1933 APR 03 CC MIN15f An adjourned regular meeting o f Segundo. California, was called to above date, in the Council Chamber Peter E. Binder, Mayor. El Segundo, California. April 3rd, 1933. the City Council of the City of E1 order at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on the of the City Hall of said City, by ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Gerow, Srimmel, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder. Councilman Absent: None. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the regular order of business be dispensed with. Carried. WRITR91"Al COMWMGATIONS. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: ASSOCIATION OF CITY PLANNERS OF LOS ANGELS COUNTY, dated March 31st, 1933, inviting the officials of the City of El Segundo to a meeting of said Association to be held at Montebello, California, Saturday, April Sth, 1933, beginning at 12 :15 o'clock P. M.; at which meeting the Building Inspector of the City of Santa Barbara will give some ad-vies based upon his practical experience in the reconstruction work of Santa Barbara, the subject of his address being: "The Necessity of Proper Construction and an Adequate Building Code to Protect Property and How to Turn the Liability of Earthquake Repairs Into an Asset by Architectural Control." Ordered filed. CITY OF SIGNAL HILL, CALIFORNIA, dated March 29th 1933, inviting the City Council and the Engineering Department of the 61ty of El Segundo to attend the opening of the sewage treatment plant at Signal Hill, on Wednesday, April 5th, 1933. Ordered filed. STATE TAX CO122ZTTEE OF THE CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ASSOCIATION, dated March 31st, 1933, calling attention to alleged repugnant provisions contained in Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 46, Senate Sill No. 2341 and in Senate Bills Nos. 79 and 80, relating to the control of public utilities by the State Railroad Commission and to enforce public purchase of private water works. Following discussion of the subject matter of the communication, it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Brimmsl, that the City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby authorized and directed to send a telegram to Honorable J. W. McKinley, Senator, Honorable Sam M. Greene, Assemblyman and C. R. Reid, Secretary of the State Tax Committee of the California Municipal Utilities, advising of the opposition of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo to the passage of any legislation which will place the control over publicly owned public utilities in whole or in part in the hands of the Railroad Commission of the State of California, or which will enforce the purchase of existing private water companies before the public can operate their publicly owned water•systems. The said motion was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman None. Krimmel, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder r MANE B. BEAM, Chief Clerk, Board of Supervisors, County of Los Angeles, dated March 29th, 1933, transmitting a copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of said County, approving the adoption of Assembly Bill No. 538, which said bill empowers the Supervisors of the respective counties to establish a county system of highways, which may include the major traffic thoroughfares of said County whether they are wholly or partly within the incorporated or unincorporated territory 1521, of said County and requesting this City Council to adopt a similar resolution. The Council being in doubt as to conflict between Assembly Bill No. 338 referred to in the before mentioned communication and Assembly Bill No. 1172, sponsored ind endorsed by the League of California Municipalities, the City Clerk was directed to obtain more information concerning the matter from Supervisor Quinn and if possible, to procure a copy of Assembly Bill No. 538, so that the Council may study the same. HONORABLE FRANK F. MLRRIAM, Lieutenant - Governor, State of California, acknowledging receipt of the Council's telegram of March 24th, 1933, respecting its opposition to Assembly Bill No. 1018, in which the Lieutenant - Governor advises that the Committee on Public Health and Quarantine laid the bill upon the table on March 27th, and that in his opinion it is unlikely that action on the bill will be revived. HONORABLE SAM M. GREW, Assemblyman, dated March 28th, 1933, acknowledging receipt of the Council's telegram, urging opposition to any change in the existing control and administration of sanitation districts and advising that the bill proposing changes was defeated at the Senate Committee hearing March 27th, 1933. Ordered filed. C. J. RAM do COMPANY, undated, a comsunication referred to as Bulletin No. 1, respecting the qualifications for and the responsibilities of persons engaged'in the auditing of public accounts