1935 JUL 03 CC MINN` 221 El Segundo, California. July 3rd, 1935. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was celled to order on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by Peter E. Binder, ',' .1ayor. ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Gerow, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder. Councilmen Absent: Hesser. READING OF MINUTES OF PEI IOUS A1EFTI11IG . The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 26th- day of June, 1935, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. 4`RITTE114 COMMUNICATIONS. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: CALIFOFNIA KESTF.FN OIL CO. LTD., dated July 2nd, 1935, reruesting permit to erect and maintain an oil well derrick and its necessary appurtenances for the purpose of drilling an oil well on some portion of Lots 2, 3, 4, and E of J. H. Fisher Subdivision of Sectior. 12, T 3 S, R 15 R', S. B. B. & M.; also a letter from the same Company dated July 2nd, 1935, making application for permit to erect and maintain an oil well derrick and its necessary appurtenances for the purpose of drilling an oil well on some portion of Lots 1 and 2, of J. H. Fisher Subdivi::ion of Sectior. 12, T 3 S, R 15 W, S. B. B. & M. Councilman Hesser appeared at the meetin- at this point, the hour being 7:OE o'clock P. N[. and he immediately took his seat at the Council table. Following reading of the said communications, by common consent the same v.-ere ordered filed and Councilman Gerov: moved the adoption of Resolution No. 317, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUMMO, CALIFOFNIA, GRi- Li71IFG 0 CALI1OFu4IA F;FSTF`F'V OIL CO. LT1r, . A PEKIIT TO ERECT C:ND 1'kIK.TAIN 7,10 OIL 7,ELL DERhIGKS AND T'_ I:IF: 1,ECE,1:SAF°_ 12PUFTri11 laNCFS FO -F, THE PURPOSE OF DF.ILLIr:G TT:O OIL T.FLLS IN 'HE J. F. FIS`= SUBDIVISION 7,ITEIN SAID CITY ", - which was read. The motion to adopt the forer;oin€ resolution was seconded ly Councilman Hesser and curried by the follovring vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerov;, Hesser, Love, Selby and Mlayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. „ll Absent: Councilmen None. ORAL COiVb': ?UNICATIONS. C. McCray and 1;1r. Cooney addressee the Council in an endeavor to induce it to pass an ordinance limitin. the drilling of oil wells within the City of El Se u gndo to one well to each five acres of land. Lengthy disc,-as --ion of the matter ensued, at the conclusion of which the Council advised the proponents of the plan that it would have to give the matter more study and that in the meantime said proponents might discuss the proposition with the City Attorney so that said attorney will be in position to advise the Council full; and promptly with respect to the legal phases of such restriction or limitation. 222 --M w g REPORTS OF OFFICERS, AiND SPECIAL COP,,IIITTFES.. The City Treasurer reported that the July- 1st, 1935, installments of Principal and Interest upon Bond No. 38, Series B, issued to cover the amount of Assessment No. 296, levied a_-,ainst Lot 6, Block 9, Tract 1685, for the layin-- out and opening of Cypress and Other Streets witlin the City of El Segundo have not been paid and are therefore delinauent. Moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the following resolution be adopted: W=I S, the City of El Segundo, California, did, on the 2bth day of November, 1927, acquire by purchase that certain street improvement bond designated as Bond No. 38, Series B, for the opening of Cypress and Other Streets, under Resolution. of Intention No. 154 of the City of El Segundo, California, and is now the owner of said 'pond; and P=—EAS, this Council, after consideration_, deems that the whole amount of the unpaid remainder of said bond, with accrued interest, should be declared due and payable immediately, and that the Treasurer should proceed to advertise and sell the real property described in said bond as security for the payment of the said principal and interest; 1`:OZ°i THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVET, that the City of El Segundo, California., does hereby demand and that on its behalf the City Clem; demand in vrriting, said triting to be delivered to the City Treasurer of said City, that the said Treasurer proceed to advertise and sell said lot or parcel of land unless the unpaid rem - .inder of the principal sum of said bond, together with accrued interest, as expressed in said bond, is paid before such sale, and that in the event such payment be made prior to such sale, together with any cost which may have accrued thereon, as provided by law, that then and in that evert the said Treasurer shall cause said bond to be cancelled as contemplated in the Act of the Legislature of the State of California under which said bond was issued. