1934 APR 11 CC MINL-381
El Segundo, California:.
April 11th, 193/..
A regular meeting of t:e City Council of the Cit -- of B1 Segundo,
California, Was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. L'. on the above date,
in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by Deter E. Binder,
Councilmen Present: Gerorr, Hesser, Selb,- and La?ror Binder.
Councilmen ,,bsent: Love.
R=I`3 OF ',M,_UZZ OF P',EVIOU i TMa.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 4th da,- of April,
134, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman
Seib, *, seconded by Councilman ueroi:, that.the. minutes be gpproved as read.
,iRI -i"f✓I 001.;_-UNICATIONS .
The followin" communications were read and disposed of as indicated:
0 A :D COU CIL OF T.,E CIi r OF CO1.�PPON CALIFO:�;;L,'L, inviting
tale City Council of the City of -1 Se�_-undo to attend the formal Compton City
:fall :-fie- opening Ceremonies, to be held Friday, Loril 13th, 1934. By general
consent the City Clerk was directed to address a letter to tiie L:ayor and
Council of the Cit,- of Compton, cor.:plimenting they and congratulating: the City
Council for its faith in the future, and its enterprise in so expeditiously
completing the worh- of rehabilitation, following the disaster of Larch 10, 19339
and adviaing said :3cdy that members of the Council of the City of El Segundo
will attend the City hall rededication Ceremony April 13th, 1934.
1."r. Lester roster inquired of the Council if there was a possibility
for him to obtain e-- .-ployment from the City of El Segundo. He was advised by
the i:iayor that there are no openings at the present time, and that. nothing
indicates the C it,* will be takin on nov h,-mds in the near future, but that
his name will be kept on file in event there is an opportunity for his elployment.
i.;r. Rlph i:.atteson addressed the Council relative to the amity's
acceptance of deeds for certain proposed streets in a portion of the Fisher
Subdivision as delineated upon a certain map entitled: "In the matter of the
Interlocutory Judgment in the Estate of i,:ary H. Spires, Deceased, Number 328686,
Corapiled ivovember, 1932, by C. R. Sumner, Registered Civil EnUineer 13o. 470 ",
which said map is on file in the office of the City Clerk.
Me matter was discussed at considerable length, at the conclusion
of which it was areed that, provided the matter is satisfactory to the abutting
property owners and to the Court, the Council will accept a dedication of Walnut
hvenue from Penn Street to i:.aryland Street, of .:aple Avenue from Penn Street to
Center Street, and i,:aryland Street from i•.aple Avenue to ,v+alnut Avenue, in
consideration of r. hich 'ix. raatteson will arrange for Grants of Easement for
public street purposes through certain .,ortions of the Souttr half of the Fisher
Subdivision, so as to pro-ride fifty foot rights -of -way for the opening of
;.:ariposa Avenue from Penn Street to Center Street, of Palm Avenue from Penn Street
to Center Street and L:aryland Street from r.aple Avenue to Mariposa Avenue.
Thereafter, Ise. hatteson departed with the understanding; that the
mater will be presented to the Superior Court of Los Angeles County at a
hearing to be had Friday next, and that if the proposition is approved, the City
Clcrk will be advised so that the necessary legal papers may be prepared.
352 -- L
The Superintendent of the"r' +ater Department read to the Council a report
of inspection submitted by the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance
Company,.dated April 9th, 1934, referring to the inspection made by Inspector
G. Van Ackere, !.larch 29th, 1934, of the motors and electrical equipment of
the City of El Segundo, which indicates all of said equipment is in satisfactory
condition except a burned base in one of the magnetic switches, which was
immediately removed from service and a new base supplied. For reference this
com- aunication was filed in the office of the `eater Superintendent.
The Street Superintendent reported having been advised by Southern
California Edison Company that by reason of said Company's hook -up at its E1
Segundo substation, it is impracticable to separate the two circuits of the
ornamental street lighting system of the City of :l Segundo, so that one set
of lights may be extinguished at 10:00 o'clock P.M., one set of lights ex-
tinguished at 1:00 o'clock A. i.I. and the remainder at Sunrise. After a
discussion of the matter, the Street Superintendent was instructed to advise
said Company that if the systems cannot be arranged in conformity with the
Council's desires respecting the matter, the Council will be disposed to
discontinue using the pendant lights on the Grand Avenue - Richmond Street system.
she Street Superintendent reported his desire to do certain -:;radinC in
Douglas Avenue, which will necessitate the rental of a tractor, as the City
trucks do not have sufficient power to pull the grader. Moved by Councilman
Cerow, seconded by Councilman Hesser, that the Street Superintendent be
authorized and directed to rent a tractor for use in connection with the grading
of Douglas Avenue, at a cost of not to exceed $24.00. Carried by the following
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Selby and Layor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Love.
