1933 DEC 01 CC MIN3104. El Segundo, California. December 1st, 1933. An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by Peter E. Binder, Mayor. ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Iirimmel, Love and 1ayor Binder. Councilmen Absent: Geror and Selby. Moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilmen Krimm 1, that the regular order of business be dispensed with. Carried. The Clerk announced that City Judge Don C. Fugitt, had been called out of the Gity and would be gone for a period of approximately two weeks from December 4th, 1933, during which time matters pertaining to the City Court of E1 Segundo would be taken care of by Justice of the Peace Sam Austin of Redondo Beach. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: J. w. Crovnover T. Underdown H. Gum 1;1. Zivalic A. Strain E. 'teatherfield K. Cline Fi. Owens A. Cendo P. Allen 1.:. Zivalic Fred Kenny D. Morgan P. Hauge J. C. Osborne J • Be Smith W. Vi. Kiser F. G. Collins J. LcGuire R. Phillips R. T. Hutchins Frances Lloyd I. 17. Sumner Addressograph Sales Agency Grinnell Co. 31 Segundo Herald Hercules Foundries, Inc. :rimes- Stassforth State Co. . :gut chins TOTAL �. i ri- erdown 0. Foster i. Phillips C . Thoman .6 zsttlemoyer 'Water Works Fund 4.96 Lllee 4.96 D. Boyer 4.96 J. Burgner 4.96 A. Bogan 9.92 K. Campbell 7.75 F. L. Gregory 9.92 A. H. Green 41.54 Henry 21.70 J. '::actin 9.92 J. Powers 4.96 P:. Rahan 19.84 D. :iaynor 9.92 Zr. Schoening 4.96 G. Turney 50.84 A. Siebken 4.96 F. Daver 4.65 L. Corrella 9.92 C. Coleman 9.92 He Johnson 9.92 C. Lane 37.00 Liontgomery 60.00 A. Cendo 138.75 H. Gum 1.79 tie miser 96.92 J. Clark 31.04 L. lZoth 5.85 -'. uicGranahan 4.61 P. Campbell 14.91 Hyde }� 641.35 L. Tyler ' C. 5=,erson :Ieneral Fund '. Seaver 4.96 W. S ickler 9.92 . '.:organ 4.96 3ichmond 9.92 T. Kincaid 7.44 :. :. Zivalic General Fund 34.72 39.68 45.00 29.76 44.64 54.00 44.64 39.68 24.80 44.64 44.64 44.64 39.66 39.68 46.50 19.84 9.92 4.96 9.92 4.96 4.96 4.96 23.25 48.36 78.00 44.64 9.92 44.64 29.76 4.96 9.92 4.96 9.92 13.64 12.40 9.92 4.96 General Fund O'D:elveny, Tuller w 1, yers .25 Los Angeles Testing Laboratory 20.00 Edna E. Harlan Edna E. Harlan James H. Mitchell and Leon T. David Inglewood Book & Stat. Co. Los lingeles Rubber 3-tamp Co. E1 Segundo '-Herald - Grimes_Stassforth ::tat. Co. R. V. Schulze Co. Zellerbach raper Co. Southern Cal. Gas Company. «merican Le,ion-iLuxiliary 3eorge T.:. Green Featherstone's, INC. California Spring Co. Inc. Star_dard Oil Co. of Calif. Johnnie's Auto 6alvage Co. J im I,1eve s So. Calif. ydison Co. Ltd. prances Lloyd J. A. Macdonald Idiller 22.59 61.39 50.00 5.47 3.12 66.15 1.79 12.53 22.86 3.71 15.00 30.00 4.43 3.73 6.48 10.00 10.79 2.90 20.00 136.00 106.40 Peter E. Binder John A. Gerow Vein. A. Krimmel, Jr. George Love ,m.:. R. Selby +ictor D. McCarthy Neva 1L. Elsey Uinta Curtzwiler Clyde Woodworth Don C. Furitt -To L. Cummings . B. D e3erry P,.. H. 1"'cInt ire C. 0. Havens E. T. Sherphorn George KcLauchlin C. X. i- cConnell A. K. `'Tennis H. McMillan H. Burns ii. T. Hutchins L,:organ J. 'Grow Alice Hope TO TALL b, 311: General Fund 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 250.00 150.00 100.00 114.00 45.00 156.00 127.20 127.20 120.00 120.00 120.00 13.00 100.00 93.33 93.33 236.00 100.00 120.00 45.00 Y4013.32 roved by :: ouncilman Krimmel, seconded by --ouncilman Love, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds coverin`; the same. Carried by the follorrincc_ vote: A -,-es: Councilmen Krimmel, Love and Layor Binder. I•:oes: Councilmen P1one. Absent: Councilman '..serow and Selby. PJo further business appearin.- to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. npproved: � 1 Respectfully submitted, III NOR% / ".