1933 AUG 02 CC MINU. ��. E1 Segundo, California. August 2nd, 1933. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. 1 on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City hall of said City, by Peter E. Binder, Mayor. ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Gerow, Kriimnel, Selby and L ayor Binder. Councilmen Absent: Love. READING OF IuINtJ -TES OF P.�VIOUS L =TING.- The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 26th day of July, 1933, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. WRITTEN COI12,'_UNICkTIONS. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: R:-GIOI�' PLAPdIMIG CO1.11ISSION, dated July 28th, 1933, inviting representatives of the City of E1 Segundo to attend a meeting of the .Lssociation of City Planners of Los t.ngeles County, to be held at Long Beach, August 12th, 1933. Ordered filed. PROGRESSIVE D iOCRATIC CLUB OF Trig. 46TH ASSEEMY DIS' -RICT OF CALIFORNIA, dated July 31st, 1933, inviting the l:.ayor and City Council to attend the picnic celebration to be held in Centinella Park, Inglewood, August 6th, 1933, in honor of Congressman John F. Dockweiler. Ordered filed. J. L. PODEROY, County health Officer, dated July 25th, 1933, being a report of the work done in the City of E1 Segundo by the Los Angeles County Health Department, during the month of June, 1933. Ordered filed. JAIES HAROLD HLM=, dated July 27th, 1933, being a request that the "On Sale" beverage license issued to him July 1st, 1933 be cancelled. Moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that pursuant to the request of James Harold Hinchey, filed with this Council this date, "On Sale" beverage License IIo. 6222, dated July 1st, 1933, be and the same is hereby canelled and annulled as of this date. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Love. Krimmel, Selby and mayor Binder. ORAL. COUTNICnTIO TS. hx. J. E. Reddington, representing' El Segundo Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Council relative to the proposed repeal of the dodger ordinance of the City of ' 1 Segundo, stating that "85 to 90'6 of the business people of this town would rather the ordinance be not repealed." Following brief discussion, the :.avor advised i.:r. Reddington action would not be taken b- the Council for one to two weeks. :ar. Arthur Lanson advised that he had arranged for a night baseball game between a girls' team from Los Angeles and a girls' team from Inglewood 22c3b and requested permission to use the lights at the baseball grounds on Thursday evening, August 3rd, 1933. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that permission for use of the lights at the High School baseball grounds on the evening of august 3rd, 1933, to permit of the playing of a baseball game between teams composed of girls from Inglewood and Los Angeles, be and-the same is hereby granted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen _grow, Krimmel, Selby and :Mayor 3inder. lines: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Love. i._r. E. Jensen inquired what action the Council proposed to take with respect to the hand bill ordinance and also incuired whether or not he might distribute his price chan:-e lists pending such action as may be contemplated. He was advised that the Council may do nothing with the ordinance for several weeks and that during the interim he may distribute his hand bills, provided he supplies receptacles to receive the same at the residences where they are delivered, or provided they are delivered in person to residents rho have requested such delivery. None. - {_.PORTS; OF :;Ttu..;I *TS VOI.Im y5. iOR�J O_ vilC::.RS li..J SPEC ltlL l/Oi;.1.:I`��i.....