The ;dater Superintendent reported it is necessary to make certain
repairs to hater Viorks Pump No. 1, so that the City may be assured of an ample
supply of water at all times and that such repairs as are necessary will cost
9-850.00. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman
Hesser, that the following resolution be adopted:
1r7F=MELS, the Superintendent of the ►later 7iorks Department of
the City of El Segundo, California, has just ascertained and
directed the attention of the City Council to the fact that the
pumping equipment in Well No. 1 of the municipal water supply
system of said City is out of repair and that it is essential
that same should be repaired i::nediately in order to maintain a
proper and adequate water supply for said City;
;2TD i? .A.S, this Council finds that a failure of said
well for any considerable period of time would constitute a
menace to the public peace, health and safety of said City;
?dOTr =R i-ORI., the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo,
California does hereby resolve, declare, determine and order as
l.- That an emergency affecting the public peace, health
and safety of the City of E1 Segundo exists in this: That the
pumping equipment in eater Well No. 1 of the municipal water
works systew of said City is out of repair and.that the said
well must, at all times, be kept in a state ready for maximum
production of water therefrom, *, so as to-provide an adequate
supply of water for furnishing the inhabitants of said City with
water for domestic and sanitary purposes and for providing an
adequate supply for fire fighting purposes, and that unless said
pumping equipment be immediately repaired or replaced, that the
public peace, health and safety of said City will be adversely*
2:- that in viez of the foregoing circumstances, the
Superintendent of the :.ater :forks Department of said City shall
L;-- 383
be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to
immediately secure the necessary labor, supervision,
materials and supplies to cause said pumping, equip-
ment to be immediately repaired and put in first class
condition for the production of water therefrom, at
the earliest possible time, at a cost of not to exceed
.ne fore;oirS resolution was adopted by the follo:.in, vote:
ayes: Councilmen erow,
l:oes: Councilmen :.one.
Absent: Councilman Love.
:lesser, Selby and 1:ayor 3inder.
she follo:,in6 de.-,ands, havinE rad the approval of the Co=mittee on
finance and Records, were read:
.:.owed by Councilman Selby, seconded b,; Councilman :.erow, that the
demands be allowed and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds
covering the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen a-erov:,
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Love.
esser, Selby and :.Ayor Binder.
;OTOURI' X27'.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was
moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman aerow, that the meeting
adjourn until Ilonday, the 16th day of April, 1934, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock
F. it:. Carried.
:respectfully submitted,
L pproved:
City clerk.
';rater Works Fund
General Fund
Pacific States Cast
Iron pipe Co. , {377.68
llarkhwr, Slue _ rintin,_-
moo. Calif. =:dison
Co. 47C.65
Bancroft- iTitney Co.
Ira s. Escobar
J. ';,. Filbert's Dept.
TO-1<.L X850.26
Ira E. Escobar
So. Calif. ::dison Co.
So. Calif. :dison Co.
act of 1927 : ".I.B.
o. Calif. Edison Co.
;;-1 Funci
Calif. .arson moo.
Z.. L. '.:cClain
:..„s. La,)el 1:. 3Lurl
_.ss. :,.cx:ie i • Kni�ut
Lxs. iYellie fainter
County aiL- I.*-mr.
Laura .7. Kincaid
Cepalveda 'lv. 'und
i.ss. Louise "-toss
. L. :.cClain
1:rs. :,tta :. :.:. -y -att
:ss. Laura 3. C -oiler
:..rs. Irene .;. urabill
County aid- lmprov.
:.Abel EitzL ;erald
oast .boulevard Fund
Lary a. Yaterna
Consolidated hock
Products Co. :2201.03
::zrs. Cecil K. Lindberg
�h,erican Bitumuls
Company 357.92
Adelaide _t. Beath
CMTr.L ,?2558.95
l�u-ust Hoffman Co.
In6lewood Look & 6tat.
it laL
.:.owed by Councilman Selby, seconded b,; Councilman :.erow, that the
demands be allowed and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds
covering the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen a-erov:,
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Love.
esser, Selby and :.Ayor Binder.
;OTOURI' X27'.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was
moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman aerow, that the meeting
adjourn until Ilonday, the 16th day of April, 1934, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock
F. it:. Carried.
:respectfully submitted,
L pproved:
City clerk.