1932 JUL 27 CC MINEl Segundo, California. July 27th, 1932. A. regular meeting of the City Jouncil of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the city hall of said city, by Peter E. Binder, ivlayor. . ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Gerow, Krimmel, Selby and mayor %%der. Councilmen Absent: Love. READrT OF I,iINUTES OF PREVIOUS IZETING. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 20th day of July, 1932, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by %,ounciL:an Gerow, seconded by councilman Selby, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. 'WRITTEN COIv 4MICATIONS. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: A"SRICAiv LE" LION AUXILIAR`_', El Segundo Unit No. 38, dated July 25th, 1932, expressing its deep appreciation of the generosity and kindly thought of the individualmembers of the City Council in each contributing $2.00 per month to assist the said organization to defray its expenses .in connection with the Mothers' Educational Center, which is held once each month for the mothers and babies of El Segundo. Ordered filed. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA MUNICIPALITIES., dated July 22nd, 1932, inquiring whether or not it would be desirable and acceptable to the city of El Segundo if, in the matter of the organization of a public utilities department as heretofore suggested in the League's communication of July 12th, 1932, the League would merely act as a clearing house and sponsor expert-rate assistance under some.uniform policy only if and when a given city.requires such service and that there be no.financial. obligation to any city except such as draw upon the service and then only in proportion to the services rendered. By general consent the clerk was instructed to advise the League of California iviunicipalities that the kity Council of the amity of 11;1 Segundo prefers to withhold its opinion upon the subject until after adjournment of the next Convention of the said League. .TORS' AND COUNCII,Iv "T'S CO111ITTEE, League of California ivlunicipalities, dated July 25th, 1932, submitting for the council's consideration proposed articles of association of the League of California bmnicipalities, requesting the Council's approval of the same. Action respecting this matter was deferred until after the council has been able to give it mature consideration. ORAL COP:�:UI�'ICATI013S. Piessrs. r;d Short-and E. U. Montgomery eabh addressed the Council relative to employment by the city. They were advised the matter would be considered later by the council and for them to get in touch with the street Superintendent within a few days and he would advise them respecting the Council's decision. REPORTS OF STANDING COM"UTT'.1ES. None. 1811 i�PORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL CO3il' =S. The Uity Engineer read to the Uouncil a letter dated duly 20th, 1932, over the signature of E. C. Johnson, Chief Lngineer of Pacific Electric nailway Uompany, which letter grants permission to the Uity of El Segundo to enter upon the private right of way of said company at El Segundo boulevard and Arizona Drive, for the purpose of cutting down the bank in connection with the improvement of E1 Segundo boulevard and to better the view at this grade crossing. The said letter sets forth certain conditions under which the permit is granted. r'ollowing consideration, it was moved by Uouncilmen lirimmel, seconded b-, Uouncilman 4erow, that the terms and conditions upon which Pacific Electric nailway Uompany, in its letter of July 20th, 1932, grants permission to the City of B1 Segundo to enter upon its private right of way at El Segundo boulevard and Arizona Drive, for the purpose of cutting down the bank in connection with the improvement of E1 Segundo boulevard and the betterment of the view at this grade crossing, be accepted and approved,.and that the iiiayor be and he is herab-T authoriz ^d and directed to endorse upon a copy of said letter this city's acceptance as hereinbefore indicated and the Uity Clerk of the uity of E1 Segundo is hereby authorized and directed to forward such acceptance to the said Pacific Electric Railway Company. married. The Uity clerk reported that two candidates for public office had reCistered their requests for the Council's permission to erect advertising banners across the public streets of the city of El Segundo. r'ollowing consideration of the matter, in which was brought out that there are many candidates in the field for the many offices to be voted upon in forth- coming elections, it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman uerow, that it be the sense of this Uouncil and its declared policy that no candidates for any office be granted permission to erect advertising banners across any of the public streets within the Uity of E1 Segundo. Uarried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen verow, Krimmel, Selby and Mayor Binder. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Love. The Chief of Police announced the revocation of the appointment as Special Police Officers of G. S. Neal, W. tin. Gihitney, L. F�. Cameron, W. H. Ellis, C. ','1. Cearing, G. A. r.urphy and J. -r. Edwards. UIJFIT,IS'HC,D BTUS]2r-, SS. At this point the Uouncil took under consideration the communication of nolland A. vandegrift, of July 13th, 1932, heretofore received and placed on file for future consideration. r'ollo-oing consideration of said communi- cation, it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Uouncilman (xerow, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the Uity Ulerk be and he is hereby instructed to make appropriate reply to the com�:unication of riolland A. vandegrift, Director of rinance, dated July 13th, 1932, indicating therein the sources of the information upon which this Uouncil based its action of .,une 29th, 1932, and directing his particular attention to -the reservations -contained in -the zl zie^undo resolution, which undoubtedly distinguish it from-the other resolutions) to which the /Director refers;-and is-r 1T r'U_t=R t__SOLTED, - that the City Ulerk shall. further notify the Uity Uouncil of the Uity of Uakland of the receipt of the coacnunication of said vandegrift, enclosing a copy thereof, and reuestin:l that said Uouncil indicate to this Uity whether or not, after reading said co =nunication, they desire to amend any of the data heretofore furnished the amity of El Segundo and uuon which this Uouncil took its action_ of June 29th, 1932, substantially in conformity with the request of said Uity of Oakland. Said resolution was adopted by the following.- vote: Ayes: Councilmen uerow, IL- immel, 6elby and Mayor binder. Noes:, Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Love. The Clerk then presented for the council's consideration the communication o° Los yngeles county League of r�,unicipalities, dated July 11th, 1932,'heretofore placed on file for future attention. It appearing; to the Council that the subject matter of this communication is related to the matter of contracting for public health services with the county of Los - ingeles, which lattor matter had heretofore been referred to the city Attorney for conference with the county counsel of Los .angeles county, it was decided to refer the Los t,ngeles county Lea: -ue of i..unicipalities comrmnication also to the city Attorney for his reco =endations to this council at a'future date. 1r,TM l US=E. can Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman hrimmel, that Victor D. LcCarthy be and he is hereby granted one week of his customary annual two reeks vacation beginning July 28th, 193'-.* Carried. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by CounciL-nan Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the meetin! adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, .approved :' T City Cle k. Mayor,