1934 APR 25 CC MIN''l Segundo, California �Lpril 25th, 1934, A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of _­1 Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. :. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City :gall of said City, by Peter L. :cinder, .layor. ROLL CI,LL. Councilmen Present: :lesser, Love, Selby and :.!,a-,,or Binder. councilmen Absent: Gerow. _ I:TG OF YJ..N--Uf.:S OF PR::TIOUS The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 18th day of �Ipril, 1934, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was :loved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman - lesser, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. =he minutes of the special.megtin,- held on the 20th day of _.pril, 193=, were read, without error or omission appearing, and were approved as read upon motion of Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Hesser, which carried. RIfi1:� :, CCi._.L %TICr1TI0`:;. fhe following corzaunicatigns were read and disposed of as indicated: DISTRICT CO_?I :ITT"�:�• - . IS'IIRICT :30. 2 - 3 GIO:T NO. 151 Code of Fair Competition for the ::rushed Stone, Sand and Gravel and Slag Industry, undated, settin forth various provisions which apply as conditions of sale under the Code of ?air Competition for the Crushed Ltone, wand and sravel and 61ag industry. '.he City 1�ttorne -- stated that in his orinion all of t'_ese provisions were being complied with by the City of :�l Segundo in making purchases of these various co=dities and the corn— mmication :vas ordered filed. ITS' OF S1�,TTL :XNICA, being an invita l ion to attend the First estern Shade Free Conference, to ';e held in the ::.iles :. :e -,:orial ziall at manta : onica, on 'y'hursday, "pril 26th, 1934. No member of the Council being in position to attend said Conference, t_.e co_. .-unication vas ordered filed. �L S:� lNDO :;LPL SCCUTS, invitin the Council to attend Open 'Liouse, Thursday, :.:ay 3rd, 1934 at the Girl scout = louse. Ordered filed. :3.iOCILMO :17' uF CITIT PL;L:ZL:3S OF LOS L- :T : :S 0OL =ii', dated '.pril .;;0th, 1934, inviting the Council and City Officials to attend a special meeting to be held on Friday, n .pril 27th, 193', in the Cha^iber of Commerce Juildin;, Los "n�eles, at which meetins --r. E'dwin jam. Cottrell, Professor of Political economy at Stanford 'university will be the principal speaker. Ordered filed. CR: =,I. CO : :.:L'�T1Cn� I0:`TS • r. Peskin 1organ addressed the Council, inc.,uirin�, if there was a possibility for aim to obtain employment from the City of Ll judo. 'e was advised by the :.:ayor that there are no openings at ti_e present ti .me, and the Otreet Superintendent was instructed to keep his nave on file in event there is an opportunity for his em loyment. :,'one. =P03TS OF OFFICES IUM 3P CIAL CO ,-&.I-:IT =S. The City Engineer filed with the City Clark a list of "Sug_ested Improvements to Street- Li;hting S-1stem in the Residential :%istrict of the -1 —W L.:- 395 City of Ll Segundo ", which list said "ngineer had prepared in accordance with instructions of the Council subsequent to a survey made by the members thereof of the present street lighting system. the Ln,gineer was directed to ascertain wliat the charge will be for the additional installations and changes desired, and to report back to this Council. the City Engineer submitted his estimate i�o. 6 for work performed to April 25th, 1934, by .1. L. :,'cClain, under his contract with the City of L1 Segundo for the improvement of Lrizona Drive, sometimes also :mown. as Sepulveda Boulevard witLin the City of sl Segundo. It a�pearin that certain :monies are due the said Contractor, which should be paid fron, State funds, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Council- man Selby, that the following resolution be adopted: the Cit Engineer of the City of El Segundo, California, pursuant to proceedin-,s heretofore 'tad by this Council, in connection rith the prosecution of tale work or improvement o-f :xizona Drive, wit'-in said City, under a contract heretofore aaarded to Z. L. ..cClain, as contractor for the performance o the said work, or improvement, has presented to t - =is Council his estimate, being Asti mate ::o. 6, of the wor'. completed fro.-, tine co=encement of said -cork up to npril 25th, 1936; iv0';• -::1L_.- .?0?�, I` :30L r_,D, that a copy of said sti::,ate :.o. o be and the sale is hereby o2dered placed on file in the of-"'Lee o_ the Cit -.- Cler ; for t:.e ourposes of iden-�ification a,-,,d reference; that the amity Clerk is hereb;,, au� orized and instructed to fOr :arc to the _-)epar .:cnt- of rublic ,•or:s, _ivision of _.i h�ia�'S CL t }78 State Of �allfOrnia, t118 said �.Stin;ate i 0. O, toc- ;etaer + itil S C;i de:..and as ::3 ' be necessanr upon the pr c J 1 depal't=, 2n. the--e0 the--eof for the pa-Tnent of tae amount indicated thereon as progress pay:a::nt. the fore`oing resolution was adopted b -- the following vote: 1�7:es: Council: en ::esser, Love, Lelby and -.a-:or Binder. :oes: nouncilzen i:one. .. bse nt : Council =,Mn '_�erow. •fne City attorney reported that the 3uprcne �ou_rt, on rehearing in the case of Limrican Comte ny vs. the of La::eport, involving an interpretation of the 1515 "ct, .:ad rendered its decision on tae 23rd inst., to the effect :aat the v_ty ;.as not 113 --1e t0 levy a tax In an-' year -n e ?.cess of 104, on e:. c'_= 1100.00 asse_:sed valuation for 191:, ._ct p,arposes and '. ad apparently fxtr�er sustained t:e cons titat`o_i all. t -- of t=ie _.cto under the present status of ',-'-.e caso, it was tae opinion, o. he Ci - __ttorne-; t1_:4t tae Latter mould no.. co:.:o on for _.earin : or: the merits before tho Luperior Court in :)onor..a Cou.�t�-, but tat the t-.-.,o a'-ove ref:,_re- to t:ould a_�are ntl-' constitute tae lay, of t'le c-- -,-e so fur us . ,_c'__ ,..o -ccintc were concerned. ,... -- . ,-- - A'JCQ uC' Ci ::arl Love, Se CO ?::e . JOknCl_L _:P..°.- — , t._�. -1 - rE'"7lilld0 Cooperative :vor__ers be and they are herby ;ranted perr..ission to use the City '_all <ud'itorium on the even in-- ` of .jpril 27-.1-1, , 1 34, for the purpose of givin` a bone_it dance, no char -e t6 be :,ade for such use, and that in event said Joo-.ara ,ive ,.or::ers find it undesirable to use said ':call on said night, t_lat said or`a- nization be �:-rantec ^er: ~is ion to use said Luditorium on any other eve.in,_ :,Lt:.in ten da --s follo:.ing said Lpril 27th, on ich said hall may be available. Carried. It ap_- earin- fro:: discussion t .at a fire ::azard exists ;ithin the City of =;1 Segundo owin to dried `sass and seeds on vacant lots, by general consent the street Superintendent was directed to obtain prices on cuttin of such ~•reeds and Zrass throu gout the City. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meetin„ it vras moved by Councilman Love, seco ded by Councilmanriesser, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, approved: VICTOR D. MoCARTHY, City Clerk, By ->1 , �5'(" Deputy City Ole-- .ayor