No further business appearing moved by Councilman Gerow to be transacted.st t adjourn. a seconded by Councilman Sel this meeting,,, it,. was Carried. bya that the.meeting Respectfully Approved: submitted,, Ma Cit Clerk. or. 4 s i i