1934 DEC 12 CC MIN118-M
E1 Segundo, California.
December 12th, 1934.
S re7ular meetin of the Citi.r Council of the City of El Segundo, California,
was c-lled to order at 7:00 o'clock P. :I. on the above date, in the Council
Chaml;er of the City Dail of sni,r' City, by Peter E. Binder, r"ayor.
Councilmen Present: Hesser, Love, Sely and '.,a,,or Binder.
Councilmen Absent: Gerov. V
The minutes of the re,--ulsr meetin• held on the 5th day of December, 193 ,6,
Yrere read. No error:; or omissions a.ppearin,r, it was moved by Councilman
Love. seconded by Councilman Selby, that the minutes be approved as read.
The f ollor,i nn- communicati(;ns sere read and dispose' of Ls in:iicated:
December 10th, 193,1, reni- iestin:^ consideration
sho,J.d any v -caney occur in Citz7 emolovment. Ordered riled.
James Halter, as rP.nresertative of El Sep -undo High School Alumni
rs,sociation, re- uested permission to use certain portable li- htinp: eouinment
of the City of Ll Eemill6o at the ---Ii-h School gymnasium, December 15th, 1934.
oved CY Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that El Ser-undo
r School alumni Association, be and it is hereby gr «nted. permission to
use t,r P r)ortrble electric li�-htino, wirin^ ecuioment of the City of Fl Segundo
^t L.1 Sep undo Hi�,h School gymnasium, December 15th, 1934, on the occasion of
sai^ Associatior's annual dance, provided that sail Association rill transnort
Paid eouip?nPnt from the munici-oal warehouse to said gymnasium and return the
s =:mF to said v--.rehouse in as Uood condition as when received. Carried.
The City Clerk renorte that he had been advised by Councilman Gerow
that until the Council eras further advised, the Utopian' Society of El Segundo
r-o- 7.,' +.er- mirat.e its weekly rental of the City Hall Auditorium with its meeting
} -Ph Decem per 1 ^th, 1p -* -4.
The Clerk advised also that for the purpose of holding a soccia.l meeting,
the Utooi! r_ Soci etv of El Se�-undo
kudiCorium December 21st, 1934, w
seconded b,.r Councilman Love, that
rental charge of X3.75 to be made
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen None. V
Absent: Councilman Gerow.
desired permission to use the City Hall
?".ereu��n it was moved by Councilman Selby,
this perm_i_ssian be granted, the customary
therefor. Carried by the follorvin ; vote:
The City Attorne-- re�ortec that the final judgment of condemnation had been
filed and entered and sent to the County Recorder of Los AnEeles County for record,
en'. t,iat. as soon as the same is returned to him by the Recorder, it will be
delivered to the City Clerk for filing in his office.
The City Attorney reported also that there had been submitted to him for
opinion as to form, form of contract which the Metlox Manufacturing Company had
requested -oroner officials of the City of E1 Segundo to execute, to cover the
purchase by said City of a Neon sign, o- 2dered purchased December 5th, 1934
from said Comnzny. He advised that the contract is satisfactory in form
and t'_-at the Mayor and the City Clerk may execute the same in accordance with
resolution adopted by the Council upon the date hereinbefore mentioned.
The hour of 7:15 o'clock P. 111. at this meeting, having heretofore been
fixed as the hour and date for the reception of bids for furnishir? s ^id Citv
with certE�in cuantities of Portland cement, sand and No. 3 crushed rock, as
advertised for by the City Clerk in his Notice to Bidders dated November -22nd
1934, and authorized by the City Council of said City, the 11;a3ror announced the
hour of 7:14 o'clock P. M., and asked if any person or persons present desired
to file bids for furnishinc said materials.
The hour of 7:15 o'clock P. rI. having arrived and all bids being* in,
the i'dayor declared the receiving of bids for furnishing the City* of El Segundo
zith the materials advertised for in that certain notice of the City Clerk
;published in El Segundo Herald, November 29th and December 6th, 1934, closed.
The Clerk announced that three bids had been received.
