1934 APR 04 CC MIN376 -L El Segundo, California April 4th, 1934 A regular meeting; of the City Council of the City of Ll Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. L. on the above date, in the Council Charoer of the City all of said : ity , by Peter Binder, ;:.a--or. :TOLL CALL. Councilmen Present: :.ierowl Lesser, Love, Selby and ::$yor --inder. Council:�en Absent: hone. I?' OF OF F- V ICU.' The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 28th day of :.:arc:., 1934, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman aerow, that the minutes be approved as read. carried. 'URI7=71: CO::�..LZ.ICnTIONS. 'i'he following co_ _unications .:ere read and disposed of as indicated: 0. P. n2: :OLD and 3" others, a petition in t7,o sections, dated npril ist, 1954, re uestin:, that all of t-le street li�;?as on :;ic:Mond :street and -rand Avenue be illuminated every e venin - un�ll 10:0"o' clock i . i. -. , and that the aC".vertisi " siren -:d2acent to i:;perial rig':Lti':ay and In : -lewood -- edondo =load also be illuminated as for_.:erly. ...oved by �;ounciLmn -eror, seconded J;r CounciL:.an Selby, that the £ollo•;,inL: resolution be adopted: SOLT'B, that be�iinnins i aediately, bot:- circuits of the orna: mental street in - Iie., -rlond street and � -rand .;venue be placed in operation, the circuit con - trollin:: the ..enda nt larms on the electrcliers to be set to operate bet-.:ee sunset and 10:00 o'clock i'.I`,:. , the ot'__er circuit to burn fron Sunset to 6unrise; also that the Street superin- tendent be aut- iorized and directed to substitute 1CO c. p. lawps in the pendant globes for those of greater c.p. heretofore used; r_^ I' 11 SOL11,-, -, that beginnin;. it ..ediately bct'_ circuits co- trollin_-_- t::e eleetroliers on :.ain - street be placed in operation, one circuit to burn from -Dunset to 1:00, o I clockk n.:,:. , t'--e otuer circuit from guns ..t to Sunrise; 11' _"_t ?.-SOL:�S, 4 a the t_•eet �uperintaader_t -e authorized and directed toncause to be inst:illed tY_e necessar r la:.-.-Ds an"/or o -cr a.mil-- tenances re'J,ired to iil,z.- .inate the a- vertisin- si_"S of t :e it;J of 1 - >e:"Lindo, stanC_in` on U='operty of Santa =e �; o:.�a:'< a,-- „Zcen Lu to the lnt::r- sec tion of i:.perial :_i- :;;a-, ar. _ -edo ndo Hoad; that the --ity clerk of the City of 1"1 Segundc be authorized and directed to recuest Southern California Edison Company to set such meters and to furnish such ot:.er services as may be required in the accomplishment of the £ore�oin�. J) ail d _ 3so1'ution as adopted by t::e follO�iin-- vote: Ayes: Councilmen serotir, Hesse r, Love, Selby and yayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen ',done. absent: Councilmen I:ono. L- 377 T. L. M.cCL&E, , dated April 2nd, 1934, requesting a thirty day extension of time for the completion of his contract for the improvement of .►rizona Drive within the City of it Segundo. Moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that J. L. LcClain, the contractor referred to in that certain street contract between .7. L. L:cClain and the City of L1 Segundo, dated October 9th, 1933, for the improvement of i,rizona Drive (State Highway No. 60) in the City of L1 Segundo, be and he is hereby granted a thirty day extension of time from Lpril 6th, 1934, within ti,,hich to com7.,lete the work required to be done under the ter: :s of said contract. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, Love, Selby and Layor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. COLJvfiY OF LOS X=Xl _, =.LES, BUREAU OF COUNTY .- „ELF_ :,RL, dated Larch 29th, 1934, inquiring whether or not the City might find employment two days per week for a member of an L'1 Segundo family which is receiving aid from said Dez rtm_,nt. Ordered filed. RnYi.OIJTJ V. DAR', I.avor, City of Inglewood, California, dated :.arch 26th, 1934, invitin” attention to the Sixth Annual Session of the institute of Government, being conducted by the University of Southern California, 4�pril 2nd to 9th, 1934, and sugz.