� i• The City Clerk reported that his attention had been called to the fact that the piano in the ""ity Tali yuditorium needs tuning, whereupon it was moved by Councilman belby, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the -ity V'lerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the City's piano to be tuned, at a cost of not to exceed ;;3.50. Carried by the following vote: :;yes: Councilmen -�erow, Kri=el, Jelby and ...ayor binder. foes: Councilmen None. Absent: CounciLman Love. The City - -ttorney reported having conferred with :ter. Koch, Counsel of Southern California Edison Company, as a result of which he had obtained a letter of waiver respecting the necessity of depositing in court the full amount of the estimated damage which said Company will sustain by reason of the necessity of relocating its pole line on iirizona Drive, :ue to the proposed imp= vement of said street. The City &ttorney reported also Navin- received an order fixin- the amount required to be deposited in court for an order of immediate possession in connection with the Arizona Drive (Sepulveda 3oulevard) improvement matter, said amount being :34,940.83. In connection with the CrossinE Agreement of Pacific Electric Railway Company heretofore delivered to the City Attorney for approval as to leEral form, the ;ity - ttorney reported that he would rathe'r not pass upon the instrument at this time, as he mould not want to tie the Council to any contract until the outcome of the Arizona Drive (Sepulveda Boulevard) proceedings is definitely known. U11F D 7I6='T; D BUS D\-E, -S . The City Clerk presented to the Oouncil the application of Anna Larkovich, for an "On Sale" license under the provisions of Ordinance No. 190 of the City of _`1 Segunco, at . <o. 711 ;lest Pine Avenue, within said City. After discussion of the apY l.ication, it was .o-.ed by Council -n an Selb•-, seconded by Councilman .ri =el, that pies ::lution ijo. 277, entitled: A ?33OLL _ IC:. 0_ C I1y C0111T:.IL O C I17 C= :M S_JUhZ)0 C.LLIFO?:iI'., :,FP' ?0 'Iii^. is C:_:R1__rT «I =PL10 _ 'I�IOT- TO °A LL 3. ''3 � ­- ­J_7 Di Si�I'.: CI--2 =':3 TF, I:�O'IIbIOTiS O?' 0_17'IY- C_ NO. 190 O M S:.I:: CITY, which ^gas read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Krirr_el, Selby and .:ayor binder. Noes: Councilmen none. Absent: Councilman Love. b, 2,.. Moved by Oouncilman Gero:w, seconded by Councilman Selby, that he IcLillan be and he is hereby -ranted a two weeks vacation rith pay at- his customary rate, ben,inninp� i.u:-ust 7th, 1933, and in addition thereto a two • weeks leave of absence, without pay, should said employee decide to take such additional time off at the immediate conclusion of the vacation period herein referred to. Carried by the following vote: A; *es: Counc•il:nen ^erow,- Krimmel, Selby and :.:ayor binder. Hoes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Love. Loved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the City iLttornev be and he is hereby authorized an:a directed to prepare all of the proceedinp-s necessary to permit of-the advertishin fo_-• sale of w45'000.00 par value of -bonds of Let- of 1927 municipal Improvement District No. 1 of the Cite of Segundo. Carried by the following vote: ayes: Councilmen 'Cero^, Kri =el, Sel -y and l,.ayor tinder. roes: Councilmen None. abseAt: Councilman LD7e. Loved by Councilman Kri. reel, eecc,ncL_' `�- 0���1 ii in Selby, that '✓SOLUTION NO. 278, entitled: V A ?UZOLUTIO I. OF ' H✓ CITY COUNV'IL OF 11r CITY Or ;;L :C3GL:vDo, 11 IFORIuIi,, i i}OP. T s jiia �.:s, iD v i:� . au:J F.,Y1Cdr :iPLCIC.TIOr.S NC. 2 OF TiiL Cliff OF LL SEGI IT)O , C..I! O'N1A, • vhich was read, be adopted. Carried by the followin5 vote: ',yes: Councilmen Kri. ael, Selby and I.ayor Binder. -.oes. CounciLman Gerow. Absent: Councilman Love. The City Engineer then presented Plan and i'rofile for the improvement of a portion of Lrizona•Drive (sometimes also known as Sepulveda Boulevard)- • between Collingwood •,venue (also kno••.n as I-- perial Highway) and Rosecrans • rvenue, within Iunicipal Improvement District. No. 1 in the City of E1 Segundo, • by the construction therein of a 7" 3itumuls pavement. After examination of said plan, it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Selby, that-said Plan anti rro?i , o 'ssting of ten s:�.eets, numbered One to Ten inclusive, be and the same is hereby approved and adopted for