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selb-,l and i4;ayor Binder. Foes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. The City Engineer reported that a fairly accurate estimate of the cost of strengthening and remodeling that portion of the City Hall used as sire Department headquarters and amusement rooms, discloses the same to be apuroximately $2700.00. By general consent action respecting the matter was deferred for one reek. UNFINISHED BliSINESS. In the matter of the request of the Electric Shop and six other petitioners that a paved street adjacent to the business section of the City be de il-nated as the location for the showing of public motion pictures on "onday nights of each reek, the Council had failed to arrive at a decision. It was therefore moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, and unanimously carried, that the matter be taken under further advisement for the period of one reek. PAYID'G ;?ILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finn.nce and Records, were read: Water Works Fund Water Yorks Fund Grimes— St;:ssforth Stationery Co. X2.46 I. N. Sumner 167. ?5 State Com-3ensation Ins. Fund 81.93 R. T. Hutchins 37.00 Industrial Printing & Stat. Co. 1.02 R. T..Hutchins 25.81 Fairbanks, Morse & Co. 844.72 Toestern Auto Supply Co. .87 E1 Segundo Herald 22.82 Griffith Hardware Co. 16.07 Water Yorks Fund James Smith $20.80 T. Kincaid Frances G. Lloyd 75.00 H. Bigler Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 33.25 J. Martin Builders Material Co. 37.09 R. Grow J. C. Osborne 102.00 C. Russell TOTAL T. B. Dinwiddie W. R. Pierce L. W. Dessert F. Dyer R. C. Campbell J. C. Bixler L. E. Loe A. G. Blair A. Soeuto A. R. Gunn F. A. Macdone.ld A. Schleuniger G. Neschke J. W. Miller J. D. Campbell W. H. Lennon 0. H. Barber E. R. Petersen D. B. Hancher C. G. Smith G. A. Todd H. A. Cosbey George McLauchlin C. K. McConnell Peter E. Binder John A. Gerow Orest 0. Hesser George Love William R. Selby Victor D. McCarthy Neva M. Elsey Minta Curtzwiler Clyde Woodworth Don C. Fugitt J. A. Cummings T. B. DeBerry M. H. McIntire C. C. Havens F,'. F. Allee George McLauchlin C. K. McConnell A. K. Tennis H. Burns W. A. Callahan R. T. Hutchins Frances Lloyd E. Morgan Alice Hope J. A. Macdonald E. J. Grow A. T. Miller J. Burgner F. L. Gregory A. Bogan D. Boyer K. Campbell P. Campbell A. Green 7,'. Henry 1468.59 General Fund 25.50 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 28.50 21.00 21.00 21.00 17.50 28.50 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 33.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 250.00 165.00 100.00 114.00 45.00 165.00 155.00 155.00 155.00 155.00 145.00 13.00 124.00 115.00 115.00 236.00 25.00 140.00 45.00 165.00 150.00 130.00 130.00 130.00 102.00 102.00 102.00 102.00 102.00 102.00 J. Sanko E. Teatherfield C. Bradford A. Hoblit J. Hullibarger P. Thompson 0. Foster 71. Sickler F. McGranahan H. Rhodes J. A. Cummings M. H. McIntire T. B.DeBerry C. C. Havens Wm. F. Allee R. Grow George McLauchlin Fred M. Barnes J. B. Catalano H. H. Goodwin Alex Haddock A. A. Harris Floyd Ingram Perry Jones E. R. Malone W. A. McDonald K. S. Searles R. H. Swain Henry G. Sights Chas. E. Whitehead Standard Oil Co. of Calif. American Bitumuls Company Consolidated Rock Products Co. Edna E. Leland Grimes - Stassforth Stat. Co. Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Co. E1 Segundo Herald So. Calif. Disinfecting Co. National Venetian Blind Co. Calif. Real Estate Association Western Union Telegraph Co. Inglewood Humane Society Ltd. Cafe Supreme Ada Clarke C. K. McConnell State Compensation Ins. Fund So. Calif. Gas Co. So. Calif. Telephone Co. George :". Green American Legion Auxiliary Gibson Motor Parts, Inc. Keystone Express Co. The Brown -Bevis Company Tibbetts -Carr Co. Ltd. J. A. Nadeau Company Air Reduction Sales Co. Featherstone's, Inc. Inglewood Auto Laundry Pacific Toro Compa#y Griffith Hardware Co. Metlox Manufacturing Co. Westinghouse Elect. & Mfg. Co. W 223 General Fund $10.40 10.40 41.60 27.95 10.40 10.40 10.40 33.15 10.40 15.60 5.20 15.60 10.40 10.40 5.20 1EO.82 139.16 165.00 173.95 151.08 160.55 124.56 88.67 250:40 12.54 249.60 14.00 239.20 6.00 192.99 19.20 167.00 14.00 9.60 14.00 131.57 464.70 322.82 13.00 3.97 3.16 109.81 9.04 59.40 1.50 2.10 54.90 .66 7.80 3.35 995.60 1.33 3.60 30.00 25.00 11.50 .35 25.31 20.50 9.55 16.29 9.96 5.00 2.61 17.95 5.00 13.06 224 --Nk General Fund J. Powers $102.00 Al. Rahan 102.00 D. Raynor 102.00 J. Schoening 102.00 A. Siebken 102.00 G. Turney 102.00 General Fund A. L. Hoblit $1.50 Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk 29.79 Builders Material Co. 39.44 TOTAL $10033.83 Moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. NEV BUSINESS. Moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Love, that the Street Superintendent be authorized and directed to have the name of the City of E1 Segundo painted upon both sides of the several trucks of the City of El Segundo, at a cost of not to exceed $2.00 per truck. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. At this time the Mayor announced the appointment of John A. Gerow, Orest 0. Hesser and William R. Selby as members of the Board of Trustees of El Segundo Public Library to succeed themselves as members of said Body, their respective terms having expired. Thereupon it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby that the appointment by the Mayor of John A. Gerow, Orest 0. Hesser and William R. Selby as members of the Board of Library Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, California, for a three year term ending June 30th, 1938, be and the same is hereby consented to, ratified and approved. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Love, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, 1 Approved: City, 1 r . Mayor. Cn P"