and records. Ordered filed. COUNTY OF LOS ANGEI$S, Division of Research and Governmental Simplification, dated March 30th, 1933, advising the Council of the influences which brought this division of County government into being, of its method of operation, its purposed and desires and soliciting such suggestions as this Council or any other person may have concerning the scope of the work or the manner of accomplishing it. Ordered filed. H. C. SMILEY, District Health Officer, County of Los Angeles, dated March 29th, 1933, being a report of the activities of the Los Angeles County Health Department within the City of B1 Segundo as Health Officer of said City, for the month of February, 1933. Ordered filed. SMITE -EMERY COMPANY, Engineers, dated March 30th, 1933, being a report of its inspection of the City Hall building for the purpose of establishing the result of the recent e4rthquake and making suggestions regarding measures for safety. Subsequent to the reading of this communication, discussion was had; at the conclusion of which it was moved by Councilmen Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby instructed to forthwith remove the firewalls of the City Hall and all loose facing brick on said building, as recommended in Suggestion No. 1 of that certain letter of Smith -Emery Company, dated March 30th, 1933, on file in the office of the City Clerk and to cause said brick to be piled in the yard adjacent to said City Hall pending a decision of this Council as to further use of the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Krimmel, Love, Selby and•Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None, Absent: Councilmen None. UNFIRLEMD BUSINESS. Councilman Krinmel moved the adoption of a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL"OF TEE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING CONMMaWION PROCEEDINGS WITH REFERENCE TO ARIZONA DRIVE (SOMETIMES ALSO KNOWN AS SEPULVEDA BOUITVARD) WITHIN SAID CITY, which was read. There was no second to the motion to adopt said 153 resolution, therefore a vote was not taken and the resolution was not adopted. Thereupon Councilman Gerow moved that the City Council of the'City of El Segundo abandon all proceedings heretofore taken, contemplating the opening, widening and improvement of Arizona Drive (sometimes also known as Sepulveda Boulevard) within said City. There being no second to this motion, no vote was-had thereon and the motion therefore failed to carry. The Council then gave attention to the subject matter of that certain letter of the Committee on-Taxation and Financial Problems of the City of Milwaukee, after which it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the Committee on Taxation and Financial Problems of the-City of Milwaukee submitted to this Council under date of March-10th, 1933, a communication advocating that-the Congress of the United States establish a certain standard of municipal bonds, and a recognition . of municipal bonds of such standard to be eligible to permit the Government to issue currency on the same to municipalities and to authorize the Government to do so; AND WHEREAS, the said Committee in its said . communication recites that its idea, if adopted, will place the currency-system of the United States on a sound basis and that if 1te-plan should-be enacted into law, the financing of-public improvements throughout the United States may be accomplished with a tremendous saving to the tax payers;- AND AREAS, this Council believes if the facts are . as stated in-said communication, that the matter deserves further serious-and unprejudiced consideration and discussion; NOW TH]MMEE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council. of the City of E1 Segundo does hereby commend the City of . Milwaukee's Committee on Taxation and Financial Problems, for its initiative in promoting a movement designed to simplify and-reduce the cost to the taxpayers of public Improvements-and does hereby approve the action said Committee has taken and contemplates taking in its said commmication of March 10th; 1933; - AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized- to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the said Committee. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow,- Brimmel, Love, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilman None. Absent:- Councilmen None. PAYING B ILIS e The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read:. - Water Works Fund Water Works Fund California Pipe.& Supply Co. . 