It. was thereuocn moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman
Love, that the Council proceed to open, examine and publicly declare all bids
received for furnishing the City of E1 Segundo with certain ouantities of
Portland cement, Sand and No. 3V Crushed Rock, as advertised for b;r the City
Clerk. Carried.
The Council then proceeded to open, examine and publicly declare said
t-ids, T ich sair bids wer- found by said Council to be as follows, to -wit:
Bid of Graham Brothers, Inc. as follows, to -wit:
"Long Beach, California.
December 12, 1934.
Honorable City Council,
City of El Segundo,
El Seg �r_do, California.
We propose to furnish you with the following con -
str»ction materials, at terms and conditions shown herein, to
be delivered f.o.b. job site on Arizona Drive or any other
designated address within the City of El Segundo.
Cement: F.O.B. cars El Segundo in minimum carloads of 640 sacks.
4750 sacks in cloth sacks at 64¢ per sack x:3,040.00
In pager sacks at 59¢ per sack 21802.50
F.O.B. job site in loads of less than 640 sacks.
4750 sacks in cloth sacks at 70Y per sack 3,325.00
In paper sacks at 656 per sack 3,087.50
If laborator;,- tested cement is reouired add
.0075 per sack to the above prices.
A crFdit of.10t per sack will be allowed for empty
cloth sacks returned to us in rood condition.
Discount 2�¢ per sack for payment of the account in
full on or before the 10th day of the following
month after date of invoice.
Sand and Rock:
535 tons sand at 61.60 per ton ;� 856.00
950 tons No. 3 crushed rock at $2.10 per ton 1,995.00
Note: TonnaCe figures are based on material weight
of 2600 lbs. Per cubic yard. The _provisions of
the Code of Fair Competition under which we operate
forbids our quoting prices per cubic yard for sand
and rock.
Discount 20¢ per ton for payment of the account in
full on or before the 25th of the following month
after date of invoice.
For loads of less than 5 tons there will be an extra
cartaue of 50t per ton for the difference between 5 tons and
the amount actually hauled.
Cement prices c_uoted herein will be effective if this
proposal is accepted within 15 days from the date of opening
and actual construction begins within 90 days from the date of
award and nroceeds without undue delay to completion.
Sand and rock prices ouo'.ed 'herein will be of ective if
this nronosal is accepted within 60 days from the date of award
and actual construction begins within 180 days from the date of
award and proceeds without undue delay to completion,
The foregoing prices do not include the State Sales Tax,
which will be computed at 250 on the actual amount pair. for the
Materials ouoted herein will be delivered within the time
as reruired b-,* the City of Ll Segundo, but not less than 3 hours.
'Jateria.ls which we would furnish under this proposal would
be manufactured wholly within the State of California.
Vie wish to advise that we are comnlving with all provisions
of the various Codes of Fair Comn_etition, as per Title No. 1 of
the national Industrial Recovery Act, under which we operate.
We sincerely hope that prices, terms and conditions, as
set forth in this proposal, will meet with your aporoval.
Very truly yours,
GP -iAi:: BPOT =i7RS, INC.
By H. E. Minaha.n.
This proposal is accompanied by a bidders bond in the amount
of $650.00, which is not less than 10% of the tcbLl amount of the bic?.."
Said bid was accompanied by Bidders Bond in the sum of $650.00, with Graham Brothers,
Inc. as Principal and The Aetna Casualty and Surety Company as Surety.
Bid of Builders Material Co. as follows, to—Tit:
"El Segundo, California
12 December 1934.
Honorable City Council,.
City Hall,
El Z?gundo, Calif. 'Bid on Materials"
Arizona Drive.
