1932 FEB 24 CC MIN_238 K -� El Segundo, California. February 24th, 1938. A regular meeting of the City Couficil of the City of El Segundo, California, was called to order at 7;00 o'clock P. lu. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by George Love, 1.1ayor. ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Binder, Gerow, Krimmel, Selby and Love. Councilmen Absent: hone. MDIT1G OF MINUTES OF P.RF,VIOUS bl]ETrT The minutes of the regular' :meting held on the 17th day of Februa_rvj 1932, were read. N4o errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman. Gero ^: , seconded by' Councilman Selby-, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. WRITT1117 The following co.-- unic3tions were read and disposed of as indicated: B✓'siQ : :,L PLAT "L: s COi.I. :IS ;TO_" 01? LOS A,=I. ES COLT, "TV dated February 20th, 1932, thankin.7 the Council for-its cooperation in the matter of furnishing :rznthly information on building construction. Ordered filed. RLSOBIS OF COLEIT1 S. - _vone. _ =0'?TS OF OF1IGsRS w SPCL' :T. :;one. Li:1'...IS-LED MSI:- _ -Z..J• -,,one. 1,10ved by Cou_nciL -a.r_ Binder, seconded by Councilman Kri=el, that the purchase of one Barron- Jackson• Pump and ,rotor for use of the rater De urtrdent at a cost not to exceed ?491.30 b3 and the seine is hereby authorized. Carried bar the foL'ozinz vote: A ^es: Councilmen Binder, Gerow, Krir=el, Selb-,- and Love. _oes: None. ��bsent: Nlone. :.:owed by CounciL=n Kr immel, seconded by Ccun^_ilman Serow, that the :;u-rchlas_ of one uutornati:: float control s.aitch at a total cost of not to exceed w45.CC be an,� the s zn e is hereby al.:thorized. Uarried by the followi vote: cites: Counc_1l :en Binder, ',crow, 1�iJi: :,el, Selb-T and Lov:. :ices: None. :_owed by Councilr.: ;tee »o::, seconder'. by Councilmen Selby, that iesclutio n "o. 255, entitled: IO -'' _: 0 ' CI, OL :0 Or iC CIS' -0F ST1 TI 01 T:a y,:. L'�'1�1TT. :^ OF+ ^"_. -''']] - r- .• -n7. r 1_ �?(� IOT,T TC " "✓ rS V+ .1 •Si .'�IL'll_ .•.V _.�v i�yW l+. -.V..1 V .i0:7D;: :, =- 11Th D :V, 0 II, 1932, x'03 OF C'r:RTAI:: ..- UNIOIrAL OFFI=3 OF SAID CITE. :.0 239 which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: ayes: Councilmen Binder, Gerow, Kriimi , Selby and Love. Noes: None. Absent: 'None. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. respectfully submitted, Approved: C y .aayor. .