1933 MAR 22 CC MIN142 b
E1 Segundo, California.
March 22nd, 1933.
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of 1;1 Segundo,
California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. K. on the above date,
in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by Peter
E. Binder, Mayor.
Councilmen Present: Gerow, Krimmel, Love, Selby and mayor Hinder.
Councilmen Absent: None. .
The minutes of the regular mating held on the 15th day of March,
1933, ware read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by ,
Councilman Lovs, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the minutes be ,
approved as read. Carried.
The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on the 17th
day of harch, 1933, were read, without error or omission appearing,
and it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow,
that the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
The following communications were read and disposed of as
JOHN A. CAIRNS, dated march 20th, 1933, inquiring if it would
be feasible to install sidewalks in portions of the City of El
Segundo, where the property owners are unable to pay the full cost
of the same, it being the writer's thought that constructive use
might be made of money which is now being expended in unemployment
relief. The matter was taken under a_�visement and the Street
Superintendent instructed to investigate and report to the Council.
C. W. SHMJ,117, Director, Los tLngeles County League of
Mtiinicipalities, dated March 15th, 1933, invit'ng the Council's con-
sideration of the matter of membership in said Lea;rue. This matter
having been under consideration by the Council for somtime past,
and it appea ^ing that the unification of cities in the matter of
discussions of their own problems and in their endeavors to promote
the passane by the State Legislature of legislation favorable to the
cities and the citizens thereof would prove beneficial to all .
concerned, and insure to a greater degree the success of any such
endeavors, it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman
Selb--, that the City of yl Segundo subscribe for membership in the
Los nngeles County Lea�?ue of Idunicipalities, such membership to become
effective as of - -pril 1st, 1933, and that the dues to said organization
a^iountin;� to X60.00 per annum be paid uuarterly. This Council reserving
the right to terminate the membership in said Lea�'ue at any time in its
discretion- ¢nd /or to change the L.ethod of the' payment of dues thereto
as it -.ay deer- advisable. Carried by the following vote:
riyes: Councilmen Gerow, Krimrel, Love, Selby and :Mayor Binder.
.Noes: Councilmen none.
nbsent: Counc ilmen :None.
L. POi.= 3C`.-', I,:. D., Los :n�eles Count7' 'Health Officer, dated
Z. March ':-.2nd, 1933, in __e,.D1-- to the Council's letter of March 16th, 19331
respecting the unsanitary condition of the sand hills westerly* 0 f the
City of El Segundo and adjacent to the City, of Los Angeles outfall
sewer screening plant, stating that by reason of the extra burden of
work thrown upon. the Sanitary Division of the Count* Health Department
as a result of the recent earthquake, that he is unable to _-ive as
many details of the situation as he would like. However, it is expected
that within the next fear days his depart: ent will be in _possession of
more detailed information fro" the City of Loy n - :les and that this
Cit - Fill be informed of t!�e pr: -•ress of an-yr abatements. Ordered filed.
LOS Z LL -, '1'0 ?TY Cr dated _:arch 21st,
1933, advising that at said League's meetin;r7 held i;zrch 16th, 1933,
a motion was unanimously adopted, directing the Secretary of s,-;.id League
to ad~ise the Governor, Lieutenant - overnor, Senator ..:chinley and all
Los M'ngeles county= A sembl7rmen, that said Lease is unalterably opposed
to any compromise of the essentials of assembly Sill NO. 1172, designed
to allocate 3/4-1 per gallon tax on gasoline to the cities of the State,
and that unless the essentials of Assembly Bill ":o. 1172, as originally
recornnenced for adoption by the League of California t:unicipalities, are
enacted into law, this League proposes to submit the 4uestion to the
people of the State of California at the earliest possible date, at
v,hich time the League will ask for e 3� gasoline tax to be allocated lye
to the State, 1¢ to the Counties and 1,V to the cities. '1'he concluding
paragraph of said lettor states that the League will appreciate hearing
fron. all city, councils in sympathy with its position.
