1934 DEC 05 CC MINM, -113 El Segundo, California. December 5th, 1934. A regular meeting* of the City Council of the Cite of ElSegundo, California, w<.s called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. I,% on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City by Peter E. Binder, Mayor. ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder. Councilmen Absent: None. EE�IDING OF MINUTES OF PREVICUS MEETINGS. The minutes of the regular meeti }g held on the 28th day of November, 197))4, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on the 3rd day of December, 1934, were read, without error or omissions appearing. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. PrRITTEN CO3'.3M1IC L_TIONS. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: JA',!ES Z';. ELY, dated December 5th, 1934, who had previously applied for a position as motor patrolman, advising that he is now living at No. 321 crest El Segundo Boulevard, El Segundo. Ordered filed. JZ.-MS GRIFFIN, dated December 5th, 1934, requesting a permit to operate and maintain a do- kennel at No. 117 Richmond Street, E1 Segundo. Moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 188 of the City of El Segundo, and ordinances amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, James Griffin be and he is hereby granted permission to operate a dog kennel at No. 117 Richmond Street, within the City of El Segundo, for the term provided by said ordinance, provided he procures.the license Drescribed by said ordinance, which said license the poun?master of the City of El Segundo is hereby directed to deliver to the Licensee herein named upon payment of the fee fixed by said Ordinance. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. S. V. CORTEFLYOU, District Engineer, Division of Highways, Department of Public Works of the State of California, dated December 4th, 1934, replying to the City Clerk's letter dated November 23rd, 1934, indicating a declination on the hart of the Division of Highways to establish boulevard stops, on Sepulveda Boulevard at Imperial Highway, inasmuch as it has been the policy of the Commission not to establish Boulevard Stops agwinst the main throw -h highways except in extreme uses; where this seemed to be the only solution to traffic control, st= t_ing, however, that the intersection of Sepulveda Boulevard aii�. lliiii t iii Highway will be. kept under observation for future action. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the followin;; resolution be adopted: 114-- M ov RESOLVED, that the communication from S. V. Cortelyou, District Encineer of Division 7 of Hi�-hvra.- Department of the St�.te of California, be received and placed on file; and BE IT "7URT=iEn RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall address a reply to said communication indicating to Mr. Cortelyou the fact that apnarently two of the accidents mentioned in the Clerk's letter to said District -17,n�7ineer h -d not been referred to in said District Engineer's communication of December 4th, nalyzing• the situation and to further advise said District En7 ineer. tit since the previous information had been furnished that an additional accident had occurred at the intersection in nuestion; and -T IT FCRT1iFR RESOLVED, that said Clerk shall include in s ^.;d reuly communication a general statement to the effect that the City Council of the City of El Se__,undo is sincerely in earnest in its belief that a four -way boulevard stop should be established at the intersection refer_ed to. The foreq oin- resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Geror:, Hesser, Love, Selby and INa -•or Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. H. C. S73ILFY, M. D., District Health Officer, dated November 28th, 19.'4, reporting- upon the activities of the Health Department of Los Angeles Count,r ' in the City* of El Segundo during the month of October, 1934. Orier�-rl filed. ORAL COPT.:. UNICY.TIONS. r. James E. Hunt, on behalf of the Woman's Club of El Segundo, informed the Council that it is the custom of said Club to -ive a dance once each year for the youth of the Community and that said Club trould like permission to use the City Hall Auditorium for this purpose December 29th, 1954. Moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Love, that Toman'S Club of El Segundo be granted permission to use the City Hall Auditorium on the evening of December 29th, for the purpose of holding a dance, no charge to be made for such use. Carried. None. REPORTS OF STANDING COP.- U- 1ITTEES. REPORTS OF OFFICERS _ 2qD SPECIAL =PAITTEES. The City Clerk dreg attention to a conflict between the provisions of Resolution No. 298 of the City of El Se� -undo and an informal resolution of the City* Council adopted June 13th, 1934, whereupon it was moved by Councilman Hester, seconded by Councilman Love, that the following resolution be adopted: 17HERErS, the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, on the 18th day of June, 1934, adopted a reso- lution in words and figures as follows: 'Resolved, that from and after June 16th, 1934, and until the further order of this Council, all resolutions or parts of resolutions respecting the compensation of, or time off allov.-ances to regular bolice officers of the City E1 Segundo for extra or overtime services, be and the same are hereby declared to be suspended or inoperative and that for such overtime or extra services as said rec*ular police officers may be reouired to perform under the direction of or in accordance with the in- structions of the Chief of Police of the City of El Se -undo, they be compensated on a pro rata basis at their usual monthly salary rates."; and, Mr 115 ZQ WHIEREPS, said Council now deems that the reasons which justified the arrangement referred to in said above quoted resolution have now passed; NOr THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the said above quoted resolution be and the same is hereby repealed, effective immediately, it being the purpose and intention of this - repeal to provide that the arovisions of Resolution No. 298, of said City, adopted December 20th, 1933 shall continue in effect on and after this date as thou: -h said resolution al)ove quoted had never been adopted. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hessen, Love, Selby and ' "ayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. T=FINISHED BU::INESS. A discussion respecting the erection of an "El Segundo" sign at Sepulveda Boulevard and Imperial Highway, heretofore petitioned for by certain of the citizens of the Cit, of E1 Segundo was had and consideration 7:9s -iven to the several bids heretofore received on signs. Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that a double - faced 'Neon sign, as referred to in the second paragraph of the letter of ,Aetlox Aanufacturino Company of Manhattan Beach, dated September 26th, 1954, be ourchased from said T.ietlox :is.nufacturin• Company and erected by said Como,any at the Southwest corner of Imperial Highway and Sepulveda Boulevard, at such point as may be indicated by the Street Superintendent of said City, at a total cost of not to exceed $122.00, plus California State Sales Tax. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and Tlayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. PAYING HILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on finance and Records, were read: General Fund General Fund Grimes- Stassforth Stat. Co. .92 Harry H. Davis, TM. D. $5.00 Griffith Hardware Company 10.30 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. 129.19 Gibson Taotor Parts, inc. 10.78 Builders Material Co. 4.14 The In�lewood Book & Stat. Co. 7.02 TOTkL $167.35 "oved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Love, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on and paid out of the General Fund covering the same. Carried by the following vote: ryes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen NonF.. P1Et'. BU1Ii::F,_S. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the El Segundo Executive Committee of the Community National Housing Campaign be granted pArmission to use the Council Chamber of the City hall of the City of E1 Segundo for the purpose of holding a meetinc-, at such date as may be designated by R. T. Hutchins, Chairman of said Committee, provided said Council Chamber is available for such use on such date as may be selected. Carried. N- 117 F.ioved by Councilman Hesser, seconded by Councilman Love, that the purchase of two uedestrian lane traffic stop signs be authorized, at a cost of not to exceed $20.00, plus sales tax. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and 'dayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. ':roved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the suns heretofore erected on Concord Street, between Grand Avenue and E1 Segund.o.Boulevard, prohibiting trucking on said street, be removed. Carried by the followin -f vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby- an' idayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meetinc:, it crr­s moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Love, that the meetinc* adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, unproved: Cit;r Cl rk. Mayor.