- esting participation by the City of yl Segundo. Ordered filed. None. 01 A1, COi:'i+.UNICATIONS. -1 "PO' J1 T_L S. Councilman Gerow advised the Council that Er. 0. L. Fleming had requested him to discuss with the Oouncil the matter of installing a street light at Lora Vista Street and ';;est Imperial iiighway. During the ensuing; discussion it was brought out that a street light, formerly at this location, was removed by reason of its having been hidden by the trees, thus rendering it practically useless, and that there are a numnber of places within the City where a similar condition exists. Action in this specific case was deferred pending a survey to be made by ;he Council with a view-of correcting these conditions wherever they exist, if practicable, it beinU understood that the lighting; of.the intersection referred to in Councilman Gerow's report will be taxen care of at the same time other char �e s are made. REPORTS OF OFFH ICRRS A !7 SPECLnL COL:_.:ITiti S. The Chief of Police announced the appointment of H. 0. 70'illiams, R. M. Stiles and G. H. Irving as Special Police Officers of the City of El Segundo, and requested the Council's approval of such appointments. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Love, that the appointment of H. 0.illiams, and R. Stiles and G. H. Irving as Special Police Officers of the City of 'E'l Segundo be and the same are hereby ratified and approved. The motion was seconded -by Councilman Hesser and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Hesser, • Love, Selby and I.ayor Binder., Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen. None. The City Clerk advised tt 1a-j*or Clarke of Redondo Beach had made a verbal reeuest that this Council- aMresolution urging the County Board of Supervis4)rs and the Division of �iighrrmrs of the State of California to immediately tak�s eps as may be necessary to cause the improvement of Sepulveda Boulevard between its connection with Roosevelt Highway and La Tijera. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Geror•, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the following resolution be adopted: 378 -t- i7 R:!3, the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, is advised that the improve:::ent of La Tijera oulevard is progressin_; with rapidity and that the County of Los dngales has recuested bids for the building of the bridge over the Pacific electric Railway tracks on said boulcvar:, thereby indicatin- the early opening of said boulevard; z"D :�_�;_�;,,, this Council is of the sincere opinion that the improvement of the small portion of Sepulveda loulevurd fro.: the ortherli boundary line of t'ro Cit;- of �11 Ser-undo to its junction 7it1: the said La 3ijera Boulevard is a most advisa*ole and essential link in the boulevard system in the territor-- affected and a necessa_ry unit to render said La Tijera Boulevard and said Sepulveda Boulevard efficipnt -or the purposes for v;:_.ich the same were designed; _,0'.; k =R-_FOR:.:, 3E T.' =OL-,_D, that the Citir Council of the jity of -.1 Segundo, California., does . erabti- most earnestl;- re. uest t.--e aut`:orities of the County of Los An -eles and of the Jtate of California, Flavin,-; jurisdiction over such matters to press, with all convenient speed, the imp2ovenaent of said portion of Said Sepulveda - ouleva_rd a'._ -o_ie referred to, to the end that t: -ie hi ,­ h sys te:u in t_�Le - erritor- served na.7 be brou:lit to its greatest efficiency at the earliest possible moment. rae foregoing resolution ;gas adopted by the followin; vote: Ayes: GounciL ^Fen Jerotiv, = ,esser, Love, Selby and :•ayor Binder. i:oes: Councilmen None. absent: Councilmen 1 one. vone. _mi�IL: IAYI?s BILLS. `The followinsz demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: rinnell Company - acific Mates Cast Iron Pipe So. Calif. Freight - orviarders uercules Foundries Inc. F•1 Segundo Herald I. N. Sumner R. T. Hutchins R. T. Hutchins mantes G. Lloyd Lllee r_. J. Sigler C. Crownover C. 7i. Foster Gum L. Hoblit C. R. Hudson J. C. Osborne H.. E. Owens Harry Rhodes J. Rice '-d Short Harry Ziettlemoyer sriffith iiardware Company TOTAL 'water ;.orks Fund General -'und „,22.60 meter 31nder 25.00 Co. 429.37 John ii. Gerow 25.00 1.46 Orest 0. Hesser 25.00 16.17 Oeorge Love 25.00 22.82 Tim. R. Selby 25.00 155.75 victor D. McCarthy 250.00 19.19 Neva Id. Elsey 150.00 37.00 lanta Curtzwiler 100.00 60.00 Clyde 'vioodworth 114.00 19.84 Don C. Fugitt 45.00 7.44 .