the work or improvement of a portion of Arizona Drive ( someties also known as Sepulveda•3oulevard) between Collingr:ood :,venue- (also known as Imperial Hiohwey) and R,)secrans ,venue, within I.Iunicipal Improvement District No. 1 of the Oity of E1 Segundo, in said City of E1 Segundo, by widening, extendi and pavinE said �Lizona Drive, and thy City Lngineer of the City of :.1 Segundo-is hereby directed to place said plan-and profile on file in his office and designate it es "Plan and Prof -ile for the L•aprover..ent of Arizona Drive in the City,- of ill Segundo, Cal. under i::unicipal Improve:r:ent District act of 1927." Carried by the follo,rrin,- vote: eyes,. Councilmen Krir._.el, Selby and L:ayor Binder. T..oes: Council'-Zn Gerow. Absent: Councilman Love. Pr;"L.0 'Ii LS. The following demands, harin_ had the approval of the Committee on Finance and records, were read: Viater ;corks Fund 4ater corks Fund addressograph Sales ,�oency 1.00 R. T. Hutchins 31.90 So.. Calif. Edison Company 1.55 Neptune IY:eter Company 18.76 urinnell Company 8.15 trances s. Lloyd 60.00 Grimes- Stassforth Stat. Co. 2.25 R. T. Hutchins 37.00 I. N. Sumner 139.1C A. L. Cartland 14.24 E1 Segundo Herald 22.50 Brewer Radio & Elec. Shop 4.75 Hawthorne Auto itorks 2.50 J. C. Osborne - 41.23 ::ike Roneevich 12.8C TOTAL 0397.73 228 General Fund R. F., Ward Chas. Koeller So. Calif. Blue Print Co. American Bitumuls Co. E1 Segundo Herald Label P. -pith Irene Mandaville Grimes- Stassforth Stat. Co. bicCl int i c -t arshall Corporation Teraes R. Higgins Concrete Machinery & Supply Co. Ditto Incorporated Los iLngeles Rubber Stamp Co. Rich Budelier Inglewood Humane Society Inc. W. A. Callahan C. K. L eConnell George }.:. Green So. Calif. Gas Company Keystone Express System E1 Segundo 'Unit W-38, American Legion Auxiliary Gibson :Motor Parts, Inc. Hadden Company Ltd. Aggeler a. Iviusser Seed Co. Brewer radio & Llectric Shop Builders i,:aterial Co. So. Calif. Slue Print Co. ri. L. Hoblit Griffith Hardware Co. J. Glagola ,takxxt R. Lzgep 0. B. Russell S. Dare A. Cendo J. C. Hullibarger C. Bradford S. R. Choate 4. Hyde H. J. Randall E. '4eatherfield 0. W. Foster J. •4. Freeman W. Sickler George McLauchlin A. K. Tennis H. Burns Frances Lloyd J. d. 15acdonald A. T. Killer 148.60 111.00 11.66 12.32 75.25 10.25 7.75 4.00 36. bp 11.00 33.75 6.25 5.50 .44 95.00 57.04 3.35 30.00 9.65 .5p 15.00 16.65 12.96 7.99 18.00 227.37 2.11 1.00 63.68 14.88 14.88 14.85 9.92. 9.92 9.92 13.95 14.88 9.92 9.61 9.92 18.60 19.84 9.92 120.00 100.00 93.33 20.00 136.00 106.40 Moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded be allowed and warrants drawn on and paid out same. CarriYd by the following vote: W. Al.lee C . tangle D. Boyer J. Burgner A. Bogan K. E. Campbell F. L. Gregory A. H. Green W. Henry J. itiartin J. Powers b:. Rahan D. E. Raynor J. Schoening A. Siebken G. Turney M. Zivalic P. Campbell J. S. Burgner F. Daver C. P. Cockrell W. Eastman E. L. Richardson J. Sanko F. McGranahan Vi'. E. Morgan L. Coddington H. J. Bigler F. a. Booth Peter E. Binder John A. Gerow Wm. A. Krimmel, Jr. George Love William R. Selby Victor D. McCarthy Neva M. Elsey i;:inta Curtzwiler Clyde Woodworth Don C. Fugitt J. A. Cummings T. B. DeBerry M. H. McIntire C. C. Havens C. K. KcConnell H. L:ci�illan R. T. Hutchins E. hdorgan .E.. J. Grow Alice Hope TOTAL General Fund 44.64 39.68 44.64 54.00 39.68 59.52 54.00 39.68 44.64 34.72 39.66 14.88 42.16 19.84 59.52 44.64 17.36 7.44 12.00 52.00 60.00 54.56 9.92 13.64 9.92 9.92 9.92 9.92 14.57 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 250.00 150.00 100.00 114.00 45.00 136.00 127.20 127.20 120.00 13.00 93.33 236.00 100.00 120.00 45.00 04771.86 by Councilman Selby, that the demands of the respective funds covering the ayes: Councilmen aerow, Krimmel, Selby and i.:ayor Binder. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Love. No further business appearing. to be transacted at this meeting, it was gloved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. RespIctfully submitted, Approved: "yor.