It was thereupon moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by
Councilman K..rimmel., that the City Clerk be authorized and directed to
address a letter to the Los Angeles County League of i._unicipalities,
apprc-ring its action taken March 16th, 1933, indicating its opposition
to the adoption by the State Legislature of Assembly Bill No. 1172,
as amended, subsequent to a conference between members of the Gas Tax
Committee of the League of California :,unicipalities, the State Chamber
of Commerce, the State Highways Protective Association, the Automobile
Club of Southern California, and other interested bodies, which is
merely a compromise of the plan originally submitted by the eras Tax
Committee of the League of California Municipalities and allocates to
the cities only a portion of the gasoline tax revenues originally
demanded and restricts the use thereof in a manner which will prove
unsatisfactory and non - beneficial to a great many cities of the State.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Krimmel, Love, Selby and liayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
S_1LL OIL COITA1 v, dated March 22nd, 1933, advising that said
Company's estimate of the cost of relocating; their pipe line in
Arizona Drive, between Imperial Highway and Rosecrans Avenue, which
relocation will be necessary by reason of the proposed improvement of
Arizona Drive, is estimated at w4600.00. Ordered filed.
!tier. A. N. Angood of Gardena, addressed the Council, explaining
his method of collecting dog licenses and maintaining a pond for the
cities of Gardena and naTthorne. 'Thereafter discussion ensued, which was
engaged in by members of the .Council, the pity attorney and p . V. D.
Swain, a local citizen who was in t'he audience.' The City attorney
presented for ,onSideration the dog license ordinance of several southern
California cities, and in view of the several opinions respecting what
should be done, the kayor referred the matter to the Public Safety
Committee of the Council, consisting of Councilmen Selby and Krim.-el,
for consideration and recommendation to the Council.
Air. L. N. !,leads addressed the Council relative to the improvement
of certain streets between Center Street and Arizona Drive, so as to
provide the residents of that territory with better means of ingress and
egress to and from their properties. lifter consideration of the matter,
144 U
it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Kri=s 1, that
the Street Superintendent be instructed to cause that portion of ialnut
Avenue between .'Lrizona Drive and California Street, and that portion of
California Street from - ialnut «venue to Maple Avenue to be repaired in
such manner as to make the same passable for the residents of the City
of E1 Segundo residing'in the Easterly portion of the City of E1 Segundo.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Krimmel, Love, Selby and : ;iayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
Fire Chief idcConneil reported that he and Asst. Building inspector
+ard had made'an inspection of the chimneys of houses within the City
of El Segundo and had discovered approximately 35 which need attention.
He stated that the conditions found were called to the attention of the
owners or occupants of the property wherein the unsafe conditions exist
and that a reinspection will be made sometime in the future to ascertain
whether or not proper repairs have been made.
The City Clerk advised that . ^wT. 0. 0. Hesser had called attention
to the fact that no action has been taken respecting his previous
recommendation that trees be planted around the can dump to hide the same
from public view. The iviayor referred the matter to the Public Safety
Committee of the Council, consisting of Councilmen. Selby and hrirmiel, for
investi?ation and report to this Council.
The City Clerk advised that Brewer Radio & Electric Shop and The
Electric Shop each had submitted identical forms of contract for supplying
the electric lamp requirements of the City of Il Segundo for the period of
ts;elve months. 'There appearing, therefore, to be no ooAlpetition and no
apparent advantage to the City which would guide the Council in accepting
one or the other propositions, it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded
by Councilman Binder, that the City Clerk and the Street Superintendent
make an estimate of the City's lamp needs for a four months period and to
submit the same to the suppliers mentioned for a ^uotation thereon, the
order to supply the City's requirements thereafter to be awarded to the
lowest bidder. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Kriirmel, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None:
The Fire Chief reported that the Standard Oil Company of California
is able to supply lubricating oil of the kind and quality required in the
City's fire engine, whereupon it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by
Councilman: Love, that the purchase of a drum of lubricating, oil from the
Standard Oil Company of California, at the price of 50ct per gallon, the total
cost not to exceed $30.00, be and the same is hereby authorized. Carried by
the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen ^ rerow, Krimmel, Love, Selby and 'ayor Binder.
:goes: Councilmen ;done.
Absent-: Councilmen None.
Loved by Councilmen Gerow, seconded by Councilman Love, that the
Superintendent of the '..ester Department be authorized and directed to purchase
560 -o't. of 8" cast iron water pipe at a total cost of not to exceed w476.00.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow,
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
Krimmel, Love, Selby* and Mayor Binder.
