1933 NOV 22 CC MINh, 30-3 El Segundo, California. November 22nd, 1933. A regular meeting; of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock F. L:. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by Peter E. Binder, I:ay or . . :30LL CALL. Councilmen Present: Frimmel, Love and Mayor Binder. Councilmen �iosent: Gerow and Selby. :3;LDIN3 OF I'IIJUS OF -- PIOUS 1!;E i 1`iJs . The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 15th day of November, 1933, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was,moved by Councilman Love, seconded by•c:ouncil:ian Frimmel, that the minutes be approved as read. married. 7+:RIT _ I COir; ,Z12JIC.�I'IONS. t'he following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: PALL B. ." Tr,= , i::ayor, manta Ana, dated November 19th, 1933, announcing a meeting of the Orange County i3rmch of the Lea ue of California :..unicipalities, to be held at manta ana, Thursday, Nove ber 23rd, and inviting all city officials to attend. Ordered filed. CAL IFO?.I1TTA 1,11TI::IPAL L72IL'TI S ASSOCii 101?, dated Iovember 14th, 1933, a letter urning support of the State water plan and a "yes" vote on Proposition No. 1 at the Decenber 19th, 1933 election. Ordered filed. U-,'A TE- 0.7 CALI O:: IA LI,'T:ICIPALI=.S, dated November 15th, 1933, announcing the appointment of honorable !a-•old Pomeroy, 1.:ayor of Southgate, as field representative of the Lea., -ue, primarily to assist cities in preparing their applications under the Federal Public';:orks program and sug-- esting that in event Lr. Pomeroy's services are required bT, a City prior to his visit in accordance with his present itinerary, that the Lea;,-ue offices at San Zrancisco be advised, and atta- pt will be made to revise his route. Ordered filed. LOS ANG :LF:S COT_77. ' L:� _sE� OF LIrICIP�'LI1'I:JS, being a copy of a resolution adopted by said orcanization at its meetin„ held at Glendora, Povember 16th, 1933, respecting liquor control. Ordered filed. ORAL C01.7.:UNioo'_lI0:TS. i. . ohn Shaffer, who at the last regular men-ting of this Council, made application to rent the City *:all Auditorium for the purpose of holding a darces,presented at this time the written aecment of certain persons to act as sponsors of the group, who propose to carry on the dances. -after consideration, it was moved b-- Councilman I:rimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that John Shaffer, on•beaalf of "The :got Spots of Bythm ", sponsored by I.r. and hers. v, oefle, I::rs. F. s, i.:andaville and :.x, and as.:.. L. Balmer, be granted the use of the City ::all Juditorium on Dece :aber 9th, 1933, January Gth, 1'34 and i"ebruary 3rd, 1934;-for the purpose, of holding a dance, provided that a rental charge of -2.50 per night be paid in advance of the holding of each of said dances, and provided further, that said dances be conducted in an orderl - manner, and that the pe rmit .hereby granted may be r -voked by this council at any time in its disc. - etion. Car;•ied by the follotiiin vote: Ayes: Council:,.en Yrinmel, Love and :;:ayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. zbsent : Co nc il:mn >erow and Selby. 34 t At this time the Council considered t:c propositions of :._etlox Corporation and Peon Sign .:m ufacturin�; Company, as presented orally by their representatives, who were at this meeting. i'ollowing consideration thereof, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that action respectin•j the purchase of a :.eon si�L for use at the int: :rsection of imperial ighriay and In lewood- Redondo =Toad be deferred 'or the period of one reek. Carried. :- ::one. :;.'PCR" 07' OI i 'he City. Attorney at this time presented to the Council a fo�•ir. of slope right easement from the standard Gil - omp_ny of California to t:.e Cit-v of -:1 -e -un,_o bearin~ date the .17th da;,- of _ioverber, 1933 and coveri-i - slope ri_ht easement in. connection with the improvement of Arizona •rive* =e stated that if the Council desired to :accept and approve the same, they --i ht do so and that the "Ittorney and :engineer would examine the document before the official signatures were placed upon the same, to check it as to its form and accuracy. He stated no opportunity had presented itself to do this prior to the meeting as t_e document had iust been received. ith this understand-LaS it was thereupon moved by Councilr.:an Love, seconded by Councilman ii: immel, that the followim- resolution be adopted: that the 8oxxxort slope right easement, dated I ovember 17th, 1933, froz" St- nde.rc Oil Company of California to the City of yl Segundo, covering slope right easement ;:herein