168.09 •._Addressograph.Sales Agency 1918 Rensselaer Valve Company 28.77 Grinnell Company 434.36 Pacific Mill & )dine Supply 44.24 J: G. Tucker & Son 16.00 Industrial Printing & State Co. 15.15 Standard Oil Co. of Cal 18.75 Hercules Foundries, Inc. 26957 R. T. Hutchins 37000 ' I. No Sumner 138.50 R. T. Hutchins 22.90 Clara A. Eaton 60.00 31 Segundo Herald 22.50 F. McGranahan 6.44 M. Eaton 16012 James Neves 16012 Be G. Elliott 54.56 William Woodyard 9060 J. Co Hullibarger 5.00 H. A. Stinebiser 12.80 J. Black 111.60 S. Strife 72.45 Glen Daniels 66.85 J. C. Osborne 50.22 Be L. Coddington 8000 154 li hater Works Fund General Fund H. McGuire 9.60 W. Allee 29.76 Mike Roncevich 6.40 Co Angle 44064 Bike Roncevich 6.40 D. Boyer 49060 Griffith Hardware Co. 16.11 T. Burgher 54000 American Cast Iron Pipe Co. 476.00 A* Bogen 49.60 Consolidated Lumber Co. 4109 TOTAL $1943.31 S. F. E. Campbell L. Gregory 49.60 54.00 A. H. Green 49.50 General Fund W. Henry 49.60 Peter E0 Binder 25.00 T. Martin 29.76 John Ae Gerow 25.00 M. Bohan 49060 William A. Krimae1, Tr. 25.00 T. Powers 49060 George Love 25.00 D. Raynor 47.12 Wiblian R. Selby 25.00 T. Schoening 49060 Victor D. McCarthy 250.00 A. Siebken 44.64 Neva M. Elsey 150000 G. Turner 44.64 Mints, Curtswiler 100000 M. Zivalia 14088 Clyde Woodworth 114000 Fe Smith 19.44 Don C. Fugitt 45.00 A* Ewan 4096 T. A. Cummings 136900 G. Turney 4096 To 3e DeBerry 127920 Ae Schleuniger 10950 Me H. McIntire 127.20 L. S. Los 10.50 C. C. Havens 120900 F. T. Hope 10050 H. T. Sherphorn 120000 E. R. Peterson 10.50 George McLauchlin 120.00 We B. Pierce 10.50 C. B. McConnell 13600 A. Soeuto 10.50 A. B. Tennis 100000 F. A. Macdonald 10.50 H. McMillan 93.33 G. Neschke 10050 He Burns 93.33 G. A. Todd 10050 R. T. Hutchins 236.00 F. Dyer 10.50 Clara Eaton 20.00 T. Be Dinwiddis 10.50 Be Morgan 100000 A* R. Gunn 7.00 J. A. Macdonald 136900 H. A0 Cosbey 10.50 B. J. Grow 120.00 C. G* Smith 10.50 Ae T. Miller 106040 To C. Biller 10.50 Alice Hope 45000 D. Be Hancher 10050 R. F. hard 148.80 G. McLsnahlin 10.50 American Bitumuls Co. 51.20 L. We Dessert 10.50 E. We French 7.04 0, H. Barber 10050 E1 Segundo Herald 103.50 We He Lennon 10.50 Industrial Printing do State Co. 4.58 T. We Miller 10050 Barneson do Pier 5000 Be C. Campbell 10.50 Grimes- Stasaforth State Co. 5.55 A. G. Blair 10050 U. S. Fidelity do Guaranty Co. 125900 T. D. Campbell 7000 Edna E0 Harlan 6.43 Ce Ke McConnell 10.50 Southern Cal. Gas Co. 6.68 Smith -Emery Co. 25.00 Los Angeles County League of T. A. Cummings 2.57 Municipalities 15.00 C. K* McConnell 3.35 City of E1 Segundo Water Dept. 59.79 American LegionAuziliary 15000 George M. Greene 30000 Ditto Inc* 8000 Milwaukee Tool k Forge Go. 13.70 T. G. Tucker & Son 8.00 Kay k Burbank Co. 16.09 Standard 011 Co. of Cale 98.71 Pennsylvania Lawn Mover Shop 3.60 Martin Bros. Machine Shop 1050 E1 Segundo Cooperative Workers 10.00 So. Calif. Edison Co* Ltd. 31.50 Victor D. MoCarthy, City Clark 9.45 Griffith Hardware Co. 2.93 Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Co. 7.54 City of E1 Segundo Water De t.226 25 TOTAL 694.3E Moved by Councilman Love, seconded-by Councilman Gerow, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Garow,.Krimmel, Love, Selby and Mayor. Binder* Noes: Councilmen None. , Absent: Councilmen None., 1,155 Raw BDSII1ESS. Moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the following rsdolution be adopted: 1E3U1ZA.S, subsequent to the earthquake of March 10th, 1933, this Council deemed it advisable in the interest of public safety to ascertain the damage, if any, sustained by the City Hall as a result of said earthquake and to this and employed Smith -Bmery Company, Engineers, of Los Angeles, who made an inspection of said city hell building; AND SAS, said Smith-Emery Company has filed with this Council its report of such inspection, under date of March 30th, 1933, which said report recites in part as follows: *We believe it is safe to occupy the first story of the building, but we do suggest not to use the second story, that is, the assembly hall, for the purpose intended, since a gathering of people representing a considerable live load would endanger the building in its present condition;" AND WHEREAS'# this Council believes that it should abide by said report and recommendation; FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that fro& and after this date and until the further order of this Council, the use of the auditorium of the City Sall of the City of El Segundo for parties, dances, lodge meetings, or for other purposes be prohibited; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to notify all users of said City Hall Auditorium of this prohibition order; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said report of said Smith -Emery Company be and it is hereby ordered placed on file in the office of the pity Qlerk of said Uity for the purpose of future reference. Said report was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Krimmel, Love, Selby and Meyor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. Ho further business appearing to be transacted at thib meeting, it was moved by Councilman Qerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, Approvedt a • City C Mayor.