At this point, the hour being 8:40 o'clock P. 1, %, the ?vayor declared
a recess of 1 hour and 30 minutes. During the recess, the Council discussed
with i�,:essrs. Ford and Conliss the report respecting the values of real
property to be acquired by the City of Ell Segundo in_ connection with the
proposed opening, widening and improvement of Arizona Drive within the
City of t Segundo, as presented to this Council at its meeting held
i;arch 15th.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Council reconvened, the
hour.being 10;10 o'clock P. M., all Councilmen being present and answering
roll call.
The I.jiyor recommended an effort be made to improve the roadway of
a portion of Rosecrans Avenue where the same connects with Inglewood-
ioad, and after consideration of the matter, it tas moved by
Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilmen Erimmel, that the Street superin-
tendent be and he is hereby authorized to cause that portion of Josecrans
avenue which intersects Inglewood - Redondo Goad, to be repaired in a
satisfactory manner. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen '�erow, Krimmel, Love, Selby and i.:nyor Binder.
Noes: Councilmen ?'Done.
Absent: Councilmen None.
The 1.ayor then drew attention to a bill introduced in the
Legislature of the State of California, known as Assembly :3ill No. 1018,
the purpose of which is to change certain phases of the :government of the
Sanitation Districts of the State of California, in particular by
abrogating; the present power of the Directors of such Districts to employ
their own engineer and attorney and to vest the duties of such offices
in other public officers of the County. Following the L:ayor's explanation
of the methods employed in conducting the business of the sanitation
districts at the present time, and his expression of opinion as to the
undesirability of the changes proposed in the bill, it was moved by
councilman Love, seconded by Councilman rnrimmel, that the following
resolution be adopted:
",iRh:L:;:�, the City Council of the Cit-,r of El Segundo,
California, believes that the matter of public health is one
of vital concern to the people of this State;
ILND, °,TEREAS, the subject of sanitation is one which
vitally- affects the public llea? th;
IJM, '!,ZEUS, this Council has had opportunity to
observe the functionin;- of the various sanitation districts
of this County and is satisfied that the selection of an
engineer and attorney for such districts should rem<3in in
t'-.e hands of the : 3oard of Lirectors of such districts;
this Council is of the further
o inion that the performance of functions so definitel�r
related to the public health and welfare should be free
from political influence a_.c should be administered with
promptness and efficienc-,;.
i:.'0 ; , '� i �:t✓ '0 , 3-- IT iIE: IOL JIJ;i 37 . � H - CITY - CQUINU IL
0; ^i L; C1 ` OF
i,'irst: That this Council most emphatically opposes
any atte: pt to make an elective body* of the Board of
Directors of sanitation districts, and that said Council
believes that the method of indicating the personnel of
such boards st -culd re.Tain as at present.
-l-nat this Council, in the inter:sts of
efficient-: ant dispatch, most emphaticLlly opposes any
atte _pt b`,* le`islatio- or otherPise to derive the directors
of sanitation district:- of their present ri7ht to select
the engineer and attorney for such districts and vest the
duties of such offices,ir other public officers of the
county, already burdened with the disc_arge of a -multitude
of duties, and who could not by reason of such fact alone
perfor. the important duties referred to Tith the same
deEr e of promptness and e.mct consideration as officers
specially employed for such purpose.
Third; That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and
instructed to immediately co_*=unic .te the substa::ce of
this resolution to Honorable Frank L. 1.,erriam, Li- utenant
Cflvernor of the State of Cal_fornia; -I'he Fu`lic =:ealth
and ;,uara_ntine Co=rittee of the State Senate, c/o �enafor
Dan Voilllams, Ch- -ir=an; hcnoralcle .T. it. k- chinley, Senator
from the County of Los nn eles, and Honorable 5. Greene,
i .sse-ablyran from this District."
The foregoing resolution was ador ted b;:* the follov:in, vote:
Ares: Councilmen Cerow, Y.rimmel, Love, Selby and -.Ia -Tor 3inder.
Noes: Council aen ',:one.
absent: Council en :.one.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting,
it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the
meet in�-, adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
City C1 rk.
Y or.