- . '�. Cuimnings 153.00 12.09 T. 3. DeBerry 143.10 4.96 i.:. H. McIntire 143.10 7.13 C. C. Havens 135.00 4.96 r. J. Sherphorn 135.00 4.96 eorge i::cLauchlin 135.00 46.81 C. K. I,:cConnell 13.00 12.09 n. K. lennis 112.50 4.96 i:. Lc&iillan 105.00 4.96. Burns 105.00 9.92. T. Hutchins 236.00 9.92 Frances Lloyd 20.00 2.45 E. Morgan 112.50 ;)916.85 J. A. Lacdonald 153.00 :�. J. Grow 135.00 A. T. Miller 119.70 Alice Lope 45.00 L-- 379 :.:owed by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Hiesser, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, :lesser, Love, Selby and :.ayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. NI-T;i BUSL �ki -5. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that El Segundo rlayground :Baseball League be and it is hereby granted permission to use the Council Chamber of the City :!all, without charge, April 12th, 1934, for the purpose of holding a meeting. Carried. general Fund General Fund W. Allee 29.76 Builders %:aterial Co. x138.94 D. 3oyer 60.14 G. F. Peasnall 193.00 J. Burgner 66000 R. r'. Ward 173.00 A. :Bogen 54.56 John J. Spargo 7.10 L. Campbell 54.56 Los Angeles Testing Laboratory 22.00 P. Campbell 54.56 F. L. Gregory 60.00 graham Brothers, Inc. 1756.45 A. H. Green 54.56 Lnited States Fidelity and W. G. Henry 49.60 Suaranty Company 125.00 J. Martin 24.80 Idamae party 6.00 J. Powers 54.5,6 Barneson & Pier 5.00 Kahan 54.56 :rimes- Stassforth Stat. Co. 4.77 D. Raynor 54.56 Dan B. L;artin 48.17 J. S.choening 49.60 El Segundo Herald 190.30 G. Turney 60.14 So. Calif. Disinfecting Co. 11.80 n. Siebken 54.56 So. Calif. Gas Company 6.02 .. Clark 112.00 Century Electric Co. 1.58 . Crandall 78.00 Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Co. 8.64 L. Loth 49.60 Tibbetts Carr Co. Ltd. 80.36 A. Teich 9.92 C. K. :v:cConnell 3.35 J. Thompson 14.88 City of E 1 Segundo eater Dept. 29.20 i. Kincaid 9.92 American Legion Auxiliary 25.00 :.:. Zivalic 4.96 George t:. Green 30.00 Callahan 9.92 So. Calif. Blue Pr'nt Co. 38.05 . Smith 4.96 ;rater -;corks Supply Co. 71.82 �. Bradford 9.92 Gibson Lotor Parts, Inc. 2.10 J. anderson 9.92 Air Reduction Sales Co. 17.49 C. Thoman 9.92 Standard Gil Co. of Calif. 129.61 _�. Nice 9.92 0. L. Lake 18.40 C. Hudson 4.96 Griffith Hardware Company 17.84 u. Owens 4.96 Victor D. T.,cCarthy,City clerk 34.53 :. J. Richmond 4.96 'r. B. Dinwiddie 10.50 v. iarry 14.88 D. B. rancher 10.50 C. Crownover 4.96 0. Cr. Smith 10.50 L. 'r';. Dessert 10.50 Geor�7e :.:cLauchlin 10.50 �l. _ Gunn . 10.50 :• . R . reterson 10.50 R. C. Campbell 10.50 F. A. t.acdonald 10050 Frank *er 10.50 ;j. Soeuto 10.50 :�o :eschke 10.50 G. A. Todd 10.50 ";,. R. Pierce 10.50 A. Sc:leuniger 10.50 J . C. 3ixler 10.50 H. A. Cosbey 10.50 F. J. H6pe 10.50 TOTAL V7427.00 17. H. Lennon 10.50 j. D. V- wnjpbell 10.50 County Aid Impr. C. H. Barber 10.50 Coast Boulevard C. K. :. :cConnell 10.50 American 3itumuls Company 475.72 A. G. 31air 10.50 Act of 1927 L. I. D. No. 1 Fund Southern California Telephone Co. ; 450.00 :.:owed by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Hiesser, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, :lesser, Love, Selby and :.ayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. NI-T;i BUSL �ki -5. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that El Segundo rlayground :Baseball League be and it is hereby granted permission to use the Council Chamber of the City :!all, without charge, April 12th, 1934, for the purpose of holding a meeting. Carried. 380- �- ..owed by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that El Segundo Cooperative '►corkers Association be granted permission to use the City Hall Auditorium on the evening of April 6th, 1934, without charge, for the purpose of holding a benefit dance. Carried. Loved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the Street Superintendent be authorized to purchase one P. & L. Root and grease Gutter, for use in connection with the cleaning of severs, the total cost of such equipment not to exceed ~35.00. Carried by the follor'ing vote: Ayes: Councilmen 3erow, Uesser, Love, Selby and i:ayor Binder. Does: Councilmen None-. Absent: Councilmen None. No further business appearin-- to be transacted at this meeting, it was ..roved by- Councilman Selby,seconded by Uouncilman Gerow, that the meeting adjourn. Uarried. Respectfully submitted, ~proved-: _, yor.