1935 JAN 09 CC MINNI 131 El Segundo, California. JanuL -2� 9th, 1955. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, was c -lled to order at 7:00 o' cloc'_c P. ;;_. on the ahove date, i r_ ±,he Council Chamber of the Citir Hall of said City by Peter E. Binder, "azior. ROLL C_ -.LL. Councilmen Present: Hesser. Love, Selby any :;ayor Birder. Couuacilmen absent: Gerow. hT The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 2nd da77, of January, 1955, sere read. No errors or omissions anoearin?, the minutes were approved as read, upon mot -on of Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, which carried. FGRITILPr CXE:UIT.L _TIONS. The following communic= .tions were read and disnosed of as indicated: C.1,IFOi ?I ST :Tr: ?LAP:P'IP`G dated January 7th, 1935, urging the orene.rat -ion of plans and snpci- 'icati(:ns for public v:orks within the City of E1 SeT-undo, so that in event the Federal Government should armrooriate funds for the prosecution of desirable oublic rrvrks, this Cit.-'r may be in position to qualify for a sharp. thereof. By general consent the subject is to be iven consideration b -Tr members of the Council during, the cominr- week and the communication acted nnor at the next meetin7 of the Council. None. REPORTS OF OFFIC! RS ANP SPECIP -L CO!"TUITT11S. The Street Superi rterrlpnt reoortrA th.-,t he Pn:a Councilman Geror; had visited the nurser,- of Geo. B. Southard and n1irc_ lased the Carob trees, as heretofore directed by the Council, but that "r. Southard recommended the trees be not planted until after February lst, when weather condLtions will h- ;ve moder.ted to some extent. This su rested delay was approved b -; the Council. y Attorney George Lzr,,rence, who rags oresent at this meet,in7 in lieu of Ct,,r attorney Woodworth, advised_ of receipt of a letter from the American Cit =r `ar-azine, ansv~erinT an earlier suer -, made by him respectinn st_�ndb-- char`es for grater service. The Attnrnp, alsn dr.ev, attention to the provisions of Subdivision 7 of an order of the Railroad Commission of the :7tate of California, in the muter of Aonlication No. 192x1, and suo= est(�6 that if the facts rarrant. the z­Jlrn: =d Commission be advised thatvthe cDn�tpT7,1rat,,? „r ^er the Omer 5- ?s beer completed. It ano.- arin - from discussion that the impr•nve- ment mentioned in said Anplic= tionh s keen firishpd, the Clerr vas directFd to o �rivi e saiC = K.ilroad Commission. 132— N% PrYI!, -G LILL.-`. The follov,inn demands, having had the wn_ proval of the Committee on "irance and Records, v-er, re-,.d: Pacific Electric Co. Ire: ". Lscobar ;'t =1of =man Co. Builders 'd__terial Co. fret anal hark of Los cr�pl co So�7therr Calif. Edison Co. Southern Calif. Edison Co. n ener�l +'lL'1 i ?1 General � and .00 Gibson :rotor Part-, Inc. °.73 7.2n Featherstone's, Inc. lF.F8 .70 StcTld ?rC! 3il Co. of Calif. 13�.5r 10 9.21 Roc, aro;' :pct. Co. 4FF.77 o :ahem Calif. Fdisnn Co. 223.02 F.00 Southern Calif. Edison Co. 5.F3 29.00 7. 1de.t1c- i.,Ia:uf cturin =- Co. A.00 :4.78 Ed-n_: E. Leland. TOTAL P1110.11 ov�d by Ccuncilman Se1.by, seconded by Councilm ^n Loge, that the demands be a ll.�o err. an,, v,arrarts drawn on and raid out of the General Fund covering the same. Carried b;.- the follor :.-in.7 vote: k-Tes: Councilmen Hescer, Love, Sell--.- and :: ".a.vor Binder. IToes: Cou- rcilmen- None. i,bsert: Coir;cilman Geror. ?:o fi;rther business 2.enearinS to be trans! =.cted at this meetin: *, it v;as moved b-• Councilmen iiesser, seconded by Councilman Love, that the meetin- ad,iourn. C rri o 3 Respectf ly suhmitted, 01 m Me