1935 JAN 30 CC MINM--13-
El Segundo, California.
January 30th, 1935.
A regular meetin- of the City Council of the Citv of El Ser undo. California,
v.---s called to order ^.t 7:00 o'clock P. ?!1. on the aboveV d.te, in the Council
Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by Peter E. Binder, Tla- or.
Councilmen Present: Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selhy and Uayor Binder.
Councilmen Absent: None.
The minutes of the reaul-ar meeting held on the ".3rd day of January, 1935,
r-ere read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Love,
seconjed by Councilman uerov:, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
The folloF;inr communications c-ere read and disposed of as indicated:
LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA 1.UNICIPALITIES, its Le;islative Bulletin No. 3
from Sacr=amento, California, undated, reporting upon the status of certain
nronosed le?islation affecting municipalities of the State of California.
Ordered filed.
HOLLIS R. THOP: 01,1, Chairman, Gasoline Tax Committee, League of
California P :Tunicinalities, dated January 26th, 1935, presenting a synopsis
of the gasoline tax measure, introduced in the California Legislature at the
recuest of Govel.-nor Merriam; also a digest of the Gasoline tax measure
introduced in the State Legislature and sponsored by the Learn -ue of California
Municipalities, together kith a synopsis of a rroposed bill for the State
administration of present County highways. Ordered filed.
DAVE OVERTURE, dated January 26th, 1935, soliciting his employment
as an expert in the preparation and _presentation of any applications for
loans and /or grants of Federal funds for local improvements, which the City
of E1 Segundo may make. Ordered filed.
Councilman Hesser of the Public Safety Committee incuired if the Division
of 7i -hua- s of the Department of Public Works of the State of California had
in�dcatedVits position with respect to the installation of boulevard stop signs
on Sen,zlveda Boulevard at Imperial Highway. Upon being advised by the City
Clerk that no renly had been received to his lest lettor - rddrecsed to said
De_)art�crt respecting said :natter, it was moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded
k Co,_mc_lmsn Selby and unanim� slur c�.rried, th. -.t the City Cl r'c of the City of
El Ser- ianr?o be autbori zed and directed to call the further attention of the
Division. of HiV' :c,a -Ts of the Department of Public Works of the State of California,
throu h its District En�-inPer, Mr. S. V. CortPhro '.;, -t Los Angeles. to the fact`
girt since the v,-r'-tin of the Clerk's last letter, additional traffic accidents
h.ve occarred at the intFrsect on of Se-)ulveda Bo,?1ev ^.rd and Imperial Highway,
involving injuri- to nersons and damage to nronert7T, an:': reouesting that said
De_)artmFnt -iv *eythe City's re ^U.est for the installation of boulevc;.rd stop_ signs
at t?l.is loca_tior- earl; favorable consideration.
Ren_ortin^ nrally ritn resDect to the proposed demolition of certain
structures, vrhich are a fire hazard, in a portion of Bloc:: 109 of the City of
138'- --N1
r ^_l Se undo, the City Attorney advised th -_t he had received the consent of the
owner of said nropert� -, throu,h her attorney, an! of the ?erson holding a
mort -rase a'-'first said orooerty, to such demolition. There was some
uncertainty, however, as to whether or not the materials sa.lv,�c -ed from the
demolition should be nreserved for the use of the or.'r_er of said rronPrty and
the attorney naree6 to h--vP the point decided btr furthor cnr- 'Prrir_ r-i_t.h the
owner's attornp -, -nn VIer-�after to advise the Cit-r FnJine(-r of the Citlr of
El Se7un:io with respect thereto.
i�;one .
U�'I'�iISuFD FL;�I'�:ESS.
YF Bli °I' "FSS.
",loved by Co�.�ncilman Love, seconded bsr Councilman Selbv,that the purchase
of SGO# of fish fertilizer fr)r nsP in the Grand-Avenue Park of the City of
El he arch the same is hereby authori.zed,'at a cost of not to eyceed
P10.00. Carried h%, +hp follorin-- vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Seib-:- anti '?avor Binder.
F oes: Councilmen Nonp.
Absent: Councilmen None.
The Cit -* Clerk advised the Coy -;ncil of his receipt, from the Federal
smerPnc-r Admini-strwtior. of Public Yorks, of a form of questionnaire prepared.
for the iistin- of necessary or desirable public projects of permanent value,
r"'ri_ch '.gill cre� -tP fut»rP wealth or better standards of livi n^, and rhich will
e nnport;?nitiPs for Pmnloyment of the maximum practicable amol3nt of
direct, lal,or, and w1nich cuestionn -.ire, it wa.s requested, be filed with the
Public i',-orks Administrr.tinn Enfrineer at Los Angeles, prior to February 11, 1935.
Tile Clerk draw attention to the simil -rite of this nuestionnrirP with-
tInat, bprptofore submitter by the California State Planninu Board, action upon
which has been deferred by the Council.
Follov.fira consideration of the matte: and reference to the classes of
-projects which the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works submitted
as beinn indic^.tive of possibilities, the Council sii7 -ested a number of items
V-ich mi --ht be listed in the cuestinnnaires ?_nd on motion of Councilman Hesser,
seconr9Pd by Councilm -.n Gerow, and crhich was unanimously carried, the City
Clerk was authorized and directed to complete the questionnaires of the Federal
Emer�,Pn_cy Administration of Public Forks and California State Planning Board,
with resnpct to possihle public projects within the City of El Segundo,
l�_st.in- therein the -_:projects selected by this Council this date, and to foward
sv.ch nnest.ionnaires, when completed, to their proper, destinations.
No flurther bi._siness apoearin�- to be transacted at this session, it was
mov d bz Councilman Gel n , second e. a i.Zr Councilman Sell—
that the meetin
ad j ourr until l:onday, the 4th day of F ebru-. rv, 195F, at 4:15 o'clock P. P.7.
Respectfully submitted,
Cit�r Jerk.
-aa-ror .