said arantor grants to said Grantee the ri:;nt to construct and /or maintain an earthen embarkment as an appurtenance to a public �.ighway, upon and ac-ross certain portions of Lot 3, Tract No. 1314, within said City, as per map recorded in 3ook 20, Page 161 of maps, records of Los "n -eles County, State of California, be and the same is hereby approved and accented by the City of ill Segundo and the .. ":ayor of said City and the City Clerk thereof are hereby,- authorized and instructed on behalf of said City an in its name to execute the said slope right easement; And Be It Further Resolved that the C it-y Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to cause the said slope right easement, so executed, to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Los An -eles County, California. :.:otion to adopt the fore -oink resolution was carried by. the followinr- vote: :lees: Councilmen Kri_mel, Love and u:ayor Binder. .oes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Selby. :::oved by Councilman Love, seconded by Council -a2.n Krimmel, that the following resolution be adopted: Yid - S, the City = rgineer of the City of F1 Segundo, California, pursuant to proceedings heretofore had by this Council, in connection with the prosecdtion of the work or imp_ ove =::ent ozi Arizona Drive, within said City, under a contract heretofore awarded to J. L. I.:cClain, as contractor for the .nerfor_-aance of thc.said work or improvement, has presented to this Council his estimate, being 'Estimate 1+o. 1, of the work completed from the commencement of said work up to i4ovember 25th, 1933; NO'. =3EFORB, =, Ii RFSOL' ED, that a copy of said estimate do. 1 be and the same is hereby ordered placed on file in the office of the Cit_r Clerk for the purposes of identification and reference; , 3 I R✓SOL.ED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to forward to the Department of Public 'I'lorks, Div: sion Of Highways of the State of California h, 307 the said Estimate No. 1, together with such demand as may be necessary upon the proper department thereof for the payment of the amount indicated thereon as progress payment. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Krimmel, Love and i.:ayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Selby. The City Attorney advised the Council that he had been requested to submit to it a resolution respectinr- the creation of a submarine harbor and base at Redondo Beach, California. After the resolution proposed to be adopted had been read to the Council, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the following resolution be adopted: the attention of this Council has been directed to the fact that there is now in circulation in the South Bay District a petition addressed to the Honorable Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President of the United States, directing the attention of said executive to the possibility of a submarine harbor and base at Redondo Beach, California, and inviting the opportunity* to submit further data and plans with reference thereto; AND, z,:.nS, this Council believes that the said proposed harbor and the establishment of such a base has exceeding merit and would serve to provide a most excellent arm of defense in time of war; A_2D, ';J =R1QL1,, the buildin-- of said harbor and the necessary appurtenances at the present time would not only serve to provide the United States with a most valuable asset for naval operations but under existing economic conditions would prove of far more actual benefit to workmen engaged in constructin; than under more normal times; NOW, THEREFORE, B:: IT R::;OLVED BY TIHIE CITY COU:.CIL OF T= CITY OF FI. SEJiyDO, CALIiOrNIL, that said Council does hereby most heartily and enthusiastically endorse the establishment and construction of a submarine harbor and base by the Federal Government at Redondo Beach, Calif- ornia, and does hereby most respectfully urge upon all governmental departments concerned with the establishment of such a harbor and base to give the same most careful and thoughtful consideration for immediate construction; AND BE IT FURTFER :RESOLVED, that this Council does respectfully request that all citizens of the South Bay area lend their most sincere and active cooperation and support with reference to this matter. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following; vote: Ayes: Councilmen Kriymnel, Love and 'Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Selby. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the meetingg-, adjourn. Carried, Respectfully submitted, Approved: y t / ✓ ' ' City A.� Teyyor.