• In accordance with your call for bids, a copy of which
is attached hereto, we are pleased to submit the folloring:
C7. -FENT — In carload lots — Delivery by truck & trailer to
Job Site --
In cloth sacks .64 per sk 2.56 per bbl
In nailer sacks .59 " 2.36
Cloth sack refund - -.10 each
For Laborator -,- tested cement add .03
Cash Discount -- .025 per sk .10 " "
W 121
CE::ENT — L.C.L. Any Quantity -- delivered to Job Site
In cloth sacks .70 per sk $2.80 Der bbl
In paper sacks .65 n n 2.60 -n n
Cloth sack refund -- .10 each
For Laboratory: tested cement add .03 " ++
Cash Discount -- .025 per sk .10
SAND — Concrete or Plaster -- 410 yards
(Approximately 574 tons) 1.60 Der ton
Cash Discount .20 _11 it
ROCK — #3 Crushed, or #2 crushed,
Gravel all sizes 2.10 _Der ton
Cash Discount X20 11 it
730 yards (Approx. 912 tons)
Cashiers Check No. 345961 issued by the Bank of
America, Redondo Beach, is attached hereto. (5580.00).
Your attention is respectfully invited to the fact that
we maintain our own bunkers and material handling equipment
locally, carry food stocks of all the materials listed above, and
are prepared to give you the type of deliveries you could only
obtain by owning and operating your own plant and trucks.
Respectfully yours,
By R. J. Kuhn, Prop."
Said bid was accompanied by Cashier's Check No. 345961, drawn on
the Bank of America, Redondo Beach, payable to City of El Segundo in amount
of $580.00.
Bid of Consolidated Rock Products Co. as follows, to —wit:
"Los Angeles, Calif.
December 11, 1934.
Honorable City Council,
City of El Segundo,
Pursuant to your advertisement dated November 2. -, 1934,
attached hereto, for prices on Sand, Crushed Rock and Cement
for delivery f.o.b. job site, on Arizona Drive (Sepulveda Blvd)
within said City of El Segundo, rye are pleased to quote you at
the unit. prices set forth below:
Approx. 545 Tons Washed Concrete Sand at $1.60 per ton $872.00
it 975 " #3 Crushed Rock at 2.10 per ton 2047.50
" 4,750 Sacks Regular Cement at .64 per sack 3040.00
,(Cloth Sacks)
Empty cement sacks in good condition returnable at 102 each.
Bid on cement is void unless accepted within fifteen (15)
days from bid date.
The price quoted on cement is based on deliverzr of one
carload lot, (640) sacks, within 48 hours, direct from mill.
Bid on rock and sand is void unless accepted within sixty
(60) days from bid date.
The California Retail Sales Tax is not included in prices.
1,22 -- N,
If applicable the tax is to be added to this bid. The tax
will be computed upon the amount actually paid for the material.
Vie have signed the applicable Code of Fair Competition for
the material quoted on and are abidin`, and v.ill continue to abide
by the provisions thereof.
TERMS: All invoices for rock and sand are due and payable on
the 25th day of the following month after date of invoice, subject
to a discount of 20¢ per ton provided account is paid in full on
or before that date; otherwise NET.
TEF2.ir-: All invoices for cement are due and payable on the
10th day of the following month after date of invoice, subject to a
discount of 21¢ per sack provided account is paid in full on or be-'ore
that date; otherwise NET.
We enclose herewith Certified Check No. 344 of the Citizens
National Trust & Savings Bank, payable to the City of E1 Segundo, in
the amount of $600.00.
Should we be awarded this business, we will give you the best of
service and materials.
Very truly yours,
Walter Moore, Jr.
General Sales ;Manager."
Said bid was accompanied by Certified Check No. 1362, drawn on Citizens National
Trust & Savings Bark, payable to City of El Segundo, in amount of $600.00.
The reading of said bids having been concluded, the Council discussed
ttiie matter of awarding the contract for the furnishing of the materials, and it
appearir_a that written assurance that S.E.R.A. cooperation will be forthcoming
heal not been received up to this time, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded
by Councilman Selby, that when this meeting adjourns, it adjourn until the hour
of 4:30 o'clock P. N., December 17th, 1934, and that all bids received this date
for furnishing the City of El Segundo with certain quantities of Portland cement,
sand and No. 3 crushed rock, be taken under advisement until that time. Carried
by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Gerow.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was
moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the meeting adjourn
until P.ionday, the 17th day of December, 1934, at the hour of 4 :30 o'clock P. M.
Mayor .
Respectfully submitted,