1934 MAR 14 CC MIN36o'- L.
El Segundo, California.
Larch 14th, 1934.
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California,
was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. L. on the above date, in the Council
Chamber•of the City Hall of said City, by Peter E. Binder, Mayor.
Councilmen Present: Gerow, Hesser and :.:ayor Binder.
Councilmen Absent: Love and Selby.
IT:ADI NG OF i:II sS OF P3:17I0US :::r;ETL`Ds.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 7th day of :::arch, 1934,
were read. No errors or omissions appearin -, it was moved by Councilman
Nero:-, seconded by Councilman Eesser, that the ninutes be approved as read.
The folloring co=unications were read and disposed of as indicated:
_-t�LLI n53OCILTIC1.1 dated u: ch nth, 1934
transmitting memorandum of resolution adopted by said Association at its
meetin- eld ::arch 5th, 1934. 'Zhe Clerk wus instructed to advise said
.ssoc;ation that the City of =7 Segundo has not been confronted with any
of the protlems referred to in said resolution.
�ON:L R. CO' _CN, dated .:arch 13th, 19: ,, a re,;ort of the quarterly
audit of the accounts and records of the various offices and departments
of the City of 'E1 Segundo for the - uarter endin December 31st, 1933, as
ride by him, verifyin7 their satisfactory condition. Ordered filed.
CALIFORN.1A X -IUC=L UTILITL'S A:;SOCl2,TION, dated :. arch 6th, 19349
respectinC the successful operation of municipal utilities within the State
of California, and the part they play in the reduction in taxes in the
cor-- unities within which they operate. Ordered filed.
S�'UTT A YE LAND MI DRO c.NT CO!.PAY Y, dated Larch 12, 1934, File No.
640 -9 -1, respecting easements of Southern California Edison Company,
Southern California Telephone Company and Southern California .xas Company in
or adjacent to those certain parcels of land in Section 7, Township 3 South,
-iange 14 -.pest, S. B. B. & L:. heretofore granted the City of-]l Segundo, for
public street purposes, by said Santa Fe Land Improvement Company. Ordered
LOS LMELES COUN'T'Y IaL E OF 11.UNICIP:iLITL,S, undated, respecting the
38th regular monthly meeting of said Association, to be held Thursday, .:arch
15th, 1934; and
CITY OF CULTEM CITY, undated, respectin_ the before mentioned meetin -1,
and urging attendance thereat. Three members of the Council indicated their
desire to attend said meeting and the Clerk was instructed to make necessary
reservations for them.
L'E 3'UE OF Cr.LIFO ?- NIA i171,11CM,1I I Ste, undated, advising of theo4doption^
by the Joard of Directors of said League, at its joint meeting with the State -wide
advisory Committee thereof, held in San Francisco, February 9th and 10th,
1934, respecting legislative policy and liquor control. Ordered filed.
,LIZRICAN LEGION A`T,=LM -, dated Larch 10th, 1934, expressing appreciation
of the recent action of the Council in augmenting its support of the L:others'
Educational Center in :�l Segundo, sponsored by said Auxiliary. Ordered filed.
L-.r 367
WESTERN CONFERENCE ON GOVE1U0 T, dated Larch 8th, 1934, transmitting
program of said Conference to be held at the university of California, ''arch
28th to 30th, Incl., 1934. Ordered filed.
Mr. Hal Halter, representing the Senior Class of it Segundo High School,
requested permission for his class to suspend a banner across Richmond Street,
for the purpose of advertising the Senior Class play. Moved by Councilman
serow, seconded by Councilman ` nesser, that the Senior Class of-4-11 Segundo High
School be and it is hereby granted permission to suspend a banner across
Richmond Street, between Grand Avenue and Franklin avenue, provided said
banner is erected at a height to insure clearance for passing vehicles, and
in such manner as not to interfere with traffic or in any way endan '-er the
public, and provided further, that such erection and suspension, and the
equipment and means used in connection therewith, shall be satisfactory to
the Street Superintendent of the City of :11 Segundo. Carried.
The amity engineer reported that he had received a conarunication from the
UWA denying this City's application for engineering and clerical help;
Also that the yl Segundo Avenue CIPA job will be closed ;::arch 15th,' 1934,
and the men employed there transferred to the Coast Boulevard job;
Also that the CriA has agreed to furnish two trucks in connection With
the improvement of Coast Boulevard;
Also that Southern California L dison Company has advised him by letter
that it will be glad to cooperate with the "March of Values" event sponsored
by the merchants of the City of El Segundo, to be held Larch 23rd and 24th,
1934, and in this connection said Company will turn on all of the lights on
all of the electroliers within the business district on the dates mentioned,
without cost to the City of '1 Segundo or to the merchants;
Also that the work of*irstall'7ng the culvert on E1 Segundo Boulevard,
between Arizona Drive and Inglewood- Hedondo Road will be completed .arch
15th, 1934.
Moved by Councilman u'erow, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the Street
Superintendent be and he is'hereby authorized and instructed to cause boulevard
stop signs to be erected in Lapham Street and Northrop Street at their'inter-
sections with Imperial highway, at a cost of not'to exceed 9"10.00. Carried by
the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser and Leyor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Love and Selby.
s No further business appearing.to be transacted at this session, it was
moved by Councilman•Gerow, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that-the meeting
adjourn until Friday, the 16th day of Larch, 1934, at the hour of 4:40 o'clock
P.' b2. Oarried. .
04 a _ �O i
. _
respectfully submitted,
iii ="M7A